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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 340 KB, 1200x1595, 1200px-SpaceX_Crew-1_Commercial_Crew_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12344625 No.12344625 [Reply] [Original]

Crew-1 now edition.

Previous thread: >>12341706

>> No.12344636

Daily reminder that

>> No.12344647

space and everything in it belongs to America.

>> No.12344649

It's been a long time since the last time someone posted this gem.

>> No.12344653

could moon rock spider aliens be real? spooky

>> No.12344665
File: 24 KB, 483x289, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344672

I am unreasonably upset about this image and will continue complaining about it long into the thread, even if nobody wants to argue with me.

>> No.12344673

Rolling for Challenger repeat

>> No.12344675


>> No.12344678
File: 193 KB, 750x323, B65EB877-2F50-4CAB-87D0-AD2C3B66DFBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously hahah. Every thread. Have a good tweet instead. (From Rogozin himself- although I think his pride got to him and he deleted it)

>> No.12344683
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, Dabbing and Starsips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.12344685

I'm pretending to agree with this tweet and even though it is clear that I am baiting, I will still receive many (you)s

>> No.12344690

Semi-underground Martian regolith culvert hive cities are natural development endpoint of and permanent town
Now how do we build a pack in light culvert maker?

>> No.12344691

I, too, am unreasonably upset. To the point where someone will post obvious bait and I will write a whole manifesto in return and make sure to be as off-topic as possible.

>> No.12344696

fuck you

>> No.12344697

I, the baiter will respond to this manifesto with yet more bait, harvesting many more (you)s.

>> No.12344699

something about beans and breastfeeding and how manly I am

>> No.12344700

this is bait, don't reply to this

>> No.12344704

>Noticing the time zone and realizing it's either a Newfie or a Hue

>> No.12344705

I, a third anon, will reply in jest but be taken seriously, further obfuscating the discussion as accusations of samefaggery abound.

>> No.12344707
File: 46 KB, 324x599, a7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poster shall be ignored, and many more unwelcome election tourists will continue to shit up this general with their retardation.

>> No.12344713

/sfg/ - meta edition

>> No.12344714

All-caps non sequitur regarding a non-existent technology, directed at nobody.

>> No.12344722

based and [recent topic]pilled response to this.

>> No.12344731

Upside down picture out of a shitty book

>> No.12344741

SpaceX link provided

>> No.12344746

Yes, but America belongs to CCP China now that they won the election.

>> No.12344750

See this is funny on topic political posting. Not a diatribe, just a funny observation

>> No.12344751


>> No.12344752

>7 hours
remind me why there's a launch thread so early? it's gonna scrub anyway...

>> No.12344755
File: 22 KB, 1214x676, moooon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history:
>1969 - something involving spaceflight
>1982 - something kind of involving spaceflight
>1931 - the fuck does this have to do with spaceflight

>> No.12344757

Do the Russians still make RD-180’s or do they just have a huge stockpile?

>> No.12344758
File: 64 KB, 968x506, nwpqqzamd12ahj0eobdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noguchi will be the first Asian to be in space since 2017
Based, China BTFO

>> No.12344761

Picture of Zubrin, grinning.

Pucture of von Braun looking absolutely based.

Picture of Mercury astronauts looking absolutely based.

>> No.12344765

Oh come on now boys this is reaching. I like the book poster. And it’s interesting seeing the this day in spaceflight posts

>> No.12344768

Anime girl with vague color similarities to a rocket.

>> No.12344770

>nothing to push against
>SpaceX government subsidy blah blah
>Climate change is more important

>> No.12344771

shill concern trolling, spacex stan seething

>> No.12344772

I do to, but it's still funny.

>> No.12344773

>scott manley political tweet
>Eric burger diversity tweet

>> No.12344775

hey, if i cums i CUMS

>> No.12344776
File: 2.92 MB, 432x180, hillsborough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt say they were bad, just memeing

>> No.12344777


Followed by another anon posting number 2 and another one posting the last one (3).

>> No.12344780

The stop everything else just use Orion Nuclear rocket anon

>> No.12344784

>MSpaint image of improbable form of spacecraft or space station

>> No.12344786


>> No.12344788
File: 20 KB, 421x363, tiredofyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one faggot who insists that rockets somehow can't work in space who shows up here from time to time.

>> No.12344791

OP here, this is hilarious, this thread is like an abridged version of /sfg/ lol.

>> No.12344793

Some tard asks why the orange tank never became a wet workshop. Doesn’t let it go for 4 threads.

>> No.12344795

Are you making fun of those who propose Orions as the only solution for anything harder than getting to the Moon or Mars? Because if so that's me and you're right.

>> No.12344797

I'm still unreasonably upset about that first tweet.
I will be later, too.

>> No.12344799

>he believes thrust in a void is possible
LMAOing@your ass

>> No.12344800


>> No.12344803

>the occasional new anon who creates new bread after 300 replies

>> No.12344806
File: 3.73 MB, 5746x4597, 1590446606789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 C R E W

>> No.12344808

Is it going to blow up?

>> No.12344810

Did anyone manage to download the internal starship video before it was taken down?
Screenshot :https://i.imgur.com/KAaeTge.png (sorry banned from uploading here)

>> No.12344815

This opinion is bad, people that have this bad opinion exist. Therefore, spaceflight is doomed.

>> No.12344816


>> No.12344819

What is the max capacity of the ISS?

>> No.12344825

Well they only have the one toilet.

>> No.12344828

Make that two. So say 10 people.

>> No.12344834
File: 35 KB, 679x655, IMG_20200920_210946_724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do the poo poo in shifts. Plus special diet and eating regiment for the most precise defecation and urination in time-space.

>> No.12344841
File: 21 KB, 320x300, 1578506071772..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is always a faggot because OPs are always the faggots who want to be the the first to start new threads
He's also going to the first to take all three ways up to ISS. And since Shuttle hasn't been up in years, there's only a limited number of people who can also do this.
It's a long shot, but if he somehow ends up going back down on Starliner's first visit then he could end up being the only one ever on all four.

>> No.12344842

Looks like in addition to the toilet issue, there is also life support and water issues. But the big factor seems to be the limited escape ship capacity.

>> No.12344846

7? Not sure about temporary. I know it's supposed to become 8 when Axiom goes up.

>> No.12344847

In zero-gee you can go five days without having to poop. And then you gotta go REAL bad.

>> No.12344854

On Earth it takes me 30 seconds to pee. In space it probably takes 5 minutes with all that weird vacuum equipment.

