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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1170x1474, PY1Vw6IKqEse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15229337 No.15229337 [Reply] [Original]

New study says that vaxxxies each lost 15 IQ points on average due to mRNA vaxxx damage to their brains

>> No.15229341

what are you saing i feel very smirt

>> No.15229357

It's true. I'm double vaxxed and my IQ dropped to 145.

>> No.15229367

>the epoch times
whew lad

>> No.15229368

doesn't the vax thing get boring after a while?

>> No.15229371

Good thing I didn't take it, otherwise I would go from 14 to 255

>> No.15229392

>epoch times
Happy my IQ is now so low I cannot read it.

>> No.15229395

I'm getting sleepy, too.

>> No.15229397

I don't know how much more of this vax stuff my heart can take.

>> No.15229409

oh woah, I haven't vaccinated and my IQ is 30..

>> No.15229679

Why does /pol/ think the vax is dangerous if they gave it to Israelis?

>> No.15229691
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just 10 more years of this

>> No.15229696

Fauci and Gates are knights of Malta faction, not Templar faction. Very simple.

>> No.15229712

Who knows what they gave to Israelis and what makes you think globalist kikes care about some sandmonkeys in Israel?

>> No.15229716


>> No.15229720

>posting braindead pseudoscience

>> No.15229722

So, what if I have -15 points of IQ?

>> No.15229724

>if it proves me wrong it must be pseudoscience!
Nice logic there bub

>> No.15229734

The only people vulnerable to COVID in the first place are, fat boomers, most of whom are republican. No matter. You will be killed soon.

>> No.15229739
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What DOESNT this vaccine do?

>> No.15229742

Protect you from COVID.

>> No.15230038

Can you please link the study? I don't feel like searching through Twitter based on a screen grab.

>> No.15230073

Not like they will miss them

>> No.15230092

Mind sharing the actual article? Preferably screen caps as the site has a subwall.

>> No.15230100 [DELETED] 
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why would globalists care about any one particular nation or plot of land when they feel entitled to rule over the whole planet?

>> No.15230102 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15230113
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>Another scientifically illiterate poltard schizo decided to make a retarded schizo tier conspiracy theory thread about COVID

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because it's pretty routine for this place, but it really blows my mind how committed you schizos are to spamming this board day-in and day-out. I guess you folks probably have a lot of time on your hands, since most of you are basement dwelling NEET losers, so maybe that explains it. Anyway, nobody with a basic understanding of science or medicine is interested in listening to a bunch of paranoid rednecks whine and complain about vaccines.

Lmao this.
Nobody is reading your retarded articles from substack or Epoch Times or Infowars. We have a containment board for people who are into that sort of stuff, it's called >>>/pol/.

>> No.15230116

Your narrative has no traction here. You are hated. Your handlers are panicking and losing control.

>> No.15230131

Because that plot of land is the literal catalyst for all religious and almost all national wars since the Roman Empire, and remains the primary gateway to global control?

>> No.15231144

>A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19
>However, this is the first report to demonstrate the presence of the spike protein within the encephalitic lesions and to attribute it to vaccination rather than infection. These findings corroborate a causative role of the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, and this diagnostic approach is relevant to potentially vaccine-induced damage to other organs as well.

OP made up the IQ thing entirely.

>> No.15231152

i dont get why you keep making these threads bros.... why would you care about the fate of the vaxcattle? let them do what they will do to themselves, but mocking them is just mean.

>> No.15231160

>retarded articles from substack
That's like hating on anybody using Cloudflare to help serve their content. Don't be dumb. It's infrastructure, not any sort of publisher with editorial control. Some stuff, especially but not always by journalists who are also published elsewhere, is really good. Some is utter garbage. Rarely something is groundbreaking like this article showing contamination of the bivalent Covid vaccines:
>Deep sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines identifies contamination of expression vectors designed for plasmid amplification in bacteria

>> No.15231293

>MRNA vax causes low IQ
No wonder vaxxies go back for more "boosters".

Just like drug addicts. Weak people.

