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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 680x431, FuPvv2mXgAIJgui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15381207 No.15381207 [Reply] [Original]

We're gonna need a bigger pad Edition


>> No.15381212

That's what she said.

>> No.15381238
File: 1.56 MB, 1812x1416, 1680892356456 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will rebuild

>> No.15381252

Might as well build a new tower and tank farm. And build up the rest of the factory instead of tents.

Like, build it correctly the first time?

>> No.15381280

holy shit
yeah thats gonna take some time heal

>> No.15381285
File: 41 KB, 1361x482, 1677117788120669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how starship does stage separation

>> No.15381293

thats uhhh..
well atleast we know it can keep itself together while doing spins

>> No.15381315

I don't get it, why didn't they use the water deluge system? They tested it a few months ago. Were they deliberating testing how much damage the rebounding sound can do?

>> No.15381335

that looks retarded.

>> No.15381346
File: 14 KB, 587x637, 1679855939723392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they keep that design for the manned flight like Dear Moon

>> No.15381349


One day to pour concrete, a week to cure and is as good as new.

>> No.15381351

if you look at where its actually spinning then its not too bad for any crew on board

>> No.15381353
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>Like, build it correctly the first time?
and where can we see these blueprints of the "correct" builds ULAnon?

>> No.15381354
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Imagine being the crew, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.15381364
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Giga redditor. The post

>> No.15381365
File: 41 KB, 500x500, avatars-XTOiwd5W3Sy9mQ2r-iXBHlQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>36 months to build a new state of the art launch pad
fuck me anons I think I might rope

>> No.15381374

passengers must clear bowels and stomach before launch
> 2 weeks of formwork

>> No.15381378

holy shit actually go back and listen to what they are saying during the launch
the flipping wasn't the problem it just didn't separate

>> No.15381384

>last thread is at page 6
I fucking hate newfags. Lurk more you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15381420
File: 184 KB, 1920x1013, fly_safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you´re on top of a rocket along with 50 other passengers to the moon, the journey will take 3-5 days or so, there are plenty of snacks and water onboard, you twiddle your fingers ready for launch. As everyone sits down, command center says "WE GAAAN" and the rocket lifs off, for 3 minutes you feel the increasing acceleration provided by super heavy until an automated voice says "initiating stage separation, please make sure your seat belts are buckled up and you have the given vomit bags ready"

out of fucking nowhere the rocket pulls severals g´s at 30km above air at demon speed, goes upside down, returns to horizontal and decouples from superheavy,you vomit along with everyone else, after the manouver the 6 raptor engines start up in the back but everyone still vomiting and crying, the stench is unbearable, some people are praying for god, others just sit there with a thousand yard stare, 2 or 3 kids are crying and the smell of shit is distinct and potent enough to be discerned, students are complaining and one has already broken down, the automated voice returns "Coasting to orbit, thank you for flying with SpaceX, Fly safe!"
you look into the filled vomit bag you hold with dread

>> No.15381424

if you look at how it will spin you will probably feel jack shit because your at the tip of the spin

>> No.15381433

if I heard that I would pray for a rud even with me onboard

>> No.15381447

For some reason I didn't see this posted yesterday, but keep an eye on the waterline when the rocket begins to take off.


>> No.15381464
File: 445 KB, 736x490, xv8zar3im7va1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just build a flame trench bro

>> No.15381466

just one cubic kilometer of concrete, no big deal

>> No.15381474
File: 290 KB, 422x501, angry astronaut success face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fart was juust slightly bigger than the others.

>> No.15381482

you can't be serious

>> No.15381485

stop early staging the thread retard. we were on

>> No.15381499
File: 553 KB, 2463x3354, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must have an strong stomach to travel with Starship, I think I will wait for Dreamchaser.

>> No.15381517

would little kids be allowed on commercial starship flights? 99.9% of the travel to the moon is pretty calm and without bumps unlike airplanes, but that 0.01% will make kids shit themselves

>> No.15381520

What's the fun in that? SpaceX has plenty of fuck you money to just asplode into the next iteration.

>> No.15381533
File: 42 KB, 1361x482, 1682091792831069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these steps required?

>> No.15381540

>Excitement guaranteed

>> No.15381547

To separate, sweety.

>> No.15381552
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>would little kids be allowed on commercial starship flights?

>> No.15381554

I fully believe that Elon’s gambit was
>Scrape by on environmental approval shit to get one launch
>Do the launch, have it go flawlessly, completely obliterate local environment but it doesn’t matter because you proved the concept and can now GTFO of this wetback sanctuary and transfer all of your shit to the cape
Now he’s fucked. SpaceX is now locked into staying there for longer than they wanted and they’ll get absolutely raped by the EPAs and possibly won’t get another launch approval

>> No.15381562

Did they test it on the pad?

>> No.15381571

if they manage to accomplish this i'll kneel

>> No.15381581

Last page autism is stupid and I don't know why /sfg/ is so obsessed with other than being able to get a small dopamine but from calling others newfags. Once the thread gets past 300 posts, both the quality and quantity rapidly declined and the thread sits and rots until it finally shits out a 500th post.

>> No.15381585

If starship were to begin the flip at the start of that red box then it's angular momentum would result in it continuing to turn backwards, and needing to fight that with gimballing

>> No.15381597

because the mods get the final say
if we kept making new threads at bump limit than half of /sci/ would be dead /sfg/ threads

>> No.15381602


last half is kino

>I used to regret coming into this world mere months after the final Apollo mission, thinking I had missed the great age of exploration. But I no longer do. In just the last six months, I have seen the launch of the two most powerful rockets ever built, the Space Launch System and Starship. I have seen the naming of not one but two crews that will fly around the Moon, Artemis II and the dearMoon project. As NASA says, we are going.

>Yet still more remarkably, during the last half-year, I have seen two dozen rockets land on a drone ship and fly again. We no longer treat this as remarkable, but we absolutely should. These now-routine Falcon 9 first stage landings at sea are a harbinger of the future. They are like the first fish to walk out of the sea 375 million years ago on Earth, beginning the extraordinary transformation of life on Earth. With these Falcon 9 landings—and now Starship—we are seeing the transformation of life off Earth.

>I turned 50 years old yesterday. In those five decades, we have gone from flying a fully expendable Saturn V rocket to the beginnings of a fully reusable Starship rocket. Much remains to be done, and Starship is a work in progress. But this is historic. No one really knows what our planet, our orbit, or our Solar System will look like with low-cost launch, frequent access to space, and essentially no constraints on mass. We have never experienced anything like that before.

>This is a far more wonderful and wild time in space than any that came before. There is incredible opportunity and peril. The future is unknowable but tantalizing.

>So I no longer have any regrets about missing Apollo. I am thrilled to be alive at this very moment in human history.

Berger is and always will be the best space journo

>> No.15381608

lurk moar newfag

>> No.15381616

Fling off the booster. Starship and the booster don't have explosive bolts or anything holding them together, it's just a very snug fit. That maneuver is designed to fling the booster off. So far it's zero for one in working properly but hopefully they got some good data out of it and can adjust the maneuvers for the next test.

>> No.15381620
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x960, FAM_110_75.45_Sea_Dragon_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just launch it at sea via droneship Sea Dragon style

>> No.15381625

Mods don't seem to have that issue with any other thread, general or not. Sounds like a made up excuse for /sfg/ autism.

>> No.15381627

Nah, he was too overtly dubious about launch success.

>> No.15381628

Kill yourself you newfag retard. Imagine coming to a general and whining over how things are done. Either fit in or fuck off.

>> No.15381632

retarded newfag

>> No.15381636

Maybe because you haven't been here for more than a few days you retard?

>> No.15381639

holy newfag
what a fucking dumbass, a kind anon already told you the reason and you double down, fuck off

>> No.15381640

>Starship and the booster don't have explosive bolts or anything holding them together, it's just a very snug fit.
I didn't know that

>> No.15381649

>Hot stage
>Ullage engine
>A fucking spring

>> No.15381677




>> No.15381694

It lost control 40 seconds before nominal MECO at 600m/s and 35km

>> No.15381698
File: 242 KB, 751x960, 1645660742850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat with a dome. They are never leaving this plane alive and neither are you. Embrace reality and reject the globohomo illusions, they are stringing you along for decades now (mostly via Hollywood movies and CGI).

>> No.15381700

Why don't we talk about the immense pollution (atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial) of these launches and the extraordinary damage to the fauna and flora?

>> No.15381707
File: 495 KB, 1400x1750, 1680602236136995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only space exploration you get in this life will be CGI.

>> No.15381709

Because we don't care.

>> No.15381710

I always report new threads that get made before the old one hits page 10. Mods respond usually in seconds and delete the prematurely made thread.

Get fucked faggot.

>> No.15381713

These mock crafts end up in the ocean and are picked up by the navy.

>> No.15381730

SpaceX didn't realize the power they were creating.

>> No.15381732

Unironically nobody ever cared.
KSC and Kourou did imense local environmental damage, Falling stage from baikonur were so bad the Kazakh ssr sent an ultimatum to moscow during the USSR lol. China drops hydrazine filled stage on its towns every week

>> No.15381738
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>> No.15381744


Except we can tell the earth is spherical without even looking at NASA photos or watching a Goyllywood movie.

But we should listen to the smooth brain flerf because reasons.

>> No.15381761


Oh no! All that (Checks notes) water vapor being released into the atmosphere.

>> No.15381777

They can't "afford" a 500 kg pneumatic system to separate the stages, so instead they'd rather burn 2000+ kg of fuel to do some flips. Yes, it's retarded.

>> No.15381789

>Clouds make curved dome shape, not parallel and straight with horizon
>"huh, earth must be a dome then"

>> No.15381855

They aren't. The engine shuts off at step 3. This entire maneuver was supposed to be in near vacuum.

>> No.15381863
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>> No.15381880

a drop in the ocean compared to global consumption and waste encouraged by states and central banks of totally unnecessary things used simply to keep made up economic figures "healthy". in one day people eating fast food globally will do more environmental damage than 100 years of total spaceflight development and use and thats before you get to the negative and positive outcomes of both (the environmental cost of obesity vs scientific monitoring of the earth from satellites for example).

>> No.15381884
File: 238 KB, 665x665, 1682060698673623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great virgin vs chad filter

>> No.15381888

meanwhile in reality he was doubting if it even got off the launch area

>> No.15381915

this is salvageable
t. used to repair infrastructure

>> No.15381916

unironically the glass/nuke the earth meme is true, the only way to convince all of humanity to reach for the stars is to make living conditions so unbelievably hellish that anywhere but earth is a good place to live

>> No.15381934

we're already on that timeline

>> No.15381936 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 720x714, 1641217469258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the programming talking, not your thoughts. You can not tell it is a sphere, you only think you can because of your indoctrination (mind control). All your senses tell you it's stationary and flat, but because you've been programmed with the globohomo mind virus for decades it overrides your natural senses, so you make these retarded posts.

Eventually it all comes tumbling down, unless you are vaxxed and hooked up to the Borg along with all the IoT devices and gadgets. Then the mind control never wears out :)

>> No.15381941

Manned mission in this flying dustbin is going to kill people

>> No.15381946

>dishonest (you) farming

>> No.15381951

Digging the flame trench, one launch at the time.

>> No.15381952

It's a bold strategy Cotton.

But seriously it does eliminate the need for most if not all ullage thrust and a lot of RCS at least on the booster, which is rather interesting. Seems like Starship will still need some kind of a kick to settle it's fuel but the booster's fuel will settle from centrifugal force.
Obviously they've done it in sim so all the physics must be sound, and apparently the vehicle can handle the forces.

>> No.15381980

Alright, I'll bite. What pollution are you talking about?

>> No.15382011

Sound pollution
Light pollution

Many birds will leave their nests after hearing the sound of launch, their nests and chicks will be abandoned.
Some birds will simply fall down with their heads damaged.

Many turtles are going to the light of the moon after hatching, but SpaceX doesn't care and their launchpad is flashing like moon in the night.

>> No.15382022

>noise (this is a serious subject, it disturbs the fauna enormously)
>carbon black ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_black )
>debris and dust

And of course, this only concerns the rocket itself. If we take into account all the material and human environment around, the impact is even more considerable.

>> No.15382026 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 720x714, 1641217469258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the programming talking, not your thoughts. You can not tell it's sphere, you only think you can because of the indoctrination (mind control). All your senses tell you it's stationary and flat but because you've been programmed with the globohomo mind virus for decades it overrides your natural senses, so you make these retarded posts.

Eventually it all comes tumbling down, unless you are vaxxed and hooked up to the Borg along with all the IoT devices, then the mind control never wears out.

>> No.15382053


Let me guess.... You probably think those are your original thoughts and you have broken free if your program?

Kinda sounds like something a programmed npc would say.

>> No.15382056

don't feed the troll

>> No.15382064


My bad. You're right.

>> No.15382092

while we are at it let's ban everything that pollutes more than the rockets.

>> No.15382101

This is the most Chad maneuver of the whole process. The tower catch looks like a joke now

>> No.15382109

This is stupid as fuck. Even playing Kerbal you’d know.

>> No.15382113

spin energy is too powerful bros

>> No.15382116

If I knew about this I wouldn't have expected it to reach orbit

>> No.15382118

unironically I am all for the chinese century. spacex should relocate

>> No.15382122

Doesn't the diagram SpaceX showed have only one half spin?

>> No.15382139

They should really stop taking Musks brain farts seriously

>> No.15382147

no its based and the only problem is there were no explosives to solve the separation issue

>> No.15382149

shoo shoo, away with you retard

>> No.15382164

>there's only the option of explosives or doing a retarded flip that wastes fuel

>> No.15382173

How will this impact the second launch site they are already building next to launch pad 39A? NASA will never let them launch Starship over there if it blows up the Crew Dragon launch facility in the process.

>> No.15382185

>wastes fuel
its the booster who cares you want to optimize for the ship going to space. (small) explosives will just mean there will never be a problem with separation.

>> No.15382186

That one is not supposed to be for testing

>> No.15382190

They’re not flying again this year

>> No.15382192

those oil rigs 100% would not survive starship

>> No.15382199

Any idea how is the tower?

>> No.15382207

True, but if they build it anything like what they have at Boca Chica, they can scrap it right away and rebuild it, because that shit won't last. I doubt we'll see another launch attempt on any site before 2024. They have some major construction to do.