>> No.12344855

Imagine someone floating through the air screaming to use the toilet, clawing their way to the shitter desperately flailing in zero g

>> No.12344863

never heard of this

>> No.12344864

Imagine them not making it. On Earth it goes down your leg. In space it goes everywhere.

Imagine the smell.

>> No.12344868
File: 52 KB, 902x560, 7500123b149e61ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344870

I can only imagine the pain of chugging a coffee and finding out the toilet’s broke, damn

>> No.12344871

>one of them gets dragon all to themselves

>> No.12344872
File: 550 KB, 646x1002, spacex launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344876

“There’s a turd floating through the air”

>> No.12344879

>In space it goes everywhere.
Depends on the consistency of the turd.
If it's solid it stays in your underwear untill disposal.
(or floats around in an apollo capsule and nobody accepts responsibility)

>> No.12344881

Now imagine it being a stream of diarrhea.

>> No.12344883

Why would it scrub now? I'm willing to bet that they're going through the launch sequence. Weather at recovery zones is good, only the weather at Cape is in question. And weather at Cape can change drastically within minutes.

>> No.12344885
File: 26 KB, 600x302, 1605400352476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344888

Id barricade myself at the other end of the station and pretend it wasn’t me

>> No.12344890 [DELETED] 

let's just say i have a particular employer

>> No.12344891

What if it just comes out and you didn't even know it was you?

>> No.12344893

dirty stinky anon! yucky!

>> No.12344894

How do you not notice when you shit?

>> No.12344895

That is one hell of a set of digits there.
Also does the ISS have internal cameras?

>> No.12344896

Nice bait. Old video probably. Hoppy at wrong place, no suborbital launchmounts A and B, completely different orbital launchpad (not the hexagonal thingy we have right now).

>> No.12344900

It starts with a normal fart.

>> No.12344902

Yes, and Elon is my daddy.

>> No.12344904

But you notice if there is more than just gas coming out.

>> No.12344906

Most certainly. I guess I’d be found out.

>> No.12344909

By then it's too late.

>> No.12344910

also no flame diverter now

>> No.12344913

This but it's a big titty woman and she's so embarrassed

>> No.12344915

No, it's still in your underwear and you can pretend it was just a fart and to go to the toilet normaly.

>> No.12344916

>this anon again

>> No.12344917

Can we talk about earth-orbiting satellites here? Any recent newsworthy development besides Starlink?

>> No.12344919
File: 114 KB, 399x397, 1566624267229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta pee
>only toilet is broke
>grab water bottle
>start a little head-over spin
>pee in bottle with centrifugal force keeping it in
>cap it before it can creep out
>half an hour later you're not so dizzy

>> No.12344924

i like the garret reisman poop story. i like imsgining fish eating astronaut poop coming out his ass. why cant we have aquariums in space? for poop recycling

>> No.12344926
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x3024, EC9779BC-DB2A-45AF-AC55-C0EF9DA0EF4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s on your mind pal

>> No.12344927
File: 587 KB, 495x638, cat with wig lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ - space shitting general

>> No.12344933

*space feces general

>> No.12344934

Every time

>> No.12344935
File: 1.65 MB, 3986x4529, s-3d-with-callouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344937
File: 847 KB, 2516x2055, a-6-mb-3-s-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344938
File: 1.76 MB, 3024x3024, D907C8C7-8BC2-4EDD-8000-811295C05A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344940
File: 113 KB, 1280x1280, pike80__45886.1602028711.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344943
File: 169 KB, 768x1024, RollsRoyce_RZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344944

>the EVA diapers have run out
>someone just used the last one on the last EVA
>the issue isn't fixed yet and (you) are scheduled for a ~6 hour EVA to fix it
>the last EVA diaper has only been used once and is still warm

>> No.12344947
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3024, 21CAEA36-0A0B-4C47-ABE1-627CC28F3AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344951
File: 113 KB, 643x826, RS-27_Cluster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344963
File: 186 KB, 700x830, 1968_MissNASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344968

That nothing really exciting coming up on the earth-orbit satellites front. We have more going up all the time with the prices getting cheaper and it's revolutionary in the economic sense. Any schmuck can send his own picosat for the price of a used car. However, something as revolutionary as GPS is not on the horizon soon. It's just incremental improvements: better cameras on spy satellites, better sensors on weather satellites, more LEO communication satellites.

>> No.12344970

This looks like it is made like a barrel.

>> No.12344977

>However, something as revolutionary as GPS is not on the horizon soon.
That reminds me. Megaconstellations are getting GPS style capabilities. Both Starlink and OneWeb have plans for it. That's massive for space warfare.

>> No.12344984

current % chance of scrub?

>> No.12344995

50% for weather alone

>> No.12344996
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x3024, 62A9D4D9-4F1A-4CFC-BE36-8992328CAE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here’s some blow ups of some older sats

>> No.12345006

You just know

>> No.12345013

I could take that thing. Just have to work up using tapered vegetables, work my way up to rolled up magazines and then half kegs. Then go for the big prize

>> No.12345031

The moment space warfare starts, all those GNSS satellites gonna get shot down. US shooting down GLONASS/BeiDou, China/Russia shooting down GPS/Galileo. Utter chaos for any industry relying on satellite navigation with shipping worst hit. Not to mention the potential Kessler syndrome risk depending on how unrestricted the warfare is. Say goodbye to human spaceflight for decades before everyone figures out how to clean up all the debris or all those debris naturally orbit decay.

>> No.12345060

Trying to shoot down satellites that high up is expensive and politically costly. Instead it's more likely that electronic and cyber attacks will target the satellites and their Earth-based infrastructure first before anyone resorts to attempting a kinetic attack.

>> No.12345063
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, mission_control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which mission control room is the comfiest?

>> No.12345064

Chemical rockets are dead, why are you all still obsessing over 60 year old technology?

>> No.12345070
File: 82 KB, 1724x868, BG-4U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have ideas but nobody here wants to contribute to their development

>> No.12345072

Computers are dead anon. Why are you using that old tech?

>> No.12345080

Maybe either AGI's COMSpOC or the NOAA's SWPC. Though I heard it can be super chill at AFSPC/Space Force's centers since you can basically sit back and read a book or whatever all day.

>> No.12345085

This. Computers are dinosaur tech.

Posted from my iphone.

>> No.12345088

This. Servitors or bust

>> No.12345090

Why are you using English anon? That shits old as fuck.

