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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.70 MB, 4797x3430, aOboiP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12761665 No.12761665 [Reply] [Original]

Blue Screen of Life Edition

prev: >>12758979

>> No.12761676

What is the point of studying the gas giants?

>> No.12761677

Lovely past two editions

>> No.12761678


>> No.12761682

Fourth for legions of space midgets exploring the solar system.

>> No.12761683

Eh, something about planetary evolutions, how gas nebula condense into systems, what type of planets to expect or something. But that's an astronomer's answer. Truth be told: if it doesn't have rocks then it is gay and isn't worth looking into. Aside from taking a few pretty photos of the gas giants, their Moons are what's interesting

>> No.12761686

sixth for im retard

>> No.12761688

Because they're mysterious as fuck and anything that enigmatic needs to be cracked open.

>> No.12761699
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>> No.12761706

Why dont we have any balloons out there?

>> No.12761720

Informative for some wacky materials science

>> No.12761726

We know shockingly little about what the environment actually looks like there, and they make up a lot of exoplanets.

>> No.12761736

Because we live under mob rule, and if you're sitting at 130 IQ, the average person is as far beneath you as a legally retarded person is below average.
What might be an obvious priority or worthy venture to you is "boring" to the normie menace.

>> No.12761741
File: 88 KB, 500x350, The Bending Isaac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not try and bend the practical limit. That is impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there are no practical limits. Then you will see that it is not the practical limit that bend, it is only your sense for reality.

>> No.12761743

when does the JWST launch? I want to learn about the exoplanets in the habitable zones.

>> No.12761753

Q2 2021 ie never ever

>> No.12761773

An AGI could achieve unbelievable things- not because of retarded singularity magic- but because once it killed all the humans its only logistical concerns would be the actual laws of physics.

>> No.12761776
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Who is ready for the hop?

>> No.12761778
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isn't designing so that critical components can be accessed for repairs some really basic shit?

>> No.12761783 [DELETED] 

So we can harvest them for infinite hydrogen for our flee of hydrolox ships

>> No.12761784
File: 100 KB, 650x214, 1587085989954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well their moons are incredible. And if we're going to their moons we might as well study the giants themselves as well.

Also I didn't realize that Saturn is from Jupiter around the same distance that Jupiter is to the sun. Distances past the asteroid belt are hard to comprehend.

>> No.12761788

So we can harvest them for infinite hydrogen for our fleet of hydrolox ships

>> No.12761791

I'm feeling pretty good about this one. Watching them swap out that raptor so fast and then successfully light up was a confidence booster for me.

>> No.12761795

Before the era of designing everything on a computer sometimes you ran into oops this component has to be buried into the middle of this mess of pipes

>> No.12761800
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>> No.12761801

that's understandable, but I can't imagine how this happened with modern design approaches. The tech and individual components are pretty old in SLS, but they should be able to place said components using modern approaches.

Orion had the same issue, oddly enough. Apparently they put a PDU inside a wall, so they can't reach it for repairs without a year-long process that risks damaging other shit.

>> No.12761806
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>> No.12761810
File: 75 KB, 816x1056, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, i've finished typesetting farmeranon's images but where the fuck do i upload the pdf?

>> No.12761811
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>> No.12761812

Its a single use rocket lmao why would you need to fiddle with it after you have tested it and built it lmao

>> No.12761815

I miss it

peak comfy...

>> No.12761817
File: 652 KB, 2048x1536, E3B258BD-4A93-41EF-95DD-BE2D5732DC74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final Delta II rocket had arrived at Kennedey

>> No.12761823

very nice
>but where the fuck do i upload the pdf?
no fucking clue what the go-to is for pdfs. Uh, mega?

>> No.12761827

/tg/ gets pdf uploads and we don't, that still makes me mad

>> No.12761828

Kool. Can't wait to check it out
How exactly did the ejection seats work? Seems scary, stupid, and dangerous

>> No.12761830

Yeah I think them scrapping SN12-14 was what did it for me. This block of prototypes wasn't even meant to nail the flop correctly this early. I think SN10 is going to land which will fast track the starship.

>> No.12761839

the discord LOL

>> No.12761840
File: 212 KB, 535x602, shrooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could make an airtight dome without mortar right? Asking for a friend of- of course ha ha

>> No.12761845

seems wasteful

>> No.12761846

It's 4chan.
The C is lowercase.

>> No.12761850

I’m giving it a 50/50 chance. They’ve ironed out a lot of issues but it’s entirely possible something new comes up.

>> No.12761851

Space-x is going to launch soon?

>> No.12761859

Spray on plastic sealer

>> No.12761863

Put it on /tg/ and make the thread title "3.5E sucks wizards 2 OP" to make sure nobody accidentally replies to it.

>> No.12761871

If it sticks the landing we're going to see some crazy shit happening with SuperHeavy soon, right?

>> No.12761874

Agreed, I really think anything could happen with SN10 and SN11 but I really think they have a good chance to land.

>> No.12761876

Sometimes people with gay names end up doing awesome things. Like Elon Musk, or Fingolfin from The Silmarillion (fought Morgoth in single combat and managed to wound him)

>> No.12761878

lol someone fix the logo then

>> No.12761881

Any you tards here subscribe to the orbital index? Weekly newsletter summary on space things. Good shit.

github, google docs, docdroid

Imagine caring this much about an Uzbekistan arts and crafts forum

>> No.12761884

We used to use it to find the tourists.
Then the redditors invaded.

Nevertheless, even the FAQ says it's 4chan not 4Chan.

>> No.12761889

Moot wrote the FAQ while high on pcp and wearing a miniskirt, I'm not sure how much weight I'd put on it.


>> No.12761899

if you had an entire SRB of metallic hydrogen, would the vibrations or G load kill you first?

>> No.12761903

>metallic memogene
Go away

>> No.12761907


>> No.12761910

Wake me when we can get our protein-rich bug based bricks

>> No.12761914

>"If I had a tube full of an exotic material that does not exist, would I die of the vibrations hurr durr?"

>> No.12761915

You would die very fast because you are in Jupiter's core

>> No.12761919
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That's not even the right material to be asking about, with its pansy ass barely 10km/s exhaust velocity. This is.

>> No.12761921

>ask about interesting spaceflight method
what's wrong with a thought experiment?

>> No.12761924

It does not fucking exist. It's not an "interesting spaceflight method".

>> No.12761925
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1080, 1 jUB_kn4hrD_NegPYDOMHCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did spacex fail so badly at making a cool dashboard design? its just a bunch of lifeless touchscreens that remind me of standing in line at the welfare office

>> No.12761927

>Dude, what if we make an Orion pulse rocket but we shot out black holes in penrose sphere bombs instead?

>> No.12761930

lmao we talk about shit that doesnt exist daily

>> No.12761931

Metallic hydrogen isn't confirmed to actually exist, that's why.

The UI is actually pretty cool up close, but it's impossible to get good photos of high res displays without like a 100MP camera and accordingly gigantic lens.

>> No.12761932

Yes, within the bounds of physics that exist on planet earth.

>> No.12761935

I'm sure Isaac Arthur has an answer to this

>> No.12761941



>> No.12761942

Apollo shits over all of them.
Was under the impression they don't need jackshit in Dragon because of the automation. There's very little they actually do unless something goes wrong and even then it's more up to ground control.
Putting them there without some sort of interaction is bad PR though, and we can't have that for nasa.

>> No.12761943

Why is everyone acting like I believe metallic hydrogen exists? I'm curious that if it did exist and if it was metastable, what would it's energy density, isp, and exhaust velocity be

>> No.12761945

Just imagine the smell.

>> No.12761947

about 20

>> No.12761948

never heard of him

>> No.12761954

Yeah pretty much.

Isp is just Ve / 9.81 in metric. Isp for metallic hydrogen according to Atomic Rockets is 1700s. For comparison, hydrolox is ~450s, but also has to carry around a lot of heavy oxygen molecules. Metallic hydrogen wouldn't be a bipropellant rocket so much as a monopropellant SRB with a heat ray ignition system.


>> No.12761957

isp 1700s, potential specific energy 216 MJ/kg, exhaust velocity over 16500m/s

>> No.12761959
File: 104 KB, 1191x670, f993cf3ecf1d5fd3db9e6368fc5d4cd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because ship sizes and technology for holographic hardlight screens does not exist

>> No.12761960


>> No.12761964

>Man, all these overdesigned government spaceflight dashboards remind me of my overredundant welfare lines where everything is bloated and useless
Gee who saw this coming

>> No.12761969


Elon Musk debunked

>> No.12761971

yeah we saw. she's right on every point too

>> No.12761973

>The Atlantic
>Jewish author
Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.12761975

prove it

>> No.12761977

Uh oh, you've just been filtered. I don't speak to toxic people

>> No.12761981

So THAT'S why you faggots don't have internal monologues.

>> No.12761982


>> No.12761984

It looks pretty good minus the manual buttons
Halo 4-whatever is garbage but agreed that shit looks cool

>> No.12761987

>a jew
every time

>> No.12761989

>Bullshit article with a premise based on views from a book written by Carl Sagan back during his depression during the height of the cold war when he had cancer
Yeah, Sagan shifted from optimistic to somewhat negative and thought we'd die as a species through nuclear war as he was dying from cancer. That doesn't mean he'd be negative today. Personally I think he'd be very positive if he was alive today.

>> No.12761992

It's self evident. She absolutely BTFOs Elon and his merry band of Muskrats. Should have seen them crying on twitter this morning

>> No.12761994

It's a fucking bullshit premise written for kids with no sense of history.

>> No.12761996

nice bandwagon opinion.

>> No.12762001
File: 7 KB, 297x169, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo 4 is the Zoomer's Delight. And I am proud to say I enjoyed it

>> No.12762007

Thanks for the posts farmeranon, really informative. It was a real task tracking down all those images

>> No.12762011

It's self evident that you should kill yourself

>> No.12762015
File: 356 KB, 768x432, isaacfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac Arthur has some pretty based livestreams, not sure why he gets so much hate here. maybe jealousy...?
he got debunked in this video, maybe he's not as based as i thought. he does kinda look like the boogie of futurism

>> No.12762016

Certain mushrooms listed there are a fucking pain to grow though, such as Shiitake. Very specific in growth mediums and conditions. Button mushrooms on the other hand will grow in fucking anything. No idea about enoki, oyster is pretty picky too I believe.

t. former magic mushroom grower with a general interest in mycology.

>> No.12762017

Based. Halo 4 was no bungie game, but I was actually really good at online matchmaking. Custom maps were fun and were supported heavily by 343. The campaign was awful but the graphics pushed the 360 to its limits

>> No.12762018

Consider killing yourself

>> No.12762020

isawc awthuh should stick to text communication or hire a narrator

>> No.12762023

Well lads, who’s it gonna be

>> No.12762025

Pretty dispicable that you would judge or disparage a man by something he cant control. If you were disabled would you enjoyed being mocked or bullied? Maybe you are disabled, mentally that is. Be more mature next time

>> No.12762027

campaign had good points but it did not have the same kind of escalation as bungie ones and stayed too much the same. Knights were not fun or cool to fight against and some guns were useless.

>> No.12762030

It’s guaranteed that they’ll eventually stick a landing. There’s no technical reason why it won’t work and they’ve gotten close twice. I’d argue that SN9 did even better because it didn’t have the header tank flaw SN8 had. Anyhow I have no idea if SN10 will work. I don’t know if SN11 will work. But I think SpaceX knows this too and they have enough data to move along with other things like the heatshield.

After Starship does a few tests with its heatshield it’s pretty much going to be done. There’s not much else you can test without Superheavy that doesn’t involve being in orbit already

>> No.12762033

Yes, but shiitakes are big enough to make a psychologically convincing meat substitute, which is important. Colonists need to feel like they're not being fed rabbit food and locked in a cage to die if you expect them to do their best work.

