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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 588x856, 1650061422062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15093161 No.15093161 [Reply] [Original]

Uh-oh Sciencebros, it looks like Dr. Malone isn't /ourguy/ after all...

>> No.15093162

Who? Why is this nobody being shilled hard on /sci/?

>> No.15093167

kek, it's another day of /pol/faces pretending that they don't know who this is and that they didn't spend many months spamming his embellished credentials in every antivax-nigger thread

>> No.15093325

Well at least this time you admit you only posted him to shill some gay twitter narrative. Maybe you can take it back with you- or is this because Elon fired you all?

>> No.15093328

>Well at least this time you
Take your meds.

>> No.15093331

Get your 6th booster. Maybe this time it will actually prevent covid.

>> No.15093336

>some salty clownshow sitting there making this the first reply in every malone thread

>> No.15093337


>> No.15093338

See >>15093328

>> No.15093388

I mean I actually agree. Weird that lab leak has now been accepted and yet no-one is charged with the insane negligence that has destroyed economies, lives, cultures etc. I don't know if Fauci is responsible but there should 100% be charges for whoever is.

>> No.15093391

He signed off on the grant and was personally enlisted by the perpetrator (Daszak) to help cover it up. And that's setting aside all the other things he did, like telling people to prescribe remdesivir instead of actually working cures.

>> No.15093644

as far as I am concerned someone ate a bad batch of bat soup and that's what caused this whole mess. way funnier than some chink who didn't practice the barest amount of biosafety

>> No.15093659
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He never was in favor of the vaccines he invented. He said from the beginning they were not ready for mass rollout and still too many harmful side effects.

But Democrats/Big Pharma/WEF/globalist rich 1% said otherwise and tried to silence him.

>> No.15093667
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>> No.15093694
File: 55 KB, 1024x652, 136A73D3-6E15-47C0-A60D-64035520B988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the freedom of speech must be abolished to protect our free expression of science


>> No.15093731
File: 59 KB, 527x500, GovernmentsNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's for our own good! Governments protect us and our freedoms by taking them away and safe-guarding them for us, so we don't use all our freedom up!

Now wave a flag!

>> No.15093809

>Who? Why is this nobody being shilled hard on /sci/?
You have an 80 IQ at best, so you're failing to play this move credibly. Flaws with your approach:
-- "Who?" "Why is this nobody" the double tap of feigned ignorance is protesting too much
-- "shilled" this always outs the /x/ & /pol/ tourist on /sci/, meaning there's not a chance in hell you haven't encountered Malone on one of your native boards
-- the knee-jerk posting time and the way you acknowledge that you're familiar with other Malone threads, meaning you're likely the pathetic IQlet knee-jerk posting the same shit in multiple Malone threads
-- the combative tone conflicts with your desire to be the dispassionate spectator wondering who Malone is
A better (though not perfect) way to do what you're trying to do is to post a more innocuous-looking "quick rundown on Malone?"

>> No.15093812

holy seethe

>> No.15093814

It's over. Take the constructive criticism.

>> No.15093816

Why should I care about any of this gay shit?

>> No.15093818

In future Malone threads mocking antivaxtards for propping up Malone, I recommend making a massive /sci/ collage of all the antivaxtards posting about Malone over the past couple of years. Easy archive search.

>> No.15093823

good idea
seething malone fanboys about to get anally raped

>> No.15093825

>the guy calling for fauci's arrest is our ally

>> No.15093830

Get right on that.
And Malone is anti-mRNA vax, even though he co-invented it.

>> No.15093832

So aside from getting the vax and then nearly dying, what was he wrong about?

>> No.15093835

nice how the threat of a collage has jogged some memories about who malone is lmfao
you pathetic little rednecks

>> No.15093840

What are you talking about dude? You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15093842

kys, redneck

>> No.15093843

>the threat of a collage
oh noooo not a collage! please nooooooo! Runnnn everyone!

>> No.15093845


>> No.15093851

see >>15093842

>> No.15093852

Psychotic delusions are a sign of serious psychiatric crisis. You need to see a specialist before you hurt someone.