>> No.15382208

Imagine being picked for dear moon and you see this lmao

>> No.15382210

Pretty sure construction at pad 39A has stopped for a while already.

>> No.15382213
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I trust my senses. I don't feel any movement and all I see is a flat horizon, no curve anywhere to be seen both from higher altitude and from the ground. These are my original thoughts yes. The flat earth truth just happens to confirm all this.

>> No.15382214
File: 36 KB, 920x539, battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small explosives

>> No.15382215

why not build walls around the rocket with one opening towards shit you don't care about (preferably where the turtles are)???

>> No.15382219
File: 429 KB, 379x602, Launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to understand the decision making when looking at debris being thrown 100m+, at least to me, the launch only made sense if either:

>The engineers didn't predict the risks
>The engineers did predict the risks but the information didn't manage to come to the top with the importance it had
>The engineers did predict the risks but some kind of go fever overtook it due to pressure either from the higher ups or from an external source
>SpaceX genuinely accepted a multi-kiloton launch pad RUD with 5000 tons of propellant as an acceptable risk, both from a PR, legal and development point of view, that wouldn't set their program back more than not launching it.

Could someone criticise this reasoning?

>> No.15382225

it all makes sense when you realize spacex is less a company and more a cult.

>> No.15382227

They really shouldn't have built their testing facility in a place where you can't build anything

>> No.15382233

They're a very efficient cult then.

>> No.15382234

Option #4 is most likely

Remember, if you're looking at this from a cost/benefit perspective they were already going to have to do something about the rocket exhaust but the time and cost of building it specifically for this first launch likely reached or exceeded building a solution while repairing the damage from the launch without it

Like they said, they really only cared that it didn't blow up the launch tower. The OLM was fair game

>> No.15382239

Look at this way, they probably would have needed to remove the concrete anyways.

>> No.15382240

corps are having multi year holds on building datacenters anywhere. the us is a dead country.

>> No.15382244

>they really only cared that it didn't blow up the launch tower
Wouldn't a worst case pad RUD also destroy it?

If #4 is true, then SpaceX believes that the current Starbase's launch pad is basically useless as an operational infrastructure.

>> No.15382250

the worst case is staying on earth brother

>> No.15382260

they should do a 1+ minute static fire and dig a huge hole under the OLM. then when next launch there will be no concrete to be destroyed because the big hole.

>> No.15382275
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>> No.15382293

The truly puzzling thing is why it wasn't designed in the first place for the thrust they were expecting

Granted they increased their expected thrust figure by a significant margin after Starbase was constructed when they went to Raptor 2s, but still, "hoping to not need a flame diverter for OLM" is a statement from someone about to learn the hard way why they're needed

>> No.15382322

Nigga you should complain about the cruise industry instead of space shit that is actually worth it.

>> No.15382327

gather round children, this is what "poisoning the well" look like
Look at how this foreign agitator goes out of his way to list off all the newest flavours of disobedience and staple them to blatant retardation
by doing this, the hope is that he can associate anything his employers don't like with stances only the most irrecoverably mentally ill would take
its a very old yet incredibly effective tactic

>> No.15382417

new hullo dropped

>> No.15382443

blame whoever made the super concrete I guess. don't think its really feasible to build a flame diverter large enough for starship (so like the biggest ever made) in swampland for a testing facility. will always be cheaper to repair whatever damage afterwards even if they do like monthly test flights for the next decade lmfao

>> No.15382458




>> No.15382470
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personally I prefer the newspace one (Gravitics Starmax)

>> No.15382483

Gay and small. You’re a huge fag if even oldspace is dreaming bigger than you

>> No.15382492
File: 54 KB, 400x400, polders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't build a flame trench in a swamp---ACK
they should've asked the dutch

>> No.15382505
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>> No.15382506
File: 172 KB, 772x1003, Ed Emshwiller, cover for Startling Stories (1954).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott on you know what

>> No.15382512
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>> No.15382513
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>> No.15382515
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>> No.15382518

Thanks for sending the same image twice, really helps the image limit

>> No.15382520
File: 15 KB, 402x320, FuO2skaaQAA7bv0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if the airbus homomodule is too big to fly on Starship its pretty much DOA

>> No.15382522
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>> No.15382524
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>> No.15382525

I decided to read the hacker news thread on the launch. the absolute hatred of elon and anything associated with him is quite amazing. is reddit as bad? the media doing everything they can to say that a national champion is a failure is interesting as well. I don't know should I be happy that I don't share a love of space with such people?

>> No.15382533
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Starliner soon?

>> No.15382534
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>> No.15382535

Mod please delete this thread

>> No.15382545

I am sure some of them loves le epic space, even if they despise Elon. Lets just embrace the fact that everyone behaves differently and there is no one universal thought shared by all
Except one: All earthers must die.

>> No.15382548

Why did they call their company Adult Baby Lovers, JFC - this is going far beyond a joke at this point

>> No.15382553

since when are newfags allowed to make threads? Jannies clean it up

>> No.15382565
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>> No.15382568

/sci/ is such a slow board, that making a new general each time the old one reached 300 pages would mean like half the threads on /sci/ were /sfg/ threads
it also splits discussion as people reply without seeing if a thread has staged yet

>> No.15382571

no. anyone who in anyway obstructs humanity from leaving this rock deserves the roko treatment
>outsider refuses to assimilate to local culture
many such cases sadly

>> No.15382573

is there a name for this schizo graphic design style?
it's always these cheesy bloated photo collages

>> No.15382582
File: 67 KB, 848x663, Emergency Life Sustaining System For Spacecraft suit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizo hates visual simplicity and elegance in the same way he hates explanatory simplicity and elegance

>> No.15382583

nice ragebait

>> No.15382587


>> No.15382594

I don't even bother looking at the rest of the board, its all midwit trash, narcissistic attention whoring and spam advertising. I just keep an /sfg/ tab open and I never have to see the rest of the garbage or fret over what page /sfg/ is on.

>> No.15382597
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>> No.15382604


>> No.15382613
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>> No.15382619

4 weeks holy shit, its happening

>> No.15382620

why the fuck would they build a gay tower that destroys itself every launch

are they retarded

>> No.15382621

>2 months

blackpillers BTFO

>> No.15382626

simple trick to boost GDP

>> No.15382630
File: 433 KB, 810x1080, stacc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enhanced estros video

Ship held on to booster to the very end

>1 sec before Booster FTS explosion

>> No.15382632

ah so spacex is run by keynesians
Increase launch costs to increase contract values

>> No.15382633

>Could someone criticise this reasoning
There is no reasoning in the post. Just low iq rambling

>> No.15382635

seems insane people think it will take over a year to fill a hole with concrete. is it really just libs got too primed on hating trump that without him around they HAD to imprint all that anger onto someone else?

>> No.15382636
File: 113 KB, 915x707, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

>we're back

>> No.15382638

It's likely the entire launch pad facility at boca chica was obsolete from the get go, and that once you started building the tower you aren't gonna make changes underneath

>> No.15382642


>> No.15382643

>elon claiming 1-2 months to repair the OLM
how likely is this?

>> No.15382649

What the fuck do you think, newfag?
>September 2019
>Mk3 will be orbital launch ready in 3 months

>> No.15382651

Finally this Krystal video practically wrote itself

>> No.15382653
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>> No.15382655
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>> No.15382658

>1 month

>> No.15382660

RL chads stay firmly in second place
Also notice how there isn't a single BO launch there LMAO

>> No.15382661

If this was a government programme they'd be using that special space grade concrete that takes 50 years to set now wouldn't they

>> No.15382662

two more 2 weeks, I'm so ready bros

>> No.15382663

Man, I was so right ---------------------- holy shit I am in orbit and looking down on the rest of you plebians. Feelsfuckingoodmainey

>> No.15382668

As evidenced by Elon tweet. The engineers saw the risk but mispredicted the magnitude.
Really not surprising. Only larpers will say it was "obvious" when the 29 engine firing worked fine.

>> No.15382670

damn, it looks stylish without the helmet

>> No.15382676

derth yumans

>> No.15382680
File: 216 KB, 1242x1398, D0guoQuWkAADBli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this our most accurate estimate of Elon time yet?
1 to 2 months is equal to 4 to 6 months?

>> No.15382683


>> No.15382686

its more like 2.5x instead of 2x, but I guess it depends somewhat

>> No.15382698

I mean what's the hold up here? Repair the launch pad, install the plate. they got a starship ready to go. FAA?

>> No.15382713

Circumstances will change. They could say fuck this let's overhaul it

>> No.15382728

overhaul what? the already made starships?

>> No.15382733

>nsf are doomers

>> No.15382737
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>> No.15382743
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>> No.15382744

how many starships and boosters are they building in the meantime?

>> No.15382752

and how many are currently ready?

>> No.15382754

I was just shitposting about the water cooled steel lol I cannot believe it's real. Watercool chuds win agaan

>> No.15382758

2 ready, something like 3 under production

>> No.15382768
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>> No.15382773

ship 25 was not flying for some reason I think?

>> No.15382777

when i used to vent storage tanks, it could take 3 days to vent your average 20k gallon tank. idk how it works at spacex, but it could take a significant while for them to vent the stage 0 fuel farm.

>> No.15382785

They're not venting the fuel farm. The damaged tanks are water.

>> No.15382787

i'm listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omouxjzI17U and they think spacex is allowing the tanks to vent on their own due to damage

>> No.15382803

I wouldn't care if it weren't so fucked up with /SFG/ and no link to previous thread and OP posting repeat images.

>> No.15382810

It was pretty obvious since they had ran into debris damaging engines before hand numerous times.

>> No.15382818

The rocket nearly dug out the OLM what’s this cope that this is an acceptable oopsie?

>> No.15382824

you should care even if it stages before page 10

>> No.15382829

pour more concrete who cares lmfao why the fuck would you spend a decade building a flame diverter in a test site for the biggest rocket in the world versus a few concrete trucks

>> No.15382833

OLM is still standing, redditorkun
just needs a spit shine and it'll be good to go

>> No.15382835
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>> No.15382838

>It was pretty obvious since they had ran into debris damaging engines before hand numerous times.
Not with the properly cured FONDAG.

>> No.15382842

wouldnt be NSF video without shilling new merch

>> No.15382843

What does this even mean?

>> No.15382847
File: 94 KB, 800x507, FuPvv2mXgAIJgui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rocket blasted a crater that dug out some of the foundations of the Orbital Launch Mount (OLM)

>> No.15382848

>it nearly destroyed the rocket but it’s ok

>> No.15382850




>> No.15382852

it is kind of encouraging that NASA literally drew starship stand-ins for their moon to mars transit and lander vehicles, despite the jobs programs they want spacex to succeed so bad

>> No.15382853

>they want spacex to succeed so bad
>He doesn't know
Watching mustarde cope for the next 5 years is gonna be hilarious

>> No.15382856

oh no not a booster that was going into the ocean right after lmfao

>> No.15382859

of course it's not going to be obvious to someone who doesn't go digging for it. who do you think owns the press?

>> No.15382860

I know. I don't understand the post.
Obviously they'll repair it

>> No.15382863

/sfg/ will say EARTHERS must die, but only Starship actually kills the earth.

>> No.15382865

bro how are they ever going to find new dirt and concrete????????

>> No.15382871

Nta but apparently the foundation is super hard to repair due to the total OLM mass

>> No.15382876

The people working at NASA are decisively pro-SpaceX. It's the politicians who prefer grift to progress.

>> No.15382877

>is reddit as bad?
It isn't in the related subreddits like r/space and r/spacex. The rest of the site is probably as bad as you would expect.

The haters hate on spacex because they hate Musk wich is obviously retarded but who cares about their opinions? They don't actually like the topic.

>> No.15382879

Sounds retarded. Just cut out the old rebar, add some new rebar and cast a new support around it.

>> No.15382880
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>> No.15382881

Yes or the olm. Everything is a rapid prototype that can be garbage binned

>> No.15382883
File: 160 KB, 1480x833, 180712-Weill--The-Creator-of-Pepe-hero_uionjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh rapid prototype
>3 years to build the next one
>Meanwhile SLS will fly again next year

>> No.15382886

it's weird thinking about rocket girls when most of them are thrown away into the ocean

>> No.15382887

Starship will launch this year again.

>> No.15382889

they need flight data. zero reason to not fly what they have now.

>> No.15382891

why not strap miniboosters to lift it up then engage the main booster and not worry about concrete flying. I'm a fucking genius boys

>> No.15382893

note that the boomers at NASA are just as much leeches as those politicians
they're the reason why NASA is totally incapable of accomplishing anything anymore, anyone of value has to deal with a dozen "senior engineer" boomers standing around them holding clipboards and taking credit for anything they do
anyone worth calling an engineer has already fled for the private sector, all that's left are diversity hires and autists too brain damaged to understand the world around them

>> No.15382894

Makes sense but that would bring us dangerously close to Elon correctly predicting when it will happen

>> No.15382896

>They don't actually like the topic.
They do like the topic, thats why they're such a problem. The whole topic of space travel is extremely popular amongst the transhumanist trannys. People who are too self-centered to ever consider having children dream of immortality as a means of coping with the fact that they are genetic dead ends. Once they start fantasizing about immortality, they have to wonder what they're going to do with themselves forever. Traveling the universe in Star Trek fashion is the solution they tend to glom on to

>> No.15382897
File: 97 KB, 469x385, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship will launch this year again

>> No.15382904

They chopsticks and tower should have been made 10 times stronger. Then the chopsticks attached to the booster should be connected to a 50k ton counterweight that falls from the tower and throws the full stack 150 meters into the air.

>> No.15382906


>> No.15382907
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>> No.15382912

Sounds accurate
I still think that SpaceX's success is as much do to NASA being replaced as the promised land for aerospace talent as it is their own philosophy and excellence. The cream of NASA during the Apollo program would be working at SpaceX were they born 40 years later. Of course that's largely circular reasoning, but c'est la vie.

>> No.15382913

They probably knew they had to redo it all except the tower and they wanted to do a launch for some data that would most likely fail, an acceptable risk.

>> No.15382915

>The cream of NASA during the Apollo program would be working at SpaceX were they born 40 years later. Of course that's largely circular reasoning, but c'est la vie.
tips fedora

>> No.15382916

After magically manifesting another launchpad out of thin air I'm assuming?

>> No.15382918

just head down to home depot and get some bags of concrete

>> No.15382919

while he talks like a redditor and needs his nuts smacked for it, is he wrong?