>> No.12762038

Portobello, aka let the button mushrooms mature. Shiitake doesn't get that big, but they're more savoury. Shiitake is a much better stock mushroom than the humble button mushroom, but if you're looking for a filler mushroom to stand if for a "steak", portobello.

>> No.12762039

Tilapia can be grown on Mars, and they work well with hydroponics.

>> No.12762040

>Portobello, aka let the button mushrooms mature.
oh wow I'm retarded, thanks anon

>> No.12762044
File: 407 KB, 2400x2400, 81PhF54YSoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you preorder Eric Berger's new book "Ignition!" in stores this March

>> No.12762047
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 5C9F22FB-2F17-4C25-87EB-AF808D43E856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie this looks pretty good.

>> No.12762048

Button mushroom is usually sold in 3 states here. White and closed - Champignon. Brown and closed, slightly matured - Aroma mushroom, Matured and dropped spores - Portobello.
All the same mushroom.

It is an extremely versatile mushroom.

>> No.12762051
File: 92 KB, 1536x1152, 1535429062403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are bullshit games. Its not a bandwagon opinion, I still play halo1-3 I cannot play the others. They are so shitty, they got rid of the arena gameplay they fucked with the mechanics, they fucked with the balance, ruined the story and removed the skill aspect.

>> No.12762056

Can you ISRU propane on Mars? I want to know if grilling is possible. Anyhow I’ve been a cook for most of my adult life and I did not know Portobello steaks existed

>> No.12762059

>the others
>lumping odst, reach, 4, 5 together

>> No.12762065

It's fun to navel gaze sometimes, but /sci/ and especially /sfg/ is for known science or what is currently in R&D. Futurism is always off topic here and, generally, has never made an accurate prediction.

>> No.12762067

Well, if you have a diamond anvil and methane on hand, sure. You can make propane on Mars.
Question is, is it worth it?

>> No.12762070

Yeah I'm sleep deprived, I was thinking of portobellos. They're basically non-animal steak if you treat them right. Served like pic related, chopped up and mixed up with rice and beans, put between buns with some lettuce, tomato, and sauce like a mushburger, they're pretty much always good. This place in the town I grew up in had the best portobello mushroom burritos.

>Can you ISRU propane on Mars?
You can ISRU methane straight out of the air, and once you have methane carbon, hydrogen and energy, you can make any other hydrocarbon.
>Anyhow I’ve been a cook for most of my adult life and I did not know Portobello steaks existed
It's an extremely sneaky presentation of a big portobello mushroom cap cooked whole.

>> No.12762071
File: 136 KB, 1280x1280, uj84h9run6h61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.12762072

Good point. Using a few watts off of the nuclear reactor to run an electric grill seems like a good idea. But how would you make olive oil? Your shits gonna stick to the pan

>> No.12762074

Portobello steaks are always a disappointment but Portobello pizza can be pretty good.

>> No.12762077

futurism is literally religion for sad atheists

>> No.12762078

O'Neill cylinders are happening, and happening soon. Seethe faggot

>> No.12762079

>But how would you make olive oil? Your shits gonna stick to the pan
Olive trees aren't very water intensive compared to a lot of other crops so just grow them. CO2 scrubbing plus food production plus soil enhancement all in one plant makes orchards a bargain in general for colonies.

>> No.12762080

maybe in a few centuries.

>> No.12762081

It's going to take centuries if not thousands of years for complete self sustenance. That's just something you have to accept.

It ain't beef, but it ain't bad with good oil, garlic, basil, some nice salt and pepper and maybe some chili.

>> No.12762082
File: 33 KB, 219x325, zubrinposter1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some serious duality of /sfg/ vibes

>> No.12762083
File: 910 KB, 1184x767, FADF0BA1-F081-4ED1-A739-DF5B9F63ECE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m Catholic and I want to die on Mars bait harder you retard

Maybe a more bland diet overall will change food expectations? Mushrooms taste great but some people detest them

>> No.12762084

Gonna watch this video might comment here about it

>> No.12762090

going to mars isnt futurism not anymore

>> No.12762094

now that is one GREASY zubrin. forget smelling, I want to FEEL him up and down. Pet his furry chest, taste the sweat dripping off his clumped strands of hair

>> No.12762096

Solid work. This is great.

>> No.12762097

any rich anons here? Please upload it to libgen

>> No.12762098

I did, this isn't a meme right? also wtf is this an ad?

>> No.12762100

hopefully you watch at double speed or something. it very well may be two retards warring

>> No.12762101

Revision 1

>> No.12762102

Self sustenance doesn’t seem that bad that it’ll take centuries. It seems to be a ladder of what’s harder, though.
>Step 1: ISRU Air by splitting Carbon Monoxide
>Step 2: ISRU water by mining ice
>Step 3: ISRU habitats by either printing bricks, printing them in general, making cement, etc.
>Step 4: Metal ISRU. Mining ores and refining them on Mars.
>Step 5: Complex technology ISRU. We will never be self sustaining if we cannot build things like microchips from native martian resources.

No they're not. Explain how you would make one in the next 20 years, and which companies are doing it

>> No.12762104

Im gonna play World of Tanks for a while and just listen to it in the background. Weird as hell if Isaac is actually part of a pyramid scheme

>> No.12762105

Systems are complex and there's always energy loss.

>> No.12762108

Bezos will make them. You seriously gonna bet against the richest man in the world? People underestimated Amazon, and now you all underestimate Blue Origin...fools

>> No.12762112

reach CODified halo, ODST was meh and you know about how trash 4 and 5 are.
I feel bad for zoomers like you who never got to experience the games in their height. I think the closest you have to it are probably fortnite and minecraft which didn't have the same social dynamics.

>> No.12762115

>You seriously gonna bet against the richest man in the world?
musk is currently the richest man in the world.

>> No.12762116

No of course you’re right that’s why you can’t reuse 1 kilo of water forever even in a 99.99999% efficient system. But at least with Mars you have a whole planet of resources.


>> No.12762118

Bezos gained it back because of stock fluctuations. money in this context means little

>> No.12762119
File: 3.95 MB, 510x452, Supernova 1987A LQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.12762120

uhh this guy might be a bonerfied schizo

>> No.12762121

>No of course you’re right that’s why you can’t reuse 1 kilo of water forever even in a 99.99999% efficient system.

Yeah you can. Where the fuck is the water gonna go? Into a wormhole?

>> No.12762122

Mars doesn't have much in the way of soil. Making soil is a very fucking slow biological process.

>> No.12762123

It's not even money. Its a value estimate based off of a hypothetical valuation of the assets one has. It's literally impossible to liquidate those assets at their listed value; it's imaginary wealth.

>> No.12762124

>Systems are complex and there's always energy loss.
And? The colony needs to generate energy anyway, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.12762125

actually Q4 2022. nice try though. getting worried spacexer?

>> No.12762126

Seems like a liberal but I guess there's the schizo angle too

Or maybe those are the same thing

>> No.12762127

>I’d argue that SN9 did even better because it didn’t have the header tank flaw SN8 had.
I absolutely agree. I think brainlets saw the orientation and reeed about it.
>Anyhow I have no idea if SN10 will work. I don’t know if SN11 will work. But I think SpaceX knows this too and they have enough data to move along with other things like the heatshield.
exactly, I think SN15 will land at least but I believe SpaceX has enough confidence in SN10-11 that they can risk SN15 being a more finished product.

>> No.12762128

Did you think I meant energy as in power only? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.12762129

I remember hearing that martian soil itself is toxic which seems worse even.

Stuff is always lost

>> No.12762130

>Systems are complex and there's always energy loss.
All usable energy on Earth is either from nuclear decay, or was created with sunlight, chemistry, biology, and time.

>> No.12762132

Que the neoliberal sheltered white person whining about how they have gorillions of dollars in their bank account

>> No.12762133

terry davis was a smart guy

>> No.12762134

I make it pretty easily in a barrel in my driveway

>> No.12762136

>Stuff is always lost
So there's tiny wormholes just appearing from nowhere and sucking water into some other universe?
a Mars colony would have almost exactly the same water loss pattern as the ISS, from airlocks opening and closing

>> No.12762138

It's perchlorate fucking shit that you can't grow anything in.

Now try to do that on a planet that doesn't have a biosphere.

>> No.12762139

Alright, please describe a form of "energy loss" not related to power generation that would prevent a Martian colony from being self-sustaining.
I can smell the midwit on you.

>> No.12762140

Do we know if they’re actually doing the 3-engine landing burn on SN10 or was Elon just shitposting?

>> No.12762141

perchlorates are simple enough to destroy using bacteria

>> No.12762142

>It's literally impossible to liquidate those assets at their listed value
That is where you are wrong

>> No.12762144

just bring a biosphere

>> No.12762145

i was under the impression pouring water on it was enough to neutralize. and earthworms dig it

>> No.12762147
File: 359 KB, 960x542, unknown (51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... was it ever real?

>> No.12762148

I'm allergic to prawns, can you remove it plz

>> No.12762149

I think they actually are going to.

>> No.12762150

Earthworms are important but are total pieces of shit.
>t. ecology major

>> No.12762151

the stock value would change at exactly the same time they're selling it off

>> No.12762153

Provided the bacteria survives long enough in the radiation.

>just bring a biosphere
Now you have one bucket/container of biosphere for the entire planet. See where this is going?

>> No.12762155
File: 122 KB, 640x609, DE65E9D0-0D75-4755-94B5-2132868C79A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all a dream

>> No.12762156

Humans are walking bioreactors, we bring the biosphere
Literally just bake it and watch it decompose

>> No.12762157

>growing plants to cure lung and heart diseases.
Isn't it a better idea to just ship lots of medicine?

>> No.12762161

the biosphere is self-replicating life is a mild form of grey goo

>> No.12762162

I don’t see why you can’t just shovel a few tons of dirt from Earth down onto Mars’ surface. Your average person needs like 1000 m2 of land to grow enough crops to survive, which is 32X32 meters

>> No.12762163

>That is where you are wrong
The list price and estimate is based on the available supply and demand. As soon as that demand is filled with an influx of supply, the price drops, and will do so precipitously.

>> No.12762165

why are they pieces of shit? teach me dirt man

>> No.12762166

Self-replicating over several billions of years.
Or it just gets nuked by radiation and taken over by the other shit there.

>> No.12762169
File: 1.78 MB, 1440x1080, 1590607778332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you have one bucket/container of biosphere for the entire planet. See where this is going?
It's either very skilled at baiting or we have a legitimate 100 IQ ape-thing visiting us today

>> No.12762170

Potential fusion fuel sources for the future.

>> No.12762172

I can see we have one person suffering from dunning-krueger here at least.

>> No.12762174

>wakes up
>silence in there air, only a light breeze
>boca chica, empty and untouched
>anon, you're finally awake
>elon who? come on, let's take you home

>> No.12762177

Only if they did it all at once

>> No.12762178
File: 1.10 MB, 1421x804, they were beautiful, these rockets in the mist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12762179

and farming metallic hydrogen :)

>> No.12762181

Again assuming it is all at once

>> No.12762182

>Self-replicating over several billions of years.
mitosis disproven mold does not infest bread rapidly and bacteria cant quickly cover a petri dish wow

>> No.12762184

Cosmic strings, yay nor nay

>> No.12762185

>Still assuming earth conditions
>"I maek compost!"

>> No.12762188

Cosmic superstring SRB when?

>> No.12762192

are we all the schizos waiting to wake up?

>> No.12762194
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>> No.12762197
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Fuck man don't do that to me

>> No.12762199

Many lifeforms have no problem growing in simulated Martian environs

>> No.12762200

God I hate this feeling. When you realize your dream never happened

>> No.12762201


>> No.12762208

mars is even more fertile

>> No.12762210

A lot of his criticisms seem very valid.