>> No.15231348

All the vaxies are going to die in two weeks, no two months, no wait, 6 months, no, no, 2 years...

>> No.15231353

All of the above. Around 10-15 million vaccine deaths so far, between 2021 and 2023 so far.
Just imagine what the real numbers are, if that many are admitted to.

>> No.15231357

Don't you mean 10 trillion vaccine deaths so far? Might as well go for it if you're just gonna lie

>> No.15231371

Not that many people on the planet genius. 15 million deaths might not seem like a lot, but it matters to all those people who died from the "vaccine".
Darwinism in action.

>> No.15231381

Yeah yeah, 15 quadrillion people died, I believe you

>> No.15231388
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>due to mRNA vaxxx damage to their brains
Not just the brain is affected, all organs are. Mostly causes vascular related problems and deaths attributed to that. Longer term illnesses are just coming to light are starting. Mass genocide basically.

>> No.15231449 [DELETED] 

hey everyone get a load of the tough guy holocaust denier
real edgy, kiddo, you're impressing us all so much

>> No.15231454

show me the proofs

>> No.15231512 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15231532

Okay, now post the other 14,999,999 deaths

>> No.15231534

>yahoo news
Whats next? CNN?


>> No.15231543 [DELETED] 

george floyd died of the clotshot

>> No.15231550

retard ass thread

>> No.15231614

>new study
I thought soience was fake, make up your minds schizos

>> No.15231623 [DELETED] 

>t. low iq vaxxxie

>> No.15232535

>i'm an insufferable, low IQ jackass
>i think this is effective for some reason

>> No.15232546

> Twitter MD with a paid for blue tick
Must be legit guys, the argument is settled.

>> No.15232553

Trust the experts. Stop trying to do original research you Trumper.

>> No.15232820
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>> No.15232948

>vaxxxies each lost 15 IQ point

>> No.15232952

the vaxxies are already dying

>> No.15232956

controlled opposition fodder for the masses I can't trust his words or whatever his purpose is.

>> No.15233049

>hurrrrrr durrrrrrr i don't understand!?!?!?
low iq just kicked in

>> No.15233090

Over 70 percent of the world population is vaccinated, well over 5 billion people. if the vaccinated were truly dying then we would be living in an apocalypse

What you do is notice a handful of instances of people dying, then immediately assume that it must’ve been the vaccine because their death occurred after the vaccine, with no evidence. Even if it was, somehow, the vaccine, the amount of actual deaths relative to the people vaccinated (over 5 billion) is insignificantly small compared to the amount of people who died from COVID

>> No.15233111

>Over 70 percent of the world population is vaccinated
Over half of those received inactivated vaccines, not mRNA or viral vectors. In addition, that 70% is for people who have received at least one dose. One dose and 4-5 doses are not similar.

>> No.15233113

life insurannce industry reports and insurance claims suggest otherwise

>> No.15233128
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>> No.15233144

>Over 70 percent of the world population is vaccinated
nope, less than 10% got the clot shot, if you subtract china from the equation its less than 5%

>> No.15233151

Why would it matter who reports it? We all know the mainstream options aren’t motivated to tell the truth about this. Why can’t you respond to the content of the actual study, or say something against the study itself instead of shooting the messenger? Retard.

>> No.15233160

Pretty hilarious that all these kikes have is attacking the source because the study is irrefutable. Anecdotally, I can actually confirm as an unvaxxed professional poker player, my income has quadrupled since 2019 because the games became drastically easier to beat after all of the naive vaxtards got injected with unsafe and ineffective poison.

>> No.15233189

>over half
So instead of 5 billion, it’s 2.5 billion who received the vaccine that you claim is dangerous, which is still 35% of the population. That would still objectively lead to an apocalypse

>4-5 doses
There is no major health organization that recommends taking 4-5 doses of the vaccine. Even if 4-5 doses is lethal, this is like saying all medication is bad because you can OD from it. And realistically how many people even do that? The average person who is vaccinated does not take 4-5 doses

>> No.15233193

>That would still objectively lead to an apocalypse
Deaths are elevated pretty significantly. I've seen people trying to blame covid, which is a little strange given that later variants have become less severe and so many people are vaccinated.