>> No.15382922

The thing is that "Acceptable risk" was clearly a pad failure.

>> No.15382923

They will repair the launch pad.

>> No.15382927

There is literally 2+ Starships ready to go and several more in various states of construction.

>> No.15382928

Which is based.
They have taken a huge risk and it paid off big time.

>> No.15382931
File: 3.62 MB, 3464x3464, 4352yr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by magically you mean repairing and improving the existing then yes

>> No.15382933

The new deluge system is half-built and it doesn't take 8 months to tear up and repour concrete.
And it's not like the rest of spacex is going to be sitting with their thumbs up their asses while Jose works the shovel.

>> No.15382939

how many engines do they need to get it to get a good distance from the ground before firing up the rest? is that retarded?

>> No.15382941

>And it's not like the rest of spacex is going to be sitting with their thumbs up their asses while Jose works the shovel.
bad faith redditors/twitterites always religiously ignore this fact every time

>> No.15382944
File: 26 KB, 367x500, iuyguyfiof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're intimidated by my intellect and resort to shameless ad hominems. Perhaps one day we shall meet in person and settle this with steel.

>> No.15382948

How in the fuck is this supposed to carry people?

>> No.15382950
File: 199 KB, 1093x1077, 1679812037994033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs total destruction of the launch facility if it imploded on the spot? Yes, the risk payed of very bigly with only a partially damage pad confirming you cant really skip on exhaust dampering methodology

>> No.15382958

Yes, because they already knew it had to be replaced as I said.

>> No.15382959

reminder that someone made this shit in gimp and now everybody is pretending like this is the officially confirmed plan

>> No.15382965

it's not getting replaced though

>> No.15382967

oh no not the launch pad at the testing facility! it's clearly meant to last forever!

>> No.15382973

Yes, the parts that are damaged will be replaced, install the new water cooled plate they have been working on, and then try again.

>> No.15382975
File: 2.92 MB, 2358x1718, NSF-2022-03-28-17-08-17-544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's clearly meant to last forever!
It literally is if you aren't a little retard

>> No.15382978

Ok so when do the static fires start for the next SS and SH?

>> No.15382979

The blackpillers want you to think it takes a half a year to pour concrete into a hole in the ground.

>> No.15382982

>NASA is allowed to do this
>SpaceX has to think about le beetles

Fuck this shit man

>> No.15382984

None of those launch sites exist today as they were in that photo.

>> No.15382990

That's one big katana
Two more weeks

>> No.15382995

spacex could be tearing the fuck out of concrete launch pads on the weekly switching to a new one as they please if not for the feds.....

>> No.15383001

Texas Drift

Has ULA seriously not launched yet this year?

Based expendable launch pad enjoyer

>> No.15383006

Migrating from the other thread, OP is a faggot for early staging. Let it be known that I was a believer since the first look at Stage 0 that they had planned this all out and that they would probably use a steel plate after to launch again quickly, and I was right. Doomers absolutely BTFO

>> No.15383009

B-but muh structural damage.

>> No.15383010

Vraag me maar, ik kom graag om een gat te graven en een polder te maken!

>> No.15383014

How is the Starship development timeline going compared to the Falcon development timeline?

>> No.15383015
File: 22 KB, 680x356, 398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steel plated launchpads lmao
I need a Musk edit of this seeing as he's just offering rolls of stainless steel on every design decision since the carbon burster era

>> No.15383018

Stainless steel is the material of the gods, its meant to be used everywhere

>> No.15383020

The magic of reinforced concrete?

>> No.15383021

And it's worked every single time. The entire modern world is built on stainless steel, why cant the rockets be aswell?

>> No.15383022

Wait until you learn what was an "acceptable risk" during the cold war.

>> No.15383023

I'm not complaining, I think it's hilarious it's the default solution they pivot to on any problem yet works every time. 50 years and nobody else even bothered kek

>> No.15383024


>> No.15383025


>> No.15383028
File: 291 KB, 965x1024, 15568224919_a9cbdf367d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NoooooOOoOOo you can't blow up rockets, don't you know that if you lose a single rocket you should just quit and never be productive!
>NASA spends ten cuntillion man-hours on every nut and bolt so they only have to launch once!
Not only should a missile man blow up rockets in the process of testing, ideally he should come as close as possible to blowing himself up as well in the process.

>> No.15383029

for you

>> No.15383031

Meaningful discussion

>> No.15383033
File: 54 KB, 593x443, A166F79D-66AB-43CF-8760-3AFF07D44AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmmm, based department line 1

>> No.15383034


>> No.15383036
File: 147 KB, 640x924, tumblr_87df73c8f6ee7b3a66bd7b9ef881ea65_632007a4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So steel base plate to stop spalling and a deluge system to try and prevent shockwaves from reflecting back into the engine cluster.

>> No.15383038
File: 15 KB, 451x449, Screenshot 2023-04-21 191553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now? Faster. First launch, they already have another ready to go and will be relaunching within 1-2 months.

>> No.15383039

The real problem with those posts is those comma splices; you retards really need to learn proper English.

>> No.15383041
File: 295 KB, 498x479, jd8e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitliner has been shitcanned, permanently

>> No.15383043

fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.15383046

So this is the power of steel…

>> No.15383048

Kek, you're seething

>> No.15383055
File: 143 KB, 930x1163, 57332e526eae4_378161b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss him lads, he would be laughing his fucking ass off at the absurdity of this entire program

>> No.15383061

Nobody has used tumblr in like half a decade try hard newfag. He probably got the image of google images.

>> No.15383063
File: 149 KB, 1200x865, 9z8803n4sg601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel is based

>> No.15383066

The whole "reusable worker" thing is really stupid if you think about.

>> No.15383071

Classic same fagging

>> No.15383074
File: 2.54 MB, 720x1280, This is not a render. This is not a simulation. This is @SpaceX’s first integrated test fl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383075

is musk the modern von braun?
muskseethers are NOT allowed to reply to this post i DO NOT talk to trannies

>> No.15383077
File: 209 KB, 800x571, 800px-SpaceShuttleGroundProcessingActual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>NASA spends ten cuntillion man-hours on every nut and bolt so they only have to launch once!
reminds me of picrel lmao

>> No.15383079
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>> No.15383081

>doesn’t know how the human eye works
That must be either the worst bait you could come up with or a lobotomy won’t be necessary to know you already were lobotomized.

>> No.15383085
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>> No.15383089

>will be relaunching within 1-2 months
just like the OFT happened in 2022?

>> No.15383092

Who put the retard narration on the screen?

>> No.15383093

the engines are shit
20 years of developing for what
and then the 2nd stage engines can't ignite?

>> No.15383095

Musk is 3x better at least (guess what metric im comparing between them)

>> No.15383097
File: 3.88 MB, 1080x1920, Erdayastronaut-1649515491621216258-20230421 154834-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4MB filesize limit and VP9 supported, and you refused to use it? Why?

>> No.15383098

before i tell you to go back: they had to build up an entire fucking launch site, research, develop and construct both a starship and a booster, and get FAA approval. all they have to do now is repour some concrete, assess the damage, and put in the steel plate.
now go back

>> No.15383099

>hurr durr 1st launch = 2nd launch
they literally have two rockets and boosters lined up along with a solution having been made for stage 0 three months already, not the same story. you probably thought that the rocket wouldnt launch ever

>> No.15383103

this, like i already said, the first launch is not equivalent to the second launch.

>> No.15383105

i just didnt know !

>> No.15383107
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, Jdeshetler-1649197130731630593-20230420 184331-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383109

Musk is the modern James Webb, maybe JFK.
Stop comparing a manager to an engineer you rats.

>> No.15383112

5,000 tons and still flying with engine failures

>> No.15383113

Von Braun became the target of public outcry and was forced away from his position because Americans are human garbage
Elon is an eye sore now too it seems
There are parallels between them but I think you will find those amongst many people who invest their lives into reaching space

>> No.15383114

Booster 9 will prove you wrong.

>> No.15383119

honestly the TWR doesn't even look that low

>> No.15383120

Literally the first post I made in this newfag made thread. Literally says I'm the 91 posters in this thread right there. Or are you some phoneposting retard that can't use 4chanX?

>> No.15383121
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>> No.15383124

nigga what are you talking about, he quit because of the lack of budget and the shittle

>> No.15383125

They were at 90% throttle and 3 engines down at liftoff

>> No.15383127
File: 182 KB, 541x447, engines3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unacceptable gentlemen . Are you telling me that we can't properly maintain 33 engines running ?


>> No.15383130
File: 682 KB, 962x711, hrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 years

>> No.15383132

>Von Braun became the target of public outcry and was forced away from his position
What? He retired from NASA because the Apollo program got axed and then died of cancer a few years later. The public liked him as far as I'm aware.

>> No.15383134

oh god please dont fucking tell me you think for all mankind is an accurate representation of history

>> No.15383138
File: 231 KB, 1330x678, mechanismo Jim Burns spaceport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stainless Steel Muskrat

>> No.15383139

Genuinely what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.15383141

im referring to >>15383113

>> No.15383143

the new glenn is closer to completion than starship at this point

>> No.15383147


>> No.15383148

Dont make me laugh. They build the most expensive stage 1 ever. They need to land it otherwise the launch is cash negative.

>> No.15383151

Oh. I actually never watched the show. This scene makes me glad of that fact because holy shit is it terrible.

>> No.15383152
File: 618 KB, 1536x2048, FtTOF1bakAA5pYi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memethane rockets are 0 for 3 on successful launches
uh oh newspace sisters, i dont feel so good...

>> No.15383153

So tell me, which has launched? Which has two extra stages lined up already? Which is going to be launching again in 1-2 months?

>> No.15383156

to be fair the first half of season 1 isnt THAT bad. afterwards they no joke say the soviets only succeeded because they landed a woman on the moon, and the us had to get a woman on the moon as well or else they would lose the space race

>> No.15383157

As expected of zubrin trannies. Take your faux intellectual and go

>> No.15383161

>just like the OFT happened in 2022?

Booster 4 failed the can crusher testing and they had to iterate the design.

>> No.15383164

So who’s ready to see the two-in-one liquid cooled flame diverter/steel plate?

>> No.15383165

Booster 4 would have exploded on the pad

>> No.15383167

have some MANime instead:
Royal Space Force
Space Brothers
Moonlight Mile

UC Gundam and captain harlock are also good but thats more science fiction

>> No.15383169
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>> No.15383172

The concrete and rebar structure were destroyed though it’s not only the hole below the rocket

>> No.15383173
File: 62 KB, 675x601, boomer-computer-monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use closed loop liquid methane for cooling beneath it?

>> No.15383174

>pour concrete
>put rebar bars
>wait a weekend
wow... 6 months and a billion more dollars please

>> No.15383176

or leftover nitrogen

>> No.15383177

Season 1 is pretty bad . After that , if you forget about realism and just enjoy soft sci-fi it can be pretty cautivating

>> No.15383179


>> No.15383189


That's not how its going to be done. Someone is just over thinking this method.

>> No.15383194

wtf why does it look like those flames are coming from between the engines?

>> No.15383195

>flame diverter overheats and decides to become a rocket as well

>> No.15383197

methalox in the day, the flames are very transparent, in the night time it is harder to see through. see proonted rogget

>> No.15383199

why not just have some fly wheels

>> No.15383209
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>> No.15383212
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, 1649143290657140775 9vIJfmZycMqT6AaE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383213
File: 986 KB, 884x480, 1674759541819489.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted on SpaceX twitter a few minutes ago but they deleted it almost immediately for some reason...

>> No.15383217

Previous thread since op is retarded


>> No.15383218

fuck off its page 10

>> No.15383230
File: 30 KB, 815x762, Apollo 8 tli burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383236
File: 47 KB, 846x1207, Screenshot_20230421_192429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The side of the draw-works housing was turned into swiss cheese

>> No.15383237

do you think u could post as png? or at least higher quality jpg. this is reall nice

>> No.15383238
File: 3.90 MB, 576x1024, Yosoybimbo-1649176934482432004-20230420 172316-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383239

hey good thing we set up our test site in boca chica and had to cram everything into a small plot of land that was zoned 60 years ago for a strip mall

>> No.15383240
File: 444 KB, 2048x1366, FuQzk3NX0BgjhkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that perforation on the thing to the left

>> No.15383241
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>> No.15383243
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>> No.15383244
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>> No.15383246
File: 968 KB, 3897x1296, apollo flight plan .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383248

The tech industry is full of fags and liberals, what did you expect?

>> No.15383250

>debris flying everywhere
Starship is a fucking tank

>> No.15383252

Musk man is an apostate now, so their owners have them foaming at the mouth in utter hatred now

>> No.15383255

lol I live 4 blocks from that photo location

>> No.15383256
File: 915 KB, 1200x768, FuRWBHUWcAAbBkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquid cooled steel plates for the next OLM

>> No.15383257

Fucking crazy how I grew up knowing about Saturn V and the enigmatic N1 (I was a space autist at a young age)
And now all of a sudden we’ve had SLS and Starship fly within the span of like 6 months. Crazy shit

>> No.15383264

it does feel a bit like America is back to have two superheavy class rockets test launch that close together

>> No.15383268
File: 76 KB, 904x1454, FuQ5ECJWIAAaXH7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so back

>> No.15383269

Could this actually work?

>> No.15383270
File: 184 KB, 2500x735, 20160901-F9-Sequence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People forget this isn't the first time SpaceX has had to rebuild a pad. I do expect at least 6 months of delays

>> No.15383271
File: 23 KB, 714x340, no sugarcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383272

For some reason, I feel Artemis 1 was longer ago than 6 months.

>> No.15383274

probably but it would cost way more and take way longer than building a flame trench

>> No.15383278
File: 21 KB, 96x96, BA6D7907-749F-45EA-97AE-EB8014ACE84C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already have 3 months done with the steel plate, that means 3 months easy, if not sooner now that they have experience

>> No.15383279

>building a flame trench
it's not happening faggot. let it go

>> No.15383281

HN comments are a hellhole. Peak bugman midwits.

>> No.15383282

That’s because it’s such a forgettable mission and rocket

>> No.15383283

what are the other funny dates besides 4/20 and 6/9?

>> No.15383285

This, massive deluge system and water/LN2 cooled steel plate is probably enough.