"Because that is all Isaac Arthur is offering people is very poor and baseless assumptive reasoning, which leads you to a very deranged mind model."

>> No.12762214

Microbes and fungus don't really give a shit about the sort of radiation you'd get even inside a minimally-shielded surface habitat on Mars. UV from the sunlight coming through that thin atmosphere is the thing that would fuck them up. Luckily UV is trivial to deal with.

>> No.12762216

Terry Davis was also right a lot of the time. Maybe the entire time.

>> No.12762223

>New Glenn will fly in 2020!
>actually 2021
>actually Q4 2022, and we'll delay ULA in the process
>and we'll blame the Space Force for all of it
Q4 2022 will be Q4 2023 before the year is out.

>> No.12762227

Actually they blamed a customer too. Rumor is that customer is actually ULA

>> No.12762230
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impossible, earthworms are based and welcome on mars

>> No.12762231

>Again assuming it is all at once
Liquidating your holdings is a surefire way to get people to lose confidence in the company and reduce shareholder interest. This information has to be made public, as well.

>> No.12762235

he likes Thunderf00t which is cringe, but oddly I can't find any other YouTubers who have seen fit to go through Isaac's stuff and offer refutations

>> No.12762237

>mmmm, rogs

>> No.12762242
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Anyone else wanna get lost in SN8's juicy fat sacks?

>> No.12762245
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I'm an animist and just wanted to say fuck you cunt.

>> No.12762247

What the fuck are these worm patties?

>> No.12762253

This scenario fills me with dread

>> No.12762256

>Enormous explosion high above you as a Shuttle reenters

>> No.12762257

larval politicians, feeding on the highway repair line items their parents vomit into the budget

>> No.12762258

>convincing meat substitute
just bring a fucking chicken lmao

>> No.12762259

not ethical

>> No.12762260

Ethics is as relevant to chickens as it is to rocks

>> No.12762262

have you spoken to the chickens?

>> No.12762264
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bxr was stupid

>> No.12762265

ascendant theocidism is a based religion to get sad atheists out of their funk

>> No.12762267

Yes, they go "bock bock" and then I cut their head off, pluck them, gut them, and roast them in the oven with some oil and seasonings.

>> No.12762270

ok as long as you spoke to them

>> No.12762274

Eerie silence from elon. and they're supposed to have big news about dearmoon next week? Uhhhhh I dont think so bros. Maybe the big news is MZ cancelling dearmoon and pulled funding after the disastrous static fire. mz assistant probably said "i dont think so" and slammed the door in musks face. the deal us off, starship funding NOT secured. embarrassing? Highly

>> No.12762282

I say hello to them when I go to feed them veggie scraps, but the little bastards refuse to respond and just pay attention to the potato peelings

>> No.12762284

pressure fed propaox single stage to sub orbit sounding rockets

>> No.12762290

>Taking it all in, a childlike smile broke out over his face. “Hey,” Musk said, turning to me. “Can you believe that thing, or something like it, is going to take people to another planet for the first time in 4.5 billion years? I mean, probably. It may not work. But it probably will.”

>> No.12762291

Weak trolling energy, he's already paid.

>> No.12762292
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imagine being the worlds richest man and self styled space enthusiast and this being the sum total of your companies 21 years of development.

>> No.12762294
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>> No.12762297

I have high hopes for next year. Hopefully they’ve done lots of backroom ground work and the 2020s will be to them what the 2010s were to SpaceX.

Ofcourse he’s fucking late and won’t fully catch up now but i hope he focusses on proper space stations like he imitially talked.

>> No.12762305

If he had any sense and actually cared about the future of the species, Jeff Who would focus on habitat/resource development technology and leave transportation logistics to Spacex.
Instead his dead-end rocket company will perpetually be a decade behind because they spent 20 years making a sounding rocket and a somewhat passable engine.

>> No.12762311

imagine a world where the 2010s had seen spacex do their thing and at the same time bo had focussed and been as quick at putting orbital infrastructure in various orbits around the urf and moon.

>> No.12762314


>> No.12762318

I mean, NG should be a decently competitive vehicle when it finally arrives, and for the time being, space launch is infinitely wider and more profitable than habitats, resource development, and other fields.

>> No.12762320

It's blotted out of the sky

>> No.12762325

what i find surprising is there a basically no companies looking to use all this upcoming cheap heavy lift ability. you'd think there'd be loads of spin off technologies looking to get in on the sudden ability to put thousands of tonnes on different planets. i don't think it's feasible to expect spacex to do -everything-.

>> No.12762332

you have a lot of free time, do you?
Couldn't have done it better myself, thank you anon

I don't think growing herbs would be better than just shipping a single crate of all the thinkable pills
My idea was that most of the medicinal plants are primarily a decorative thing in a park or grown as a houseplant - a small sliver of nature to keep the colonists sane inside the metal and plastic habs.
And why grow something like tulips that are 100% useless besides their looks? You can grow something just as pretty with some other benefits that may come to use.
Assuming you have colony of like 500+ already, you can probably spare a greenhouse just for relaxation.

>> No.12762340

It has a little nap.

>> No.12762344


>> No.12762346

>NG should be a decently competitive vehicle when it finally arrives
Sure, to the Falcon Heavy, a vehicle that has been around for several years already. I'm going to bet now that NG's first flight will happen around the same time Starship delivers its first batch of Starlink sats, and NG will fail the boat landing.
Please screenshot this and either praise or mock me appropriately in the future.

>> No.12762349

martian parks are a nice idea. maybe include a small allotment.
would people transport insects over to roam free in greenhouses? thinking bees etc.

>> No.12762354

I don't know if this is even related to the thread but I get sad thinking about what happened to Apollo 1, Columbia, and Challenger
Rest in peace and fuck you nasa

>> No.12762360

Starship will kill more astronauts than any other rocket in history (and that's a good thing)

>> No.12762361

sfg gets passionately angry at the space shuttle. and rightly so.

>> No.12762387

oh yeah, bees would be great way to pollinate plants
things like wheat can do without them, but proper flowers need some way of pollination to fruit and doing it manually isn't really something you could do on a larger scale
The Space Shuttle and its consequences have been a disaster for the space race

>> No.12762396

Just do cuttings lol
Bananas are basically all clones of eachother, and actually have no seeds whatsoever. They only persist because we turn them into cuttings.

>> No.12762403

being an old man, sat on a bench amongst a load of plants with bumblebees and butterflies buzzing around you and a gentle artificial breeze blows across your face, staring out over the martian desert. peak kino.

>> No.12762425

>being old

Nightmarish and depressing.

>> No.12762430

it will happen to all of us save for a tragic accident or biological fuck up.

>> No.12762436

Better to die before you get old.

>> No.12762438

depends on what you're doing at the time i guess. i get massive fomo about not getting to see how things pan out in the longer term. the 21st century is incredibly boring.

>> No.12762466
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>> No.12762480

spacex stans trembling

>> No.12762486

A whole bunch of unfinished shit nowhere near assembled.
Yeah, I'm sure SpaceX are spastic with fear.

>> No.12762487
File: 566 KB, 700x525, Tawny-Emperor-caterpillars-8-15-09-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's something different
some plants don't self pollinate and the flowers just fall off without moving onto fruit if they aren't pollinated by bees or by brush
*eats your harvest*

>> No.12762488

needs more lakes.

>> No.12762495

>raw stock comes in one end of the factory and a rockets comes out the other
so wheres the rockets? it's a potemkim facility.

>> No.12762497

fool, the butterfly is our harvest

>> No.12762499

...they havent even pressure tested anything?

>> No.12762504

they did - it can withstand upwards of 760 Torrs of pressure - almost 10332 kp/m2

>> No.12762513
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>> No.12762516

wow, impressive

>> No.12762529

How much is that in non-macro scale units?

>> No.12762536
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1 atmophere

>> No.12762539
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Glad to see these 22 years hadn't been wasted

>> No.12762541


>> No.12762555

Lots of BO haters in here...you better apologize when Jeff Bezos spanks Elon in a next year. Gradatim Ferociter (slow and steady wins the race)

>> No.12762559

Just what if, what if BO actually makes it?

>> No.12762563

i just can't get excited about a second united launch alliance.

>> No.12762579

Makes it what? To orbit?
Then good for them, they get to be more than just a government pork engine manufacturer they were starting to look like after all.
But they still got beat by Richard fucking Branson.

>> No.12762581

damn whats all with this wasted space? now i am sad that we don't have more planets

>> No.12762589
File: 39 KB, 299x332, Psilon_MOO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just build more planets

>> No.12762591

bezos redemption arc? or not. amazon was good at anticompetitive practices and leveraging existing infrastructure. Blue is probably failing because you cant be anticompetitive in the current launch market, you actually have to try. lobbying and political swagger only gets you so far when you deliver on nothing. I also dont think Bezos know how to trailblaze infrastructure, only leverage it. and Blue has to do a lot on their own

>> No.12762595

by the time new glenn reaches orbit, the small launch shake down may have already happened. they will have to rely on price dumping to take any market share. bezos might be able to afford it

>> No.12762602

What is actually good about Mars?

>Gravity high enough to be a pain in the ass for deltaV
>Gravity still too low for humans
>Long ass travel time with big gaps
>Not particularly resource rich
>Not able to be teraformed with onsite materials

Seems like a bit of a meme, is it just because of carbon in the atmosphere and water ice at the poles?

The moon seems like a more sensible first step (not saying that NASAs moon plan is good), and IMO the real long term space goal is making resource acquisition infrastructure in the asteroid belt, which mars doesn't have that much to do with.
We will need that anyway if we want to terraform mars.

I guess Maybe Mars could be developed into a spaceship foundry? Making infrastructure for the asteroid belt, taking advantage of much lower Mars escape velocity (half of earth, thanks to logarithmic nature of the rocket equation, this means orbit is much much easier)
Will mars actually be resource rich enough and self sufficient enough to make that economical Vs shipping from earth or shipping from the moon (which has even lower gravity and escape velocity).
What are the deltaV costs of escaping from earth orbit from the moon?
What are moon resources like for fuel? I know there is some liquid water there, and proposals for aluminium based rockets.
I wonder if you could make fission or fusion powered ships with TWR suitable for Mars or Moon launch (besides messy stuff like Orion NSWR)
NERVA would have a TWR of 3 on mars, 6 on the moon.

>> No.12762610

It would be despite, not because of all they've done so far.
Nice one,anon.

>> No.12762615

Mars is completely pointless, but /sfg/ has watched too much The Expanse and want Mars to be colonized for some reason. Also Musk fanboys who will parrot all his ideas.

>> No.12762616

>What is actually good about Mars?
it's a separate rock we can cling onto while looking for something else and staying here is death.

>> No.12762627

>Gravity high enough to be a pain in the ass for deltaV
>Not particularly resource rich
Yeah, no. The ability to aerobrake on the way in and ISRU methane there while still being able to attain orbit with relative ease makes Mars the most benign place in the entire solar system.
Mars has every resource available on Earth or damn near it, which makes it the second most resource rich place we know of. Further out the large bodies are all differentiated iceballs or gas giants, closer in Venus is a shitty meme planet and mercury is a blasted rock, the Moon critically lacks carbon and nitrogen. It's Mars, then carbonaceous asteroids, then everything else.
>Gravity still low for humans
Prove it.
>muh terraform
Meme shit.

>> No.12762628

futurism is literally nazism

>> No.12762631

>says Mars isn’t resource rich
>says to colonize the fucking moon instead

Must be a troll

>> No.12762632

Can vouch, Musk fanboy here

>> No.12762634
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to you KING

>> No.12762637

wtf i love isaac arthur now

>> No.12762649


Total meme, these places are never going to be good to live in for their own sake, they will be like oil rigs, mining towns ect, places where people go for dangerous high paying work.