>There is no major health organization that recommends taking 4-5 doses of the vaccine.
Doses 1 and 2 of the initial series, first booster, bivalent booster. That's four doses.

>Even if 4-5 doses is lethal, this is like saying all medication is bad because you can OD from it.
Each dose carries its own risk.

>The average person who is vaccinated does not take 4-5 doses
Well that's my point, the person who has had one dose is likely better off than the person who has had 4.

>> No.15233329

Low IQ causes these threads. ...dun dun dun.

>> No.15233346

Wow, that is quite the quality measure right there. I mean, yeah, I see the 'anecdotal, short term, annual income variation/subjective difficulty experience for someone who gambles for a living' method used all the time in clinical research. You've convinced me now, good sir. I wish I had this data a couple years ago.

It is certainly impossible for any other variables to be at play there, aside from vax status, clearly. You should do a quick write up and submit it for peer review. You'll obviously be suppressed but you should still submit a paper, eventually (even if posthumously) you'll get a Nobel for sure.

>> No.15233380 [DELETED] 

>t. emotionally triggered vaxxie

>> No.15233506

Probably because they're insane liars-- ironically, they are the same insane liars who spread all those fake China Covid videos back at the start.

>> No.15233508

I can't be emotionally triggered anymore. The vax destroyed all my emotions. You should already know that.

>> No.15233639

>The average person who is vaccinated does not take 4-5 doses
2 shots + 2-3 boosters = the government recommended amount.
2+2=4 and 2+3=5
Real math is difficult for leftists apparently, since 2+2=Not 4 shots with Common Core math.

>> No.15233663

You serious? Epoch times is Chinese propaganda for sale. It's shocking people still exist that are unaware of this.

>> No.15234606
File: 125 KB, 1280x1148, emptyLNP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inject non lethal amounts of mystery juice with poisonous excipients
>IQ drops
>must be the memeRNA
>memeRNA that never ever have been proven that it does what it's advertiesed to
>muh ribosomes translate memeRNA into protein
There is not even a proof of that.
It's 100% memes.

But the poisonous excipients...

> Experimental model. Animals were shaved and intradermally inoculated in the left upper spot with either PBS, mRNA-LNP coding for eGFP (eGFP) or empty LNP (eLNP)

This study does even validate that the memeRNA is not responsible for all the effects.
They Inject the LNPs and then "immune irregularity" happens.

But retards go:
>must be the memeRNA
>not the literal toxins of everything else, like the cationic liposomes, the PEG, the synthetic cholesterol crystals

If your read the study:
> and the MemeRNA LNP
And BOTH elicited the same effect.
And in every subsequent study step they just stopped using the empty LNP because:
" We found no difference between mRNA-LNP and empty LNP groups (Figure 1B and C). Thus, these data suggest that pre-exposure to this platform can inhibit subsequent adaptive immune responses and that the LNPs play a critical role in this."

Empty Lipid Nanoparticle is toxic.
MemeRNA does nothing.
>picrel from study

Each dose of the BNT162b2 also includes the following inactive ingredients:
> lipids
> (0.43 mg Cationic liposome (poison)
> 0.05 mg polyethylene glycol (antifreeze)
> 0.09 mg 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, (so.y. phospholipid)
> 0.2 mg cholesterol), (crystaline shrapnel)
> 0.01 mg potassium chloride, (electrolyte)
> 0.01 mg monobasic potassium phosphate, (irritant, electrolyte, laxative
> 0.36 mg sodium chloride, (table salt)
> 0.07 mg dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, (irritant, laxative)
> 6 mg sucrose. (sugar)
> ?mg Natrium hydroxide & hydrochloric acid

>> No.15234731

The vaccine also beat me up and slept with my girlfriend. Also heard that it causes cancer, autism, AIDS, down syndrome and erotic fantasies about Stalin and Karl Marx. It's pretty terrible honestly

>> No.15234733 [DELETED] 

looks like we've learned that epoch times makes chinkbots chimp out

>> No.15234765

>You serious? Epoch times is Chinese propaganda for sale. It's shocking people still exist that are unaware of this

Epoch Times is not "Chiense propaganda". It's Fa Lun Gong, a demented anti-China cult that's funded by the Canadian government, the CIA, and people like you.