>> No.15383286

Looks like Elon wanted to upload it instead, but in slow motion. Trying to grab the original so I can render in high quality unlike you.

>> No.15383287

>inb4 muh jet fuel
Methalox doesn’t burn as hot, steel plate chads win every time

>> No.15383289
File: 203 KB, 274x1127, taller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not tall enough

>> No.15383292

honestly incredible it worked. was this the greatest feat of engineering ever done?

>> No.15383293

LHC is pretty impressive.

>> No.15383294

Elon mentioned a water table and metal cover. Doesn't sound like the 2M liters of NASA pads.

>> No.15383297

Look at the size of the pipes. They're very large

>> No.15383304
File: 1.42 MB, 1179x1443, E7E8136E-FE2F-4865-B5D3-CBE823660CF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember everyone, three engines out at launch probably means it blasted way more concrete than it was supposed to. Once the water/LN2 cooled steel plate-flame diverter amalgam part is installed along with a massive deluge system, we are absolutely set to withstand Starship blasts. The plate is already 3 months in the making and flame diverter side we saw parts shipped there about 2 weeks ago, could also have started being made about then. They also have experience in rebuilding pads, all the engines are massively improved on B9/S26 compared to the old R2s used in B7/S24. This and the stages themselves also have like a hundred improvements, and they have launch data to fix what is needed. The only thing I would be any bit doomer about next launch is anything past MECO, even then we have B10/S27 basically ready to go, which will have even more improvements than the last and more data to work with. Doomers are retarded and have already been BTFO, liquidcooledsteelplatechads we can do it again. Alright, hopium dose has been handed out, make sure to ration it just 3 months tops.

>> No.15383306
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, Elonmusk-1649579313061154817-20230421 200210-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah it's simply fucking gone. I have the video playing on my page but nothing can detect it for download, and it will vanish if I refresh.

>> No.15383309

>>NASA is allowed to do this
I hate retarded tourists like you it's unreal how retarded you are

>> No.15383310

download obs and record it

>> No.15383311

just speed this one up lol. it's the same video

>> No.15383312

Where are the wreckage photos? Still barely anything. It's been almost 48 hours

>> No.15383315

I'm just worried that Musk looked so pissed when it blew up

>> No.15383316

Road is closed

>> No.15383319

>it stayed completely straight all the way through until FTS
wtf so this has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it's insanely strong

>> No.15383320

just cast a single piece titanium plate to cover it. done

>> No.15383321

2 megalitres is only 20,000 cube metres, that's not that much

>> No.15383323

Nobody has taken a boat along the shore to survey the damage from there?

>> No.15383325

I mean it looks like the booster failed at the bottom. The FTS is at the common dome isn't it?

>> No.15383327

No the FTS is at the bottom for the booster

>> No.15383330

Starship's payload capacity is a cubic kilometer.

>> No.15383331

May as well just build a space elevator. We can go higher.

>> No.15383336

due to aids?

he hadn't slept for like 50 hours

>> No.15383349

Someone needs to tell them about ullage motors.

>> No.15383351

I wouldn’t have slept for 50 hours either if I was the one literally spearheading humanity’s entire future

>> No.15383354

Stage separation doomers get the airlock just like CSI Starbase cock gobbling 9-months-to-next-launch doomers got.

>> No.15383355

this from the IMAX?

...did it survive?

>> No.15383356

>thing happens
>tourists flood your niche interest with the most retarded posts imaginable
>normies make retarded posts about shit they have absolutely no fucking business talking about
past few days have really blackpilled me on the average intelligence of the world

>> No.15383357

So with the engines off and in a near vacuum is the RC system meant to spin all that mass?
They need the engines to make the spin possible.

>> No.15383360

the average iq is 100. terrifying isn't it? blew my mind when I learned that fact.

>> No.15383361

Reading comprehension.
They spin using the engines
>The engine shuts off at step 3

>> No.15383364

starship could land on mars with people and the average normalfag would still think "But uhm..... what about the LAWN CHAIR that was KNOCKED DOWN by SHOCKWAVES.... such a FAILURE..."

>> No.15383365

any other rocket girls which need to be drawn?

>> No.15383367
File: 18 KB, 1284x240, 1661822506524922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is how starship stages

>> No.15383368

it'd be based if the next three launches won't fail at this exact stage. Built in filter for people who aren't balls deep serious about extraterrestrial colonization? Sign me up!

>> No.15383369

More plausible.
But there might not even be a spin reversal.
Just let it go as soon as you kick the booster upwards.

>> No.15383370

just post the reddit/twitter post you took this from so we can tell you to go back

>> No.15383372

Make the Indian poojeet rocket

>> No.15383373

nsf actually
kys newfag

>> No.15383374
File: 54 KB, 580x517, Titan_Missile_Family (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it, yes that was a reading comprehension fail on my part.

>> No.15383380

So uhhh, maybe we can do Sea Dragon on land now yes?

>> No.15383381

From my experience trying it in ksp it is enough to pitch up hard, immediately shut down and then stage.
Works great even without a computer orchestrating it.

>> No.15383382

>it works in ksp

>> No.15383385
File: 60 KB, 759x536, Spaceline moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383386

Staging in KSP generates an ejection force that doesn't magically happen in reality.

>> No.15383387
File: 139 KB, 1499x1596, B6FDB5C8-168A-42FC-8D8D-2E5D1B681E04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383388

what the fuck is a "liftport"

>> No.15383391


>> No.15383392


>> No.15383397

And what's crazier is that Starship could launch again in the same year.

>> No.15383398

Made by sbarky

>> No.15383399

yeaahhh, emphasis on could, pure hopium

>> No.15383400

For every jak I see on /sfg/ I vow to post another horsecock on the sharty.

>> No.15383402

No, you can turn that to 0

>> No.15383404
File: 9 KB, 240x193, 98571C2B-FBBB-4C77-BEFD-353350A15B9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For every jak I see on /sfg/ I vow to post another horsecock on the sharty.

>> No.15383406

it's /sfg/, anon, not /SFG/

>> No.15383407
File: 511 KB, 1309x2048, 1682112469118862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383413

That is incredibly stupid, and you should feel bad for coming up with this.

>> No.15383414
File: 22 KB, 474x296, spinlaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's a stupid plan on earth, but would it be viable for returning stuff from the moon? you wouldn't need shielding because you don't need to pull a vacuum, and the speed you need to achieve to get escape velocity is much lower. could it be useful for returning regolith and science experiments from the moon?

>> No.15383415

No, anything spin will fail. Don’t make me laugh

>> No.15383416

>past few days have really blackpilled me on the average intelligence of the world
And you haven't read about the shitflinging over Apollo during its day? I'll give you a hint, the whole project barely had a 50% public approval rating at best.

>> No.15383417
File: 609 KB, 4096x2603, EB9EB15E-94DE-48CC-B1BA-5495BD555711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make an image like this but with all active US rockets, from small lift to starship

How can I do that, scaling everything, finding the images from them right angle and shit, or does anyone here have the skills to do that?

>> No.15383419

nigger. take a 5th grade math class maybe

>> No.15383425

Cool, but how do you get the whole thing there?
>inb4 lunar industry

>> No.15383427

IMO a maglev is the way to go for getting stuff to earth from the lunar surface.
>get return window every 27 days
>only needs electricity as propellant
>can limit Gs for human / fragile payloads
>only needs to be ~2km long for gentle launches

>> No.15383434

as long as the heaviest single part is less than ~200 tons you can bring it there on a starship. as I said you don't need much if any of the shielding, so then the question becomes can starship bring the arm there

>> No.15383441
File: 29 KB, 490x276, IMG_4435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember DECA

>> No.15383450

Why do you concern yourself with impractical things far in the future?

>> No.15383452

>humanity has colonized every single moon and planet in the solar system
>the human population nears 500 billion
>colony ships are being sent to nearby star systems
>in New Mexico, spinlaunch is still trying to fling shitty rockets into the air
>no one knows how they are able to fund this

>> No.15383454
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas_popsci_turning_your_mind_to_mush_(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383467

very good image to shut down memetech spergs

>> No.15383468

I wonder if Neutron will go the path Terran R is going and will turn into a Falcon 9 clone.

>> No.15383470

convergent evolution

>> No.15383471

you know landing rockets in a barge used to be memetech right?

>> No.15383472

everything everywhere all at once is turning in to a falcon 9 clone

>> No.15383473

falconization even

>> No.15383475

This wouldn't be a problem with the tethered ring space launcher btw

>> No.15383476

memetech speculators sorry

>> No.15383480

>no contact between moving parts so dust doesn't matter
Why is this a bad idea?

>> No.15383481
File: 2.89 MB, 900x548, ria hop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear a cute.

>> No.15383487
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>> No.15383489

>what’s this cope that this is an acceptable oopsie?
They planned for pad destruction including the tower as the worst scenario

>> No.15383491

Water-cooled steel anons... We are vindicated.

>> No.15383492

Imagine being the engineer who told Elon that the pad would survive a launch based on static fire data

>> No.15383493

a straight rail would be enough and easier to execute on the moon i think
this might come in handy if space is limited for some reason

>> No.15383494

Maglev has never been demonstrated.

>> No.15383495

loved that moment, she had this chibi bouncing on everyone head

this thing is the best thing shes added to her streams

>> No.15383496


>> No.15383498

can someone fill me in on why steel is going to not be destroyed by the force of 33 raptors and ripped apart on sheer force. Yeah it may cool the gas down, but not quickly enough right? or is the plan that it will be burnt through last 5-10 flights and replaced? Somehow steel shrapnel seems like not an improvement regardless of how thick the gauge of the steel

>> No.15383499

lmao can you retards leave already

>> No.15383500

if he has hard data to cover his ass, he'll be fine
the decision had to be cleared by Musk himself, so he knows he's partly to blame for it

>> No.15383502

>Imagine being the yes man who said yes so great leader is pleased

>> No.15383503

It literally has retard fuck off

>> No.15383505

9/11 was an inside job

>> No.15383508

They didn't wait long enough for it to cure right what can you do lol

>> No.15383509

Thick steel can take battleship rounds, it can take a big flamethrower, if it spalls which it won't, the spallation will be on the underside of the plate.

>> No.15383510

yeah but the plan is to dump tons of water a second on it

>> No.15383511

with vapor chambers and fuckhuge copper tubes

>> No.15383514

Point the exhaust ducts directly at the beetles.

>> No.15383515

point them directly at the environmentalists

>> No.15383517
File: 113 KB, 697x1201, Screenshot_20230421_002320_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383521

Is it not internal cycled?
Yes thick steel can take heavy punishment and might but wouldn't it sheer and ablate. it's way better then kicking up dust for sure. But why doesn't it get ripped apart and send steel shrapnel around the place? still doesn't seem all that effective. I am just thinking about the excavating force, on the fondag gay concrete. Obviously not as structurally strong then thick steel. But could it not pull up whole chunks?

>> No.15383523

Steel is not brittle. It doesn't crumble apart. You just secure it very well

>> No.15383524

this is the dune future we want, blood sacrifices to honour each starship launch with unbelievers

>> No.15383525

ria luv

>> No.15383526

>gay concrete
So this was the problem.

>> No.15383527
File: 180 KB, 697x1201, Screenshot_20230421_002320_Samsung Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383528

Who cares? The rockets will be launched

>> No.15383531

japan's maglev track is even bigger and better than shanghai and they're gonna integrate it to connect from tokyo to nagoya within this decade (yeah i watched that tom scott video)

>> No.15383532

I don't understand steel material properties well enough. In my mind any large enough force heavily grinds at it. Similar to some kind of sander until it starts to lift up chunks where there any structural weaknesses then tears off larger and larger pieces.

>> No.15383533

he said steel, not cast iron

>> No.15383536

No. That is not how steel behaves under stress

>> No.15383539

I’m not trying to be mean but
a) profile views of pretty much every rocket ever made are easily accessible, and even if they’re low quality you can always trace them
b) scaling is SUPER easy
I’ll make the damn graphic for you complete with custom rockets if you give me a list

>> No.15383540

Maglev isn't really economically viable as a low cost mass transit solution, this isn't the same as not working.

>> No.15383541

It doesn't even need a perfect angle. Just google the height of the rocket and then use that for scaling.

>> No.15383543

The Mars Aptitude Test just needs to be a simple dimensional analysis problem, a simple pythagorean theorem problem, and “draw a 3D cube”
Would filter out hundreds of thousands of retards

>> No.15383548

>dimensional analysis problem
what is this?

>> No.15383549
File: 62 KB, 1152x648, total_faa_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a better idea

>> No.15383550

that's racist

>> No.15383551

>draw a 3D cube
any specific projection in mind?

>> No.15383554

You must be 18 or older to use this website.

>> No.15383555

Starship will become a Falcon 9 clone

>> No.15383556

To Venus you go

>> No.15383557

Why not just make a spiral underground ever expanding ever going

>> No.15383558

orthographic face on. they want you to draw a square

>> No.15383562

I’m a graphic design fag and I use dimensional analysis more than I care to admit lol
It’s just a nifty way of setting things up so that units visibly cancel out. You’ve probably used it a ton in your life whether you realized it or not, you just didn’t know it had a name. It’s useful in science when you have like a million units to convert back and forth

>> No.15383563

It needs to be a word problem involving 3D shape rotation, like "draw the outline of a pyramid as seen from above with a corner at the top".

>> No.15383564
File: 52 KB, 665x853, NASA Spinoff 1984 cover niglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383567
File: 67 KB, 640x749, 1416103916598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a reverse of this.

>> No.15383574

What are the Chinese saying about Starship and Space?

>> No.15383578
File: 149 KB, 858x570, 51E3F291-50BA-486D-952A-FB36CEE8452B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 years, I’m not the worst at math, passed Calc II for Christ’s sake…
Last month my dad explained all you have to do is move the decimal on your bill over once and that’s 10%. Then multiply it by two and boom that’s your 20% tip. I have been using my phone to calculate this my entire adult life. Am I a retard?

>> No.15383581

most netizens want it to succeed because space is cool

>> No.15383583

dont worry about it anon. im in my 3rd year of aerospace engineering at college and i still dont have my times tables memorized, and im generally retarded at arithmetic
i blame this on being half asleep during math over all of elementary school

>> No.15383584


>> No.15383586

nah you're good. I always guestimate 10% then give $1 less than that

>> No.15383587

>all you have to do is move the decimal on your bill over once and that’s 10%

>> No.15383588
File: 162 KB, 1210x393, 97BBACDD-31EA-4E40-9ECF-F1B919F29814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OH N-

>> No.15383590

I'm a highschool dropout and could've told you that.
It's okay, though. At least you did something with your life.