What I am asking is whether it makes more sense to launch rockets from Mars, the Moon or Earth to develop the asteroid belt.
Mars has more Ice than the Moon and more carbon, but besides that it doesn't have much advantage and it's harder to initially develop.

>> No.12762650

the futurists in italy got absorbed into the fascist movement, and the italian fascist movement heavily influenced adolf hitler

>> No.12762652

Distinct lack of argument detected.

>> No.12762654

Prove it

>> No.12762663

I wanted to colonize Mars long before your gay ass Expanse series was ever thought off.

>> No.12762666

>Mars is completely pointless
ah yes because there are so many other relatively easy to reach planets to visit next to us

>> No.12762668

No, we should just stay on Earth and fix our planet first.

>> No.12762671

no fixing this mess. it's fubar.

>> No.12762674

Yes, I've been trying to convince /sfg/ of this for years. We must indeed cancel spaceflight and take the money and spend it on lipstick

>> No.12762675

Learn your discourse sweaty, huwites are lizardmen from mars and we're going back to OUR planet. Earth will be renamed Neo-Africa after the great rebalancing.

>> No.12762679

>gravity still too low for humans
completely baseless assertion that you have no reason to believe

>> No.12762681

Earth, the land o niggars.

bros im feeling sleepy

>> No.12762684

Why not both lol are you that retarded. Oh, and the earth is completely habitable if you didn't know.

>> No.12762685

>Mars has more gravity than the moon.
>Mars is considerably further than the moon even if Δv is similar.
>The moon has the things you need to make rockets.

Why should I pick Mars over the moon, easier to make food on mars I guess?
In the long run it might make more sense, since aero capture reduces the cost of transport from belt to Mars massively compared to the moon.
However that requires that the belt infrastructure is pre-existing.

>> No.12762688

>The moon has the things you need to make rockets.
but mars somehow doesn't, ok retard

>> No.12762691

I'm a newfag. What was /sfg/ like before SpaceX started to pick up steam?

>> No.12762694
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I didn't say mars didn't?
Please keep up anon.

>> No.12762697

>Blue is probably failing because you cant be anticompetitive in the current launch market, you actually have to try.
Body Odor is failing because Jeff Who just threw money at them, apparently without paying attention to actual progress. Now that he's stepped down as Amazon CEO, he has time to clean out some stables, good luck.
>Thin atmosphere that makes it hard to use parachutes or airfoils
On the other hand it only needs a single stage to orbit. If we can get some industry going there, it's got great dV to the asteroid belt and Jovian moons.
>spend it on lipstick
and lube

>> No.12762698

Didn't exist really. I think it'll be very difficult to explain to future generations the lull between Columbia and Falcon 9.
>I'm serious, son, we genuinely thought that nothing meaningful was going to happen this entire retched century.

>> No.12762699

/sfg/ didn't exist until two months after Elon started building a water tank for thirsty border crossers

>> No.12762702

this is the original weld watchers anonymous. reddit stole it and now estronaut sells the tshirts.

>> No.12762703

can someone post the compilation of "its just a water tower" posts? its really funny

>> No.12762707

>Mars has more gravity than the moon.
>Mars is considerably further than the moon even if Δv is similar.
The trip there 3-6 months, we know from the ISS that it's doable.
>The moon has the things you need to make rockets.
The moon cannot support life and living things make rockets.
Alright, you have fun with that.

>> No.12762714

>3-6 months
outside of the earth's magnetosphere
one by one, every cell of the crew is going to fall apart

>> No.12762715

>Now that he's stepped down as Amazon CEO, he has time to clean out some stables, good luck.
He'd been filling all of the directorial positions at BO with oldspace trash leading up to that, it would be nice if a change were coming but it's doubtful.

>> No.12762721

>GCR dose rates in low Earth orbit are about half those in interplanetary space. Thus there are a dozen cosmonauts and astronauts who have already received Mars mission equivalent GCR doses (Padalka, Malenchenko Avdeyev, Polyakov, Solovyov, Krikalyov, Titov, Manarov, Foale, Fincke, Pettit, Walz, Kelly, Whitson) during extended space missions without any radiological casualties. Furthermore, since the International Space Station (ISS) is continually manned, while Mars missions are only in space about 40 percent of their mission time, the total GCR dose (measured in person-rems) that the ISS program crews will receive over the next ten years of planned operations is about the same as would be received by a series of five crews of five people each if they were launched to Mars every other year over the same period. Thus, in fact the ISS program has already accepted the same level of GCR risk for its crews as would be faced by an ongoing human Mars exploration program.

>> No.12762735

> he has time to clean out some stables
And under whose watch did the stables degenerate, exactly?

>> No.12762737

>it would be nice if a change were coming but it's doubtful.
This is for me the whole crux of the BO debacle. I genuinely want to see them succeed because I think having two major private space companies would be beneficial. But time and time again they've squandered their own opportunities.
>tfw back in 2017 I bought into the "slow and steady" meme and thought they were just around the corner to start giving SpaceX some healthy competition

>> No.12762749

This is the moment you become the protagonist of the story and have to stop NASA from pursuing Constellation and SLS.

>> No.12762752

So transporting stuff from the moon is a lot easier than transporting it from Mars.
The lunar ascent module had a mass fraction of 40% with a 290 second ISP.
A Mars orbit vehicle would have 15%.
Moon requires lower TWR as well allowing for better payload fraction or more efficient, lower thrust engines.
NERVA moon ship would have drymass fraction of 75% and payload fraction around 50-60% for example.

>The trip there 3-6 months, we know from the ISS that it's doable.
More like 4 to 8 months, Vs let's say a couple of weeks for moon (accounting for setting up your launcher) that's a lot more margin for error regarding emergencies and a lot less delays from waiting for equipment.
The radiation risk is not massively important assuming a dedicated orbital Mars shuttle for humans, most of the downmass is going to be non-human cargo.

>The moon cannot support life and living things make rockets.

Mars cannot support life either, it will still need Earth import, it's just a bit cheaper over the long run, ultimately you aren't going to need that many people to support operations.


The asteroid belt is the point of all this yes.

>> No.12762777

Mars orbiter would actually likely be worse than this sorry. I didn't account for gravity losses for Mars, as I used the Lunar ascent module deltaV (2.8km/s) for the moon orbit but the Mars escape velocity for Mars (5km/s), Moon escape velocity is 2.3km/s so there would clearly be some additional gravity losses on the Mars orbiter.

>> No.12762805

>So transporting stuff from the moon is a lot easier than transporting it from Mars.
>proceeds with a bunch of naive or irrelevant analysis
This is pants-on-head.
-Our primary interest is colonization, which means we want to be bringing material from Earth and making as efficient usage of it as possible. Not only does this massively favor Mars over the Moon because of resource availability (resource extraction being much more efficient than raw resource importation), in any case return payload beyond personnel is not a primary concern.
-Starship cannot do an ISRU return from the Moon, but it can from Mars, meaning the practical reality is upmass from Mars will be much greater. You think you can do better? Show me the rocket.
-Lower TWR to orbit is meaningless, you still need to land on Earth. I shouldn't need to explain to anyone on /sfg/ the importance of reusability, and parachute recovery with hundreds of tons of vehicle is impractical at best.
-There are no NERVA ships. There will be Mars colonies long before we have any nuclear orbital infrastructure. You will never be one with the protomolecule.

>> No.12762814

Well, sci, are you black? If not, you cannot possibly understand the trip to mars.


>> No.12762820

>Mars cannot support life either, it will still need Earth import
Mars needs import of habitat and resource extraction equipment, ie the bare minimum for colonization. It has the raw resources to support life in abundance. Much more than could be said for the Moon or any asteroid.

>> No.12762825
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>imagine being the world's richest man and building a flying dildo with suborbital cabin, instead of this

>> No.12762847

You do understand that the "stables" I was referring to were of the "Augean" kind, right?
see >>12762715

>> No.12762859

>Our primary interest is colonization.

The primary driver is profit actually, this is why Mars colonisation for it's own sake is a meme, a great public work that Elon pays for out of his own pocket.

>Starship cannot do an ISRU return

We aren't aiming to sending stuff back to earth, the entire point is building ships and equipment there and then sending that to the asteroid belt, because space resource extraction only begins to make sense when you don't have to lug it up a gravity well; this is the entire point of Using Mars or the Moon over Earth to develop the asteroid belt, because even with re-usable rockets Earth's gravity well is punishing.

>Lower TWR to orbit is meaningless, you still need to land on Earth.

No I don't, you are missing the point entirely, please actually follow the conversation.

>> No.12762865
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>> No.12762872

>The primary driver is profit actually
First off, (((You))). Second, making profit through resource extraction is not possible without first colonizing.
>We aren't aiming to sending stuff back to earth, the entire point is building ships and equipment there and then sending that to the asteroid belt
I don't give a fuck about the asteroid belt and that snippet you took off actually applies to that purpose just as much anyway. Starship can send more mass to an asteroid from Mars than it can from the Moon and nothing else even comes close.
>please actually follow the conversation
No u.

>> No.12762906

the primary driver is profit. deal with it.

>> No.12762907

your mom primarily drives my dick

>> No.12762918

Mine too, she's a busy lady.

>> No.12762925

That's how the world works, you can't blame Jews when everyone else does the exact same shit, it's just cope; You are all happy merchants now.
>I don't give a fuck about the asteroid belt
What you or I think doesn't matter.
>Starship can send more mass to an asteroid from Mars than it can from the Moon
Pretty much the same actually.
Something purpose built on the moon would be 3 times better.

>> No.12762926

an astronaut walks into a martian proonted buttplug with a yoke from a classical airline themed starship sticking out the front of his eva suit.
the irradiated inhabitant looks at him and asks, "hey, you know you have a olde-worldy yoke sticking out of the front of your pants?"
elon looks at him and says, "aye it's driving me nuts"

>> No.12762929

The market took years after Falcon 9 first landed before it started really taking advantage of it. The same will most likely happen for these new launchers

>> No.12762931
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>> No.12762936

pretty sure there have been a bunch of orbital tech companies come and go. the problem is how do you make money this way? there's just not much to sell unless you build a space hotel or something

>> No.12762939

I won't bother with all the non-arguments.
>Pretty much the same actually.
Are you braindead? The moon doesn't even have the right ingredients. It's a net negative.
>Something purpose built on the moon would be 3 times better.
Your 3 times better vehicle isn't being developed, and the moon's lack of resources makes it irrelevant. The constant stream of raw resources from the Earth to keep the people making and maintaining the infrastructure you want alive would be more intensive than what you're saving.

>> No.12762943

What about space brothels?

>> No.12762946

>I won't bother with all the non-arguments.
Don't bother hitting 'post' next time

>> No.12762947

Wow you really proved you can make an argument with that one chief

>> No.12762951

I won't bother talking to you friendo.

>> No.12762955

Yet you need the last word anyway

>> No.12762956

No :]

>> No.12762959


>> No.12762960
File: 23 KB, 237x188, thinking hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are numbers words

>> No.12762961


>> No.12762964

>Page 4
Looks like its time for a new bread

>> No.12762965

Is punctuation words?

>> No.12762968


>> No.12762970

Looks like it's time for you to go back to where you came from.

>> No.12762973


>> No.12762974


>> No.12762980
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>> No.12762981
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It’s not colonizing Mars guys!
We are poor refugees fleeing our world that is suffering from climate change and republicans.
And if you don’t let us migrate that means you’re racist!