>> No.15234767

total bullshit

>> No.15234794 [DELETED] 

Fa Lun Gong's sole purpose for their existence is to prevent the communist party from carrying out genocidal elimination of Chinese traditional culture and values, you're only upset at Fa Lun Gong because you're a low IQ vaxxie who regrets getting the IQ lowering clot shot and seeing news of how low your IQ is reminds you of your mistake

>> No.15234802

Bruh, FLG's corny ass passion play is an embarrassment to Chinese culture.

>> No.15234908

They only looked at ohio and florida.
Exit poll data from florida shows there are roughly twice as many desantis voters over age 60 than dem voters over 60.
The same is true in ohio.
In both states, dems were over-represented in the teens and 20s age brackets which would further skew results.

You think you are making a point about "dems smarter than republicans" but you are really just celebrating old people disproportionately dying from covid.

>> No.15234925

Went from
>they’ll all die in a matter of weeks
>next generation is gonna be fucked trust me
> uhm actually you LOOSE iq if you took the vaxx so yeah.

Find something to do in your life man honestly this is getting sad. Nothing is happening.

>> No.15235794

you keep moving the goalposts.

>> No.15235864

Remember when all the unvaccinated were going to experience a winter of illness and death? Both sides can claim the other side is moving the goalposts, but only one side can feel confident they don't have a ticking time bomb in them.

>> No.15235879

>Robert Malone
Oh hey it's the same guy who swears that Ivermectin totally cures covid srsly u guise

>> No.15235887

But it does. Peer reviewed studies say so. Aren't we supposed to trust the science?

>> No.15235922

Science is a gay retard auction house item sold to the highest bidder. Sad that republicans fell for it too.

>> No.15235943

You could have saved the world with 160 but you just had to get your fauci ouchi. Selfish af

>> No.15235949
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>> No.15236022 [DELETED] 
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>the two parties meme
nice one, glownigger

>> No.15236035
File: 11 KB, 273x253, 7787DD7A-0EBA-43A6-8639-E3D1FB0995E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake news; people taking this shit were already low iq to begin with


>> No.15236336
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>people taking this shit were already low iq to begin with
That certainly is a scientific fact and must be factored into the data.

>> No.15236341
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>who swears that Ivermectin totally cures covid
Correct. It stops viral replication and receptor binding.
So does hydroxychloriquine and even egg yolks if eaten in large quantities.

>> No.15236350

or maybe viruses simply don't exist?

>> No.15236600

Well then I guess IVM, HCQ, and egg yolks are just super foods!

>> No.15236609

>or maybe viruses simply don't exist?
Maybe nothing exists and it is all a simulation then.

>> No.15236629
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>> No.15236667
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>hahaha did you just contradict an offical government soience narrative /b/ro?!?
>i guess i'll have to do everything i can to make your disagreement with the narrative look ridiculous, but i can't figure out do that by disagreeing with you so i'll resort to pretending to be an idiot who agrees with you because thats the only way i can think up to discredit you,
>i know it seems dishonest, but i just don't care, maintaining the narrative is my only goal

>> No.15237365
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>It stops viral replication and receptor binding.
>So does hydroxychloriquine and even egg yolks if eaten in large quantities.

citation needed.

>or maybe viruses simply don't exist?

Lets specify that further.
What does virus mean?
>poisonous substance

Modern definition is:
>an agent that causes infectious disease

And a very modern definition is:
>a replication competent non living organism, that is an agent that causes infectious disease

Do viruses exist?
It depends on the definition.
>a replication competent non living organism
Is never verified nor proven directly.
And the indirect proofs are highly tainted (literally) by toxic staining agents and toxic antibiotics and fixation agents.
Also the indirect proofs are just "a cell is dead" and here see "we took a still 2D image, and guess that some dots are the replication competent particles"

>is causing a specific disease that also is infectious
Is never been shown in a direct experiment, so it is just a "trust me bro" story which is based on "anecdotal evidence".