>> No.15383593
File: 36 KB, 396x420, Clockwise from Young are Ulf Merbold Dr Owen K. Garnett Brewster H. Shaw, Jr, Robert A, R. Parker Lichtcnberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383596

It’s pretty obvious but I guess if no one ever told you it could be missed. Idk. My girlfriend taught me the ‘multiples of 9 with the fingers’ trick and my mind was melted

>> No.15383598

I checked it and it's just converting and canceling units? Fucking fancy name lmao

>> No.15383600
File: 34 KB, 750x570, ot5aro2yiava1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAD! Elon Musk and SpaceX go agianst GOD! He destroys rocket!

>> No.15383603

So hypothetically, let’s say we test-fire a SuperHeavy on the moon. Full-duration burn kind of thing. We clamp it down and let it burn for at least 10 seconds at max throttle. Surely some rocks would be sent to orbit right?

>> No.15383604


>> No.15383605

probably not.

>> No.15383608

They'd probably just end up on the other side of the moon.

>> No.15383610

Send in the next wave of beetle conscripts to Bakhmut Chica.

>> No.15383611

Is he just going to ignore all the other rockets SpaceX launches, lmao

>> No.15383613

>all you have to do is move the decimal on your bill over once and that’s 10%
i cant believe i never thought of this. i just calculated it in my head real quick.

>> No.15383616

you had never noticed how multiplying by powers of 10 only changes the place of the dot?

>> No.15383617

the absolute state

>> No.15383618

no i dont use pleb math

>> No.15383620

It's a generational thing, besides engaging in the barbaric act of tipping, the average person has few reasons to do any type of math so they never picked up tricks like that. The next generation will be so much more fucked up as AI chatbots becomes the mechanical calculator of knowledge and creativity

>> No.15383622

its one of those things you never think about until its put in front of you

>> No.15383624

man this is already happening to me
i just hit up gpt4 whenever i have a question now

>> No.15383633
File: 196 KB, 1116x714, Ten people Spacelab June 1995 Space Shuttle and Mir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383634
File: 30 KB, 600x600, aufi73wyiechnoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are seriously using a chatbot for answers?
At most I'd use it to write assignments for humanities subjects since it's all word soup anyway, but unfortunately I already went through most of them in college.

>> No.15383635
File: 207 KB, 1400x933, C51DE87A-43E5-4D87-80D7-B738ADF8047B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros… will we ever see its?

>> No.15383638

which moon is this supposed to be?

>> No.15383640

See its what??

>> No.15383641

it works well, give it a try sometime if you can get access to gpt4
i wish i had access to the plugins so it could access wolfram too

>> No.15383642

Maybe Rocket Lab will do a superheavy fully reusable carbon fiber rocket one day.

>> No.15383643

What lmao no

>> No.15383644

>they still haven't reflown an electron
yeah no composites are doomed

>> No.15383645

well, probably not for the second stage, but for the first stage its certainly possible.

>> No.15383646
File: 191 KB, 351x374, 1478992793773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbon fiber

>> No.15383647

I just meant I don’t envision rocket lab ever making a super heavy lift rocket

>> No.15383649

it got a B in scott aaronson's quantum information science final exam. Not saying it's doing anything more than pattern-matching on its training corpus but it can do some cool stem stuff.

>> No.15383652

Her closing song here.

>> No.15383655
File: 230 KB, 948x632, fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scott aaronson's quantum information science final exam

>> No.15383657


>> No.15383658
File: 7 KB, 180x219, 13E5CD5E-F69B-456B-8D53-2C0D95E98E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon said 1-2 months and >>15383304 summarized the situation well, but do you believe in his estimate?

>> No.15383660
File: 84 KB, 750x1332, FuCrXTyagAIEdxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu can't be this talented and genki!

>> No.15383661

not a chance in hell
he's a serial optimist
there WILL be fuck fuck games and it WILL push it back 3-4 months
we'll definitely get a second launch this year though, potentially two

>> No.15383665

Fuck. No. It will be another 2 years. Yes this is my serious estimate.

>> No.15383666

My most optimistic bet is that there will be another launch this year, then the third one in Q1/2 2024

>> No.15383669

i'm unvaxed and personally can't stand aaronson anon

>> No.15383670

No it's not, it's literally the foundation of our counting system

>> No.15383672

I think they will eventually, although its definitely not guaranteed. Certainly they are probably closer to eventually developing a reusable superheavy lift rocket than Relativity or Blue Origin.

>> No.15383673

>he has never divided something by ten

>> No.15383676

No, it'll be more like 4-7 months. If its around or less than 5 months, maybe a third launch could occur in 2023.

>> No.15383678

that's exactly why you don't think of it, Anon
you learned this shit in early childhood, so the concept is just subconscious at this point
you don't think of dividing shit by 10, you just do

>> No.15383680

I think these two are good short analysis
This guy is a two weeks fag who thought Starship wouldn’t ever launch only to get BTFO yesterday

>> No.15383682

I hope that fag didn't unironically think ol' Musky would miss launching on 4/20

>> No.15383683

Yes 1 month. Then another launch. Then the remaining 3 launches every succeeding month.
Moon landing Q1 2024

>> No.15383684


>> No.15383686

I love your energy

>> No.15383687

landing is for fags
just send a sacrificial starship at the moon full speed

>> No.15383690

Blue Origin is closer to that as they have access to BezoBucks.
No matter how shit they are, they will succeed through financial brute forcing.

>> No.15383692

I guess if you consider New Jarvis a superheavy lift system, but I was under the impression it was considered heavy lift, not superheavy.

>> No.15383694

someone run it through whisper to translate it thx

>> No.15383696

New Glenn is heavy lift. Add a reusable second stage and its even less payload.

>> No.15383697

Jarvis is not a heavy lift system, and if anything it will just mog the overall performance of a base New Glenn. Unless they give it a third stage, but even then I wouldn’t put it in SHLV category

>> No.15383698

That being said, I wonder how Blue Origin/Jeff Bezos are internally reacting to the Starship OFT

>> No.15383700

>it will just mog the overall performance of a base New Glenn
Why would it? Reusable means less deltav

>> No.15383701

What the fuck is meant by “third stage” for NG anyways? Would it be between the first and second stage and act sort of like EUS? Or do they just mean a dinky little kick stage or something that goes on top of the stack

>> No.15383704

it's a song you can just look up the lyrics

>> No.15383710

Even if New Glenn isn't, they still have the money to throw at another rocket.
I really like RL but I fear they might not survive if Starship gets too successful. I wonder if they could make Neutron bigger so it can at least match F9.

>> No.15383711

So 1-2 months for next launch. Doomerbros btfo again?

>> No.15383714
File: 149 KB, 1192x622, Screen Shot 2023-04-22 at 12.53.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Zack Golden seemed to possibly be changing his mind based off what Eric Berger and Elon said. Personally I trust Berger's timeline, the Elon comment is obviously Elon Time.

>> No.15383717

What the fuck is a New Jarvis? Did BO drop another paper rocket?

>> No.15383718

Yeah about right. Multiply it by 3.14.

>> No.15383720


>> No.15383721

I'd say 3-4 months

>> No.15383723

New Glenn with a Starship knockoff upper stage.

>> No.15383724
File: 614 KB, 470x694, Screen Shot 2023-04-22 at 1.04.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refers to version of New Glenn with experimental stainless steel reusable upper stage design. BO has been doing some form of tests on stainless steel tank prototypes quite similar to that of SN1 and SN3 in appearance.

>> No.15383728

That's not stainless steel

>> No.15383741

>20% tip
yes you are retarded

>> No.15383745

I usually divide by 5 twice, double it, then add half again.

>> No.15383751
File: 151 KB, 878x832, 1682139682972348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no!
m-muskbros... how do we recover!?

>> No.15383755
File: 348 KB, 1078x1280, IMG_4443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s north koreas new rocket?

>> No.15383757


>> No.15383759

This line is always projection, they seethe about the 150m tall flamethrower cock because theirs are tiny.

>> No.15383761


>> No.15383766

Idk but I hope we’re in the timeline where Kim’s daughter is autistic and obsessed with space

>> No.15383777

n i c e
spacex welders to the rescue again

>> No.15383778

Doomers have been BTFO

>> No.15383786
File: 36 KB, 1089x609, 78CF70A3-F635-4D6E-9177-C18A7A75B6A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaked image from a starship hull cam

>> No.15383789


>> No.15383790

The interstage and gridfins are still latched on at the correct angle even as the first stage tank body is visibly wrenched over, kek.

>> No.15383796

You can clearly see the interstage is translated a few feet up

>> No.15383797

This is after FTS activation

>> No.15383799

ships so stronk the first production versions will still be hauling cargo in 50 years.

>> No.15383800
File: 333 KB, 640x480, 1674089933044590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383803

Colbert hasn't been relevant since the Bush Administration. Give it a rest.

>> No.15383824
File: 1.71 MB, 1254x1064, 1681959861204807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check flickr to see if any non-NSF affiliated photographers had photos of starship
>one guy uploaded like 4 images and the rest were people uploading screenshots of the spacex stream or thumbnails of NSF photos

>> No.15383827
File: 163 KB, 1062x1245, FuR2z8GaEAA4t7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383832

Giant SRB explosions are way more kino than l*quid rockets

>> No.15383834

Imagine if Tim Dodd was showered in flaming aluminum dust instead of some concrete dust

>> No.15383837
File: 428 KB, 498x498, pepe-puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting fuel rich whore

>> No.15383840
File: 3.89 MB, 720x1280, JPBurned-1649653084497358851-20230422 005519-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning in the dust cloud

>> No.15383843


>> No.15383845
File: 102 KB, 1200x601, FuS0NQSXoAEx2qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never saw this wider cut of this image I've seen a few times

>> No.15383846
File: 134 KB, 1200x712, FuS0NRfXwAELFWX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383856
File: 134 KB, 1088x1451, FuPus3sWIAMKVEi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15383858

this is the most horrifying pepe i've seen in a while

>> No.15383870

it's just a water tower

>> No.15383871

Oh shit yeah

Same forces that make lightning in volcanic eruptions

>> No.15383875

how much does this save on dV?

>> No.15383876

>Lightning in the dust cloud
Was this captured in the environmental review??? Utterly irresponsible behaviour by Elon.
Stealing a mote of Zeus's power is a crime punishable by the eternal torment of being chained to a rock and having your liver feasted upon daily by an eagle.

>> No.15383879
File: 79 KB, 645x729, 1672064872366864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we thought it would make it through 1 launch

>> No.15383881

If I brought a doppler radar like a national weather service NEXRAD to Mars or Venus would it tell us anything interesting about the climate

>> No.15383882

why not just make a linear rail on the moon? this thing is retarded
this thing is compact due to the difficulty of creating a vacuum on earth, but the fact that there is an atmosphere makes it retarded

>> No.15383883

Even if they never get second stage reuse to be economical due to heatshield issues, expendable upper stage with deployable fairing would hit nearly 300t LEO for the cost of fairings (recoverable), tanks, and 4 RVacs. Still looking at tons of payload per million in flight costs.

>> No.15383885

another one with all active rockets that have the info about them would be nice, with payloads to different orbits beneath the rocket

>> No.15383886

>I turned 50 years old yesterday.
Wtf his birthday is also 4/20?

>> No.15383888
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 4ASS logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are now in a timeline where a quantized inertia thruster could apply delta-V to a spacecraft in orbit before a RapVac does. Welcome to the future, let's get retarded.

>> No.15383891


>> No.15383892


>> No.15383894

The pad was destroyed by uplift forces from exhaust gas getting under the concrete slabs. Once a crack developed, the whole pad just unzipped from bottom up. Theoretically, water-cooled steel would erode at a steadier rate instead of catastrophically failing, assuming SpX anchors it properly.

>> No.15383895
File: 328 KB, 2048x3072, Shadow demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressing levels of unhinged copium.
>just risk your next rocket and all of its valuable test data because you were lazy haha
We were lucky that it didn't explode on the pad with that debris. They can fix this issue, fuck off

>> No.15383899

Basically nothing, like a few m/s or less

>> No.15383905

>That piece of concrete getting as high as the chopsticks
fukken hell.

>> No.15383911
File: 13 KB, 612x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amusing to read the lyin' NY Times hitpiece. I encourage those in control of their emotions to read lol

>> No.15383921
File: 130 KB, 1125x1500, 1626094409609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we thought of it ages ago

>> No.15383923

starship is taller than i thought

>> No.15383928


>> No.15383929
File: 385 KB, 660x584, 002806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms Almaguer seems to be a lawyer and some enviromentalist/grifter

>> No.15383930

Stop. It's not happening. I say this as a massive Elon cum guzzler

>> No.15383933

tim annoys me too tbqh

>> No.15383935
File: 90 KB, 615x653, 002807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESGfag at it again

>> No.15383936

Go back to L2 faggot

>> No.15383938

Who's the chick w/ estronaut?

>> No.15383941
File: 321 KB, 1002x1523, this was a real nasa proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise

>> No.15383947

testronaut (female)

>> No.15383949

she's so woderful ajd cute and petfext in every wayyyy i love her so much aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.15383952

>has been doing
No. they did a test or two like two years ago then gave up and fucked off. that picture is ancient

>> No.15383953

The 3rd one is a solid option.

>> No.15383954

you just posted cringe

>> No.15383956

I don't understand what their exit plan is. who is funding this and what do they expect to get out of it? surely everyone can see the idea isn't practical?

>> No.15383958

I appreciate you, Anon.

>> No.15383960

in a sense, concrete is ablative.

>> No.15383961

It's probably DARPA shenanigans. Spinlaunch shares many design problems in common with hypersonic guided missiles.

>> No.15383962

me after eating mexican food.

>> No.15383964

Who is this guy connected to, I gotta wonder.

>> No.15383968

I cant imagine dedicating my life to constant seething about anything. these people are as unhinged as youre average /pol/ schizo. do they have families? a job? a purpose?

>> No.15383976

>"SpaceX should have built a diverter!"
>pictures of parts for a diverter suddenly emerge
>"We are building a giant water cooled steel plate, confirming various schizo theories."
>pictures of the plate in parts suddenly emerge

Curious. Curious.

