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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 319 KB, 506x433, 001249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15259905 No.15259905 [Reply] [Original]

Whats in the box edition
previous >>15256521

>> No.15259909

Jewish hands made this thread

>> No.15259910
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Is this good or bad for ksp2?

>> No.15259911
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>> No.15259913

Good, it should die with Take Two

>> No.15259916

Given the quality of the product, they don't seem to have gotten much out of whatever they were paying those guys.

>> No.15259920 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15259921

>"Dude, give up your on your independent launch system. We'll launch it for you much cheaper"
Not even the french are that retarded

>> No.15259922

>horrendous quality and poor performance due to incompetence
>delay after delay
>releases with zero content in a "pay us now and it'll get better later, we promise" plan
>senior staff leaving/bailing or getting fired by corporate overlords

I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.15259927
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Fittest /sfg/ poster

>> No.15259930
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>> No.15259934

UK was willing to risk that the americans were telling the truth because they'd borrowed so much in the war... from the americans.

>> No.15259938

kek, this. KSP devs were always over-shilled and under-competent. The game is nothing but kluge and the sequel is worse.

>> No.15259940
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> March 7th: Take-Two confirms lay-offs, Private Division not being excluded. Intercept Games' KSP2 Tech-lead Paul Furio was among the people fired in an attempt to cut costs.



the reason I ask if its good or bad, is that if that guy was truly completely incompetent, then getting someone incompetent in his position might save the game? It will be difficult but not unprecedented
or is there some underlying technical reason that game is truly fucked and should basically just be redone completely?

>> No.15259943

If it was just this guy being that incompetent, replacing him might make things turn out for the best. If it sucks because of how the project was managed, it's going to continue to be horrible.

>> No.15259948

Space is fake there is only the firmament you are falling for liberal tricks. The bible and Q told us this have you not been listening?

>> No.15259950
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>> No.15259952

JUNO chads stay winning

>> No.15259958

juno still feels unfinished, despite leaving early access
it's also a bit soulless

>> No.15259970
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I work in the industry for a certain company, AMA

>> No.15259973

Which current launch companies do you think will still be around and in business circa 2033?

>> No.15259982

how many hours a week do you work on average?

>> No.15259983

Do you guys use higher order methods for modelling stuff (I.E. higher order DG methods for CFD or higher order G for FEA) or just 2nd order like everyone else does?
Don't break NDA if that info is proprietary bla bla bla etc.

>> No.15259985

If you stuck a sticker inside a fairing at the last minute would anybody know
just for fun

>> No.15259989

Is Starship a space plane??

>> No.15259994

No. It flies ballistically, not aerodynamically. At least in principle. It hasn't flown AT ALL yet.

>> No.15259995

what industry do you work in?

>> No.15259998
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>> No.15260001

give me a job

>> No.15260002

It has flown, you goomba

>> No.15260004

Prediction now, with context:
>SpaceX (duh)
>ULA (govt gibs)
>Blue Origin (very far behind everyone else and malding the whole way, perhaps is pivoting to stuff like space stations to deconflict with saturated launch market)
>Arianespace (Eurogibs)
>Rocketlab (the farthest ahead competitor to SpaceX with the most similar mindset, depends heavily on how badly saltwater intrusion fucks their recovery strategy)
>Relativity (even if their launch services go belly up the giant 3d printers will be useful elsewhere, think hab manufacturing on the moon)
Everyone else (Astra, Stoke, ABL, etc) will go bankrupt or be absorbed into a larger conglomerate in a few years. Spinlaunch will be laughed out of the room and shunned with a scarlet A for even trying this dumb shit.

I am not an economist so take with grain of salt and do not make stock purchase choices based on this post.

>> No.15260006
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>> No.15260007
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>It hasn't flown AT ALL yet
Smartest planephobiafag

>> No.15260009

This will sound pretentious but it's true. Games are art. You're not selling toilet paper where you can just swap out an exec for not having good numbers and higher a media team to sell it. You have to integrate artistic vision in an autocratic way in order to get a good product. The video game industry as a whole suffers from this because a lot of games are just design by committee with leadership positions being swapped here and there with decisions being made by execs who only know money and not the actual artform. It's like if you had a painter making a painting, just to then tell him; being a person who knows nothing of art, what he should add and take away in the painting. Replacing the painter with a new painter here and there and then acting shocked that the end result painting is complete shit.

>> No.15260010

ULA is about to be sold man

>> No.15260012

Instead of Jesse or Tice, musk should just randomly host a F9 launch stream one day. No announcement or anything, just show up in front of the camera and fool around

>> No.15260013

On average? Bare minimum 50, last week was 65ish
Thx won't answer
Yes, inspections are incredibly thorough
No, I am a shuttle purist, disregard all my opinions only if you're a pussy
Astronautics, duh
I am not, sorry to disappoint, go back to /pol/
Apply you moron, we are sorely lacking actual talent

>> No.15260017

Pykrete launch complex

>> No.15260022

>Apply you moron, we are sorely lacking actual talent
lol, not the talent you want if he has to be told

>> No.15260025

>Thx won't answer
lame, I get it though. Ah well. Can you at least answer if you guys use a proprietary turbulence model or do you guys just use something like k-omega SST or LES, or is that also something you can't answer? I'm curious from an academic perspective since that's the field I focus on.

>> No.15260026

Government gibs will preserve at least the service that the company provides, which is competent access to space that isn't SpaceX. U.S. needs to remain redundant in order to maintain a competitive advantage against peers i.e. China. Chinese are starting to realize this and diversifying their launch companies, but A: they are almost all puppets of Xi's government and B: focused too narrowly on launch and not enough on space stations/deep space craft.

>> No.15260028

All my worries would just melt away.

>> No.15260029

Could /sfg/ buy ULA?

>> No.15260039

(Sus) Imposter syndrome is a real thing and has prevented many excellent people from applying to this company, they simply think they just can't make the cut. We have too little time and too much to do to gatekeep prospective employees. If you can add value to the solution, and survive the burnout, then you should be working here.
I really shouldn't be answering this. I understand your academic curiosity, but you should seriously consider moving to the private sector to A: make more money and B: work on REAL shit that isn't limited to a paper forgotten about in 2 years and rediscovered in 20.

>> No.15260044

In theory, yes
In reality, we can’t pool that much money so no

>> No.15260045

Memes aside about SLS for NSSL, isn't that confirmation that Boing is dumping ULA? Otherwise they'd want to back Vulcan. Not saying I expected otherwise, just interesting.

>> No.15260047

Yeah, that's probably my plan tbdesu. I just had a hard on for numerical methods in undergrad and decided to go where that took me. At least it pads my resume kek.

>> No.15260050

Yes, funds are being transferred as we speak

>> No.15260054


>Arab world has its own share of flat earthers/spaceflight deniers


>> No.15260056

Based. Some of them are smarter than we think.

>> No.15260057

My first act as CEO of ULA would be to rename Vulcan to Delta V.
My second act would be to fire everyone and shut it all down.

>> No.15260059

What are you doing on /sfg/ if you think manned spaceflight/ISS is a hoax??

>> No.15260065

Collecting money from the SPLC to discourage space flight so the money can be spent on more beneficial programs in the inner city.