If you define a virus as an "poisonous substance":
>yes viruses exists
>aresenic, certain lipoproteines, lead, aluminium, nickel, cyanide, alcohol, hydrazine etc etc etc.

>> No.15237383

Notice howthe vaxxcattle haven't responded to this.

>> No.15237391

>compared to the amount of people who died from COVID

>> No.15237396

>Epoch times is Chinese propaganda

>> No.15237397
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You guys ever thought about how everyone who's ever drunken water eventually died? I think I might be onto something here.

>> No.15237401

look how shitty these bots are lol

>> No.15237404

A single case report is enough to draw conclusions? Can't they do more autopsies and present more generalized findings? Here all these people are bitching about the reproducibility crisis yet getting their talking points from single case studies.

>> No.15237406
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You forget the assumption that all vials (or batches) of vaccines contained the same ammount of substances.
There were hot batches.
>let it be "qualitative" differences in production
>or scatter shot

Certain batches were associated with an higher AE-Incident rate, while others had Zero.
A collegue got two shots, and required a third to travel.
He felt nothing with the first two shots.
>no fatigue
>no headache
But the third one almost killed him, and he has still problems to walk stairs.

Also focusing on "memeRNA" does not help.
It's the excipients, it always is with all vaccines.

just the excipients are toxic.
And even without memeRNA it is impossible that a recipients "feels" nothing.
And in every country there is a law, regarding declared substances of products:
>not mentioning a substance and putting it in is a crime
>mentioning a substance and not putting it in is not

Leaving parts away or just delivering a placebo has almost no legal consequences, especially if it is prophylactic.

>> No.15237417

doy because 1. that's their homeland and 2. there's tons of people on /pol/ who talk about how Jews are evil because of oppression of palestine by the israel government, so perhaps ask them.

>> No.15237429

yeah? I wake up every day and read an article about an 'unexpected death of a young and healthy individual'

>> No.15237476

Have you considered why that might be? Perhaps media organizations know that any reports of sudden deaths these days will be immediately picked-up and disseminated amongst the fruitloop-demographic. Maybe the real conspiracy was the advertisers piggybacking attention-grabbing 'content' all along?

>> No.15237510

those media organizations have no need to hustle for advertising revenue, they're all fully funded by the cia and other glownigger subsidies, musk released the info on that fairly recently. why did you forget so quickly? low iq?

>> No.15237579
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>> No.15238625
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>> No.15240282 [DELETED] 

15 iq points is a lot, glad i'm not a stupid low iq vaxxxie

>> No.15240356


well i had so much time to think i believe they tried to track someone or some group down...

(and maybe tested also some new substances)

>> No.15241581

> study
synonym: defecation

>> No.15242958

they are too low iq to reply

>> No.15242963
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>> No.15243563

>vaxxcattle have 15 iq points less than purebloods
i knew it

>> No.15243591

>but only one side can feel confident they don't have a ticking time bomb in them.
the unvaccinated who had a covid infection with zero protection whose bodies are still under attack

>> No.15243746

>another mdpi meme paper
into the trash it goes

>> No.15243802

>whose bodies are still under attack

>> No.15243859

>the unvaccinated who had a covid infection with zero protection whose bodies are still under attack
First, there's no such thing as no protection if you have an immune system. You may not have specific antibodies for SARS-CoV-2, but you still have other defense mechanisms. Second, other than in the immuncompromised, I've seen no evidence of an infection that lasts for months. On the other hand, we now know very well that there's vaccinees who have in tact, detectable mRNA for at least two months after vaccination. They have detectable spike proteins for at least at four months. They have a conversion of antibodies to IgG4. The latter is a good thing when it comes to something like pollen because it creates a sort of tolerance to the antigen. You do not want tolerance to SARS-CoV-2. Last, vaccinees have little protection from getting infected and thus suffering all the consequences of the infection along with all of the consequences of the vaccines.