>> No.12345092

This post is doubleplus good

>> No.12345108

Wake me up when the rocket happens

>> No.12345114

you misspelled China

>> No.12345115

Okay we will post your cell number

>> No.12345119


>> No.12345123
File: 26 KB, 600x394, 1577541083329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pic.

>> No.12345124

Exactly, this is ridiculous. It's like if aircraft manufacturers had never bothered with jets and instead kept building hype over the next new propeller with 0.1% less drag.

>> No.12345129
File: 658 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201115-204732_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345136

A lot can change in five hours

>> No.12345140
File: 330 KB, 2000x1243, haarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buzzes suspiciously

>> No.12345153

They're proceeding with the count, don't care.

>> No.12345158

It's scrubbin, keep copin'

>> No.12345164

lol, reddit is super salty that Musk apparently has covid:



>> No.12345169


>> No.12345173

Any updates on the development of KSP 2?

>> No.12345175

>thousands of Space Man Bad comments
>Everyone thinks everyone else likes loves him

>> No.12345183

lol these people really have no self-awareness.

>> No.12345184

Why even delete it? It's clear from the development projects that he has gone back on his statements about reusability

>> No.12345185
File: 137 KB, 1000x2000, super safe engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more potent fuels...

>> No.12345188

r*dditors fking love science so long as it's being spoonfed to them from the WHO and UN. It's funny seeing Elon become a villain to them when on paper you'd pin him as a lib idol, but that's what happens when you send a few tweets questioning their doctrine

>> No.12345190

>SpaceX does something cool
>Anti-Musk hit pieces pop up on Reddit
Same thing happened after battery day

>> No.12345196

He's like the good version of liberalism: cares about the environment, innovates, likes drugs and science, but isn't a purple-haired fat lesbian bitching about manspreading and safespaces.

>> No.12345198

Are those from people who just don't like Elon, or is there something more nefarious going on with those?

>> No.12345199

I'm convinced redditors just enjoy contrarianism. they used to love elon to an annoying degree when all the boomers hated him. now the old farts are coming around and the teens cant handle it

>> No.12345201

>Everyone likes Elon when he was just starting
>Tesla becomes successful enough to threaten oil companies
>He speaks out against the bias in the (((media)))
>Now everyone hates him
What a coincidence.

>> No.12345202

SLS will launch before KSP 2. it's been delayed to 2022 btw.

>> No.12345204

Crazy the amount of hatred and vitriol. It's not just disagreement, they're calling for his head.

>> No.12345205

>He speaks out against the bias in the (((media)))
I thought his comment about bias in the media was about the wealthy in general?

>> No.12345209

Social Justice Engine?

>> No.12345210

>I'm convinced redditors just enjoy contrarianism
Most of the internet nerd culture enjoys contrarianism in some way

>> No.12345213

i've never met a person in real life that hated elon, so it's probably just gullible teens that swallow the media/oil-funded anti-musk koolaid. the beauty of elon is he doesnt toe anyone's line

>> No.12345215
File: 349 KB, 1517x1860, 0416eabcd0d76c7e8fc94845722e21fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last I heard that it was postponed to 2022.


RD-180's are still in production and ULA buys batches each year for the Atlas-V.

>> No.12345225

>redditors enjoy contrarianism
Spend like 5 seconds on /r/politics. They believe whatever corporations and the MSM tell them. These are barely sentient people, not capable of holding a view that might hurt the feelings of whatever oversocialized peer group they belong to

>> No.12345230

>ClF3 pressurized by hot UDMH-rich exhaust
I see no possible way that could go wrong.

>> No.12345240
File: 136 KB, 512x413, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish one day fellow /sfg/ frens would stop posting these pics/threads. Makes me so fucking mad, but at the same time sad aswell. Make it stop.

>> No.12345242

>ClF3 pressurized by hot UDMH-rich exhaust
No, the ClF3 is pressurized by UDMH combustion inside the ClF3 tank.
The UDMH rich preburner turbopump vents to athmosphere.

>> No.12345245

>lol, reddit is super salty
Stay there.

>> No.12345256
File: 162 KB, 2894x2300, 5896f6ddcba9841eabab60fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok little peep, we're going to mars someday

>> No.12345259
File: 27 KB, 640x360, people_watching_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to post more about people being inspired by spaceflight

>> No.12345262

>combustion inside the ClF3 tank

>> No.12345263

Did crew-1 scrub again?

>> No.12345270


>> No.12345275

Not yet

>> No.12345276
File: 83 KB, 1375x645, CHApbND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, proceeding with countdown per Big Jim.
One day, fren, one day.

>> No.12345284

>Russians refined and improved their RP-1 engines while the US went all-in on hydromeme
good call by them

>> No.12345287
File: 535 KB, 2048x1363, F8B2AFCA-0A93-4C4F-A772-B5B0A3170425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine there’s a leak in space shitter and having to fix and clean it all by yourself

>> No.12345288

I thought these people liked space travel and the environment.

>> No.12345289

God. And I heard they switches studios or smth (?) so the optimism died for the game right? Man that actually made me sad. I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.12345290

>liking a successful white man

pick one

>> No.12345293
File: 2.80 MB, 640x480, Shatner.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345296

Reddit actually has racially/sexually segregated threads now. You arent allowed to post in some subs if you arent a confirmed nigger

>> No.12345304

that would be weird haha

>> No.12345305

ah yes, the niggers in r/blackpeopletwitter
Imagine the meltdown if they happened to make r/whitepeopletwitter for whites only. Remember, white people don't experience racism

>> No.12345309

>Well I heard Mr. Young sing about her
>Well I heard ole Neil put her down
>Well I hope Neil Young will remember
>A southern man don't need him around anyhow
Fuck Neil Young.

>> No.12345319
File: 2.92 MB, 450x360, DCX_flight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345320
File: 2.85 MB, 960x720, 1569914595300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED Shatner poster.
Fuck those rlm podcasters for assaulting this precious old man.

>> No.12345322
File: 196 KB, 1080x1147, 1570244180037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345331
File: 359 KB, 1852x1850, 1587692344900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345339
File: 135 KB, 512x384, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345340

>no gucci in space
I like that

>> No.12345345

i dont get it

>> No.12345349


>> No.12345350

Reddit is upset specifically that Elon is calling out the inconsistencies in COVID tests

>> No.12345352
File: 120 KB, 441x450, spacePirate4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when take on privateering during the Sino-Deimian (aka Red Dread) War

>> No.12345355

>16 oz can
I remember back in the 90s when Photon was a thing (the original laser tag), I would lift a pair of 2.5 gallon water bottles for about half an hour before going out, to get used to the weight of that belt with half a dozen lead-acid batteries on it.