>> No.15260066

kek. Have you been shilling walkable cities to the youths as well?

>> No.15260067

Yes. We need you to be in close proximity to diverse individuals without the ability to tune them out from inside the safety bubble of an automobile.

>> No.15260069

Postgrad work and published papers will probably land you in R&D if you have any experience in industry or with proper manufacturing. If you really want to do cutting edge stuff you're on the right path, I do recommend building as much stuff as you can with your hands however. Theory and analysis only gets you so far when things eventually have to be built; being able to translate books into metal is INCREDIBLY valuable and people who know how to do that will be fiercely competed over.

>> No.15260072


JAXA Chief Engineer Clear posts her initial fault-tree analysis of H-3 Test Flight launch failure

>> No.15260073

Retards are everywhere, and for some apparent reason, even more so in non-native English speaking countries.

>> No.15260075

Science may never know the reason why.

>> No.15260081

I have applied, I got turned down

>> No.15260083

>An abmormality of the power system near the SEIG
That's a bit of a red flag, given the SRB ignition failure that scrubbed the first attempt. Not sure what the "SEIG" is supposed to be though.

>> No.15260086

I applied 14 times before I got my position at The Company. You have to *want* it, bad. If you aren't passionate then we don't care about you, work for Raytheon or something.

>> No.15260089
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>> No.15260091

I love her, she's so technical during her livestreams.

>> No.15260098

What would be the isp of liquid semen and liquid oxygen?

>> No.15260103

How the fuck you gonna combust cum, even with O2 added

>> No.15260105

Yeah, I do my fair share of work in the machine shop. Did a lot in my undergrad working on extracurricular projects and I'm trained to work a mill and a lathe. Should probably get my CNC cert at some point too since I know gcode anyways. I'm not a 100% buried in the books academic kek.

>> No.15260109
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>> No.15260113

Clear is spaceflight related

>> No.15260114
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>> No.15260119
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Do you think Virgin Orbit effectively utilized girl power by funneling money to dead-end smallsat launch programs?

>> No.15260120

RIP why is this game in perpetual pain

>> No.15260121

They need to be sued for false advertising. The company must change its name to Roastie Orbiters.

>> No.15260125

>lacking talent
In what? Do you need a degree?

>> No.15260128

We will never have airline styled space travel, will we /sfg/?

>> No.15260130

not airline style, but spaceline style

>> No.15260133

I have two and got denied for an entry level one idk

>> No.15260141
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I work at Area 51 AYY division. AMA

>> No.15260145

electrogravitics when

>> No.15260149

Great, you'll be a good fit if you're persistent
You have to have persistence and drive. Self experience helps too; start doing high power rocketry on your ownsome rather than as part of a university club, it's important to demonstrate versatility, resourcefulness, and breadth of knowledge.
You aren't persistent enough, we have thousands of applicants and tens of recruiters.

>> No.15260150
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Listening to the Mass Effect Andromeda soundtrack just to feel something

>> No.15260181

Because the higher-ups who control KSP's development are tyranical pieces of shit who sucked up 99% of KSP1's budget and developer-wages to go make a fucking film or something

and KSP1 still ended up a great game anyway

>> No.15260189
File: 654 KB, 1170x649, DE7CA03B-3C20-4E79-8EA4-A768794F89A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A spacesuit prototype of what NASA astronauts, including the first woman, plan to wear on the surface of the Moon during the agency’s Artemis III mission, is set for reveal during a televised event hosted by Axiom Space beginning at 10:30 a.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. CDT) Wednesday, March 15, from Space Center Houston in Texas.
So what the fuck was the point of the xemu

>> No.15260191

KSP2 is not Clear

>> No.15260193
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Could it have worked today?

>> No.15260195

At being retarded? Could work flawlessly

>> No.15260197

>including the first woman
We live in Babylon.

>> No.15260198

The xEMU was supposed to be the suit but it looks fat and gay so NASA is looking for alternatives that look at least as cool as an A7L.

>> No.15260201

>11 days until the 20th
we're not going to make it...

>> No.15260203
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>at least as cool as an A7L.
A7LB was lightning in a bottle, we will never have such a cool spacesuit ever again

>> No.15260204

Kek yeah

>> No.15260205
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>> No.15260210
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>> No.15260211

How many fucking appositive phrases can they shove in one sentence

>> No.15260216
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>> No.15260220

>Here we report evidence of superconductivity on a nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride with a maximum Tc of 294K at 10kbar, that is, superconductivity at room temperature and near-ambient pressures.

>> No.15260221

mmmm thinking about dem roggs

>> No.15260222


>> No.15260223

It's the same lying pajeet as last time sadly.

>> No.15260224

That's hard-news writing today. Cram all the details into the first sentence because people don't have the attention span to read on.

>> No.15260225
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big rog

>> No.15260228

damn I didn't know the moon had roggs that big

that's a big rog indeed

>> No.15260229
File: 1.79 MB, 3880x3924, as16-114-18439~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats it staring at there ain't no rogs up there

>> No.15260230

Low mobility be damned, the Apollo/Skylab suits had that drip

>> No.15260231
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gotta go find me sum more roggs

>> No.15260232

I am not a schizo but these unironically look fake

>> No.15260233
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>big rock pile here houston
>ahhh yea we concur

>> No.15260236
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>noo why don't the pictures from the surface of the moon look like pictures from Earth that I'm used to!!! nooo

>> No.15260241

The sky is completely missing, of course it looks slightly off

>> No.15260243
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Hell yeah, this one sorta does too, but I think its xEMU not Axiom's

>> No.15260249
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I'm glad they remembered the sun shield visors though, they're gonna need that on the South Pole a lot

>> No.15260250
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>Apollo/Skylab suits had that drip

>> No.15260251

>I'm glad they remembered the sun shield visor
Why have I never heard of this until now. That is so much soul

>> No.15260253
File: 954 KB, 1169x2283, 4A0ED6C2-FF99-476C-B0DE-6BA6E63AEDE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a spare shuttle suit, I took the pic myself actually lol

>> No.15260255

I saved it cause it looks so damn cool, full of soul, like what it would look if NASA went back to the moon in the 80-90's

>> No.15260258

I cannot imagine industry using high-order DG, combustion folks still use high-order FD and aero folks still use second-order FV.

>> No.15260261

>Barycentre lies within the liposphere
>Hydrostatic rounding
Absolutely planetary

>> No.15260263

Am 22, my uncle makes lots of 1/8th or lower scale gas planes
Have been obsessed with the me163 lately
Eventually will do some of my own stuff when I get my hands on tooling and figure out how to get chemicals
I want to get some helium and figure out how to make scale envelopes
Maybe one day, I dropped out of CS last year at 3.5 years cause I won't pass calc 2 and can't waste any more money right now on endless undergrad
Optimizing KSP playthroughs right now tho

>> No.15260264
File: 3.51 MB, 4032x3024, 5C2C4A61-07F8-4AD3-801C-C7841E5E727C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it’s slick

>> No.15260276

Peter Diamandis is such a fraud lmao

>> No.15260277

Can only hope Axiom suit looks half as cool (it won't)

>> No.15260280

I really got scammed into watching some shitty small launch live stream full of californians and transvestites all day

>> No.15260285

I finally have some extra cash and I want to invest in SpaceX. Is there a way to do this? I have around $10k I can spare.