>> No.15243913

>They have detectable spike proteins for at least at four months.
We're talking about concentrations measured in pg/mL here.

>> No.15244238

Please stop posting about things you don't understand. You're making the world a worse place for all of us.

>> No.15244240

You wish. Also it's actually 6 months, which was the length of the study. Nobody knows when they disappear in the vaxed because no study has ever shown they do.

>> No.15244300

>>vaxxcattle have 15 iq points less than purebloods
>i knew it
That's a SIGNIFICANT drop in I.Q., one whole SD!

This means non-vaxxed people are now on average 10 times more intelligent than vaccinated people, and un-vaccinated were obviously already smarter to begin with, so now it's probably 100x's difference.

>> No.15244302

An entire population of Marvelized consumer basedgoys.

>> No.15244308

the result of preventing bullying of nerds in schools.

>> No.15244527

>We're talking about concentrations measured in pg/mL here.
Yet the majority of infected have no detectable spike proteins in their bloodstream. Who's to say what amount is damaging and what amount isn't?

>> No.15244594

This is like saying Joseph Goebbels a Jewish propagandist.

>> No.15244615

>This means non-vaxxed people are now on average 10 times more intelligent than vaccinated people, and un-vaccinated were obviously already smarter to begin with, so now it's probably 100x's difference.
We must organize. We take over the world in 4 weeks.

We will put vaxxcattle on dog leashes and use them as the front soldiers against the corps and govs that poisoned them after we make them realize their poor health is due to the clotshots and point to the responsible parties.

After that, we can try finding a cure, but pure bloods will always be of a superior caste and will have privileges over the rest of the people.

>> No.15244637

>Brain, Heart Caused by mRNA Damage
what kind of schizo headline is that

>> No.15244656 [DELETED] 

>the goys think china is evil, so just say everything we don't like is chinese and we can influence and control them that way heh heh heh

>> No.15244658

the word "damage" is there between Heart and mRNA Damage. you might be having a stroke.

>> No.15244660

>mRNA Damage.
meant to say mRNA vaccine. yes yes ironic maybe I also am having a strokjfffffffff

>> No.15246173 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15246196

this but russia

>> No.15246319
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>hahaha the well poisoned fake narrative didn't happen so you're all dumb!!!

>> No.15246335

Midwits don't try to consider selection bias, they just repeat approved opinion on current thing.

>> No.15246859
File: 2.99 MB, 2812x2522, 1673831871163768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single cuckold source you listen to is reporting that clotbloods are dropping left and right, the only difference is that they're making insane leaps to claim it's anything other than the clotshot.

>> No.15246861
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>> No.15246987
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>Every single cuckold source you listen to is reporting that clotbloods are dropping left and right, the only difference is that they're making insane leaps to claim it's anything other than the clotshot.
Yep. Cannot stop the drop. Will be 40 million dead from the "vax" soon.

>> No.15246992

Russia is a nobody. They cannot even defeat a shithole corrupt backwater like Ukraine.

>> No.15247004

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025.
I really hope these insiders were mistaken, and the goylems die sooner than 2025.

>> No.15247010

>Be happy
There's truly no winning

>> No.15247574


>> No.15247763

Dude you lost. Covid was just the flu and the vaccines both didn't work and also are not very safe. Everyone knows this at this point, except the exceptionally retarded and die-hard covid cultists. I guess also a lot of the general population who don't care or pay attention to anything don't know either.

>> No.15247765

Over 70 percent of the world population caught covid, well over 5 billion people. If covid were truly deadly then we would be living in an apocalypse

What you do is notice a handful of instances of people dying, then immediately assume that it must’ve been covid because their death occurred after a positive covid test, with no evidence.

>> No.15247773

No, you're falling for healthscare clickbait like a braindead boomer.

>> No.15247787

There's also the matter of the unexpected rise in excess death numbers in the last 2 years

>> No.15247821

Baby boomers are reaching the age of life expectancy.

>> No.15247867

Boomers aging is not an unexpected event.