>> No.12762991

No colonist is illegal (tm)

>> No.12763004
File: 117 KB, 1200x887, eraaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is to study their moon which are much more habitable than fucking Mars. Pic related is Europa, it has a big ocean under the water-ice layer unlike fucking Mars which doesnt have water at all

>> No.12763009
File: 334 KB, 480x360, Jupiter Impact.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use nukes as fireworks in space?

>> No.12763011


>> No.12763012

Because theyre made of helium and nothing floats in helium. Why dont we send balloons to Venus? Because basedboys like Mars

>> No.12763013

Plenty of colonists would be japs and russians
>”y-your r-racist for not letting us be in charge!”

>> No.12763017

make a torrent faggyt

>> No.12763020

A free market bitcoin investor vlogger aeronautics professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Elon Musk, known capitalist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Musk and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than the founder of Reddit!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, anti-depot Senator who had served 1500 tours of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and understood the necessity of cost overruns and fully supported all space decision made by the United States congress stood up and held up a 1/32 model of the Space Launch System.

”How old is this rocket, foreigner?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “50 years old, you stupid American”.

”Wrong. This rocket is as old as America itself. If it was 50 years old, as you say, it would have only bought me one boat!"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his vape and picture of Tim Dodd. He stormed out of the room crying those capitalist tears. The same tears capitalists cry for the when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving State and Federal bureaucracies by demanding transparent oversite.

The students applauded and all applied for a job in local government that day and accepted the Shuttle as the best spacecraft ever invented. An eagle named “Richard Nixon” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the no creased picture of Dodd. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up to plant an American flag on Mars.

>> No.12763030

there are underground liquid water lakes on mars, just not oceans

>> No.12763031

Seethe more

>> No.12763044

>A free market bitcoin investor vlogger aeronautics professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Elon Musk, known capitalist.
Why would I want to read the rest? Fuck off.

>> No.12763047

Brave and avant-garde. Don't let the philistines get you down.

>> No.12763052

New York Times Bestseller

>> No.12763053

Avant-garde jewish globalism

>> No.12763060

dont get

>> No.12763061


Europa sits smack in the middle of Jupiter's radiation belts and gets pissed with 1000x more radiation than Mars.

Not a good place for humans to visit.

>> No.12763065
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The absolute state of the average /sfg/ poster.

>> No.12763070


>> No.12763083
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>> No.12763086

Quality content.

>> No.12763089

Remember when this thread would speculate endlessly about every bit of minutia around the SN series? I do, that was fun.
I wonder what's going on with SN10, they swapped an engine fast but I'm not entirely sure why. The new one worked though, meaning we should all be wondering about the date of the upcoming hop.

>> No.12763091

>perpetual year 2000
Kinda comfy in a way I guess.

>> No.12763094

Does this mean a perpetual kosovo war? I know where I'd be going.

>> No.12763095

We know its NET monday

>> No.12763103

A nuke would ignite Jupiter and it would become a star

>> No.12763109


>> No.12763110

Radiation doesnt penetrate the ice crust

>> No.12763111

SEETHING europhile

>> No.12763128

I don't know what a 'perpetual year 2000' would really entail and how it would work desu

>> No.12763131


Jupiter doesnt have the mass to sustain fusion, even at low rates. For that to happen, Jupiter needs to have a mass several times greater than it has in order for it to be a brown dwarf, let alone being a red one.

>> No.12763133

so what? luv me some yuros

>> No.12763139

Would you bet a buck that SN10 flies then?
I hope it does.

>> No.12763141
File: 1.10 MB, 750x1334, F61BB28A-9684-444B-99D1-55C760D6BD1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you invested in this?

>> No.12763145

>Total meme, these places are never going to be good to live in for their own sake

The further away from EarthGov I can get, the better. Plus there's cool rocks out there

>> No.12763150

>another fucking who company
>trust us, we are about to start the next phase of space travel
fuck off

>> No.12763152

>large scale orbital construction company
>has never constructed anything of any scale
looks legit

>> No.12763170

I need to see it to believe it.

>> No.12763171

>yow dispicabuhl
ok Isaac

>> No.12763176

concepts too retarded even for isaac awthur:

>> No.12763177


>> No.12763180

Not him but Isaac rolls with it and makes fun of himself some over it, which is the proper way to deal with having some disability.


>> No.12763189

how does a pisslock work wouldnt the water evaporate in the Martian air???

>> No.12763193

so you just come up with undeliverable concepts, build some vapourware, and people give you money?

>> No.12763196

sounds like the job for me

>> No.12763202

i could sit here all day thinking of things all far more realistic that spinlaunch but no one gives me a phat salary. the obvious answer is to start an aerospace company.

>> No.12763213

Mars colonization

>> No.12763218
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Is a liquid methane lake expected to be more or less transparent than a water lake? Asking for a Titan mission

>> No.12763220
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Quick rundown on the next hop?

>> No.12763222

Imagine doing a cannonball in that bros...

>> No.12763226

It's probably deep orange with tholins

>> No.12763231


Maybe, MAYBE Monday, probably mid March.

>> No.12763235

Will Blue Origin livestream their hops with New Glenn?

>> No.12763247

there are though

>> No.12763250

Not if there's a chance of failure, so no.

>> No.12763252

The stream will be available to Amazon Prime members for free; $1.99 for anyone else.

>> No.12763256

Could life exist in them? How do you know theyre there if they are underground???

>> No.12763261
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>no smart phones
>no social media
>usenet still relevant
>you can get 1.5M/384K DSL

>> No.12763262


>> No.12763264

>Two years ago, planetary scientists reported the discovery of a large saltwater lake under the ice at Mars’s south pole, a finding that was met with excitement and some scepticism. Now, researchers have confirmed the presence of that lake and found three more.
>The discovery, reported on 28 September in Nature Astronomy1, was made using radar data from the European Space Agency’s Mars-orbiting spacecraft, called Mars Express.

>> No.12763272

i can't post the fucking article link. whatever, just copy and paste what i posted into your search bar and you'll find the article probably

>> No.12763278

Firefly's rocket is now NET April. I feel like it's getting delayed by a month every month.

>> No.12763283

>I feel like it's getting delayed by a month every month
That's all rockets

>> No.12763292

Wtf this is based

>> No.12763294

get on my level, nerds
t. SLS

>> No.12763295
File: 812 KB, 2000x1500, firefly-alpha-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its p.sexy ngl

>> No.12763299

The ass is very cute, and this rocket looks even better than a Falcon 1. Redpill me on Firefly, are they based or cringe

>> No.12763305

Their rocket can put 1000 kilos into LEO at about $15 Million.

>> No.12763309

What the absolute fuck is up with Texas and rockets recently? The Califlorida government launch complex system has been getting BTFO'd as of recently.

>> No.12763317

is the construction method based or autistic?

>> No.12763322
File: 57 KB, 513x370, falcon 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12763328

Anywhere I can see 2010: The Year we Make Contact for free? Soap2day doesn't have it.

>> No.12763333

Fuck I've been meaning to watch this movie for so long.

>> No.12763337

Last time I rewatched it, I think I used this link

>> No.12763340

god that thing was basic as fuck.

>> No.12763347

rockets should be simple as fuck

>> No.12763348

Rip Falcon 1. Horribly underrated and was overall a shitty vehicle but it still did it’s job

>> No.12763352

wasn't a criticism. rather how far the industry has come in 15 years.

>> No.12763361

Nah the rocket industry is the same minus SpaceX. Atlas V was flying in 2005 and still is. Delta IV was flying in 2005 and still is (kinda). Ariane 5 was flying and still is. All of these vehicles are mostly unchanged aside from the new boosters on Atlas V. If it wasn’t for SpaceX we’d be stuck here

>> No.12763367

>In June 2019, SpaceX began a raise of US$300 million, most of it from the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

>> No.12763374
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>> No.12763380

>million square feet
>550 employees

>> No.12763386

Starship has a volume of over a cubic kilometer, which is probably bigger than a million square feet

>> No.12763396

I legitimately do not understand their mindset. They are operating like they are ULA 2.0; like they will be told by the government to launch all of their satellites and they will rake in that sweet sweet gooberment money. BUT THESE FUCKERS HAVEN'T EVEN PUT A SINGLE FUCKING GRAM INTO ORBIT YET

>> No.12763398

So SpaceX plans to have Boca Chica be Starship factory and produce upto 8 starships a year. Then launch those starship over to places where their offshore launchpads(oilrigs) are. There the starship will stack on top of the superheavy booster and launch to space. Starship will also land back on those offshore launchpads. They plan to have many offshore launchpads.

Florida site might just coalesce all the Falcon family development/refurbishment. SpaceX may slowly reduce manufacturing operation from California and keep it as operations/software side of things.

>> No.12763410

even more stupid as ula know that if they don't change fast they're going bankrupt (same with ariane space). new glenn will be 10 years late to a party everyone has left.

>> No.12763414
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After all they are archaic technology. Not physics based.

>> No.12763417

Given the oil rig business might be dying off in the next 10 years, SpaceX will have plenty of options to buy cheap used oil rigs and convert them to launch platforms. They will station them all around the world for Earth2Earth transportation system. Maybe first areas will be where military bases are.

>> No.12763419

sooo how will they move Superheavy booster ?

>> No.12763422

I don't see oil rigs going away that fast, like you think.

>> No.12763425

Same way they do Starship.

>> No.12763432

>this anon still believes in the green energy meme

>> No.12763440

Oil rigs get auctioned off/sold every few years. So that will happen. I'm not saying every oil rig in the world will collapse, but whatever the normal rate currently is for abandoning/disusing it will be accelerated.

>> No.12763441
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>> No.12763442

Until you have commercial space stations (Axiom, Von Braun^W^WVoyager Station if that turns out to be not an investor scam) and tugs (Momentus) there's nowhere to go. We need infrastructure in LEO to make anything but "ha ha big satellite", deep space science probes, or SpaceX's colony plans viable with Starship. Once tugs are cheap enough for example, a Starship launch and a tug boost out past the magnetosphere should total under $2 million for a plasma magnet sail test flight.

>> No.12763443

I can see SpaceX struggling to make 8 superheavy boosters a year but I bet they can easily make 1 Starship a month. We could see more Starships than Boosters until manufacturing speeds up.

>> No.12763446

I don't think they'll need to do 8 superheavy booster per year. They will do 1-2 booster per year and many more Starship. Maybe something like 4:1 ratio.

>> No.12763449
File: 2.55 MB, 1508x942, SAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The National AERONAUTICS and SPACE Administration
>Their photo library is currently filled with saving the turtles and black people
You can't make this shit up. This is like an /sfg/ shitpost come to life. The photo library is supposed to contain updated Artemis photos, the most recent ISS photos, etc. This is fucked. The absolute state of NASA.

>> No.12763453

They’ll mount it on that truck and drive it vertically. Anyhow BN1’s lox tank is being stacked now

>> No.12763464

>If Biden wins, NASA will become the save the turtles, climate science, virtue signal department

>> No.12763465

You now realize they weren't shitposts.

>> No.12763469

fly it

>> No.12763471
File: 29 KB, 753x707, stanczyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ was right again

>> No.12763474

The saddest words in the tongues of man

>> No.12763478

>Redpill me on Firefly
It's a Texan cowboy rocket named Firefly with a proonted engine named Reaver. Definitely based. Their tri-core "Firefly Beta" design will be cheaper than Antares for boosting 8000kg to LEO or smol things to GTO, with no solids or foreign engines. That means it's genuinely competitive for CRS Round 3 or for dedicated launches for people that can't/won't buy from SpaceX.

>> No.12763489

>So SpaceX plans to have Boca Chica be Starship factory and produce upto 8 starships a year.
a lot more probably

>> No.12763496
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, dragonnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I interest you in Dragonfly?

>> No.12763497

Possibly, but thats the limit of their FAA documents or atleast thats how many they can launch per year from Boca. Maybe they will bring carry the starship on the oil rig and transport extras manually, but that seems unlikely.