>> No.12345358


>> No.12345371


>> No.12345375
File: 113 KB, 990x990, 1599487836469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't this already happen in May?

>> No.12345384


>> No.12345385
File: 905 KB, 500x375, 1421344946857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.12345387

Ok here's a curveball
>Too many lives they've spent across the ocean
>Too much money they spend upon the moon
>Well, until they make it right, I hope they never sleep at night
>They better make some changes and do it soon

>> No.12345389

that was demo2 you doofus, this is crew1, the first operational mission

>> No.12345388

Live view of F9 pad:

>> No.12345394

Will be hours before they go to take off, even if all goes well (unikely).

>> No.12345395

Why is it unlikely?

>> No.12345400

See last launch attempts.

>> No.12345404

NASA stream with views of Dragon and pad:

>> No.12345411

if only kubrick was alive to accept the academy award

>> No.12345418

Coverage starting NOW

>> No.12345420


>> No.12345421

It's like T-2hrs:59mins or whatever.

>> No.12345429

Musk fanboys, begone

>> No.12345433
File: 451 KB, 517x479, kateeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345438
File: 228 KB, 266x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait... where are the boosters? Don't they use a FH for crew missions???

>> No.12345441

holy shit, this production quality is trash. 720p and audio is ahead of picture

>> No.12345442
File: 426 KB, 1730x2000, FalconHeavy_USAFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMERICAN ASTRONAUTS (and one Japanese astronaut)

>> No.12345444

kate is best girl

>> No.12345445

No. SpaceX has always used regular F9 for LEO Dragon missions.

>> No.12345447

For ISS? Why the fuck would they need a heavy for that? The FH isn't even human rated and it probably never will be.

>> No.12345448
File: 2.09 MB, 1792x926, msedge_bRcO9jENK5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345449


>> No.12345450

based retard

>> No.12345451

No, spacex didn't even bother certifying FH for crewed flights. They went straight to starship.

>> No.12345452

>Why the fuck would they need a heavy for that?
To send your mother to the ISS to help NASA bake cookies?

>> No.12345453
File: 11 KB, 200x197, space mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345454



>> No.12345455

Insprucker is best girl.

>> No.12345458

any of you guys gettin an audio delay?

>> No.12345459

who's the petite on the left? I want to impregnate her

>> No.12345461


>> No.12345462

Where does Elon get these cuties? This insprucker babe is a CUTE

>> No.12345463

50% weather chance holy fuck

>> No.12345464

Everyone is.

>> No.12345465

Weather is bad, no flight today.

>> No.12345468

been jerking off to her instagram for a couple years now

>> No.12345469


>> No.12345471

someone post the pasta about boing's commercial crew plans

>> No.12345473
File: 261 KB, 797x822, fucking coinflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weather forecast page finally worked. It's a fucking coinflip. I said I didn't like the look of those clouds.

>> No.12345474

you have to go back

>> No.12345476

>thinking starship will ever be human rated

>> No.12345482

Isn't that bitch on left who leaked starlink dish?

>> No.12345483

>It's a fucking coinflip.
Alright I'll make the flip. Call it.

>> No.12345484


>> No.12345488

Unfortunately, you don't make that call and neither do I. We all know a 50% on that forecast means 100% chance of calling off when there's people on board.

>> No.12345489

What's with the milk trucks?

Hello bitch, nice TITS ahahahahah milky milky milky baby thirsty mommy baby want milk suck suck suck suck hahahaha stupid cunt give me those big udders you slut hahahaha tits tit titty me your caveman me use big titty for big bitty hahaha honk honk honk slut cunt mommy honk honk milky baby want more now honk honk honk pitter patter on those big mommy milkies hee hee hee haha haaaa haaaa can't stop the milk truck coming through honk honk all aboard the titty train hee hee woop wooooooo honk honk honk!!!

>> No.12345495

yes, and she's sucks a mean cock, milked me dry

>> No.12345497

Coming to terms with the fact that I won't spend the rest of my life with Kate Tice is making me suicidal

>> No.12345498

NASA getting all hyped about Dragon 2 is so awesome. The first Starliner crew launch (if it ever happens) is going to be so gay and boring and dreary lmao

>> No.12345500


>> No.12345501

NNN was a mistake

>> No.12345503

She's at Cape this time :D

>> No.12345505

>Kate Tice will never text you to meet for post launch sex

>> No.12345506
File: 42 KB, 408x408, 1604211342003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying three dudes and a chick are heavier than 60 Starlinks

>> No.12345507

God damn, I'm loving looking at all these FUCKING BREASTICLES

>> No.12345509

Has there been any poo into soil experiments up there yet?

>> No.12345508

All the astronauts ate good ass food. Panko crusted chicken thigh. Sweet potato fires. Lamb chops. FUCK

>> No.12345511
File: 38 KB, 480x320, octaweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone forgetting about the one true cutie

>> No.12345512

I can't wait till we get launch broadcasts behind us. Human spaceflight should be routine, boring and affordable.

>> No.12345515

>Astronaut anon requests two big jugs of milkers for hist pre-launch meal

>> No.12345516

By the time it's done, they'll be out of RD's to launch it on Atlas V, so they'll have to redesign it for Vulcan or something else.
You know it's going to happen. It was their plan all along to turn it into a cost plus project in the first place.

>> No.12345519


>> No.12345520
File: 643 KB, 750x736, 1590429795350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kate Tice will never text you to meet for post launch sex
No girl will ever be watching a launch with you

>> No.12345523

why is spacex full of attractive people? where are all of the fucking nerds.

>> No.12345527

Starship is being designed to launch a fuck ton. The first few dozen or hundred might be high-coverage but it will probably get to the point where they will just livestream them without announcers. Hell SpaceX might not even livestream them after a while and just let people like NSF and Labpadre cover it. But you can guarantee the first official launch will be amazing. Insprucker, Anderson, Shotwell, Musk. It will be dank

>> No.12345528

>NASA: here you see the astronaut sharing a last meal with their family this is what they had
>NASA: what is the last thing they would say to their families
Something feels off about this launch, just putting it out there in case something happens...