>> No.15248170

>the vaccine damages the brain

Not surprising considering one of the first side effects of the vaccine was the brain fog.

>> No.15248201

>schizos genuinely believe this

>> No.15248760

prevent you from catching covid
prevent you from spreading covid
prevent you from dying from covid

>> No.15248785 [DELETED] 

fail to cause measurably reduced IQ

>> No.15248825

Here's your disinformation vaxxed bro :

>> No.15249249

kek so true
makes you wonder what kind of idiots lined up to take it. like, how could anyone be so totally stupid as that?

>> No.15249280 [DELETED] 

One of them posts here on /sci/.

>> No.15249764

If you don't understand why that is enough evidence then you are a fucking idiot that should be allocated as dog food.

>> No.15249778
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>> No.15249781

Not everything requires trials. There is no ten thousand person decapitation study that testifying coroners cite when they testify under oath that decapitation kills someone. A lot of questions that are answered yes or no can be answered with few samples, but things which are quantitative tend to require larger numbers.
Spike protein can cause this or that condition is a different proposition from how often this or that occur. The issue with the deathshot is that they have no studies on any of it. Any k from x or y of z has massive ramifications for the types of risk that were taken.

>> No.15249797

I'm glad 90% of ego faggots here are vaxxed. No refunds niggers.

>> No.15249838

kek, based.

>> No.15249874 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 1024x839, ben pwns adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how awesome it would be to be one of the tiny remaining fraction of ego faggots who survived by bombastically and egotistically denying "the science" even though they had no formal medical schooling or training, someone like that could then be a massively annoying know-it-all on virtually every topic almost completely unimpeded with their competition all wiped out. the boost from being accidentally right about one thing would add fuel to the fire.

>> No.15249930

Every time some Anon posted vaccine stuff all those vaxxed science fuckers started shilling the thread. Every day that passes proves the vaccine sucks. All of the dipshits, lib women and SJWs got vaxxed as fuck.

>> No.15250116

I took moderna and my dick unironically grew over 1 inch. Several reports of this have been submitted to VAERS. Look it up of you don't believe me.

>> No.15250121

Man, these troll threads used to be so much better 3 years ago.

>> No.15250125

Troll thread?

>> No.15250139

Yeah. You're in one.

>> No.15250169 [DELETED] 

What about the factual information that the mRNA gene therapy causing lowered IQ is a troll?

>> No.15250192
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>i got vaxed
is it over?

>> No.15250204 [DELETED] 

You're a vaxxie and seeing the news upsets you, you're unable to control your emotional reactions because of your reduced IQ. Don't say you weren't warned, us high IQ chads were here all along telling you to avoid the ZOGshot, you refused to listen.

>> No.15250213

>I got two shots
And I couldn't repent more that fateful day

>> No.15250232

It's less lame than OP, but still lame bro.

>> No.15250244

You revealed yourself to be a brainless goylem, yes.
But if you got shot by a saine solution, or one of the lots with minimal load, you'll sadly survive.
Well, until the next kike ploy to kill you, Goylems can't dodge the bullet so many times in a row, after all they have a deep love for when the kike shit in their soul.

>> No.15250288

Tell that to all the shitkrainians dropping like flies kek.

>> No.15251113

He has until 2025.

>> No.15251191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15251208

>hard evidence
That study has a sample size of literally one 76-year-old German.
Who is supposed to take this study seriously?

>> No.15251417

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025, so probably.

>> No.15251475
File: 219 KB, 879x755, 94B36C66-3E03-4622-A9C5-75FA9071BA98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 more years until all hell breaks loose

>> No.15251542

A clitoris is not a dick anon. You will never be a real man.

>> No.15251548

>Tell that to all the shitkrainians dropping like flies kek.
Probably dropping like flies from starvation as the Ukrainian government pockets all that laundered money from the USA and FTX.

>> No.15251550 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15251552

Good god the chud s o y face is really happening to leftists!