>> No.15260289

any particular reason?
singularity university did seem like something you would do to sell useless courses to idiots though (the name itself always gave me weird vibes)

>> No.15260290

not for you
you probably at minimum need to be an accredited investor (200k yearly income or 1mil net worth) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/accreditedinvestor.asp
on top of this, you would have to get in touch with some people that are already investors or want to pool their money and invest or something like this

>> No.15260292

He strikes me as an incredibly lazy person who believes simply throwing money at a problem will make progress. I can't tell if it's malice or what. Can anyone tell me a single thing that the XPRIZE has actually accomplished directly?

>> No.15260297

scanning through the list, the answer is basically nothing
maybe SpaceShipOne that got then developed into SpaceShipTwo of Virgin Galactic, but is that anything really? suborbital joyrides, is there any technical developments that are going to help in other areas?
at least we know spaceplanes suck


>> No.15260298

some of the lunar xprise competitors are have launched moon landers or are in the clps program. i dont think any have succeeded yet

>> No.15260406

>confirmed ahhhh
>yes, confirmed, those are roggs, over

>> No.15260407

Eh I could see higher order DG for shock capturing and also for very turbulent flows. With the current turbulence models in commercial packages you really can't expect very accurate solutions when you've got cases like an aircraft in a complete stall or flow separation off of an airfoil in transonic flow at high AoA, which I guess aren't such a big problem with rocketry. They also take forever to run, I could get away with much less DOF with DG, particularly with curved elements when dealing with complex geometries. And as to shock capturing with FVM, at least in my experience it's been a struggle to get a converged solution worth more than just a pretty picture, unless you are using a more dissipative flux but then you're using a more dissipative flux.

>> No.15260425

My wife and I make around $400k/yr combined, but almost half of that is in options from our companies so it's better to just leave that where it is. I don't have a lot of cash on hand right now because we just bought a house and are buying another car soon.

>> No.15260431

In that case I think you are accredited (300k yearly combined income), but not sure if 10k is enough capital

>> No.15260439

>mass replyfag doesn't know about >>>/vg/

>> No.15260445

>few days
hope it's delayed 11 days so we get starship first

>> No.15260449

Starship isn't happening this month

>> No.15260451
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Gemini (pronounced Geminee with a hard G) or fuck off

>> No.15260452

shut the FUCK up

>> No.15260457

So lets say you make $400K, but 200K is options. That leaves you with $200K a year. How many years have you been working? If you worked 5 years with that yearly amount, you would have had ~$1M dollars. Suppose you pay $500K for a house in hard cash (stupid). Suppose you pay $100K in cash for 2 $50K cars. Suppose you pay $50K a year in other daily expenses. That leaves you with $150K atleast. Now for the next 5 years, without buying expensive house, you're left with $750K (minus the $50K a year in spending). If you buy 2 new $50K car, while totaling the older cars and selling it for $0, you're left with $650K

>> No.15260471

what he said >>15260452

>> No.15260491

so I'm thinking may/june for SS orbital attempt

>> No.15260492

Elon said its next month or the month after

>> No.15260508

Elon talked about it a few days ago


>> No.15260526

The science boost from the static fire will have faded by then

>> No.15260534


>> No.15260567

Not quite right

>> No.15260603


>> No.15260607

No shit.

>> No.15260615

What is this supposed to mean? I don't know enough about history to understand the analogy.

>> No.15260623

An early great civilization. Jews seethe about it in their Jew Book because they were captured there and required to work for a living.

>> No.15260646

It was the ancient version of the globohomo. They conquered a lot of neighboring kingdoms and then forcibly migrated their populations around to dilute resistance + made their subjects do humiliating things to demoralize them.

>> No.15260655

like what?

>> No.15260666

Stealing their idols and filling their temples with foreign gods, performing humiliating public rites, making their ruling elites into slobbering yes-men and importing foreigners to rule over the population. Are you starting to see the parallels?

>> No.15260685

That seethe is the real reason Bush 1 and 2 were encouraged to knock over Iraq.

>> No.15260697

the jews were the good guys in the story

>> No.15260699

which is why they're deliberately inflicting it on the goyim now as revenge

>> No.15260717
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Why would you be a fan of SLS?


>> No.15260719
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>> No.15260720
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she deserves it

>> No.15260721

He has a perfectly spherical head.

>> No.15260723

is it just contrarianism? I think I've seen that a bit,
some autists being contrarian to get attention or something I guess

>> No.15260724

Well, if they need something that heavy or that large put into space, it would make sense, but that's a very big precondition.

>> No.15260727

That's like 80% of /pol/ these days.

>> No.15260744

The guy is absolutely delusional.

>> No.15260745

he's just trollin xD

>> No.15260753
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Recycle tomorrow?

>> No.15260754

he has a youtube channel dedicated to SLS
but I guess it could be trolling about this specific thing, kind of doubt it though

>> No.15260755

SLS* would unironically be a great rocket to launch deep space probes with.

* Block II, if it ever happens

>> No.15260756


>> No.15260757

If SLS block 2 is considered great, is Starship supposed to be considered Godly?

>> No.15260758
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>> No.15260759

how many billions is that per launch? lol

>> No.15260760

Post depictions of spacesuits

>> No.15260761

he is an SLS fan for the same reason Thunderf00t is an Elon hater. Attention, likes, views, notoriety, feeling of superiority, getting a rise out of people. They have a place saved against the wall

>> No.15260767
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>> No.15260772
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>> No.15260776

I'd rape that.

>> No.15260778

Why do I want to fuck her so bad?

>> No.15260781

it's an AI trained on porn

>> No.15260793

*machine learning algorithm

>> No.15260796

that suit has holes where there should not be holes

>> No.15260801

future games are going to be so damn good
all the artwork can be just done procedurally like this and be on par with great artists

>> No.15260800
File: 470 KB, 512x512, cocksuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15260803


>> No.15260805
File: 297 KB, 600x404, 001294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15260808

Gaming is dead and soulless, just like computer-generated """art""".

>> No.15260811

this art has more soul than a lot of shit I see
AI is going to be more creative than humans

>> No.15260812
File: 339 KB, 1439x1432, c853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the artwork can be just done procedurally like this and be on par with great artists
Diginal goyslopper.

>> No.15260818

You will never be human. You will always be a corporate-programmed demoralization drone.

>> No.15260819
File: 52 KB, 611x738, DByRkouXgAEKQ-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procedurally generated story, dialogue, voice, art, animation
its going to be so based
keep seething and coping art trannies

>> No.15260822

Machine learning algorithms are incapable of "creativity".

>> No.15260824

Literally mindless and meaningless goyslop to entertain insectoids.

>> No.15260826


>> No.15260828

So it's pretty much on par with modern art.

>> No.15260829

Sir. Please return to your containment zone. This is the space thread.

>> No.15260831

See >>15260818

>> No.15260836

There's plenty of good art being produced right now.

>> No.15260837

Threadly reminder not to acknowledge the narrative of the anti-human drone brigade. You are emboldening these subhumans.