>> No.12345529

>where are all of the fucking nerds
not on the host duty

>> No.12345530

number 19 very nice

>> No.12345531

>The first Starliner crew launch (if it ever happens) is going to be so gay and boring and dreary lmao
If anything, it'll be tense as hell with everyone wondering if it'll blow up or not

>> No.12345532

In the backroom making the stuff.

>> No.12345533

come on, big bob isn't THAT big

>> No.12345535




>> No.12345537

>BO and ULA launches methane rocket before Spacex.

>> No.12345539

Busy doing shit and not on Camera with the 'engineers'.

>> No.12345540

>elon dies to corona
>crew-1 blows up midflight

>> No.12345542
File: 30 KB, 640x378, Reptilian station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Approaching Deimos accelerator array, everyone stand by."
"Let's make it happen."
-"Patching in Moloch protocol... Israeli IFF activated... Signal acknowledged."
<"/K/ommander, the power grid is lighting up like a christmas tree!"
-"Reactor heat building to critical levels."
>"Moving control rods... shutting off non-critical systems."
>Deimos array flings 4ASS Moonman to the outer system via particle beam
-"Decelerator beam detected. All hands brace for deceleration."
>The lone frigate slams on lateral thrusters to avoid a large piece of debris
>"*huff* That was too close..."
>"These must be to /pol/fag ships that tried to make to through to the Reptilian base, some look, ancient."
-"/K/ommander, A large heat signature has been found in the center of the debris field."
"Must be the Reptilian base. Take us in, nice and easy."
<"Got incoming fire, looks like they sent a welcoming party."
>The Moonman opens up on its pursuers with 5 in. gauss cannons, destroying 2 gundrones
<"As long as that new composite armor holds..."
-"Warning! Engine bell disabled! Heat building to critical levels!"
"Anon, get them off our ass. We'll take care of the engine."
>"Aye Aye."
>"C'mon, find some room!"
-"Our upgraded armor is not designed to stand impacts with debris that size."
>"Good thing those hardlight emitters are on, we're going through."
>Ship debris slaps against magnetically shaped fields away from the frigate, though some do scrape the armor while destroying the other gundrones
>"Damage report!"
-"14 of 18 emitters still functional. No significant damage."
>"Let's fly in steady, try to avoid any more attention..."
<"/K/ommander. We've just cleared the debris field."
>"There it is, the Reptilian base..."
>Pic related
"Take us in for a closer look. Try to avoid more attention."
>"Too late. Looks like they're sending an old friend to greet us."
>A menorah shaped ship undocks and begins to lob coilgun shells at the Moonman

>> No.12345544
File: 506 KB, 1024x1303, Cape_Canaveral_Air_Force_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until this happens

>> No.12345545

>number 19 very nice

>> No.12345546

ninja #33 tho

>> No.12345547

Might very well happen. BO hasn't exactly been extremely ambitious with their design.

>> No.12345548


>> No.12345549
File: 530 KB, 633x523, aha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345551

God damn glover is living the dream. Going to space for the first time on a fucking Dragon.

>> No.12345561

launch thread for those that missed it

>> No.12345564

Number 11 is also a cutie

>> No.12345573

>first black
dude is an octaroon at best

>> No.12345575


>> No.12345578


>> No.12345580

>a fucking mop

>> No.12345581

reported for bigotry

>> No.12345583
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, solidarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345584
File: 195 KB, 841x589, 1598837677795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345589
File: 17 KB, 668x317, heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that someone in mission control isn't shitposting right now
Good call

>> No.12345591

That really only works if SN8 did its big hop and went RUD halfway.

>> No.12345593

The worm, the dragon, the falcon, the astronauts... all unequivocally BASED

>> No.12345599
File: 90 KB, 576x768, 1605470814899[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knew science was this awesome?

>> No.12345601

>YWN be a part of a rag-tag international gang eating dinner together and riding first class to space to meet your QT russian and blonde astronaut friends while enjoying eachother's company

>> No.12345602

"Let's show em our new teeth, fire the main gun!"
>An iridescent beam of mercury atoms near light speed rides along a laser beam until it cripples the menorah's engines
>"How do you like that, you faggots?!"
"Get in close, finish them off!"
>"Everyone hang on, this is gonna be a hell of a ride!"
>Another brilliant particle beam reaches out and slices the crippled menorah in half
>Fuel and explosives detonate as the Moonman passes by, rocked by the debris' shockwave
>Lights go dark, computers shut off
>"Core avionics offline, Tay, give me something!"
-"Avionics offline, all hands, brace for impact."
>The tiny frigate finds itself lodged in the Reptilian station while everyone picks themselves up
"Anon, you okay?"
>"I think I broke my EVERYTHING."
-"Multiple core systems were overloaded during the crash. Restoring flight operations will take time."
<"We likely knew this was a one-way trip."
"I'll do what it takes to stop the System Bank, but I plan on living to tell about it."
>"I'm glad you're in charge..."

>> No.12345605

>got to be a test pilot for the hornet and super hornet
>has a fucking cool first name too
im jelly

>> No.12345611

Looks like the beginning of a porno.

>> No.12345610

>changed it from tails at the last second
we've got this bros. Launch in a few

>> No.12345618 [DELETED] 

Looks like one of those leftists who want to kill spaceflight. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/wokeists-assault-space-exploration/

>> No.12345619

Don't forget about Boing being BTFO

>> No.12345621
File: 521 KB, 1813x1440, 1578615456593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345624

lol you ever watch murdoch murdoch? you'd love it

>> No.12345625

Is the SpaceX stream only up to 720p?

>> No.12345630


>> No.12345632

cool. You can really see the heatshield and thermal blankets here.

>> No.12345633

Elon should launch a few cybertrucks into orbit and bring them back with Starship testing, and make those the new Dragon 2 NASA tesla's to transport the astronauts to their rocket

>> No.12345636

Not if NOAA has anything to say about it.

>> No.12345639


>> No.12345641

Boeing and NOAA can suck the Elon COCK

>> No.12345647

They do Fall Guys dance.

>> No.12345654
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, pepe_devilish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoot porno in space
>NOAA tries to take it down because a shot includes the full Earth
>take them to court so they'll have to explain how they watched a 3 hour zero-g gangbang in detail

>> No.12345656


>> No.12345657

Thicc Jim.

>> No.12345659


>> No.12345668
File: 816 KB, 1058x664, Jim_Widenstine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12345674
File: 368 KB, 1200x1499, gwyne_shotwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwyne is so cute

>> No.12345675


>> No.12345682

SpaceX Audio stream LIVE

>> No.12345686

inshallah we will ride our chariot to tel aviv

>> No.12345701
File: 47 KB, 640x1136, 1501266086504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw gotta go to bed

>> No.12345705

drink coffee! stay with us frend!