>> No.15383979


>> No.15383985

Dear God how powerful is this thing?
I haven't truly realized

>> No.15383990

Ladies and sirs. 30 minutes to go.

>> No.15383995
File: 3.99 MB, 1833x1017, 002812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the countdown?

>> No.15384006

>schizo theories

We are always right, cope.

>> No.15384011

I love the Indian space program. They're so genuine and just want to go to space. None of this BLM or women shit

>> No.15384020
File: 976 KB, 1624x754, 002813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't they have this on the screen as an overlay lmao
just raw camerafeeds

>> No.15384024
File: 1.39 MB, 951x1025, 002815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BO mogged once again

>> No.15384026

>just raw camera feeds

It's comfy and soulful, also best software devs this side of Mumbai

>> No.15384029
File: 2.15 MB, 1724x966, 002817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384031

Look at the control room jeets, they are always so happy to watch things go up. Like a brown, street shitting Apollo.

>> No.15384033
File: 828 KB, 1387x1067, 002818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384035

That's gonna be the next thing they'll change because it doesn't work properly or wastes delta-v.

>> No.15384036
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 【#PSLV】TeLEOS-2 Mission #りあライブ ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2023.4.22 #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 17-30 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384037

Why does rocket chan have a moustache now? Was she a man all along?

>> No.15384039

another day of total british shame

>> No.15384041
File: 2.74 MB, 1862x1057, 002819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384042

that cheeky bitch ahahaha

>> No.15384043

same system that controls starliner

>> No.15384044
File: 2.38 MB, 1774x989, 002820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384045


based juan

>> No.15384046

why clear has mustache lolol

>> No.15384047

Is this really saving the weight to justify nixing the shit for a normal separation mechanism? That's burning a lot of fuel.

>> No.15384048
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 【#PSLV】TeLEOS-2 Mission #りあライブ ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2023.4.22 #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 21-46 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384049
File: 578 KB, 1314x1030, 002821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one seems to work though

>> No.15384051

Chad Win32 UI vs. SpaceX virgin webui.

>> No.15384052

She is racist (this is normal in japan)

>> No.15384054

so based

>> No.15384055

what are the security implications of running your space program on windows xp?

>> No.15384056

i love ria

>> No.15384057

As opposed to running it on windows 11? KEK

>> No.15384058
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 【#PSLV】TeLEOS-2 Mission #りあライブ ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2023.4.22 #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 24-57 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384059

true. should have taken a decade longer and installed gentoo.

>> No.15384060
File: 104 KB, 792x1024, rocket-boys-season-2-1-792x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take this opportunity to ask if any sirs in here has seen Rocket Boys? I found it while looking up October Sky.

>> No.15384061
File: 220 KB, 1179x1154, F56B3576-BA45-4852-8BF0-3AD08CB94281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384062

Good morning sirs. I missed the launch.

>> No.15384063

poo rocketry

>> No.15384064

>another fucking jeet movie
Do you know how bad these Bollywood films are? Like holy shit

>> No.15384065
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 【#PSLV】TeLEOS-2 Mission #りあライブ ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2023.4.22 #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 29-21 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384066

>poos does it better than starliner

>> No.15384068

he did the needful?

>> No.15384069

>None of this BLM or women shit
Anon.. we invented that shit

>> No.15384070
File: 403 KB, 1179x867, FEDF2D2A-CFA6-4214-8585-1570EBBA832A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky smelly amerimutt dog. Back to shartmart

>> No.15384071

good morning!

>> No.15384072

Joke is on (her). Their geriatric society doesn't have a very bright future.

>> No.15384074

Hydrazine you dumb slut

>> No.15384075
File: 333 KB, 2048x1536, 20230417_011147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pussy has enough youth for me

>> No.15384077
File: 582 KB, 1361x1041, 002823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first, second and third stage have separated
4th stage just started, satsep coming soon, I guess its going to be a LEO satellite

kind of funny to have 4 stages for a LEO sat

> TeLEOS-2 is a Singaporean Earth Observation satellite built by ST Electronics (Satellite Systems). It carries a made-in-Singapore Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capable of providing 1 m resolution data. It will be equipped with a 500 GB onboard recorder for recording the data captured and a high speed 800 Mbps downlink.

>> No.15384076

Cope, less people is not a bad thing compared to having your society flooded and filled with low IQ race mixed mutts

>> No.15384078
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 787bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.15384079

veechuubers wearing a mustache is very common. I have no idea why.

>> No.15384080

Clear can decipher the indian accent better than me.

>> No.15384083
File: 1.20 MB, 1179x695, 1669362504602019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384084

>four fucking stages
What is this 1967?

>> No.15384085

Wrong, I will singlehandedly repopulate Nippon with my autistic rocket wife.

>> No.15384086
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1682154623066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

>> No.15384087

you need to be esl to understand fellow esl

well its definitely because of the mustache dudes

>> No.15384088
File: 27 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ello, gov'nor :)

>> No.15384089
File: 11 KB, 480x360, BBC Space Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have probably added: Reading the synopsis its a show about the birth of the Indian space program and centres around their von Braun equivalent. I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing its like that BBC mini series.

>> No.15384090
File: 714 KB, 1175x1003, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384091


oRRRbital injection

>> No.15384092

1967 was a hell of a lot better than the years 1975-2010

>> No.15384093
File: 991 KB, 681x1023, 002824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like erryday astronaut has a page about this


>Moreover, the TeLEOS-2 mission will carry another Singaporean satellite, the LUMELITE-4, as a secondary payload. The LUMELITE-4 is a technology demonstration nano-satellite with a mass of 16 kg. It was built by the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) of A*STAR and the Satellite Technology and Research Centre (STAR) of the National University of Singapore.

>The LUMELITE-4 is a 12U satellite created to showcase the High-Performance Space-borne VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) developed by I2R. By combining the VDES communication payload with STAR’s adaptable satellite bus platform, the satellite is intended to enhance Singapore’s e-navigation maritime safety.

>> No.15384094

1fps pog

>> No.15384097
File: 50 KB, 804x802, 8A6F4256-C259-4FD1-AA3B-68BCF5F68027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeets are smart but holy shit do they overcomplicate things. Also start launching reusable heavy lift if you have that many fucking engineers there

>> No.15384096
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 【#PSLV】TeLEOS-2 Mission #りあライブ ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2023.4.22 #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 35-56 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384099

Comfy 1980s camera tech

>> No.15384100

they're all shaking hands

>> No.15384101
File: 3.14 MB, 1280x720, zeroghero.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, is rocket rodeo possible in some form? I want it so bad. Also please post rockets and engineering pics instead of anime and frogs.

>> No.15384102


>> No.15384104

>4-stage medium lift

>> No.15384105
File: 2.45 MB, 802x802, 1662419524970593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always look so happy. I wish I was Indian bros.

>> No.15384106

> low IQ race mixed mutts
Japanese people had the option of sustaining their numbers. Now everywhere outside of Tokyo is dying. Simply not enough people to populate and maintain life outside major hubs. Sad!

>> No.15384107

that's video looks like a painful experience

>> No.15384108
File: 2.30 MB, 1238x703, 002825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384109

that astronaut must be fuck huge

>> No.15384110
File: 766 KB, 1063x679, 1677171445127747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the camera is not level

>> No.15384111
File: 140 KB, 992x880, 8EFCC29D-7980-4726-87CE-77AEC051881A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of jaks
We are so back

>> No.15384112

>sustaining their numbers

Yes we need infinite growth, keep growing bros even if we have to import a hundred million Africans! Need to pump those gdp projections!

>> No.15384113

It should be

>> No.15384114

wish they had more hot girls on stream. plenry indian cuties

>> No.15384115
File: 1.59 MB, 1248x703, 002826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384116
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1657820299242749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launching a chinese satellite is some national celebration event

>> No.15384117
File: 306 KB, 2000x1500, 1682154958218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are they launching the spaceplane again

>> No.15384119

>spend millions of public money on spaceport cornwall
>much hype and fart sniffing over spaceport cornwall
>does one (1) attempted launch from spaceport cornwall, fails
>refuses to elaborate
>files for bankruptcy
state of the british launch industry

>> No.15384120

>I wish I was Indian bros

The monkey paw curls, you are now one of the hundred million faceless untouchables who either lives on the streets or does sewer diving for a living

>> No.15384121

it was 2 different singaporean satellites nigga

>> No.15384122

52 weeks

>> No.15384126

I can't complain about jaks since I made the shitty estronaut one.

>> No.15384127
File: 840 KB, 1046x660, 1666857516577123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384129

lol she cute

>> No.15384130
File: 1.69 MB, 1000x1190, black_arrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.15384132
File: 181 KB, 600x896, ISRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Stage One (PS1)

>The first stage is 20 m tall and 2.8 m wide. It uses hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) propellant, using an S139 solid rocket motor. This stage has a 110-second burn time, with the motor featuring an efficiency of 137 seconds ISP (at sea level). It has a maximum thrust of 4800 kN.

>Stage Two (PS2)

>The second stage is 12.8 m tall, and 2.8 m wide. It uses unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) as fuel and N2O4 as an oxidizer. The Vikas engine on this stage was developed by the Liquid Propulsions Systems Centre. The motor runs for a burn time of 133 seconds, with the engine having an efficiency of 293 seconds ISP.

>Stage Three (PS3)

>The third stage is 3.6 m tall, and two meters wide. It uses HTPB solid propellant, similar to the first stage, and features an S-7 engine. This stage runs for 83 seconds of burn time, and the motor has an efficiency of 295 seconds ISP. The maximum thrust on this stage is 240 kN.

>Stage Four (PS4)

>The last stage is three meters tall and only 1.3 m wide. This is a liquid-fueled stage, using monomethylhydrazine (MMH) as fuel and mixed oxides of nitrogen (MON) as the oxidizer. The stage has two PS-4 engines, each of which produces 6.6 kN of thrust. The stage runs for 525 seconds of burn time and has an efficiency of 308 seconds ISP.

>Moreover, the TeLEOS-2 mission will use the spent fourth stage as an orbital platform designated as the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM) to conduct in-orbit experiments. The POEM will carry seven scientific payloads: ARIS-2, PiLOT, ARKA200, Starberry, DSOL, DSOD-3U, and DSOD-6U.

>The POEM platform is powered by solar panels that can be found around the PS4 tank and a lithium-ion battery. It navigates using a magnetometer, four sun sensors, gyros, and NavIC. Moreover, the platform is equipped with dedicated control thrusters that use helium.

3 different propellants mixtures lol

>> No.15384134

What's this? A Saturn V for ants?

>> No.15384135

>we have to import a hundred million Africans
Stupid anime fag. You know I'm right so you have to put words into my mouth.

>> No.15384136

if the British space programme never failed, we would've had Mars colonies by now

>> No.15384137

better than no rocket

>> No.15384138

>invent the modern world
>spread it around the globe
>get mogged by a former colony that doesn't even have widespread plumbing in all aspects of high technology
being a brit is suffering

>> No.15384140

Hypergolic chads

>> No.15384145

poo bureaucracy must be hell

>> No.15384146

>shit cars
>no rockets
>shit mil tech

Part and parcel

>> No.15384148

i want to fuck a japano-indian girl

>> No.15384151

>build great rocket in Englishmans garage with the lads for literal pennies
>get canceled and have billions of pounds shoveled into trash programs

Parliament HATE

>> No.15384160

Do you have an example of such a phenotype?

>> No.15384165
File: 250 KB, 660x351, 1657168204543555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lesbian wife anthy

>> No.15384171

John carmack seems like such a great guy :)

>> No.15384173

This, the soviets hotstaged it, it just works. I dont understand why the spinfag manouver is needed

>> No.15384174
File: 54 KB, 1600x900, 1682157213271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he done now

>> No.15384176
File: 2.20 MB, 600x354, AffectionateWellwornDromedary-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys a 20k $ laser gyroscope only to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the earth is in fact a globe

>> No.15384179

just rewatching the launch and saw him in the control room. he was glued to the screen. wish he woulda stuck with Armadillo

>> No.15384188

They hotstaged because the lower stage was being dumped in the wilderness. Not so viable to torch the top of superheavy with a bunch of raptors. That being said, surely there is an alternative to this dumbfuckery that looks like they are spending a considerable amount of propellant mass to achieve. My first thought would be to still hot stage, one starship Raptor ignites on minimum throttle and a few of those nice tiles are glued to the top of superheavy.

>> No.15384196
File: 70 KB, 750x1000, 1682157945351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they spin prime test the second stage for one second before igniting

>> No.15384204

what if indeed

>> No.15384207

What the fuck am I looking at, have they lost it bros?????

>> No.15384209

they found it bro

>> No.15384210

I hope they do it for the transcontinental e2e flights kek. imagine 800 ppl vomiting all at once

>> No.15384214

Even just straight fucking dump some fuel/ox through a tube, you don't need much distance to ignite, what is the point of this whole gymnastics routine with engines burning wasting gorillions of tonnes of fuel

>> No.15384223

whos to say it wont work with functional hydraulics, all engines working and a reusable launch pad?

>> No.15384230

why the FUCK did someone not bake a new thread so we don't have to use this one???????

>> No.15384234

Because you're a newfag nigger that needs to be gassed

>> No.15384235

you could at two scenarios assuming the superheavy booster has to boostback back to the launch site

1) Keep engines running, gimbal a bit and release interstage clamps to fling starship away, simultaneously doing the change of orientation needed to start boostback and then you conveniently already have the engines running so you can just keep them running and start doing boostback right away
>problem: you have to do a never before done spinning manuever

2) Stop Superheavy engines, have some more complicated stage separation mechanism like hydraulic (or electric, dont know if its even possible) pistons, wait for starship to get far enough away, change orientation towards launchpad for boostback (is this possible with coldgas or ullage thrusters they have if stage separation happens very low in relatively thick atmosphere) which might have to be done with gimbaling the main engines anyway, so you turn them on again and gimbal, boostback
>problems: develop more sophisticated staging mechanism, extra engine start, perhaps further flyback necessary due to waiting for starship to fuck off

people have been speculating that keeping the engines running and doing the flip is going to use extra propellant, but will it really?

>> No.15384238

certainly feels that way. gonna be even weirder when boeing sells their half of ula to locksneed

>> No.15384240

Why can't the super heavy fire its rcs on retrograde instead? They are not doing it so I guess it's not possible but it would be the cleanest/easiest way imo.