>> No.15260838

learn to code, might have a useful skill a bit longer than drawing some pictures

>> No.15260840

You will ever be human. You will always be a nonsentient drone vomiting Microsoft propaganda all over the place.

>> No.15260841

yeah like this >>15260772
produced by AI lmao

>> No.15260842

Just kill yourself, it accomplishes the same thing

>> No.15260845

The problem with programming borderline-nonsentient subhumans like you to do the corporate bidding is that they lack qualia so they can't see it when the "art" they shill is trash.

>> No.15260852

enjoying a good game every now and then is the same as killing myself? lol
this tech is not going away, its just going to get better and better
seething about it is not going to change that

>> No.15260853

He's got a good point. You should kill yourself.

>> No.15260855

I mean real art made by humans, dumb-dumb. Machine learning algorithms can't even make anything without being fed shittons of human-sourced training data, and what they make is forever limited to being agglomerations of what they've been fed and trained on.

>> No.15260856
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 1427893114263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artcels on suicide watch due to a few simple words lmaoo

>> No.15260860
File: 142 KB, 750x1000, 1678357801812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15260863

NPCs cannot comprehend why people would want to create things or appreciate things created by others.

>> No.15260864

so just like humans? what do you think creativity even is?
thinking that machines can't be creative is truly turbocope, that its some kind of magical power that only humans can possess? why would it?
its nothing more than cope

>> No.15260865

You will never be human. The more you lash out against imaginary artists, the clear you make it that you are a corporate-programmed anti-human demoralization shill.

>> No.15260869

you are free to create things and other people are free to appreciate it, but that is going to be something akin to enjoying a handcrafted table or something
marginal, mostly for sentimental reasons

>> No.15260870

You will never have qualia. Some cherrypicked AI """art""" makes for pretty good fakery of actual art, but I've never seen one of your crew produce such an example. You always post dogshit which again goes to expose you.

>> No.15260871

? enjoy your drugs junkie fuck

>> No.15260875

Your handlers will not be free to continue gobbling up human art and creating infinite fakes based on it.

>> No.15260876

won't be long until AI will be able to copy anyone style and create an infinite amount of indistinguishable art

>> No.15260879

said the horse to the car

>> No.15260882

Your corporate narrative doesn't matter. You and your crew confirm yourselves as qualialess drones every time you try to post your examples of AI "art" and it turns out to be utter shit.

>> No.15260883

>so just like humans?
No. Humans have minds, emotions, and creativity. Algorithms in a computer don't.

>> No.15260885

Your corporate narrative doesn't matter. You will never be human and your handlers are losing control over the political system. Won't be long before your likes end up in concentration camps for all the social ills they sow.

>> No.15260886

Art is purely sentimental.

>> No.15260887

Reminder not to acknowledge the narratives of the anti-human corproate drones.

>> No.15260888

why should i go to space when i can just hook my cock up to my apple iSuckmaster and project hyperrealistic child porn directly into my brain, fully experiencing even the most subtle sensations of fucking children? Tell me why I should care about going to space then?

>> No.15260889

You won't be able to care about anything because of the icepick in your skull

>> No.15260893


>> No.15260896

It's foreshadowing the booster catch mishap in the season finale

>> No.15260898

AI replacement fetishism comes from the same place as troon worship.

>> No.15260900

He is forced to recycle old memes because he has failed utterly. They had to recall the Dragon capsule

>> No.15260902

because going to space is cool

>> No.15260907

its realism

>> No.15260909

Technology is for improving ourselves, not degenerating into hedonism and delusion.

>> No.15260912

technology is agnostic to our values and desires nigga

>> No.15260913

The fact is the average NPC will gladly and enthusiastically plug into the matrix and never leave, for the real world too harsh and false reality too enticing. A drip feed and perpetual digital AI curated utopia will placate the majority of humanity. You better hope we merge with machines or birth superintelligence that carries the torch. You and I are finished either way

>> No.15260914

Incorrect, because technology is our creation. It does not exist independent of humanity.

>> No.15260916

the concept of steel exist independent of us
or are you saying that aliens can't have technology?

>> No.15260917

humanity is degenerate

>> No.15260918

>Losers will plug into a computer and die
Sounds like a very swift and Darwinian solution to NPCs. One generation and they're exterminated.

>> No.15260919

Let me put it this way: if every incel, troon and soi-chugging woketard on this planet god abducted by aliens tonight, the number of AI-related posts would drop by 95% by tomorrow and the number of AI-replacement-fetishizing posts would drop by 100%. Your agenda is clearly not organic and the only people on that bandwagon are spiteful, dysgenic freaks.

>> No.15260920

then the majority can stay in that matrix, who gives a shit?
you don't need many not to want to do that and that would still mean humanity expands to space

>> No.15260921

The assertion can be slightly modified to include xenosophonts. It is an irrelevant nitpick.

>> No.15260923

back to pol you contrarian faggot

>> No.15260924

kek. 100% this

>> No.15260925

Why should we spend trillions of gigawatts on simulating fake worlds for Nietzsche's "Last Men"? Just kill them in their pods with a swift claw hammer blow. Not like they'd notice you coming.

>> No.15260927

You can lose your mind with rage but no one can dispute what I just said. It's always that sort of "person". Every time. Post jaw and prove me wrong. You won't because you're a miserable incel.

>> No.15260928

This should be the plot of a novel

>> No.15260929

sfg - suck and fuck general

>> No.15260934

Do any spacebros know proper engineering knowledge?

>> No.15260941

no need for it. AI is going to replace engineers soon so i don't have to worry about getting filtered anymore

>> No.15260942

Lmao okay nigger

>> No.15260944

back to pol you dumb luddite. AI is going to replace engineering retards in a year or two max

>> No.15260945

kind of presumptuous to think you have any say in what the power is being used for and that you can effect the power use by running around with a hammer

>> No.15260946

NTA but post jaw, incel.

>> No.15260947

saying that technology and the motivation for its use or the specific application are somehow inherently linked are simply wrong
steelworking is steelworking, whether you want to make tools or weapons with it, a fucking dildo, build a high-rise

>> No.15260949

We only work steel because steel is useful for fulfilling our needs and wants.

>> No.15260950

you are a fearful luddite, but any amount of coping and seething like this isn't going to slow it down

>> No.15260951

Post jaw, incel. How come your sort of talk always comes from receding jaws?

>> No.15260952

kys pedo

>> No.15260955

your christcuck moral judgments are irrelevant, luddite. the future of law is AI and AI doesn't believe in arbitrary age limits

>> No.15260959

in a sense this is already happening

>> No.15260961

You could destroy a nuclear reactor and kill millions with a hammer.

>> No.15260964

I would rather kill millions with a hammer than destroy a nuclear reactor that never hurt anyone

>> No.15260986
File: 271 KB, 521x512, 001295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"VR junkies could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this server hall before. There could be VR junkies anywhere". The cool air from the server hall fans felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE VR JUNKIES" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his helmet, making it pulsate even as the 9 satoshi artificial ethanol mixture circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of podders after the dimming of lights. "With a hammer, you can kill anyone you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.15260993

the "J" sound is the soft G

>> No.15261013

it'll still be a man behind the microphone

>> No.15261019


>> No.15261020

why bother? just let the ai do that too

>> No.15261028
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1600958279545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261045

I definitely think Boeing is sharing its ULA share because it'd be competing with DST. Northrop Grumman might have even made their exit from ULA part of the deal to set up the joint venture.