>> No.12763499
File: 75 KB, 673x910, 8C28FFF5-DEE3-4F9A-84D8-9E0B0C591C5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /pol/ is shit on by everyone but they’re right a scarily large amount of the time

>> No.12763505

I doubt NASA will move away from Antares to an unproven rocket for CRS until Firefly has a few years of launches under their belt.

>> No.12763506

A human can survive a fall from terminal velocity on Titan due to the huge atmosphere and low gravity. Hypothetically all you need to survive an orbital entry on Titan would be a heat shield. So you could do a cannonball from orbit with just a heat shield.

Also the waves in those lakes are measured in micrometers. Standing near one would be like standing near a giant fucking mirror.

>> No.12763509

They’re gonna need more boosters. They lose like 2-3 Falcon 9’s every year while landing.

>> No.12763513
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>> No.12763514

Antares makes me sad. It’s a great vehicle and costs $80 million which is actually somewhat competitive on the commercial market. However it’s still too expensive to beat SpaceX and I don’t understand why they have the little retard second stage on it

>> No.12763517

Reasoning from analogy is amateur. Falcon boosters are lost due to wind conditions, merlin flaws with regards to high flight rate, etc. Raptors are designed for rapid reuse, boosters are big boys and winds are much less of an issue, oil rigs will provide much more stable foundation than drone ships they use for F9s, plus amount of raptors they have means they have lot more options in case of few failures.

>> No.12763526

A cubic kilo meter is a km on every side...

>> No.12763535

>hand over the money, anon

>> No.12763540

Boca Chica is actually really small and doesn’t have much room to expand
And if the whole point of it was to be able to orbitally launch, which is why it’s coastal and the furthest south with a straight shot east

Other wise they could have picked any place with a water connection to the Gulf

My suggestion is some farmland in arkansas
Bonus being people speak English there

>> No.12763541

maybe it's because pandering to space autists isn't a winning pr strategy

>> No.12763550

i need to rewatch this soon

>> No.12763554

>pandering to space autists
You mean posting images and video from ongoing NASA missions that people are interested in seeing?
You mental midget.

>> No.12763559

I actually watched him often several years ago. I didn't think he was that bad, just overly optimistic at what people could achieve "with current technology".
I got tired of him once his videos started to get way too long and spent way too long explaining the must mundane details.

>> No.12763575
File: 78 KB, 800x764, rockstar-dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t have much room to expand
I live in a place heavily constrained by land that is far smaller than Boca and they build 50 storey buildings to accommodate people. There's millions of people on this island.
Your attitude is weak as fuck and you are ngmi with regards to interplanetary exploration.

>> No.12763576

I think listening to him for actual predictions on future technologies is pretty silly. I enjoy listening for the fantastical sci-fi ideas/speculation, shit like black hole civilizations probably won't ever happen but it's fun to think about.

>> No.12763579


>> No.12763581

It's fun to think about being an alien with five cocks with a woman of a different race bouncing on each of them but that won't happen either

>> No.12763585

I thought that was spaghetti at first

>> No.12763586

Factories and test sites are not apartment buildings idiot

>> No.12763588

Obviously martian colonists will be recycling their pee, but what will they be doing with their poo? Fertilizer?

>> No.12763590
File: 1.59 MB, 3056x2184, 1601230162101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude I only have basic fantasies

>> No.12763592

I'm glad you agree anon, based

>> No.12763595

10^3 is 1000
1000^3 would be 1 000 000 000

>> No.12763603

Yeah, use it for growing plants I guess. Martian regolith is actually viable for growing plants by itself, but you can use shit piles for supplementation.

>> No.12763636

Girlfriends aren't even that hard to find, but I think I prefer male partners because it's much easier to relate and you're more likely to share interests. Women who you can ramble about Halo lore with are few and far between.

>> No.12763641

>girlfriends are easy to find that’s why I’m a fag

>> No.12763642

Can I brap myself into a comfy landing on a methane lake?
(Have some serious braps stored up, just for note)

>> No.12763646

>seething incel jealous of bisexual chads

>> No.12763649

NASA is the future space EPA unless the latter is given authority to protect all environments.

>> No.12763652

Dont get pic

>> No.12763653

> Pretending you aren't gayer than 90's electro music
Quality bait

>> No.12763654

You’d surely drown and freeze to death

>> No.12763655

What about Callisto?
protip: the radiation is pretty much earth surface level...

>> No.12763656

> There's no land in Texas
mf pls

>> No.12763658

Why would you ever protect a non-Earth environment?

>> No.12763663

I'm only like 60% gay

>> No.12763664

>will the state of Texas sell parklands and beaches and the rio grande to SpaceX


>> No.12763669

Entirely worth it for being the first self-propulsed touchdown into a natural satellite.
I'm drawing up the spacesuit plans right now in mspaint.

>> No.12763673

who gives a shieet about radiation when youre in the under-ice ocean anyways

>> No.12763678

temp is negative 180 real degrees and theres no oxygen

>> No.12763681

Antares made sense at the time. Foreign slav kerolox engines and solids were cheaper than in house engine development for ATK, and it did fly only two years after the Shuttle was retired, for a tiny fraction of the cost.

>> No.12763693

The dragon capsules are made to not be operated at all, and to be used by people with little training.
And they are just a stopgap anyway until starship is up an running.

>> No.12763698
File: 206 KB, 1080x647, 224B0AB3-A3EC-4E8C-A3AB-742ED6B7AC33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a neat topic. Earthworms are essential to ensure proper soil mixture, decomposition, etc. We need them. But the problem is that ecosystems are a careful interplay of highly variable things. Earthworms are great but they’re also one of the worst invasive species on the planet. Earthworms in their own ecosystem do a great job but when you get others in the same one, the soil ends up getting far too much water, and also ends up receiving less nutrients. All in all this little effect can lead to ecosystems changing a lot. Long story short, earthworms are good but too many will kill your forest, animals, plants, everything.

>> No.12763701

what's the delta'v for travelling to Alpha Centauri

>> No.12763705

The logical reason? None.

The one that will drive policies?
>"Altering other environments may irreversibly damage our chance to discover alien life by contaminating samples."
>"It is important to keep alien environments as pristine as possible for future research as technology improves."
>"We humans have learned that protecting the environment is important, lets give it our best with alien ones as well."
>"Science says life may come to exist somewhere in the future so lets not interfere with it mkay'?"
>"Humans are evil and spread capitalism and hate we can't allow ourselves to leave and destroy more worlds - first we gotta learn to respect Earth and live in harmony with nature."
>"Spaceflight is Neo-colonialism in action and a crime against humanity fuck space save teh human race!"
>"Humans are a virus - we must die on our containment planet."
>"mo money for dem programs"

Roughly ordered from "sciencey" to "sincere".

>> No.12763708

50 km/s from LEO for a Hohmann transfer

>> No.12763710

At 5% the speed of light it’s 15,000 kilometers/second. You could use a plasma sail to brake without expending propellant

>> No.12763713

You serious? Doesn't seem that bad, but I bet that transfer is thousands of years long

>> No.12763725
File: 640 KB, 2112x1188, EvKMx8SXEAQNS_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol looks like the raptor cad was leaked from spacex

>> No.12763726

50km/s is less than 0.00001c so it's not a meaningful way of sending anything other than a rock.

>> No.12763732

Lets turn ourselves into rocks

>> No.12763733

>I’m Catholic
Based. I hope we can get a Catholic colony on Mars and/or Titan one day.

>> No.12763736

>what are materials

>> No.12763741

Hate to say I told you so, but I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO.
Do not underestimate an angry Gen X veteran who has seen this shit unfold so many times he has given up on politics.

>> No.12763742

It’s weird that Raptor seems both more and less complicated than Merlin

>> No.12763745

Gonna get a lot of mileage from this phrase over the next couple years. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12763746

I'd enjoy seeing about 40% of the country continually eating crow like this if the consequences weren't so dire.

>> No.12763749

It's just some photos dude

>> No.12763750

mmm rogs...

>> No.12763753

>lol looks like the raptor cad was leaked from spacex

Pretty sure its just 3D-modeling autismo.

>> No.12763754

40% of the country are foreigners who love that shit
They are 55% of the young too

The country is fucking dead Jim

>> No.12763759

>I'd enjoy seeing about 40% of the country continually eating crow like this if the consequences weren't so dire.

I just need to see if I'm able to say "I told you so" to Biden being 23'rded within six months of taking office.

>> No.12763761

>pre-election: "yo, Joe's gonna re-bomb Syria if he gets in you know"
>anons: naaah you're crazy, that won't happen!
>post-election: "yeah so Joe is rebombing Syria again"
>anons: Well yeah but it's what needs to be done, don't you know about the gas?!
It's all so frustrating.

>> No.12763762
File: 263 KB, 1125x724, 0DBE4382-DC4C-4A7F-B8DC-9665AC9599CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SFG but in February 1981 instead of 2021

>> No.12763763

Its created to be more refurbishable than Merlin. SpaceX bring along extra Raptor engines to Mars in case some of them fail or get damaged. They can replace it back in 1 day.

>> No.12763764

>It's just some photos dude
>It's just Artemis being delayed dude
>It's just Gateway being cancelled dude
>It's just Artemis being repurposed for Mars dude
>It's just Artemis being given a vague "2030ish" date dude
>It's just Artemis being cancelled dude

>> No.12763766

>It's all so frustrating.
The only thing that matters is the Will To Power, and when people only care about power, nobody cares about policy.

>> No.12763767

I put my money on him lasting a year or two but they vary well might perform the puppet-swap earlier than that.

>> No.12763779
File: 785 KB, 1206x1422, Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 11.29.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did NASA mean by this?

>> No.12763780

If he starts looking for corners to shit in in the oval office on live tv, they might have to.

t. someone who had to deal with an alzheimer parent.

>> No.12763785

[angry 300 baud acoustic screeching]

>> No.12763788

Biden is re-balancing few things to get America back on track. I don't really care about any woke garbage or any fear mongering, as long as he stays centrist enough, I'm okay with it. I want a president that's centrist, has interests of Americans at heart, and wants strong national unity (not just poc shit, but political unity) and wants American leadership to continue, whether that is military/space/economy/technology/politically, and more importantly all of them at same time.

>> No.12763790
File: 49 KB, 720x692, final frontier of space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Screeeech!" - NASA

>> No.12763793

>can't wait for the first space shuttle flight!
>seething commies
>pls dont nuke

>> No.12763794

"We're racists, look at everything through race, you're racist if you don't notice race, race is the most important issue of our time, pay no attention to class war that almost popped off in '08 when this bullshit got injected into popular culture again"

>> No.12763795

Don't care. Does that mean NASA wants to support Mars human landing soon as possible? That's what matters. Whether it is with black or white or asian, as long as its American I'm fine with it.

>> No.12763798
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>> No.12763799

That's right Syrian children, America is BACK!
Duck and cover you little shits!

>> No.12763800

If race is the only thing that matters, the only thing that matters is being number one, apparently.

>> No.12763802

Jews are the Great Filter.

His tranny Jew SecHHS is pushing federal support for giving puberty blockers to children. He has banned fracking and is invading Syria. He's pushing an AWB and gun confiscation. Nothing about that is centrist. Kill yourself nine times.

>> No.12763804

Absolutely nothing wrong with being a racist

>> No.12763810

>mfw argued with liberal friends about the chink flu before it hit trying to convince them to stockpile some stuff before the stores get emptied in the initial rush
>called me insane
>now tell me to wear the mask

Everything is just so tiring. Only thing left to do is watch rockets fly or explode.

>> No.12763814
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>we could have got this by the seventies

>> No.12763817

making rocket engines serviceable probably wasn't much of a thought before since they were dunking them in the ocean after only one flight anyway.