>> No.15384245

i suck and i fuck and i blow your launch mount down

>> No.15384253

They inhaled concrete at 200m/s and one still managed to relight after getting goomba stomped.

The engines, and entire rocket as a whole, are fucking solid. The pad is not

>> No.15384257

I really wanted this

>> No.15384259

It honestly is a good sign for the platforms safety that the thing can be shot with concrete cannon balls, spin 5 times and be structurally intact.

>> No.15384261

We need fusion
We need robots
These are the big obstacles to space colonization

>> No.15384263

We have top men working on it right now

>> No.15384267

Almost feels like the rocket is overengineered. maybe they could afford to lose some mass

>> No.15384270

Nah, we need augmentation and gene modding, then you can shoot people off in tin cans. Seems to be the route China is going.

>> No.15384273

It's ok guys, there was no one on board

>> No.15384274

kek quite accurate
t. worked with outsourced pajeet dev teams

>> No.15384278
File: 2.41 MB, 960x540, terran1_nosecone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this company will take 10+ years to reach orbit. Cofounder and CEO Tim Ellis proving how much he learned at Blue Origin (the only other place he's worked). Gradatim ferociter, brothers

>> No.15384283

Just invested. Thanks for the tip retard :)

>> No.15384286

as long as the investment money continues pouring in

>> No.15384288

>/vt/umor uses up the precious image limit to post the exact same picture but with cancer on it
Kill /vt/umors. Behead /vt/umors. Roundhouse kick a /vt/umor into the concrete. Slam dunk a /vt/umor baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy /vt/umors. Defecate in a /vt/umors food. Launch /vt/umors into the sun. Stir fry /vt/umors in a wok. Toss /vt/umors into active volcanoes. Urinate into a /vt/umors gas tank. Judo throw /vt/umors into a wood chipper. Twist /vt/umors heads off. Report /vt/umors to the IRS. Karate chop /vt/umors in half. Trap /vt/umors in quicksand. Crush /vt/umors in the trash compactor. Liquefy /vt/umors in a vat of acid. Eat /vt/umors. Dissect /vt/umors. Exterminate /vt/umors in the gas chamber. Stomp /vt/umor skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate /vt/umors in the oven. Lobotomize /vt/umors. Mandatory abortions for /vt/umors. Grind /vt/umor fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown /vt/umors in fried chicken grease. Vaporize /vt/umors with a ray gun. Kick old /vt/umors down the stairs. Feed /vt/umors to alligators. Slice /vt/umors with a katana.

>> No.15384289
File: 393 KB, 1366x1170, J38be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on whether you are in or near vacuum and how many g's you can handle while hanging by your arms. If I had to guess Id say your average astronaut could ride a 2nd stage on an orbit insertion burn pretty comfortably

>> No.15384290
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Reminder that NASA uses bespoke expendable Alabama river rocks as a road that have to be replaced after every joyride

>> No.15384291

>as long as the investment money continues pouring in
...then they will continue burning it? You didn't finish your sentence, anon.

>> No.15384292

yes, at some it ends like all things in life

>> No.15384294

couldn't they have just used asphalt or concrete?

>> No.15384300

no :^)

>> No.15384302

what would have actually prevented them from laying down a good slab of asphalt on stabilized and hardened ground?

>> No.15384304
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x1333, ksc-20190627-ph_jbs01_0087_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> River rocks are mostly quartz, round and 3-4 inches in diameter, important features for high weight tolerances. They act as ball bearings that allow the crawler to turn with minimal issues. When the weight of the crawler rolls over the rocks, they absorb energy from compaction, helping to reduce the vibration on the surface that could cause damage to any flight hardware being transported. In addition to being easily accessible and affordable, river rock provides the right kind of support the crawler needs.

> NASA has a history of buying rocks from Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia due to their proximity to Florida. The last river rock order placed came from Jemison, Alabama for a major upgrade completed in 2014. Since then, smaller upgrades have been made as needed. In total, the crawlerway currently contains about 70,000 tons of Alabama river rock. Prior to the launch of Artemis II, the team at Kennedy will perform another major upgrade on the crawlerway.

>> No.15384305

The weight of the crawler would demolish the road I think

>> No.15384309

NASA's secret goal has been to absorb the surrounding states into florida all along.

>> No.15384323


>> No.15384326

>In addition to being easily accessible and affordable

Anyone to care to do some digging and see how many millions of dollars a tonne our good friend Shelby was billing his roggs at?

>> No.15384329

affordable, not cheap
lots of things are affordable on a multibillion dollar budget

>> No.15384330
File: 118 KB, 800x533, workers-repairing-road-shovels-fill-asphalt-driveway-repair-working-men-orange-overalls-68282353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, aren't all roads expendable?

>> No.15384333

Damn, if only there was an easier way to transport rockets nowadays.

>> No.15384334
File: 983 KB, 3252x806, broken tiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384335
File: 307 KB, 927x1200, DtiEOcPVsAAusOt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ddees was a schizo who i think is mostly associated with this graphic design.

>> No.15384338

Anyone found anymore tiles or bits of rocket? Or is it still just this one guy that found something?

>> No.15384339

Guys there was NO ONE ON BOARD

>> No.15384344

Imagine how many undercover chink spies are there grabbing all the tiles and shit.

>> No.15384345

great discussion about the launch with Reisman

>> No.15384348


>> No.15384349

its not that easy in roadery

>> No.15384354

It's like the typical realism overhaul rocket lol.

>> No.15384360

So Starship is officially the most powerful rocket ever launched, unseating the N1. Also the tallest, heaviest, most engines. Also the first fully reusable. The real question is, will Starship ever be unseated by a future rocket? If so how long?

>> No.15384362

Based boomer anon

>> No.15384370

Starship 2
2 decades

>> No.15384372

>we are in a field where every gram matters
>lets make everything much thicker and heavier than it needs to be because 3d printing

>> No.15384374
File: 1.05 MB, 1365x2048, pad_39b_flame_deflector_vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also intend to put a water deluge system on the OLM as well afaik, in fact we know more about it than the supposed steel launch pad.
I think the big question is whether they wil build an actual thrust diverter structure or if the steel pad will be enough in combination with the deluge system.

>> No.15384392

>built in leo/llo/lmo ship yards
>fusion drives
muh dic

>> No.15384393


>> No.15384395


>> No.15384405

>periodically =/= every time

No, because it's malleable even a several meter thick asphalt road would be deformed by the load.
Yes, this could be done but the expense would be huge. I was a concreter for awhile and did some heavy industrial slabs for huge machines like presses, you can make concrete thick enough to take the weight. Catch is to make it strong enough while also being 40m wide, a total of 12.3 km long & ~4m thick you are looking at ~1968000 cubic meters @ $125 per cubic meter of concrete for a cost of $321,755,852.
Compare that to rock that is only 0.1m thick on the straights and 0.2m think on the bends for 7380 cubic meters based on 0.15m average and a rock cost of $45 per cubic meter for $3,321,000.
Even if the crawlerway was single use (it's not) you would need to use it 100 times before you could justify the material cost excluding labor and reinforcement.

>> No.15384408
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So a dane is going up on crew-7 and now a swede with axiom

>> No.15384411
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>> No.15384414

>would be deformed by the load.
you don't understand the purpose of tracks then
they are designed specifically to spread out the load
the ground underneath will deform before a slab of asphalt

>> No.15384423

> Dr Garrett Reisman is a former NASA astronaut and former director of space operations at SpaceX. He says SpaceX's agility as an organisation means it is prepared to risk their rockets exploding for the sake of making faster adjustments to their ambitious projects.

Didn't hear anything new or "inside" info
rehashing well known stuff, and I guess some personal anecdotes

>> No.15384424

I fully understand the point of tracks, I also know trucks can leave tracks in asphalt on hot days.

>> No.15384426

This is the man who hosted the last Virgin Galactic flight

>> No.15384430

then dont drive over it on hot days
problem solved
it's not like they launch that often

>> No.15384434

I rate those knees 5/10

>> No.15384445

I would ravage that fuckin whore

>> No.15384446

thats a tranny

>> No.15384451

you are absolutely deranged and should seek help.

>> No.15384455

that's an improvement

>> No.15384456

>silky smooth skin
>girl fingers
>no she/her on bio
>subscribed to twitter blue
>multiple photos in a bikini
You need to go outside and learn what a woman is, anon. You're very sick

>> No.15384470

forego matters of the flesh, focus on multiplanetery conquest

>> No.15384471

There's no fucking way in hell the faggots at FAA approve this so soon with just a dirty patchwork on the launchpad. But I'll kneel if they do.

>> No.15384477


>> No.15384479

oy vey

>> No.15384484

This. I just to like him back as a child, but afterwards, he just became a washed out tool.

>> No.15384489

Hmmm how valiable would be to cover fairing with heat-resistant material/tiles, oblt it to probe and use fairing to areobrake into atmosphere of mars?

>> No.15384491

If you see a positive piece on Elon, and it's Australian, it's because the media outlet is owned by Murdoch. Not all of Murdoch media looks like FOX, but they are all owned by him nonetheless. Murdoch likes Elon, it's why FOX says nice things about him despite him being the "battery car guy", and why you almost always see positive videos about SpaceX and Elon coming out of Australia for some reason; he owns almost every major news outlet over there. It's also where he and his son hide to avoid subpoenas.

>> No.15384492


>> No.15384502


>> No.15384505

If the media is negative, its likely because they're promoting WEF propaganda about cutting off your penis, communism, pushing for war or having no freedom/liberty

>> No.15384506

Top. Men.

>> No.15384507
File: 57 KB, 512x384, main-qimg-7e619a8a8c1e6617f4899334e4c13e8c-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel tank tracks are notorious for destroying roads, you would need enormous rubber pads on the crawler to prevent damage to the asphalt and those pads would then need periodic replacement.
Really is easier to just dump gravel.

>> No.15384508

No, it's easier to get rid of the crawler and rethink how to move the vehicle. How do you think SpaceX does it? Not a giant fucking crawler made during WW2.

>> No.15384511
File: 29 KB, 148x500, 119815-168928d994b47f422af00cf636b6d3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better long-term solution might actually be railway tracks, in the same style as the N1 and other Soviet/Russian rockets.

>> No.15384513

just put rubber pads on it
or better yet what if we didnt put it on tracks but on some straight metal rods also known as rails so you can easily move it

>> No.15384518


>> No.15384519

dark soulless eyes

>> No.15384522

the fuck happened to this dude

>> No.15384541

hope that one sfg anon makes a new video. very funny were his astra and sn8-10 videos

>> No.15384543

I think he is more interested in the steel plate thing than the timeline.

>> No.15384549

Yeah, haven't seen him in a while. What was his channel?

>> No.15384555

Finns rule /sfg/

>> No.15384560
File: 39 KB, 506x548, zubrin check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nice if they had a space program. it would make the other nordics and russians seethe

>> No.15384565

My take is, they want to make sure that Raptor Table © can go under the launch mount at all times.

>> No.15384571

When FH was successful he was sucking Elon's cock, now that Elon is the mean bird man meme of his audience he bashes him non-stop, goes to show that Fox isn't the only channel kowtowing to the retarded audience

>> No.15384572

I encourage you to make a full video, also civ is based

>> No.15384574

Just launch the rocket from the factory?

>> No.15384576

it's got a marginally higher population and gdp than new zealand

>> No.15384578


>> No.15384582

Were people trolling when they said they put their life savings into astra?

>> No.15384584

Probably, but there were a lot of idiots who did invest.
I remember when estronaut did his small launcher video he may have mentioned he was invested in astra.
Tim will never not be an idiot mutt.

>> No.15384585



>> No.15384587

I don't know why they can't give them normal microphones

>> No.15384592

Where was this picture taken? Looks like western Europe

>> No.15384595


>> No.15384597

ask eric berger or jim metokur, i am no weatherman

>> No.15384599
File: 20 KB, 728x455, Saturn-I-launch-mount-overview-NASA-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Elon hate trains?
Not very Autistic of him TBQH.

>> No.15384601

Those are normal, for India.

>> No.15384603

seen too many gore vids.

>> No.15384607

well it would be destroyed on venus and skimming through the wikipedia page, yes you could probably use it, but you would probably have to tune the algorithms to take into account the massively thinner atmosphere
the wikipedia page doesn't really go into how you turn a radar measurement into precipitation etc
so I doubt they would work out of the box, but I pretty much nothing about the subject

>> No.15384610

I’ll ask Eric
Yeah I was watching a random youtube video about how to actually read a weather radar last night and this autistic storm chaser explained so much cool shit I never learned. The way reflectivity and velocity is actually reflected, and the way it interacts with so many different types of atmospheric events is very complex. Would be cool to try it somewhere that isn’t Earth

>> No.15384613

I'm pretty sure it's not a controlled item anon
If you can't make the tiles on your own, you certainly can't into raptor metallurgy

>> No.15384619


>> No.15384621

Will you be remembering this current space race led by SpaceX when you're in your 60s/70s?

>> No.15384622

This bitch and the people like them (Eric Roesch, Space Mafia, etc etc) are the lowest of the lowest. They are subhuman scum.

>> No.15384624
File: 313 KB, 452x599, Cave_johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the far future, deep within an abandoned hangar...
>Greetings friend! I'm Bob Smith, CEO of Blue Origin.
>You might know us as a vital participant in the 2021 Human Landing System procurement program and the subsequent lawsuit
>You've also most likely seen in use many of the technologies we invented, but that other people have somehow managed to steal from us.
>Spacex can eat my bankrupt-

>> No.15384625 [DELETED] 

So they launch facility is still so hazardous that there are no personnel there. Noice.

>> No.15384626

dont pretend that rat has any personality comparable to the great cave johnson

>> No.15384627
File: 255 KB, 1547x603, 1679907864877942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes a month for the concrete to cure properly. The longer, the better. In addition installing the additional steel and deluge system. Then pre flight preps like testing again full raptor booster on the pad against the new cooling system etc

3-4 months

>> No.15384631

They waited a week for the Fondaq and will probably wait a week again.

>> No.15384632

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.15384633

it made it through the full blown test burn so why not?

>> No.15384636

bob smith is like a ghost

>> No.15384637
File: 2.63 MB, 422x236, 1623423994957.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it certified kino like your average bollywood magnum opus?