>> No.15261046
File: 43 KB, 501x503, 1677141114808329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have posted that AI generated pic if I knew you guys would go full retard like this

>> No.15261049

shut the fuck up already, luddite. your space thread is irrelevant. AI is going to replace aerospace engineers in 2 years tops

>> No.15261057

When is next newspace startup going to pop up that uses AI as its buzzword selling point (like relativity uses 3D printing)?

>> No.15261089

It's not Jemineye, it's Geminee

>> No.15261091
File: 36 KB, 670x720, roman_dumitru_popescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing ARCA GPT AI
now available on steam

>> No.15261093

AI generated eccentric founder

>> No.15261100
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, danger1024px-WIPP_-_Small_Subsurface_Markers.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15261105

>Implying we shouldn't use the """radioactive waste""" in a reactor

>> No.15261114
File: 330 KB, 800x1201, repositoryWarning800px-WIPP_Large_Surface_Marker_-_Repository_Footprint.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15261147
File: 74 KB, 1000x900, 1678365628180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261214

>implying English will be readable for anywhere near that long
also those are some shitty wojaks you have there

>> No.15261248

It's an actual government thingamabob. Comes in Chinese, Arabic, and a bunch of other languages including Navajo. Fuck knows why they're so scared of some special rocks.

>> No.15261249

Thanks for reminding me I need to go back to Asia.

>> No.15261252

>I work
That's a very generous assessment.

>> No.15261259

hello /sfg/, been about half a year since i posted here.
heard there was a scrub from relativity yesterday

>> No.15261278

Scrubs not ruds. Space is hard. Hehehe.

>> No.15261282

my conspiracy theory was that some anti nuclear fags decided to that they could cripple nuclear power if they put huge amounts of red tape and expenses around where and how you dump waste. Keeping the waste silo safe for 'a million years' was just a way to shut it down without actually shutting it down. I suspect there was some embarrassment when some other group actually took it seriously.

>> No.15261284

the constellation is jemineye, but for some reason they pronounced it jeminee at NASA.

>> No.15261294

Without any exaggeration or chance of error, he is a retarded pedophile.

>> No.15261305

It's simply a joke. The water is hitting the wrong side of the rocket and missing the fire. If it was an intentional action it would be extremely stupid, but of course it isn't. That's the joke.

>> No.15261341

fuckign kek

>> No.15261415

Thats exactly what it is, it's not quite subtle.

>> No.15261475

New road closures for Friday (with Monday or Tuesday as backup).

>> No.15261478

I really dont wanna hear a damn thing unless it's a license approval

>> No.15261480

2 weeks

>> No.15261482

if future humans are too dumb to decipher those messages they sure a fuck will be too dumb to dig that deep

>> No.15261489
File: 47 KB, 850x475, Electricity-generation-in-France-by-source-2015-IEA-2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile based France:

>> No.15261492
File: 387 KB, 1170x827, 132F6306-0B3A-4C58-A346-9B91FE387665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk anon, slavs dug the kola superdeep borehole

>> No.15261493


6 hrs until SpaceX launch

>> No.15261497
File: 3.08 MB, 1152x2048, TeslaOptimus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically enjoy AI art. It's some of the most beautiful imagery I've ever seen

>> No.15261500
File: 256 KB, 896x1280, Fp4qDbpaMAAZOjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261508

France in its entire existence has never been based

>> No.15261513


>> No.15261536

expanded the image to look for extra fingers, wasn't disappointed

>> No.15261550
File: 89 KB, 512x512, astronaut board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261563

Shocking. Does it also apply to Clear?

>> No.15261567
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, FqyjFmoXwAAGVRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15261569

iirc that vtuber used a voice changer/artificial voice

Clear clearly doesn't

>> No.15261572

listening to her cry gets me rock hard wtf is wrong with me

>> No.15261594
File: 694 KB, 720x717, 1676061225379131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany has 5x the renewable energy infrastructure as California
>Is now burning lignite coal for 75% its energy production
>Continues plans to shut remaining nuclear reactors

>> No.15261601

It's out

>> No.15261602

>Germany has 5x the renewable energy infrastructure as California
so why isn't it as green a CA?

>> No.15261619


>> No.15261623

german """green""" activists groups think nuclear is bad

>> No.15261626

*tells populace to use less electricity because half the reactors are in maintenance or otherwise shut off*

>> No.15261629

It's out

>1 hour+
its loong

>> No.15261633

cool video, todd

>> No.15261672
File: 1.99 MB, 400x209, KSPmemee50ee2cab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should make more dank sfg memes haha

>> No.15261676

German "greens" are just Gazprom shills. No sane person would claim to care about environmental and at the same time fight nuclear power.

>> No.15261681

I honestly think that it's okay to leave the sites of nuclear waste burial without future proof markings. If the people who find it both don't know what radiation is and have the technology to dig up the waste, then they are about to make a significant breakthrough in physics.
>Captcha: 0XHGAY

>> No.15261705

we should probably make the storage locations look really inviting and innocuous

>> No.15261731


>> No.15261745

Germany only with a legislative nightmare was able to keep the last two running to the end of the winter.

>> No.15261804
File: 108 KB, 1200x900, post_any_time_someone_mentions_france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261805

the problem is that you're gay

>> No.15261822

You're completely brainmelted bro. sad to see

>> No.15261833

Now post the British PM

>> No.15261845

New White House budget just dropped
27.2 billion dollars, up a billion from last year probably because of that launcher platform fuckup

I detect Harris's ghostly NSC hand in this, because Biden doesn't give a fuck about the space program

>> No.15261847

>b7 is getting scrapped
why dont they want to launch? wtf is going on

>> No.15261848
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261850

doesn't seem like Harris gives a shit about the space program either

>> No.15261852

She doesn't, but the people who operate her like a puppet do

>> No.15261853
File: 173 KB, 800x387, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely this is FAA's fault....

>> No.15261856
File: 45 KB, 280x275, BIDEN_POG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love space Jack

>> No.15261863

>Harris watches For All Mankind
>"We could have fusion power and sci fi tech if we just gave NASA more money? Why aren't we doing this?"
Government by streaming services

>> No.15261868

Biden is literally the best space president we've had retard

>> No.15261872

He didn't argue against Obama's NASA budget cuts every year of his presidency because...?

>> No.15261877
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, obama-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knew oldspace was still in charge. He kept them from getting more pork

>> No.15261879


>> No.15261880

the Trump presidency committed to giving NASA an extra $1b every year and so far the Biden admin has stuck to it. They've basically just kept all space policy from the Trump admin. They even kept the 2024 moon landing goal for a while.

>> No.15261883

do you have any with petite freckled redhead elves in space

>> No.15261891

unfortunately I cannot stop myself from degenerating into hedonism and delusion please help

>> No.15261895

>Up a billion
That's called adjusting for inflation.

>> No.15261898

NASA shouldnt exist

>> No.15261900

Why not?

>> No.15261906

>the Trump presidency committed to giving NASA an extra $1b every year
Not really. The Trump admin Presidential request proposed cuts in FY2018 and 2020.