>> No.12345708

Weather is 50/50. Not great not terrible but at least there is no graphite on the roof so we have that going on for us.


>> No.12345715

Stay up you nilla bean sandwich

>> No.12345716

That picture was shot well.

>> No.12345721
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1581451784591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345722

kek, i was thinking the same thing

>> No.12345727


>> No.12345733
File: 72 KB, 1000x500, Mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all your off-world roving needs, accept no substitutes

>> No.12345735

I want Taylor Swift to sing the anthem.

>> No.12345736

What the fuck why the anthem

>> No.12345741

I don't drink coffee, give the launch your energy in my stead and I shall wake up to great news.

>> No.12345742
File: 904 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201115-230430_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Author of the first thread just told me to kill myself. Just goes to show how fuck up those people are.

>> No.12345745


>> No.12345747

They showed the roof immediately after she said it too.

>> No.12345753


>> No.12345757


>> No.12345768
File: 1.90 MB, 640x492, 1KWgkNw00daBTFWEpAzG3FEmyx2okMjJS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


American rocket, American space agency, American soil. Deal with it

>> No.12345789


>> No.12345804

last meals?

>> No.12345811

>company makes electric cars economically viable
>develop hyperadvanced battery tech and innovate on cheap,long-lasting solar power
>internet service that will bring billion of people into the global economy and provide education and news to the oppressed
>say a few dumb things
>worse than hitler

reddit is full of pathologically outraged smoothbrains

>> No.12345812
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, SaturnV_launch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345813
File: 565 KB, 720x717, 1603869090832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having the glory of hearing your national anthem, and having national pride at launching people into space
>having to deal with ESA launch for "Humanity :) " And not launching people into space
Being a Euro is a nightmare

>> No.12345819

it's either your last meal before dying, or last good meal for the next few months

>> No.12345824

>the woman chose salad

>> No.12345828

which is worse?

>> No.12345829

Fuck fuck I take it back. The anthem is always welcome I just hate country renditions of it. Stars and stripes allow for our GLORIOUS commercial capsule

>> No.12345835

>That one time an astronaut smuggled a corned beef sandwich into space

>> No.12345836

the american hymn is terrible lmao. They should just copy soviet music

>> No.12345837


>> No.12345840
File: 309 KB, 1175x620, apollo-11-flag-nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345866
File: 146 KB, 1361x798, Screenshot_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giant mural of starliner on the back wall
How is Boeing coping right now?

>> No.12345867

mormons are so fucking based

>> No.12345868

> heard they switches studios or smth
There was some publisher fuckery and the studio got shuffled around but most of the core team is the same iirc. The odds of the game being any good are about the same as they ever were, if anything the delay increases the chance that it isn't a total cash grab. That initial "late 2020" date was a total joke given how pre-alpha the game is.

>> No.12345873


>> No.12345879

By whipping their H-1B coders harder

>> No.12345880
File: 142 KB, 400x600, 11766117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legitimately mad at this 720p bullshit in current year.

>> No.12345882

The piles of cash really do help. We rag on them, but their strategy has worked for a very long time. It remains to bee seen how long the strategy will keep working.

>> No.12345884
File: 229 KB, 2048x1360, keklon musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Good I love this. I can't even express how much all this salt is making me laugh. SO MUCH MISERY in one place it's hilarious to any beyond

>> No.12345891
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1603150771554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike Hopkins: Steak, fries and rice
how do people live like this?

>> No.12345895
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultissspacexs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny, proven capsule on small, decade old rocket design that isn't even fully reusable

>> No.12345898

There's likely some US mandated law that every official broadcast has to be in 720p or something.
Because white house does the same, senate and house too, NASA as well.

>> No.12345908

Veterans who don't want a bowel movement on board the capsule.

>> No.12345922

Imagine being selfhating, steadfastly anti-capitalist, anti-white, anti-american and then some dude exuding every one of those things promises to fix the shit you built your identity on whining about. It's not cognitive dissonance it's a goddamn cognitive hurricane.

>> No.12345930

Some people love self-schadenfreude too much

>> No.12345936

pad ninjas

>> No.12345941

What makes you think that it's possible to stream higher quality than 720p from space? Even 720p is a tremendous feat

>> No.12345948

>Not steak and eggs with orange juice
not going to make it

>> No.12345964
File: 174 KB, 1380x720, elon-musk-smug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MadMan did it. The SpaceX Ninjas have swords now LOL

>> No.12345970
File: 802 KB, 1074x478, WOOOOOOOOOORM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worm logo looks so fucking based here. Meatball should be abolished. Don't change my mind, because you fucking can't.

>> No.12345976

the ISS is closer to Earth than DC is to Richmond

>> No.12345980
File: 298 KB, 341x585, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ninjas have swords now

>> No.12345983

ULA snipers on suicide watch

>> No.12345991
File: 386 KB, 2048x1536, 1603511473330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In just under 3 hours, the caliphate will have full control of space.

>> No.12345992

>deploying pad ninjas to defend against space pirates

>> No.12346004
File: 395 KB, 1241x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12346010

i cant see it?

>> No.12346016

Right shoulder, left hip

>> No.12346019


>> No.12346032
File: 2.27 MB, 2048x1538, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwynn is thicc.

>> No.12346034


>> No.12346037

cool blog

>> No.12346041

Pretty sure India sent some insects to space last year.

>> No.12346042
File: 85 KB, 800x810, KEK DYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346048

They never launched anybody..

>> No.12346053
File: 294 KB, 463x486, ninja_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346054

are there any pics of her in a swimsuit???

>> No.12346061

Don't see anything

>> No.12346070

Fore me its number 11.

>> No.12346086


>> No.12346089

post pic, my dick is ready

>> No.12346111

It's honestly great to see Americans returning to to Human Spaceflight.

>> No.12346118


>> No.12346119

Congrats NASA, ULA, And Humanity :)
This is an Epic day for #TeamSpace, and a great win for Humanity

>> No.12346130
File: 84 KB, 899x495, Screenshot_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the room

>> No.12346135

Just out here casually getting GETS.

>> No.12346138


>> No.12346153
File: 212 KB, 1767x943, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346161

>tfw European
We never get to do cool stuff.

>> No.12346183

idk bro...