>> No.12763819

Any government-made reusable rocket will fail

>> No.12763824

hope Russians infect other worlds on purpose

>> No.12763825

You tell me if that looks like a vehicle that has enough mass fraction to make it to orbit

>> No.12763827

Me too anon, me too.
Hey incidentally all those videos/reports of chinks collapsing in the street and getting welded into their apartments seem to have gone away quietly, weird. Oh well I'm sure it's nothing.

SN10 soon!

>> No.12763828
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the /r/stupidpol take that "class is the great divider not race" is pretty retarded as well, the neoliberals and (((globalists))) divide working whites by importing millions of nigs, beaners, and pajeets, then call you racist if you don't like it. The comments in that sub occasionally get dangerously close to being based though.

>> No.12763830

I don’t even like Palestine or the Middle East but at my Uni you can shit talk Israel as much as you want as long as you end it with “free Palestine.”
>Yikes sweaty islamophobic much? Free Palestine :)

>> No.12763832
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>half century later, we can't even get this piece of shit to work properly

>> No.12763837

Yes, the bigger vehicle is a booster, it's a two stage rocket.

>> No.12763839

That was never made to work properly. That was made to turn a fixed price contract into a cost plus contract only the competition they expected to fail succeeded like a motherfucker.

>> No.12763840

SIRS I programm capsul now

>> No.12763843

>strong national unity

>> No.12763849

New Perseverance rogg pics when???

>> No.12763850

Is the Starliner-Atlas V stack the most hideous rocket ever flown?

>> No.12763862
File: 2.57 MB, 1648x1200, percy closeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raw page is still full of stills from the EDL footage, but there's some nice color stuff up too.

>> No.12763866

Ok? It’s still a massively wasteful design
Not even a fucking cylinder!

>> No.12763867

Some anon told me it's fine because the sections don't NEED to line up all pretty.
That anon however is wrong and a faggot, fuck this ugly mismatched bullshit.

>> No.12763869

I wonder what will happen if Boing fails the unmanned test flight again. Maybe they really should have set the launch date for the 1st of April, for maximum damage control.

>> No.12763874

Stupidpol is like a nanoangstrom from being based but they have this retarded attachment to the label of "marxist". Like, they'll have a thread full of really good discussion, and then someone will chime in with "uhh guys, we're supposed to be marxists here" and then they'll all pivot to unrelated stock "muh rich people bad" takes which don't contribute anything to the discussion, regardless of whether rich people are bad or not.

>> No.12763875

Ask an obvious question, get an obvious answer. But yes, a vertical stack vehicle presents fewer problems overall and as Starship/Superheavy, Dreamchaser, etc hopefully prove, it won't be a significant issue to have a winged second stage vertically standing atop a normal booster stage.

>> No.12763880

will the company have anything that isn't grounded if that happens?

>> No.12763885

Marx was kinda gamer he rambled about Jews and niggers simultaneously despite being a Jew himself

>> No.12763886

YEs but when are new ones coming out?

>> No.12763893

All the time, there's new stuff there every day when I check. It even tells you how many were recently uploaded there.

>> No.12763895
File: 1.08 MB, 629x946, artemis i icps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh this is so stupid, probably costs more than a falcon 9

>> No.12763897

yeah as this new world order unravels I think they will gravitate further into our rightoid hands. I mean the sheer amount of antiwhite rhetoric we see on a daily basis is starting to have an effect on even the most normal of normies, every day I see something based on the front page of stupidpol.

>> No.12763899

Inb4 Strasserism

>> No.12763905

none from the mastcam in last few days

>> No.12763914

It fell off, a repairman is on the way.

>> No.12763917

the media, jews, liberals, politicians etc. have done a really good job of associating nazism with the idea that native Europeans shouldn't be demographically replaced, it's remarkable. Anybody, and I mean anybody in the 1950's in Europe or the US would have been against today's policies. I hate nazis for what they did to Eastern Europe yet liberals have successfully weaponized that label to target anybody opposing mass migration.

>> No.12763918
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>a fucking cylinder

>> No.12763927
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It’s $412 million lol

>> No.12763930

cheaper than new glenn

>> No.12763935

how can it be cheaper than something which doesn't exist.

>> No.12763940

B-but muh mock ups

>> No.12763943
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>it's real
What the actual fuck. How? HOW?????

>> No.12763944

Yeah the shift right is happening and we can say goodbye to the cozy race relations we had. I never thought it would be the left that destroyed racial unity in America but here we are.

>> No.12763945

But didn’t you see their short clip of all their expensive equipment that wasn’t even being used ????

>> No.12763946


>> No.12763951

Kinda cool actually

>> No.12763953

do we enjoy Curious Droid here

>> No.12763960

>sn10 launch next week

>> No.12763966
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I hope SLS explodes

>> No.12763967

in many ways he's better than hullo

>> No.12763970
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>> No.12763971

I will push the launch button on Tuesday whether or not it’s ready

T. Elon

>> No.12763978

No, you will not.
T. Jeff

>> No.12763989
File: 251 KB, 2124x720, originalsfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anons were talking about the beginning of /sfg/ and it got me curious when it started so I did some sleuthing on the archive and found the first recurring general that wasn't just some one-off thread.
the very first thread (feb 2019) aka the left one in pic related is here
the first thread with the /sfg/ styling was only two months later in april

>> No.12763991

The only video I've seen is the AH56 one. It was good though.

>> No.12763994

I've been here posting since well before the FH flight you underage fag I'm oldfag now bow before me. I migrated here after jannies nuked the resident spaceflight/elevator thread on /pol/ of all places, would you believe that?

>> No.12763996

It's interesting to think about what has changed since then
Starhopper was just beginning development, Falcon Heavy had only flown once, Starlink hadn't even seen its first launch

>> No.12764004

I also remember the space elevator threads on /pol/, I wasn't shitting on anyone I was just showing /sfg/ its history you spaz

>> No.12764006

i remember space elevator threads. it was a bit popsci but one of the better threads on old/pol/.

>> No.12764007

>spaceelevator threads
I miss them too anon

>> No.12764010

Jeff Who?

>> No.12764013

I remember some of my earliest threads was when dragon had explosive diarrhea in testing. It was a little bit more fun back when the opposition actually believed in Boing and shit, now it's just trolling.

>> No.12764022

>spaceelevator threads
what were these about

>> No.12764026

Anal fissures

>> No.12764029

In case you missed it the pajeets are launching a rocket tonight.
Will there be a stream somewhere to watch it?

>> No.12764040
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>when your former colony has a far more developed space program than you

>> No.12764044


>> No.12764046

Anon was making them autistically to show off the future is not just endless HAPPENING nightmare (which we found out was true after all). One of the good things being space flight and the infinite possibilities it offers to humanity. Lots of pop-sci about meme materials and articles, but also discussions about various space related things. Keep in mind SX wasn't all the rage then and every normalfag either didn't care or outright despised spaceflight even more so than now courtesy of not seeing shit for decades. I think he left around the hotwheels exodus following one slut fucking a "game journalist" and then another and shit happened. Don't take my words for granted though memory is very fuzzy.

>> No.12764053

Which former colony DOESN'T have a more developed space program than the UK? Canadarmland?

>> No.12764056
File: 488 KB, 960x726, 7C486CA7-9B49-4201-831D-3A92046D4F3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Crew Dragon blew up I was 100% sure Boeing would beat them. Of course Starliner shitting the bed in December dashed that hope. There is a scary timeline where Starliner flew its OFT perfectly and send people to the ISS before SpaceX

>> No.12764065
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idk probably one of those shitty caribbean islands.

>> No.12764074

gamergate was like 6 years ago

>> No.12764090

It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

>> No.12764091

/sfg/ started with a single question:
what the everloving fuck is Elon doing down on the Rio Grande?
it remains unanswered to this day

>> No.12764096
File: 37 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX had a hardware problem
Boeing had a software problem
Is one easier to fix than the other? Ignoring boing! incompetence of course.

>> No.12764105

I think it depends really. Some hardware problems require a total redesign (Rip carbon fiber starship). Others are super easy or are simple to fix like the superdraco issue. I’m not too much of a software expert but I’m sure it’s the same.

>> No.12764106
File: 8 KB, 82x664, proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this need boosters? Could it even get to Lunar orbit if it tried? (Atlas V booster with F1B's, ACES upper stage, Dragon crew carrier). If it needs more throoooost I could throw two F9's on the side

>> No.12764107

Do you think that there's a possibility for 1 person, or a small collection of people, could develop a technology and actually live to see it revolutionize their world before dying of being old as fuck? I have this recurring fantasy of helping develop a global satellite grid that makes for ebic quality internet everywhere on the world, and then doing cool shit on a computer in the middle of the ocean

>> No.12764110

if Boeing wasn't incompetent they would have done integrated software testing and caught the bug before flight

>> No.12764111

is it hydromeme?

>> No.12764112

>Is one easier to fix than the other?
I'd figure software issues, because it's easier to test software than hardware

>> No.12764115

No, nothing but raw power. I know the Atlas V is probably fucking expensive, but I designed this with the intention of being a cheaper alternative to SLS for just getting crew to Gateway

>> No.12764117

Dragon is light as fuck you can launch one to the gateway on a Falcon Heavy. Orion is 2X the mass

>> No.12764121

This is autistic but based. So much better than SLS if you’re just trying to get crew to the Moon

>> No.12764122

If you're powerful enough you can get other satellite constellations moved because they encroach on the orbit you plan on using eventually.

>> No.12764126

Yes, and Space Elevator threads on /pol/ go back to at least 2011.

>> No.12764127

Would the F1Bs even fit on an Atlas V?

>> No.12764129

>Orion is 2X the mass
Wait, why? It doesn't have a higher capacity for crew or cargo than Dragon so what gives? Did they plate the thing in lead?

>> No.12764135

Probably not kek

>> No.12764136

where did this come from?

>> No.12764137

>Orion is 2X the mass
And now the real question, how heavy is Orion compared to Crew Dreamchaser? If it's heavier it should be dropped in the fucking trash and never used again, especially if that's still true increasing the TPS/shielding on Dreamchaser to survive lunar return aerobraking.

I think you'd need a wider rocket to fit three F-1Bs, so like Expendable Kerolox Vulcan.

>> No.12764138

Went and watched starhopper flight again. Almost as magical as the first time.

>> No.12764142

It’s 5.5 meters across vs Dragon’s 3.7. It also has a lot more Delta V (1.3 km/s vs 0.3 km/s), and is designed for deep space stuff instead of LEO.

>> No.12764145

>yfw you were <12 when anons were shitposting about the meme drive

>> No.12764146

>no spacex to reinvigorate public interest in space. Remains at post-shuttle levels
>all eggs in one basket, that being SLS
>no dragon launch to distract from the riots and give hope. They end up being much worse
>no distraction/hope from the culture war period
this timeline would unironically be much worse

>> No.12764151
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>> No.12764152

The Apollo CSM had 2.8km/s delta-V with the same engine, an AJ10. Orion is pigfat disgusting trash.

>> No.12764155

>The Great Filter is a lack of insane billionaires with drive
Wtf commies BTFO’d

Orion is fat you’re right. It’s anemic because it was designed to fly on Ares I which had a payload of 20 tons to LEO (Orion got fatter since then).

>> No.12764159

what exactly

>> No.12764180


>> No.12764185

this is the only lunch provided we have and they don't have any roggets yet.

>> No.12764186

tesla, einstein etc

>> No.12764190

like ancient history for us

>> No.12764193

What should I watch on netflix nothing good on there

>> No.12764196

Just cancel it

>> No.12764202

october sky was alright

>> No.12764205

October Sky is one of the best space movies ever made.

>> No.12764211

europa report is also one of the best.