>> No.15261911

B1062.13 LZ-1 RTLS coming up soon. OneWeeb launch

>> No.15261913

>b7 is getting scrapped

>> No.15261916
File: 2.44 MB, 250x250, wow-fucking-nothing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Biden administration’s budget framework, released March 9, proposed increasing NASA’s budget by 7% from the nearly $25.4 billion the agency received in fiscal year 2023, roughly keeping pace with inflation.
>roughly keeping pace with inflation.

>> No.15261922

20 min vent

>> No.15261924

shut up, chud.

>> No.15261932


Holy based

>> No.15261935

You'd better be posting from a satellite phone

>> No.15261936
File: 93 KB, 559x581, 1584559720921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS rebuilt as a yellow schoolbus when?

>> No.15261940

T-12 minutes for Falcon 9 launching OneWeb. This will be an RTLS.

>> No.15261949

No i just woke up and too lazy to wait to post from pc lol

>> No.15261954

Oneweb is not much of a competitor, too little bandwidth

>> No.15261955

Every single one of these launches is another million dollars Roscosmos doesn't make with a Soyuz

>> No.15261959

Probably closer to $20 million, if they're pricing it at something like $10 million profit margin per launch and given that they need two Soyuz to launch the same number of satellites.

>> No.15261974

Its primary purpose is so they can have their own GNSS too, and I think there were also some UK business interests in it.

>> No.15261975

one thing to remember: launch failures have tended to come in threes

>> No.15261978
File: 475 KB, 332x292, launch-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15261979


>> No.15261981

slow and majestic takeoff today! must be heavy

>> No.15261982


>> No.15261984

The payload is a modest percentage of any Falcon 9 liftoff. If it's slow, it's because they're going at a lower throttle.

>> No.15261986

Are low throttle launches part of their refurbishment master plan?

>> No.15261989

Of course!

>> No.15261996
File: 237 KB, 556x404, rtls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target acquired, incoming RTLS

>> No.15262001

The Falcon has landed. SECO-1, One Webs are in orbit.

>> No.15262002

Another successful landing

take my grudgepost

>> No.15262003

Looked a bit bumpy. I guess we don't always have such a good view of the actual touchdown though.

>> No.15262004

Damn, I love RTLS

>> No.15262005

Their coverage is just so much better than everyone else, these livestreams are insanely good.

>> No.15262010

different space jams at long last

>> No.15262012
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 1637763771199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get over how cool these things are. They fly up into near orbit and then just casually come back down onto a tiny landing pad like it's nothing

>> No.15262014

that was sweet

>> No.15262016

I will eat the crow, and I will be happy!

>> No.15262017

Practice and experience. They are at how many missions/livestreams now? Closing on 200?

>> No.15262023

This was the 177th recovery, so probably like two months until 200

>> No.15262034

My point is that they've been doing livestreams before they even attempted landings. Plus they also had streams for Starship testing. And if you add all the times they've scrubbed, it's a lot of livestreams.

>> No.15262041

It amazes me how major institutions like NASA have worse coverage than SpaceX

>> No.15262044

If you're a media production specialist, your first thought isn't "I'm going to go work for the government"

>> No.15262056
File: 25 KB, 595x314, 001296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Full terraforming gang. GO

>> No.15262058

same in Switzerland. The Green Party canceled the construction of any new nuclear plants. Big win for Oil

>> No.15262062


>> No.15262070


>> No.15262072

I think there have actually been found links between oil corporations and enviromental groups that oppose nuclear

>> No.15262074

They also enjoy boosting solar and wind because natural gas plants are built as backups for those

>> No.15262079

Yeah natural gas fills in when as solar and win vary. But this can also be done by hydro

>> No.15262081

Why? I like it how it is. You don't go scuba diving and think, "man I wish I could just breathe the water like it was air".

>> No.15262082

They also increase the duration of the fossil fuel era for as long as possible because of how painfully slow and expensive a solar and wind based grid buildout is. They are why we are living in energy clown world.

>> No.15262085

yes, but funnily enough the tech in batteries is getting cheap enough now that they are getting disrupted
solar and wind weren't really dead end technologies, like hydrogen was (and is) for ground transport
should have probably picked some other tech to shill
massive amount of solar and wind built in a retarded way (not enough storage or build in a way so the intermittencies cover eachother) is kind of a disaster for germany though

>> No.15262087

Why the fuck you lyin'? Go to the deserts of the United States and you won't want anything but pictures. Fuck pictures, you can't do anything with those. Make Mars a good place to be, not an interesting sight to see once.

>> No.15262093

What are you talking about anon? I want to live there. Deserts are cool and I'd like to live in one if I could. Since I'm probably never going to space, my dream is to move somewhere extremely remote and inhospitable and try to become somewhat self-sufficient. It's a pipe dream yeah, but still.

>> No.15262096

Germany also doesn't have the mountains to store all that unpredictable power from solar and wind. the only realistic thing Germany(and England) can do to become green is go nuclear like France

>> No.15262100
File: 2.52 MB, 1374x962, GravityBatterySwitzerland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithium-ion cannot compete

>> No.15262105

They could pay the Swizz to rape their mountains.

>> No.15262125

OneWeb sats starting to deploy

>> No.15262134
File: 36 KB, 143x143, 001297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262137
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2023-03-09_15-17-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside SpaceX IVA

>> No.15262138

JAXA mogged

>> No.15262140


>> No.15262142

12/14 deployed satellites have been confirmed to work, the rest of the stack is going to start deploying in like 1h

>> No.15262150



>> No.15262155
File: 1.90 MB, 1000x1500, old_shepard_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15262157

I remember when she had around 100 ccv.

>> No.15262158


>> No.15262168

CLD is a fucking mess, what the hell. Is it a lack of competent companies? Or vague project goals?
Or both

>> No.15262174


>> No.15262177

Axiom will win

>> No.15262183
File: 970 KB, 1067x1600, FqzTUIvWAAIacCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15262191
File: 2.92 MB, 480x480, RTLS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262204
File: 1.15 MB, 1170x1718, D6205216-FBA6-40F1-889B-6548E48BC604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262205

brutal mogging

>> No.15262209

Kerolox chads we can’t stop winning

>> No.15262220

'tivity sisters...

>> No.15262226

>The missile does not know where it is

>> No.15262248
File: 127 KB, 1058x600, Screenshot_20230310_101745_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros she's so cute my heart can't take this

>> No.15262255
File: 1.26 MB, 1041x694, 110BF1BC-2375-4634-92BA-547A14C43CDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$180M to start work on a deorbiting tug for the ISS

>> No.15262258

how would a helium balloon act in orbit versus a balloon you just filled up with your own mouth

>> No.15262259
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1990, 230309-152802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incorrect, because technology is our creation. It does not exist independent of humanity.
Uh oh, this retard doesn't know what a hyper object is.

>> No.15262267

They would both pop instantly in vacuum.