>> No.12346193

damn bros, 36 is dummy thicc

>> No.12346202


>> No.12346213


>> No.12346214

>Von Braun quote

>> No.12346217

von Braun quote

>> No.12346230

oy vey nasa nazis

>> No.12346234
File: 125 KB, 961x541, wernher-von-braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and /pol/ pilled.

>> No.12346258

one of the spergs in the NSF stream said it

>> No.12346264
File: 49 KB, 890x501, MW-HE804_jones_ZH_20190228114629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346288

I fail to see the problem.

>> No.12346299
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, spacesex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she is. She's a goddess.

>> No.12346306
File: 148 KB, 800x1562, 800px-Vestonicka_venuse_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346329

Hatch is closed again.

>> No.12346334

why hasnt anyone trained a machine learning system to take girls clothes off? we have if for all sorts of stuff, like makeup and what not, just train it with naked girls clothed and unclothed

>> No.12346345

You can be the one anon. I believe in you to bring the coomer singularity into existence

>> No.12346364

Yooooo you could train it on all those Tik Tok sluts

>> No.12346398

you missed the boat on that one anon, there was lots of /tv/ posting about it like 6 months ago I think, maybe longer

>> No.12346403

There was one a while back that someone had trained. It looked like shit and generally gave you horrible deformities.
There's lots of training data available, but neural networks can't determine shape or form, how many arms/legs a human has, or even what arms and legs are. The data is too diverse and shows humans in too wide a range of positions and simply adding more data to train off doesn't fix this.
Something like thispersondoesnotexist only works because all the faces in the training data were in the same location and orientation.

>> No.12346404

Fucking Based.

>> No.12346411

So her job is selling Elons autistic rambling to congress right?

>> No.12346428

that's what i was worried about, diversity

>> No.12346441
File: 624 KB, 750x750, boeing cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cross the beams boeingbuster

>> No.12346444

wow, never realized how cringe everyday astronaut is. and he got to interview jim AND elon? and JIM ASKED HIM FOR AN INTERVIEW? bros.....think of the message this sends to our heros. they think we're all soibois with breasts .. gpp

>> No.12346464

I watched a video tour of SpaceX and she came across as Elon's mum while Elon himself gave off awkward nerdy kid vibes. it was cute.

>> No.12346470
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x810, 1605367885224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346471

The Boeing bubble helmet is so bad

>> No.12346495

How do we know if the Falcon 9 is actually cheaper than Soyuz when the Russians don't share the launch price? I have a feeling there is not much difference considering they charge NASA $90m per seat which is widely suspected to be overinflated because they can get away with it.

>> No.12346500

That Starliner is at least 30ft in the air while Dragon is still on the ground, your move SoyX.

>> No.12346508

even if it's the exact same price it's still better because it goes back into the american economy instead of the russian one

>> No.12346513

Because all of Soyuz is dropped in a field in Siberia, whereas the vast majority of Falcon returns for reuse? Or because Soyuz is at it's core an Atlas era ICBM design?

Russian labor costs are probably near zero, but that doesn't make up for throwing away the entire rocket. Do you think they can build four new boosters and a new core for cheaper than SpaceX can refurbish Falcon?

>> No.12346544
File: 327 KB, 484x825, boingpressuresuits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346547

A full Dragon would be much cheaper per person (3 vs 7) but 3 vs 3 without reuse would probably make Dragon more expensive just because of all the newer tech crammed into it.

>> No.12346555

dragon statically sitting on top of S2 with 4 people is already higher than starliner will ever go with a person inside

>> No.12346565
File: 175 KB, 1180x788, 1586218596936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OIG has estimated that it now costs $81 million per seat, original costs before the cancellation of the shuttle were closer to $60 million. Meanwhile a dragon launch costs $55 million.

Don't know where you get the $90 million price tag from. Infact the only recent $90 million price tag I can find is an extortionate demand Russia made in October for a Soyuz launch.

>> No.12346575

it doesn't matter if the Soyuz is slightly cheaper, the money spend on Falcon 9 goes to an American company, pays for American jobs, and partially funds the development of Starship
Plus a potential future economic war or war in the middle east won't jeopardize Americas ability to launch people into space anymore

>> No.12346583

who's the handsome man in your pic?

>> No.12346584
File: 68 KB, 785x840, Leaked+official+render+of+SpaceX+Starship+Super+Heavy+at+launch+pad+in+Boca+Chica%252C+Texas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible old launch mount design, and old promo vid in linked post.


>> No.12346590

if a twitch streamer can do it then nasa can

>> No.12346591

That's donald Trump :)

>> No.12346606


>> No.12346615


>> No.12346617

I am not convinced that a high tech reusable rocket is cheaper than a throwaway Soviet rocket made with peasant labour. Sure it can be but currently I don't think it is with the current prices given by SpaceX.

>> No.12346624

boris johnson

>> No.12346627

Go for launch

>> No.12346628


>> No.12346632

But I thought this was about advancing technology and not just dickwaving? If the Soviet way is still cheaper/competitive then maybe you should copy them.
Gove and Bojo

>> No.12346661

starship and superheavy are so fluid and constantly changing that pretty much the only thing any "render" will tell us is that
>it's really big
>it's round and made of steel

I don't even know if they're still going to have landing legs anymore after that recent thing elon mentioned about it landing back onto the pad thing instead of using the crane.

>> No.12346668

>copy them
If Russia thinks their rocket is economical, they wouldn't publicly announce developing a rocket to compete with the falcon 9, and falcon 9 wouldn't have absorbed the majority of the private launch market lmao

>> No.12346716


Is physical strength a social construct or measurable objective reality?

>> No.12346717

My point is that as it stands the Soyuz is probably still competitive with the Falcon 9 it is just not in practice because they are compelled to inflate the launch cost for foreigners. If they make the Amur and fly it for 22 million then they can sell seats on it for 40 million, undercutting Falcon 9.

>> No.12346730

Landing back on the pad sound like a Muskism, one of those retarded claims he makes that leave his engineers wondering why the fuck he would say that.

I'm not saying it's impossible but I am saying trying to get something man rated to has a couple of square inches landing zone isn't going to fly with NASA or the FAA.

>> No.12346738

What was boing thinking man.

>> No.12346745

>Dyes hair for attention
>Hams it up for the normies, doesn't care at all about the launch

>Is Dummy thicc
>Has a speech impediment, is still a better commentator
>Always genuinely excited for rocket launches
>Trying his best

>> No.12346746

So how will it land?

>> No.12346748

Landing Superheavy doesn't actually need to be man rated because Starship will be on it's merry way at that point. Nobody is riding Superheavy back to the pad.