>> No.15251565

None of you needed the vax to have the 80IQ you all have

>> No.15251621

It’s only 1-2 guys who is posting all of this vaccine trolling. The fact is that he will never stop until everyone stops posting and giving him attention just like people do in real life with him.

>> No.15251627

any stoody sponsored by government is crap by definition

>> No.15251638

more than likely it is a government A.I. shilling all the vax crapaganda. If it is actually a human, then its I.Q. is lower than 80.

>> No.15251684

You are already a walking corpse, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.15251686

> Thinks epoch times is a valid source.

>> No.15251690

This. The pro-vax propaganda is from just 1 poster who also posts all the AGW and pro-materialism propaganda. He admitted to it in another thread a few days ago.

>> No.15253297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15254248

It's a resident doctor from Finland or Norway. Just another talentless cuck sucking the dick of soience in the hope that he'll be administration one day

>> No.15256468

The whole anti-egg thing has been interesting to watch. Along with all the mysterious chicken production facilities going up in flames "mysteriously" and the tens of millions of chickens the US government has euthanized to "prevent the spread of virus". Hmmmm

>> No.15256473
File: 111 KB, 1070x565, wef planz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel related.

>> No.15257031

Already own four chickens and getting more, if anyone tries to take them from me we're gonna have a problem.

>> No.15257053

Build a stout coop to keep predators out.

>> No.15257107

dietary cholesterol is a fucking meme

>> No.15257826

Jesus. Are there more studies on LNP toxicity? Might become an asbestos type situation if they start using that mode of delivery everywhere.

>> No.15257833

The vaccine will make you fall in love with a penguin. It will give you nightmares about circus midgets. It will pour sugar in your gas tank and shave off both your eyebrows while dating your current boy/girlfriend behind your back and billing the dinner and hotel room to your Visa card. It will seduce your grandmother. It does not matter if she is dead, such is the power of the vaccine, it reaches out beyond the grave to sully those things we hold most dear

>> No.15257835

any way for the body to break down these cholesterol crystals over time?

>> No.15257862

>our weird processed egg supplement that totally has no unhealthy substances and totally doesn't taste weird has no cholesterol guys!
>but also no vitamin K2

>> No.15258675

They could at least have attempted to actually try. But an n=1 study to go against all the large studies who have found out the exact opposite seems like a ridiculously badly-played joke.

>> No.15260294
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>> No.15260312

How often have replacement products been better? Margarine, artificial sweeteners, and salt substitutes all come with their own issues.

>> No.15260373

>How often have replacement products been better?
Never. Eat natural, minimally cooked.

>> No.15260384 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1250x423, 7b14e764-3ea0-40e4-93f0-67c8314dda2f_1250x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>substitutes all come with their own issues.

>> No.15260981

>*gets salmonella*

>> No.15260991

Wait, Malone hasn't been de-platformed yet?
What is Elon doing? Why does he allow the spread of hate and disinformation?

>> No.15260995
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You would be surprised.

>> No.15261001

>midwits think they can know everything about every field of science: the thread
some people really need to humble themselves

>> No.15261002

I have this exact same reaction whenever someone quotes the New York Times or the Washington Post.

>> No.15261006
File: 628 KB, 1318x1610, western media ukraine nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably because they're insane liars
While the mainstream media only report objective facts, right?

>> No.15261012

>Fa Lun Gong
That sounds Chinese, so it's still Chinese propaganda.
They may not be pro-Xi chinks, but they're still chinks.

>> No.15261120

quite curious considering how most ukranians are anti NS, but I imagine if even the americans can become NS after the amounts of black pills taked, east european lads would surely become with the minimal sintom of semitic corruptio nin their countries

>> No.15261137
File: 90 KB, 611x603, Wbre2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the vaccine and my arm now weighs 50 kg you want to know more? click here

>> No.15261992

They started out a full SD below the mean if they took it, so that's not shocking.

>> No.15262274
File: 158 KB, 1125x1324, wapoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New York Times or the Washington Post.
lowest IQ science news available

>> No.15262920

ironic, kittens have zero IQ, yet they don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't watch CNN and are very adorable. IQ is for losers.