>> No.15093853

Dr. Chud, you're a white nigger. Your mistake was taking your /pol/ LARPs/happenings to the real world. Never do that. The only way to survive falling for cheesy insider LARPs and 6,000 dud happenings is to remain anonymous. Anonymity is your lifeblood.
You're now in a situation in which billions of people are vaxed, including some of your friends and family. You feel so intellectually small around them. They have a mocking squint in their eyes. They make fun of you behind your back. They think you're a mouth-breathing kook who fell for Internet hysteria. All you have now is your /pol/nigger coddle bubble with others like you, giving you an inflated sense of importance.
It was never about the vaxes per se with you anyway, was it? It's been about your Christcuck antipathy to all things science and your anger that Trump was removed in the 2020 election. You have so much intellectual insecurity with the left calling you dumb all your life, and having Trump the "genius" in office allowed you to compensate intellectually with fantasies about grand 4D-chess plans and checkmating of the libs. Now it's all gone, and you're stewing in the juices of your impotent rage as the white-nigger anti-vaxer, miserably trying to get attention from a population that could take 150 boosters without sparing you a single thought, without giving a single shit about you.

>> No.15093854
File: 125 KB, 1024x667, 3381F7E6-2EF1-4C54-B25B-868BC60EB73E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still makes me chuckle that the original, most widely accepted (at the time) story is the most hilariously racist/culturally insensitive (albeit accurate) take of all.
>they were eating bats?
>sure, they’ll eat literally anything that moves

>> No.15093855

thanks for your visit, but Bill isn't in the office. kindly refer to >>15093842 for an appointment schedule.

>> No.15093858

I missed that copypasta

>> No.15093896

The funny part is some people actually believe this.

>> No.15093900

I've been reading the replies to those Malone tweets. Funniest shit ever. Bunch of fly-over mongoloids with thinly veiled "Wait, Dr. Malone, but they're still dying, r-r-r-right? Tell us we didn't just waste years of our lives and millions of man hours arguing on the Internet from our lifted trucks in Arkansas."

>> No.15093907
File: 61 KB, 680x465, VaxxiesGov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaccine kek

>> No.15094154

>sure, they’ll eat literally anything that moves
Having been to China personally, I can attest that they do in fact eat anything that moves. I suspect that this is an evolutionary response to the mass famines in China during the 20th century, which apparently killed off everyone on the continent capable of experiencing disgust.

They eat bats, insects, congealed blood, intestines, skin, animal feet, testicles, tentacles, fermented eggs, animals that we consider pets, and basically anything you can possibly imagine your stomach capable of digesting. The only things they won't eat are dairy, because they're all lactose intolerant.

>> No.15095012
File: 55 KB, 700x465, 2E906BC3-3063-497A-B9F2-0831CEB7F51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware anon, that’s where the “cultural insensitivity” bit comes in. Who are we to judge their utterly repulsive culinary traditions? What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15095255

Chink elites like that story because they think it's an anti peasant story and that we're laughing right along with them
>those peasants certainly are revolting, aren't they my fellow elite
when in fact we regard all Chinese, no matter their station, as disgusting bugmen

>> No.15095450

UN and WHO shilled this virus. Lmao they do shit. What a retard

>> No.15095468

the world demands reparations from the US and China

>> No.15095605 [DELETED] 

>Weird that lab leak has now been accepted
It's accepted as a credible and plausible hypothesis. There's still no real positive evidence of it, or, if it is true, of precisely who is responsible and how. Of course, if it were true it's quite likely that there indeed would not be any direct evidence of it since the lab and government would obviously try to cover it all up. It's basically been stuck in this stasis since the beginning.

>I don't know if Fauci is responsible but there should 100% be charges for whoever is.
If negligent culprits can be identified, yes, but that'll be a lot harder than you think. If it was indeed a lab leak, Fauci may bear some indirect responsibility (unless there's evidence he was explicitly aware of certain protocol lapses and chose to ignore them or cover them up, or something like that) but I don't think it would ever amount to criminal charges.

If the alleged story is correct, Daszak probably bears a lot more responsibility, depending on exactly what he knew or suspected. I'd like to think that if he strongly suspected it really was a lab leak he wouldn't have been so brazen; it seems more likely to be severe bias and incompetence than pure evil. If he did know about it and chose to cover it up then yeah he would deserve criminal penalties, but proving the chain of "lab leak did happen -> he knew about it -> he chose to cover it up after knowing about it" seems difficult and at this point unlikely even if that actually is what happened. If it did happen, then he'll probably go down in science and world history as, at the least, a truly awful and harmful figure, whether or not he knowingly covered things up.