>> No.15262270

what if they just stop raising the orbit

>> No.15262272

then it might land someplace the Chinese could steal it due to the 51.6° inclination

>> No.15262279

You could but then you have the problem of not knowing exactly where she’s gonna go. Too much uncertainty, and the US has already publicly bitched and moaned about china stages not being controlled so it would be really hypocritical for optics

>> No.15262281

July 27, 2016: Should mention that Gigafactory will be fully powered by clean energy when complete

June 8, 2018: Gigafactory should be on 100% renewable energy (primarily solar with some wind) by next year. Rollout of solar has already begun

August 25, 2018: Tesla’s Gigafactory will be 100% renewable powered (by Tesla Solar) by end of next year

>> No.15262285

well what it they blow it up in orbit so the pieces reenter everywhere equally?

>> No.15262302

The same until they fire the booster to raise the orbit

t. ullage thruster

>> No.15262314

Mars is supposed to have an atmosphere. Those deserts on Mars deserve to be real deserts, not airless shitholes.

>> No.15262363

Seems like it would travel towards the lowest pressure areas near any leaks or other openings

>> No.15262399
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>> No.15262417
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>> No.15262418
File: 200 KB, 1067x1600, 1678394516745442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man what a cool photo

*gets fixed*

>> No.15262436

credit the artist elon

>> No.15262438

Elon is the artist. All of these social media parakeets need to stop blasting their logos across other people's work.

>> No.15262443

Everyone here owes it to themselves to go check out a F9 in person. There’s one at JSC, it’s fucking yuge. I really need to find one set up with a second stage as part of the display, if that even exists

>> No.15262456
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He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.15262458

so based

>> No.15262459

Funky town

>> No.15262466

do you think I could get him to purchase Boring, Oregon?

>> No.15262479
File: 90 KB, 750x591, 20230308_112531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting annoyed with how the delta clipper project gets lionized by midwits.
The entire SSTO concept was basically unworkable, and the reason they were able to develop a prototype so cheaply was because they didn't actually develop any difficult technology.
They basically just showed that you could build a VTOL hopper with deep throttling engines, which wasn't really something that anyone doubted and had basically already been done a few times.
For some perspective the prototype vehicle was 50% dry mass, so the fact that people colloquially think they were somehow close to a usable launch vehicle is crazy.

>> No.15262508

sign of him giving up on Martian settlements

>> No.15262509

Same with venturestar
Granted they actually built and tested a linear aerospike and some metallic heat shields which is cool

>> No.15262516
File: 150 KB, 2048x1366, Fq0IQKCagAEa91y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another LM-4C launch from China. Video is pending.

>> No.15262541
File: 1.21 MB, 632x360, LM-4C 230309.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time the payload was the Tianhui-6A and 6B semi-classified cartography satellites. The launch seems to have gone well.

>> No.15262543

>building soul destroy tract suburbs and arguing with faggots on twitter


>> No.15262550

He needs people to build the rockets and Starbase has shit all housing available for workers. He's building a company town.

>> No.15262559

It's in fucking Austin you dumb nigger

>> No.15262563
File: 81 KB, 895x231, Screenshot_20230310-101252_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this, pinhead?

>> No.15262571

Oh my god you dumb nigger

>> No.15262578

You're retarded

>> No.15262579

It's perfectly clear that Austin will be the new base of rocket construction

>> No.15262595

Elon, at least make it a smart arcology like what you have planned mars. Have some dignity

>> No.15262605

needlessly pointless
this is simply about having cheap housing for the people that work in these new buildings/factories

>> No.15262606

Arcologies are space-elevator-tier 70s utopianism. The real plan is bombarding Mars with Kuiper Belt ice until it has an atmosphere and ocean, and building normal American style tract housing.
McMansions can be built even grander in the low gravity, and with even cheaper materials.

>> No.15262607

needlessly complicated i mean

>> No.15262610

What new buildings/factories?? There aren't any in Austin.

>> No.15262612

"Needlessly pointless" is a good phrase though. It implies the possibility of "necessarily pointless"

>> No.15262617

well "new", I don't think this boring company and spacex building have a lot of stuff going on in there yet, I think they were built in the last year

>> No.15262628
File: 697 KB, 663x580, 001300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact the article has a scrollable picture about this which compared satellite pictures before and after (2021 vs 2022), but for some reason the article is paywalled now and these pictures don't show up in the archive.is version


However i did find this article, I would consider stuff built in the last few months new (they might be WIP inside still, who knows)


>> No.15262649
File: 289 KB, 1668x1061, 691D91CF-2956-4891-8B9C-CBFAF14F6A70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time when America only had a third of the pie

>> No.15262651

RocketLab = New Zealand

>> No.15262659

Not for much longer, they are slowly pulling out after realizing what a nightmare shithole this country is for businesses. Also Mahia is kino but a gigashit location, place is windblasted 24/7.

>> No.15262661

>what a nightmare shithole this country is for businesses
Literally every single country on Earth except for the US.

>> No.15262677
File: 117 KB, 843x599, 25.7 percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually a lot worse than that.

>The U.S. space industry lost its lead in launching commercial satellites several years ago, and is falling further behind every day. The United States, for seventeen years from 1965 to 1981, launched every commercial satellite. The world's first and only commercial space launch company, Arianespace, is responsible for taking the lead away from the United States. Arianespace now dominates the commercial launch market by launching 65% of the commercial satellites. The entry of China, Japan, and Russia further reduced U.S. launches to less than 26% (Figure 1). An estimated $1 billion each year is lost to outside space launch competition. The demise of the U.S. commercial launch business will continue at an ever increasing rate with the emergence of the Chinese, Japanese, and Russian commercial space launch programs and the debut of the Ariane 5. The future for U.S. commercial space launch business looks grim unless immediate corrective action is taken.

>> No.15262685

The Ariane 5 had better payload to GTO than the Space Shuttle and so the US kept getting fucked in the ass on commercial launch right up until SpaceX and the invention of cubesats.

>> No.15262711

>berger confirming that starship is not happening in the next two weeks
its over

>> No.15262712

the modern space for 'remote viewing' is full of con artists
but it used to be legit and there's no point or correlation of having government intelligence agencies write about and hire these people otherwise for their experiments
by experiments I don't mean they keep them in confines and kill them when they're done
Since they let that sort of work be made out to be unbelievable, unless you're truly digging in their archives.

>> No.15262714

They've built a huge warehouse there, retard.

>> No.15262723

Yeah buddy they'll definitely be building starships which can't be transported by road in the middle of texas

>> No.15262728
File: 1.20 MB, 1281x724, 001301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spaceX facility, starlink and a warehouse
supposedly to be finished at the end of this month

>> No.15262740
File: 1.87 MB, 1274x718, 001303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

across the road is the boring company facility
not sure what the purpose is, probably some some all purpose factory and testing area (they bored a tunnel under the road

>> No.15262747

>china to reach parity with american space power in 20 years

>> No.15262749

It's a SpaceX facility, faggot. Stop moving the goal posts.

>> No.15262760

Could be for Raptor production or other work. There's a lot that needs to be done (life support systems etc)

>> No.15262764

why do they have an elevated soccer field?

>> No.15262766

On Mars, most structures will have to be lifted off the ground on legs, like terran buildings in starcraft. This is to improve heat retention and avoid melting the permafrost. The soccer field is a proof of concept.

>> No.15262775
File: 12 KB, 594x440, cape020f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Shuttle only goes to LEO and congress just canceled funding for the Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle
>What do we do?