>> No.12764213

I've watched that movie so many times growing up because it is apparently on the approved list of movies to watch in middle school and high school that everyone in the US uses.

>> No.12764219

I want to but I cant
Pretty sure this wont be able to satisfy my dopamine insensitive coomer mind

>> No.12764220
File: 8 KB, 206x305, ems.ZW1zLXByZC1hc3NldHMvbW92aWVzLzExMDU3Mjg0LTI5OTQtNDQ4My1iNDI5LWY5ZjkxNjk5ODIzYy53ZWJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12764223
File: 288 KB, 576x796, 4E65E115-4B01-4EB9-8C9E-9DBCBD45331B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up I always thought Homer Hickam’s dad was a dick in it but now that I have a child myself I see that his dad was just doing his best

>> No.12764225

heard it was shieet

>> No.12764226

i started the midnight sky but got bored. just seemed like a nonce fantasy.

>> No.12764228

he went to the launch and was proud in the end, even if he didn't understand.
wash your mouth out.

>> No.12764233

>21 years of development.
man, what the hell have they been doing?

>> No.12764237

ISRO will stream it as far as I am aware:
I know that there's an official Brazilian government stream for it, but it is in Portuguese if you're interested. They are too incompetent to make a youtube appointment, but they will be live on this channel: http://www.youtube.com/inpemct

>> No.12764239

And milk the billionaire

>> No.12764241

Cut the shitty self narration and it would be a lot better

>> No.12764243

From the Earth to the Moon series on HBO is kino. Featuring Bryan Cranston as Buzz Aldrin lol.

>> No.12764246

>no authographed Zubrin book on the picture
This meme is shit, I say.

>> No.12764248


>> No.12764254

goofy shit

>> No.12764264

SN10 is not launching next week...just got oh the phone with E.

>> No.12764265

Work on addictive manufacturing, find a way of making printable designs that easily reach the Karman Line and/or can put cubesats on orbit, then post every excruciating detail on the internet making sure that everybody sees them and download.
The world will be a very different place when The Common Man ® with a few thousand dollars following an online blueprint can launch their own computers on orbit with nothing but persistence and trial and error.

>> No.12764275

>addictive manufacturing
I'm not even going to apologize for that, that could work as well too.
>rethorics over results.png

>> No.12764277

and has a low budget fake feel. was long ago I watched anything good

>> No.12764278

someone with the inclination could put a r-pi on a sounding rocket and yeet it over the karman line for a few thousand dollars now. hardly ground breaking.

>> No.12764284

Hardly groundbreaking but still not exactly easy. I'm talking "build your own PC kit" kinda everyday occurrence.

>> No.12764285

Redpill me on the J-2 engine. Was it a damn good hydrogen engine?

>> No.12764289

awful movie

>> No.12764292

Is this really bad? I kinda want to try it

>> No.12764295

The J-2X probably would have been based

>> No.12764304
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, europa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europa Report sucked except for like 2 scenes

>> No.12764309

problem is companies could sell kits (think ardupilot) and the airframes but what they'd essentially be doing is selling guided missiles and governments aren't too happy about that (which is why ardupilot doesn't have a rocket firmware option and won't touch it with a long pole). so you're left with either hit and miss unguided things or going through the hassle of applying for experimental aircraft licences (at least thats how it works in the uk).

>> No.12764310
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Lmao SpaceX GIVING ON on fairing catching. The absolute state of (soon) bankrupt SpaceX

>> No.12764313

>Kamala calls Victor today and tries to racebate him into talking about his blackness
>He isn't having any of it. He's super nice to her but constantly reminds her that it is a group effort of multiple nations not black vs. white
He is so based

>> No.12764318

Black astronauts tend to be based

>> No.12764321

none of the science stuff in it is realistic at all

>> No.12764324

Retarded soience trash. Some bitch faggot decided to wipe out humanity because because his stupid telescope didn't detect life on stars we will never touch.

>> No.12764327

>hello fellow nigger
>arent we so oppressed?
says the black vice president to the black astronaut...??

>> No.12764329

Wish more people watched this show it’s amazing. The Apollo 12 episode is hilarious

I loved this movie don’t judge me. The scenery was beautiful and the world building was neat.

I liked the self narration stuff.

>> No.12764335

Based. He's probably jew-wise.

>> No.12764336

Here's the video. That smile bros... that smile

>> No.12764339

Yeah, but that's just because this hasn't become too easy for poor-ass countries to do little terrorist acts for it to become widespread. It'd only take some Chinese startups to start selling these kits to local militias and terrorist groups for these rules to stop being "no don't do it at all" and then move to regulation territory ("ok, but if you fuck up you can never do it again").

>> No.12764344
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it's not on Netflix but check out For All Mankind

>> No.12764345
File: 79 KB, 640x640, meckbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victor knows that if he doesn't go full retard politically he will be walking on the Moon sometime in the next 10 years. Plus I bet he is tired of getting baited about his race and having his accomplishments overshadowed.

>> No.12764347

garbage show that pisses on the memory of von braun for woke points

>> No.12764348

What a shame. I won't bother then, thanks. Guess I'll give a look to the plot just for the sake of it.

>> No.12764349
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Why are the comments disabled?

>> No.12764350

>that tramp stamp

>> No.12764352

He’s the opposite of Elon lol he’s a black American who married one woman and had four daughters versus Elon who’s a white African who’s been married a million times and has seven sons

>> No.12764353

gonna steal that word

>> No.12764361

Tbf it shows his railroading as a harsh and unfair thing to happen to a great man, Margo is just a cunt about it.

>> No.12764367

again in the uk (i dunno how it is in the us but going on all the high-powered rocket vids i've seen on youtube it's a no-no without jumping through hoops too), it's surprisingly easy if you're a member of the rocketry association who help out with things like get licenses and insurance, but this is still far beyond building your own pc territory.

>> No.12764368

Jesus, I had never heard her talking for this long, she sounds like she's kinda half drunk all the time. Dunno if that's an accent stuff, but it is so funny, she reminds me of Chelsea Peretti.

>> No.12764369
File: 74 KB, 640x602, 041055AD-9201-4A2D-8EEF-2D4A76BC828D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending of the Apollo 9 episode sums up how I feel about Starship
> https://youtu.be/R9p7Smy_6T4
>”A machine doesn’t have a soul. You don’t get mad at your toaster or your car. But I think a LEM has a soul. A soul of all the men who built her.”

>> No.12764376

You are right, the original anon asked what could be done to not see your life go to waste and I suggested this. We still have time to do something fren.

>> No.12764377

The moon pirates and killer space monke scenes were interesting, and it's a nice looking film but yeah the story is absolute trash

>> No.12764381
File: 624 KB, 640x721, 1592700945809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck finish the telescope you're working on now.

>> No.12764382
File: 318 KB, 1107x1536, vonbraunbust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes

>> No.12764383

You should give it a watch the scenery is cool. The science is shit but I liked the setting

>> No.12764387

>Dunno if that's an accent stuff
What accent did she put on this time? Southern Kentucky New Jersey Inner Chicago Drawl?

>> No.12764392

Highly recommend watching Star Trek Enterprise if you have just finished binging from the earth to the moon. Same era, same "feel" due to similar soundtrack and CGI. Idk man it's all so inspiring

>> No.12764393

She sounds like an irritating Californian white woman lol

>> No.12764395

he gets a redemption later in the first season

>> No.12764397

Did you listen to hear channel Hillary and her fake accents during the campaign trail? That was hilarious.

>> No.12764398

i've hit my 30s and found myself single and in need of a hobby i can really delve into. got a bit of spare change and a background in fabrication and cad so i'm thinking "why the fuck not build a rocket". deciding between dealing with the shit laws surrounding solid rocket motors over here or just diving in and going straight to hybrid. also thinking of building an electric "rocket" to act as a test bed because i can't code for shit and it would be controllable and easily flown many times.

>> No.12764401

There's a video of her giving a speech in Georgia or something in the 90's and it is FULL ON southern drawl. So fake and so embarrasing

>> No.12764403

That's the one.

>> No.12764412

The Catholic space truckers were based, but I don't think they were intended to be.

>> No.12764424

What the fuck, LEO to Venus transfer is <4kms and there's no magnetosphere so you can magbrake AND aerobrake on arrival to insert? How is nobody but Rocketlab funding missions?

>> No.12764425

There must be some rocketry clubs around your country anon. If anything, start simple and build upwards from it. I dunno about good series, but if you want to just get a quick feel for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIMaAhIL3ZY&list=PLyV774-3p8348Fl5V6ciIBh0ZA446q93I
I want to do this too once I get some stable income, it is just so interesting.

>> No.12764428

Is that in the movie? Kek. Haven't seen it yet

>> No.12764439

Venus is a dead end in terms of colonization. It’s cool to study but it has no future. Still I wish we sent more stuff there.

>> No.12764440

i think it would very cool life achievement - to get something you've built over many years over the karman line. some people get to middle age and do golf, i want to do this. you'll get there anon. if i finally get my arse into gear with this i will post updates.

>> No.12764443

>"the first african american to be on the ISS for a long duration of time"
>"making history"

>> No.12764446

the whole movie is one wild of ride of "wait no they aren't... oh fuck they did". it's awful. the ending where he yeets himself off a spinning boat radar was just ffs i'm done territory.

>> No.12764450

>here lies anon
>he was the first one to design, build, manufacture and launch his own rocket and 100-years satellite, now sitting on a halo orbit around the moon
The future is bright fren, we are going to make it for sure! Please do keep us updated.

>> No.12764453

>Wait why are they launching a multistage rocket from the moon?

>> No.12764456

>Venus is a dead end in terms of colonization.
so is Mars

>> No.12764459

>wait why did he need to go to the moon to in order to go to mars in order to record a radio message?

>> No.12764469

>so we have this really well developed earth-moon transport system thats like flying on an airline
>but the ship to mars?
>no that's miles away and only accessible on a 4 seat 1960s moon buggy past the moon pirates

>> No.12764474

>clearly have the tech to get to neptune easily
>"we haven't sent anyone there in years despite this guy trying to destroy earth"

>> No.12764488
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I think the idea of setting a space story in a world where we’ve colonized the moon and mars but still haven’t been to Jupiter or the outer planets would be great if done right.

>> No.12764496

One more addition: bamboo is self-lubricating, so you can use it to make slide rules as emergency backup computers.

>> No.12764497

Planetes has a similar setting to Ad Astra, but a lot more logical and fleshed out. It's well worth a watch.

>> No.12764504

Inner solar system colonization without a system-spanning civilization or FTL unironically makes UC Gundam a comfy sci fi setting. Jovians do show up occasionally as basically magic space elves though.

>> No.12764508

Thread has staged.


>> No.12764518
File: 205 KB, 1263x856, planetes pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetes is good but it's really hard to get past all the cheesy anime trope shit.

>> No.12764568

to be fair the falcon they lost this year was a consequence of them pushing the envelope really hard. It was confirmed lost due to heat damage.

>> No.12764761
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Pandorum? Event Horzion?
Siege of Jadoville isn't about space but it was very fun to watch and I think it's a Netflix movie.

>> No.12764770

His dad would have been right 90% of the time. Homer was in the exact right time period for it to work out for him and if it didn't work out hw would have burned his bridges at the only place of work his town had

>> No.12764797

The show is too woke for me also their moon base is garbage

>> No.12764828

just dont get filtered by the animu tropes then enjoy the space theme kino

>> No.12764868

>Seamoth mining materials
pretty sure that is wrong

>> No.12764946

Can't compete with Relativity's Terran rocket with those numbers.

>> No.12764959

Would have been cool if it could

>> No.12764966

Childless people shouldn’t be allowed in government

>> No.12764971

She’s like half Indian

>> No.12764993

the base is larger in season 2

>> No.12764994
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