>> No.15095612

>Weird that lab leak has now been accepted
It's accepted as a credible and plausible hypothesis. There's still no real positive evidence of it, or, if it is true, of precisely who is responsible and how. Of course, if it were true it's quite likely that there indeed would not be any direct evidence of it since the lab and government would obviously try to cover it all up. It's basically been stuck in this stasis since the beginning.

>I don't know if Fauci is responsible but there should 100% be charges for whoever is.
If negligent culprits can be identified, yes, but that'll be a lot harder than you think. If it was indeed a lab leak, Fauci may bear some indirect responsibility (unless there's evidence he was explicitly aware of certain protocol lapses and chose to ignore them or cover them up, or something like that) but I don't think it would ever amount to criminal charges.

If the alleged story is correct, Daszak probably bears a lot more responsibility, depending on exactly what he knew or suspected. I'd like to think that if he strongly suspected it really was a lab leak he wouldn't have been so brazen; it seems more likely to be severe bias and incompetence than pure evil. If he did know about it and chose to cover it up then yeah he would deserve criminal penalties, but proving the chain of "lab leak did happen -> he knew about it -> he chose to cover it up after knowing about it" seems difficult and at this point unlikely even if that actually is what happened. If the lab leak did happen, he'll probably go down in science and world history as, at the least, a truly awful and harmful figure, whether or not he knowingly covered things up.

>> No.15096109

>The only things they won't eat are dairy, because they're all lactose intolerant.
More proof that Chinese are no longer Homo-Sapien or even mammals.

China really needs to be evaporated in massive radioactive clouds of stellar goodness.

>> No.15096114

>There's still no real positive evidence of it,
Keep up shitbrain. >>15093667

>> No.15096115

I don't care about twitter.

Vaccines have always been harmful.

>> No.15096118

This is the reason why pro-vax shilling is so heavy everywhere on the net. The current political climate is making people look up other vaccines they thought were safe and effective before 2020.

>> No.15096124
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I was antivax before it was cool.

>> No.15096324

Fun story: when I was a kid I skipped every booster they offered at school, opting to fuck off into the forest by myself instead. Fast forward twenty some odd years and I caught measles off of some snotty little shit I sat next to on a plane. Hopefully I’m sterile as a result. I regret nothing.

>> No.15096347

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15096348 [DELETED] 

Go back to your containment board, incel. !

>> No.15096354
File: 237 KB, 1282x1165, 1672605951145842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey shut him down

>> No.15096567

Real scientists were executed for the holohoax, but the people behind covid and the vax will never be punished. Bros, when did everything go wrong?

>> No.15096572

I hope someone makes this lol. It's hilarious seeing Malone turning on his anti-vax followers. /pol/ retards on suicide watch kek. Now they will pretend they never supported Malone.

>> No.15096575

Where did you come up with this cope? He still says the vax is deadly, he just buys the new line from Pfizer that it's only deadly in the first 2 months (not mentioning that you have to take it every 4 months)

>> No.15096581

Keep cope and seething /pol/tard. Even your idol Malone has abandoned you. Antivaxers lose everything.

>> No.15096591

go back to /pol/ you obsessed faggot

>> No.15097763

Cope and seethe, /pol/tard. Now you will pretend you weren't shilling Malone for months in this board kek.

>> No.15097767

Never was. fucker was on that kikeling Eric Weinsteins show and promoted everywhere.

>> No.15097768

Literally the only person "shilling" Malone is you. I have no idea why you hate the guy but he's just a boomer with a Ph.D, his opinions are the mildest possible fence sitting on the issue.

>> No.15097771
File: 220 KB, 602x688, 1665510843243533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't shake the duvet too vigorously, shill. Science says it might give you a heart attack.

>> No.15097774

The soviets begged america to do just that back in like the 60-70s

>> No.15097883

Fake. Copied from a 2005 paper.

>> No.15097996

Like clockwork. Why are /pol/tards so disingenuous? You spammed this board with him, but now that it turned out he isn't one of you, you act like you never liked him.

>> No.15098200
File: 241 KB, 1852x880, pol-white-niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/niggers are gonna /pol/nigger.
pic related
>we didn't really believe it

>> No.15098226

/pol/ is >= 90% mutt.
intellectual integrity is a white man's trait.
only the mutt abuses anonymity to avoid intellectual accountability.
I'm happy to admit that I had many Malone arguments on this board. I still think my defense of his patent priority is sound and that what's happened to him is an academic injustice.

>> No.15098264