>> No.15384638

why would you need to wait for the concrete to cure properly before installing the watercooled steel thingamadingdong?
it should continue to cure underneath no problem

>> No.15384639

Cave Johnson is truly one of the best characters Valve ever made.

>> No.15384640

are the protagonists always like neo or something (but the magic tricks are just something they do)

>> No.15384641

laying tracks is ass even in the swampaChica where they are now. Even more so on other worlds

>> No.15384643
File: 843 KB, 280x158, 1682175694690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what if you light another 33 raptors but upside down at the exact same time. Thr exhaust should cancel each other and spread harmlessly to the side.
I honestly can't see a downside desu

>> No.15384644

What would've happened if BO successfully patented suicide burns to reuse rockets?

>> No.15384645


>> No.15384646

because paving roads is easier than laying track even though track was hundreds of years earlier?

>> No.15384649

That's motherfucking SINGHAM son

>> No.15384650
File: 1.97 MB, 432x432, 1629204127300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? those are average indians going about their average lives

>> No.15384652
File: 155 KB, 216x280, 002830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chewing with no teeth?

>> No.15384654

Just Indian things. Banger of a track and an amazing video though.

>> No.15384656

it's called a time trial when there's only one runner

>> No.15384663

Graditim Ferociter
Where Will You Be When The Tortoise Beats The Hare?

>> No.15384665

>Where will you be
In a fairy tale

>> No.15384666
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>> No.15384671
File: 1.46 MB, 1536x864, 9F0000EA-02B9-48A6-A010-106CDF383782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northrop Grumman’s station looks nice

>> No.15384673
File: 52 KB, 1200x675, sn11prelaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep talking about not having GSE on Mars?
There is no superheavy on Mars, in fact a fully loaded starship has has ~1.4 TWR on Mars firing only 3 raptors.

It's a completely different kind of problem, we have already seen starship take off and land off concrete pads at Boca Chica, throw down a steel mat and you can takeoff no problem on Mars.

Earth based GSE needs to be able to take 1000s of 33 raptor Superheavy launches, totally different kind of problem.

>> No.15384674

that looks gay

>> No.15384675

In what way. Describe it for me.

>> No.15384680

It makes me hard.

>> No.15384685

disagree with his wrong assesment

>> No.15384691


Road clean up all night long

>> No.15384692

I watched his video on the launch recently and can't help but feel it was half assed. I think he might be wrong in his analysis of this one.

>> No.15384693

small cringe, useless, expensive modules and a inflatable
nah nigga
cramped shitbox
isnt this basically just ISS 2.0, but this time commercial?


>> No.15384702

>can't help but feel it was half assed
Manlet has been slipping for a while. Internet fame and liberal politics eroded his character

>> No.15384705
File: 1.19 MB, 1533x2048, 52807865630_f23fe4f201_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's true it's yet another sign of Starship being extremely tough and possibly overbuilt, consequence of designing for lateral loads.

>> No.15384713

Debris could've knocked out the first three engines, but it doesn't adequately explain the later failures. That coupled with the fact that not all engines worked during the static fire makes me think that the engines just weren't robust enough against the forces of launch.
Hullo seems to jump to conclusions too quickly with failures, which is reasonable when it's something simple like a second stage engine not firing, but there were so many little things going wrong here that it's hard to comprehend.

>> No.15384717

bitumen is oil based so is a reasonably modern thing vs steel. mass produced concrete also.

>> No.15384719

flying battle ship

>> No.15384725

Prepare yourself for the battle damage kino from Starships that have successfully reentered and landed. There will be many missing tiles and broken parts and STS "how tf did this thing not blow up?" moments

>> No.15384726
File: 370 KB, 1170x928, 7E1F1662-AF78-4156-902D-043F209E16C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I-for one-am shocked. Who could have seen this coming??

>> No.15384729

at least one hpu was damaged or ran dry and ruded and the second one carried on until it did the same. this was a pad failure not a sh failure, that its built like a tank and got as far as it did is a good thing.

>> No.15384732


>> No.15384737

Engine reliability might be a thing too.

>> No.15384740

who could have predicted this???

>> No.15384744

throw that much debris around a 33 commercial jet engines and see if 30 still run for two minutes.

>> No.15384745
File: 104 KB, 1536x2048, FuR6_ajWwAE1NEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15384747

These were earlier production run raptors. Could expect improvement by just fixing the launch mount and retrying.

>> No.15384749

Several of them went out as it went up. Not all of them necessarily because of damage from disintegrated pad. Some of them were running engine rich as well.

>> No.15384750

Jet engines suck things in, rocket engines only blow things out

>> No.15384752

fuck off you guys already got Gateway no one wants cuck sized modules for LEO stations

>> No.15384753

Total Doomer Death

>> No.15384756

What the fuck is a Fondag

>> No.15384759


this is kind of retarded, but maybe they modeled the effects linearly (eroding as thrust increases) and in reality there was a nonlinear step change at some point that meant the concrete shattered and exploded

>> No.15384764

You're late, but God loves us and forgives, and this tweet is proof

>> No.15384766

or one little spot breaks and the forces on the smooth surface turns into 10x the pressure lifting under the concrete surface

overall some half ass'd retardation going on

>> No.15384767

Are they fucked in the head?

>> No.15384768

could have been all sorts of damage to lines, harnesses etc
the point is the engines took a brutal beating and it still cleared the tower and most were still running. if you did that to other precision machines that are trusted daily with peoples lives they'd fail.

>> No.15384769

based schizo

>> No.15384772

Could be all sorts of things, yes, hence why I said engine reliability MIGHT be a thing.

>> No.15384775

special concrete

>> No.15384778

It was a test. They tested to see what would happen and found out. Is the concept too difficult for you?

>> No.15384780

sorry my hopium regulator is set very high since the launch.
the design is validated. fix the pad and we gaan.

>> No.15384782

There are a few actual retards at NASA, apparently

>> No.15384783

now when you think about it, its not really that weird that musk was concerned about stage 0 getting destroyed
doing the launch was very risky

>> No.15384784

Starship will launch two more times this year

>> No.15384786

They aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s fine to expect the pad to get destroyed, what’s retarded is it getting destroyed in a very predictable way where all your eggheads couldn’t predict it. No it was not a risky launch it was based

>> No.15384788

You can pour some fucking concrete in a few hours

>> No.15384790
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RGV pad damage video dropped
probably mostly pictures that have been released already though

>> No.15384796

imo they don't view boca as a long term site especially since all the environmental fuckery that will only get worse as grifters latch on, so want to spend the least amount on infrastructure while getting the most tests they can and transition to the cape.
it occurred to me in a daydream

>> No.15384799

Things actually don't look that fucked

>> No.15384800
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>> No.15384802

yeah zooming into the crater makes it look pretty bad, but really, how difficult can it be to fix?
just pour some concrete in, bring in the steel flame diverter/pad protector and launch again

>> No.15384804

They need successful launches at Boca if they expect NASA to let them use the cape.
There will probably be at least 10 launches at boca to have a few successes.

>> No.15384806
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>> No.15384809

Shattering is a threshold effect, so they probably just overestimated how high the threshold for it to happen was.

>> No.15384814

Noo you don't understand this is trivial and they're retards for getting it wrong.

>> No.15384816

>just pour in 2000 tons of concrete hehe
The whole foundation is compromised and needs to be rebuilt

>> No.15384817

The real comedy option would have been losing too many engines during startup, then after a pad abort, the whole stack tipping over and blowing up due to damage to the OLM.

>> No.15384819

oh yea they'll be there for another 5 to 10 years but if they start having to build out of the swamp with flame trenches and inclines that now need crawlers or equivalent all to be shut down every test because some 'tribe' or beetle or politically/rival motivated activist does a dust sample then throwing some steel on the ground and replacing it once every couple of launches before gtfo looks cheap.

>> No.15384820


>> No.15384821

They were incredibly lucky all things considered

>> No.15384834
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Now that the vaporized concrete has settled, this is the official mood meter reading from Starship OFT-1

>> No.15384837


>> No.15384842
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The most dangerous would have been a low TWR liftoff and progressive engine failure that brought the whole stack slamming down on the GSE, this is basically what happened with the N1.

>> No.15384843

Realistically 6 months
They'll have to repair surrounding damage, install the pad, prepare a vehicle and since tiles looked good, they might move to add payload functionality. I don't think there would be any need to rush another orbital launch attempt to test tiles/ seperation

>> No.15384844

we gaan

>> No.15384850

The issue, even assuming the structure of the pad is OK with having like 50% of the ground excavated out from under it, concrete takes a long time to set when you're pouring that much. Un-ironically weeks to months of just sitting around, and that assumes it doesn't rain.
Doubly true since they'll be using W concrete rated for water, which takes longer to set.

>> No.15384851
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>> No.15384853

what if they just pack dirt and put a small layer of concrete on top

>> No.15384854

>30 years and 50 billion dollars plus tip :)

>> No.15384862

Concrete gets most of its strength in 3 to 7 days. Definitely strong enough to build on.

>> No.15384863

Would be a much weaker setup and lead to even more cratering during a launch. What I think they ought to do is just dig one big fuckoff flame trench pointed straight at the ocean. One path for exhaust to escape, only one trench to dig and reinforce.
If I'm not mistaken I saw in a previous thread they already had material showing up to build flame diverters so it's not like they weren't planning on doing it to begin with.

>> No.15384864

lots of time to set up the water deluge and test the thrust diverter then.

>> No.15384865


>> No.15384866

in ground permanently saturated with water too

>> No.15384867

Wrong. I thought the same thing you absolute Earther.

>> No.15384868

don't think they're allowed to dig into the water table.

>> No.15384869


>> No.15384870

Bit late to worry about that now

>> No.15384874
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>> No.15384875

fucking NEPA just holds human progress back

>> No.15384876

obviously you would have the steel flame diverter/shield with circulating water on top
it just needs to be strong enough to carry the weight of the stack + the steel shield being forced down by the engines (but that can be made wide?)

>> No.15384877

How does that work? Concrete cures in the presence of water, it doesn't dry to hardness.

>> No.15384878

lol but seriously even for smaller rockets those thing things are several stories high.

>> No.15384879

Crude sketch of an ass shitting in to a microphone. The ass is labeled with the Twitter bird, and the microphone is held by a hand with the 4chan clover on it.

>> No.15384881

kek "wait for me!"

>> No.15384882

damn this guy is always so fucking salty lmao

>> No.15384883
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>> No.15384885


>> No.15384886

lol wasn't this like a year ago or something

>> No.15384887


>> No.15384888


>> No.15384890

he's malding but that's kinda funny. It's a good thing we have data to confirm that hydraulics don't like being pelted with concrete. who knew?

>> No.15384891

I think he was pissed about the steel plate not being ready

>> No.15384894

"We can either dig with excavators or dig with the rocket, either way WE'RE GAAN"
Honestly I haven't spent as much time focused on launch tower/exhaust diverter infrastructure but I do have to imagine there is a minimum size per given rocket thrust for flame diverters that would be considered safe and also reliable. Granted SpaceX probably doesn't worry so much about breaking it but if it's too small and regularly needs repairs or maintenance then it'll be a poor match for Starship which is meant to be used constantly.
Like trying to loft huge planes constantly off a short, badly maintained runway.

>> No.15384896

i sleep
Flight went as well as I expected and now we just have to wait for the next one. If OFT-2 fails to reach orbit then I will be a doomer

>> No.15384900
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here is a theory

>> No.15384901

The real data is how the engines worked/failed. Hydraulics are irrelevant because B9 and onward don't even use them

>> No.15384902


>> No.15384903
File: 285 KB, 649x980, 002838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


link to jay L.DeShetler video (slow motion liftoff, shows black debris flying past and higher Starship before it has the chance to lift up)


>> No.15384904

I guess they'll have to throw some concrete at the electric TVC to learn how that handles it.

>> No.15384907


>> No.15384908

Rapid Concrete Disassembly.

>> No.15384909

The slo mo shot is insane. The entire pad basically became a firing range

>> No.15384912

why is it flat concrete and not some sorta diverter

why did gas getting under it not be account for ? Add multiple layers like a car port to disperse the thrust

>> No.15384913


>> No.15384914

redpill me on water-cooled steel plate
what makes it strong

>> No.15384915

kind of amazing, but thanks for the laughs

>> No.15384916

Are you basing this on insider information?

>> No.15384920

crack forms -> gas gets under -> its all fucking sand that washes away -> whole concrete pad shatters -> now its thrust lifting from the edges of insufficiently thick pads built by the lowest bidder

Any retard could have built a better launch pad

>> No.15384921

Nah, thread is in an uncontrolled tumble.

>> No.15384922

Doesn't break because steel is flexible and doesn't melt because it's cooled by water. At least that's my completely uneducated guess.

>> No.15384923

The best part is no part. Sometimes you get got and have to add the part back.

>> No.15384927

Flexes under load instead of shattering, can be actively cooled, easy to build with, and SpaceX already has a shitload of it.

>> No.15384928

Helps with both heat and acoustics

>> No.15384929

How many blue whales could that fit?

>> No.15384930

Would have to be a really thiccc plate for that

>> No.15384931

>raptor ignites throttled down
>microcracks form on concrete
>gas gets under concrete
>pressure builds up slowly
>raptor full send mode
>gas pressure builds up rapidly under concrete
>concrete launches into space
>hits engines/others
>various equipments gets damaged including engines/hpv

>> No.15384933

I will, in fact, quote him on this.

>> No.15384936

The more you learn about what transpired at ignition the more crazy it is that Starship didn't fucking RUD on the pad or RUD after losing too many engines and returning to the pad shortly after liftoff

>> No.15384938

Somewhere between 1 and 1000 very lonely blue whales

>> No.15384947
File: 200 KB, 347x324, 002839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between 18-22s if you put the video back and forth you can really see a massive slab of concrete flying just briefly above the dust/sand cloud

>> No.15384951


>> No.15384959



>> No.15384984

yes, her

>> No.15384986

I literally believe that because of all the energy coming out, it fucking blew most of the shrapnel away from the vehicle. Some obviously still hit, but the vast majority of it was just hit with so much thermal energy it decided to fuck off into the ocean or try beating Starship to orbit.

>> No.15385038

Just how many salty faggots tried shorting Tesla?

>> No.15385199

May the 4th

>> No.15385288

I seriously doubt this launch had the intended thrust

>> No.15385324