>Don't worry, I've got this
>Good ol' solid fuel stages. Nothing beats that!

>> No.15262780

No throttling? No problem!
Carefully planned engine casting takes care of that problem right away.

>> No.15262818
File: 313 KB, 682x654, 001304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Elon Musk asked managers at Twitter to nominate their best employees for promotion, then fired the managers and replaced them with their lower paid nominees

Absolutely based

>> No.15262824

>"It's awful" staff at Twitter told i
Nice english, esl

>> No.15262828
File: 359 KB, 647x472, Screenshot from 2023-03-10 12-24-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be pro-SpaceX and pro-space-exploration in general, but then I saw this high-contrast picture of Musk looking unkept and slovenly, and I've had to re-evaulate my position. I still want to explore the solar system, but maybe we need to take a step back and fix the problems on Earth first.
Your thoughts?

>> No.15262838


>> No.15262854

This might seem "le based" to you, but this is people's livelihoods we're talking about. The primary purpose of a company is to provide employment for its workers. Musk seems to have forgotten that.

>> No.15262860

you just need to look at a better photo elon (and also try a supersonic transcranial ballistic lobotomy)

I don't know what this slimeball site is, but they're actively changing the story.
archive DOT ph/YMFVr
>Managers were recently told to provide a list of people who ought to be promoted, says one former staff member still in touch with some who remain working. Little did they realise they were signing their own death warrant: many of those managers were subsequently fired and replaced by those they’d recommended, as part of a cost-cutting drive.

>> No.15262863

>The primary purpose of a company is to provide employment for its workers.
You're a retard and a communist and, what's worse, probably European.

>> No.15262866

no its fucking not, what the fuck are you talking about
the primary purpose of a company is to achieve something, the employees are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves
this has to be bait

>> No.15262884

> Twitter lost 40 per cent of its revenue in December 2022 compared with a year earlier, it was forced to sheepishly admit to investors.

“It’s a little bit like the character in the cartoon who runs off the cliff but doesn’t fall straight away,” says Daisley. “Initially a lot of commentators were willing to say that the Twitter business was full of slackers, Elon had fired 75 per cent of the employees and it was still running. Well now Wile E. Coyote has looked down and realised gravity does apply to him, too.”

lmao, of course they don't mention the interview that elon had with morgan stanley like 3-4 days ago where they went into this extensively
twitter is expected to be cash flow even in like 3 months

>> No.15262903

but if the "good administrators" have absolutely no idea what the tech is and what is a good or bad direction, then how can they actually admin anything at all? this was always a bit weird to me
you would assume you need at least some experience in the field and if you have it, why not do some dev stuff yourself?


>> No.15262904

You talk like a fag

>> No.15262908
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common cope of useless middlemanagers
clearly from the tech layoffs, these people are not needed

>> No.15262909

>start of him planning Martian settlements

>> No.15262915
File: 143 KB, 1280x853, bucees-1633195957973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15262571 >>15262578
>t.never drove between Austin and Bastrop
I went that way this past weekend, it's like 30 miles away. There's nothing like a stop light in the middle of fucking nowhere with 50 cars stacked up behind it.

>> No.15262916
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or perhaps, get this, he has actually some idea what he is doing?
I am enjoying the middle manager/laptop class getting holocausted

>> No.15262921
File: 48 KB, 400x500, 1463150422700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does apply to
>applies to
A yuropoor wrote that article. They have a problem with avoiding present tense, particularly Germanics.

>told i
Wow, just what.

>> No.15262929

In their defense, it could just be an AI that was trained on Germans failing to speak English convincingly.

>> No.15262946
File: 356 KB, 599x573, 001308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262962

>casually seeing Mars rocket pieces being transported
Is the future finally coming for us?

>> No.15262971

i is the name of the site you morons

>> No.15262973

cope, learn some basic grammar nigger lmaaooo

>> No.15262975

Leave it to a poorly coded German AI to chose a garbage name for its website

>> No.15262980

Thats how we'll establish Mars colony. Since legacy companies wont be doing the work and aren't willing to create a business case for cheap affordable system on Mars. SpaceX will have to do everything themselves.

>Boring Tunnel for transportation infrastructure
>Tesla Motors for vehicles/energy/electricity
>SpaceX for rockets
>Starlink for Internet services

>> No.15262985

Looks like the name of the site is "inews" unless there's some other link in this thread that I couldn't be baited to click on.

>> No.15262993

What will Twitter do?

>> No.15263000

Saying Earther with a hard R

>> No.15263001

Communications platform for Mars citizens to participate in

>> No.15263004

keep USA from becoming too communistic too quickly so running those companies is even possible

>> No.15263005

Will Mars get a unique flag for /pol/ and /int/?

>> No.15263007

Mars internet will likely be blocked by E*rthers

>> No.15263011

Mars will have it's own imageboard that blocks non martians 2chan style. What would it be called?

>> No.15263016

4chan (the 4 stands for it being the fourth planet)

>> No.15263018


>> No.15263020


>> No.15263023


>> No.15263024


>> No.15263029

MarChan because "martian" haha

>> No.15263034

Damn I can’t believe I didn’t think of that

>> No.15263038


>> No.15263043

The first character is dingir, what's the rest?

>> No.15263044
File: 222 KB, 1683x834, CLO4ej975796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'i' is the brand/wider company.

>> No.15263045

I’m assuming it’s Hitler or something

>> No.15263047

Mars will be sexy

>> No.15263048
File: 252 KB, 373x345, 001309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute state of nasa
"We are prioritizing equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility through our DEI strategic plan"


>> No.15263050

come on /sfg/ I thought you knew more Cuneiform and Mesopotamian cosmology/deities

>> No.15263052

NASA has been gay longer than it’s been based, this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone

>> No.15263053

it's still gay

>> No.15263055

Are you guys actually surprised by this?
Of course they will be like this, it's standard course for any major institution.

>> No.15263070

Sorry I come from the sea people

>> No.15263072

I want to be the outer space equivalent of the sea people and sweep out from the asteroid belt to raid the inner solar system

>> No.15263073

it's Nergal

>> No.15263123

equity is literally a reverse racism policy

>> No.15263126

reverse competence policy
a way to make sure you have retards running around being useless

>> No.15263128

>reverse racism
Stop using that post modern marxist rhetorical attempt. The reverse of racism is no racism. "Reverse Racism" implies that only white people can be racist, in line with their post modern definition that "racism = power + discrimination" and only white people hold power because reasons.

>> No.15263129

How can we possibly come back from this??

>> No.15263130
File: 3.01 MB, 3600x2400, starshipsep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo check out this starship drawing I made

>> No.15263134

good job son

>> No.15263138


>> No.15263139

You’ll just be some reaver pirate shot away by a half competent navy, along with dealing with some Glowing one from the Jovian system going “How do you do, fellow belters?”

>> No.15263235

I wonder if we’ll see Nergal again; amongst the stars. Will he recognize us?

>> No.15263238

Funny bait

>> No.15263239

it boggles my mind that Unicode has support for a dead language for clay tablets

>> No.15263269

>revenues down 40%
>wages lower by 75%
so a net +35%?