>> No.12346769

>undercutting Falcon 9.
You are aware that falcon 9 is already operating at a massively inflated cost right?

>> No.12346784

On legs so the area it has to safely land is as big as the flat firm ground you point it at.

Sure you could try it with the first stage, hell even had the 1st stage LZ miles from the second stage LZ so no matter how wrong it goes the second stage still has an LZ that isn't twisted metal.

>> No.12346825


Some kino footage from SpaceX. How can other faggots compete?

>> No.12346843

Starship isn't going to land on the launch stand. It will land next to the launch stand, within the swing range of a big crane. Superheavy will land on the stand. Starship will then be lifted on top.

>> No.12346890

That could work so long as you have a backup pad in case the first stage crashes on the stand / pad / crane.

>> No.12346904

>I'm not saying it's impossible but I am saying trying to get something man rated to has a couple of square inches landing zone isn't going to fly with NASA or the FAA.
They're already so good at landing on the mark that they've stopped repainting the X on the ASDS.

>> No.12346907
File: 350 KB, 424x466, John_Gunsprucker(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based john

>> No.12346920

bro at least put the text next to the camera

>> No.12346924

>hating on someone who works at BasedX
wtf is wrong with u bro

>> No.12346958

Space puppy!

>> No.12346962

Asshole, the super heavy doesn’t carry people at any point. So it can land however it wants.

>> No.12346974

Someone reuploaded the internal starship video

>> No.12346991


>> No.12347014

Sad that Mk1 and Mk2 didn't work out :(

>> No.12347019

Also cringe commentary jesus christ. DID YA NOTICE VICTOR'S SKIN COLOR

>> No.12347027

What happened to the Starship team in Florida? Completely scrapped?

>> No.12347034

Executed for failing to please Lord Elon.

>> No.12347038

think they're testing some stuff with methane production there

>> No.12347055
File: 800 KB, 2000x3034, ifffoifzu1641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship pad at LC-39A never ever

>> No.12347075

Elon's brap barns are up and running? Do you have any pics?

>> No.12347093


>> No.12347162


>> No.12347185


>> No.12347207


>> No.12347214


>> No.12347218
File: 18 KB, 1130x480, 3A7FDC49-70E3-4D67-BEDF-96B4FB770BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347219

>tower bobbing back and forth

>> No.12347221

Internal leaks show falcon 9 costs roughly 28 million per launch with reuse

>> No.12347246


>> No.12347258


>> No.12347262


>> No.12347264
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>> No.12347268
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>> No.12347309

Hurry the fuck up with Starship.

>> No.12347350

I miss the mission timeline :(

>> No.12347396

Same, what the fuck

>> No.12347448

How many times has this F9 flew before?

>> No.12347462

It's brand new, so 0

>> No.12347464
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>> No.12347478

I think nasa only allows new hardware for manned missions? maybe that was just the capsule though

>> No.12347498

Crew 1 was a new booster but Crew 2 will use this same booster again

>> No.12347514


>> No.12347529


>> No.12347535
File: 7 KB, 279x181, gatekeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hanging out in the autosaging /sfg/ thread with the cool kids while tourists are flooding the launch thread.

>> No.12347558


>> No.12347568

its boring now

>> No.12347595
File: 180 KB, 749x821, A2B5C022-E9AF-4E76-9110-2A86242B4042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is so based

>> No.12347616

so last time bob and doug did a 24 hour orbit because they wanted to run tests and shit or whatever on the capsule, but this time why are they doing it? especially with 4 people crammed in?

>> No.12347619

Glover's got the smile of a man who didn't get slotted into the shitty Starliner and he knows he's going to have a fun ride up

>> No.12347626

>4 people crammed in
This baby's built for 7.

>> No.12347637

Probably to run some more tests and shieeet, capsule's life support is under twice as much load, they probably want to see how four crew makes the system behave.

>> No.12347653

These are the smiles of people who know they aren't going to die on Starliner.

>> No.12347661

I mean STS-2 still ran tests. Hell they were running initial diagnostics for the first like dozen shuttle missions. I suppose by the 4th or 5th launch they'll just high tail it to the ISS as fast as they can

>> No.12347684

What does loop alpha had a pressure spike mean?

>> No.12347708

I wonder if any astronaut has fapped in space

>> No.12347717

It's because there was bad weather yesterday so they missed the shortest time to launch.

It's like in KSP, there's a time to launch so that by the time you're in orbit you just about catch up with the thing you're docking with, if you miss it you have to do another go-around the earth which is why the thing takes over a day

>> No.12347724

Crew 2 was supposed to use the same booster, but it kept getting delayed, so I guess SpaceX just used the same booster again and again and again until NASA said "yeah, we want a new one, bro".

>> No.12347726

>hey quit rocking the ship

>> No.12347747
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>> No.12347750

Didn't Chris Hadfield all but admit to jerking off in his sleeping bag?

>> No.12347757


>> No.12347761

>Fapping is forbidden else you hit resonance and shake the ship apart.

>> No.12347762
File: 228 KB, 1024x829, Shelby&#039;s_Nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only fellow /sfg/ers will understand

>> No.12347766


>> No.12347777
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>> No.12347806

>There are over 550 million reusable rockets in worldwide circulation. That's one rocket for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we fly the other 11?

>> No.12347812

Lmao, where can I find this

>> No.12347831
File: 170 KB, 800x533, senator shelby sees an orbital propellant depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>user was nationalized for this post

>> No.12347837

Man this missus keeps fumbling her lines

>> No.12347838
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1590922273636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok bob, easy on those snacks

>> No.12347841

why is this so scuffed lmao
I'm just waiting for updates on the thermal loop but it's so awkward

>> No.12347853

and speak of the devil: both loops currently running at 50% to maintain operation

>> No.12347863

aaaand loop alpha cleared
no explode/overheat today

>> No.12347866

Are they ever disconnected from health monitoring equipment, or can the engineers on Earth deduce exactly when they come based on heart beat signatures?

>> No.12347872

>another go-around the earth which is why the thing takes over a day
ISS's orbital period is about 90'.

>> No.12347875

I'm sure they are disconnected after launch

Be pretty funny if someone got hyped and coomed during launch to the force of 10Gs tho

>> No.12347876

rub one out while bathing

>> No.12347883

Wonder who was the first to access p*rnhub in space

>> No.12347891

>most searched keywords in space

>> No.12347895
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Secret Space Force mission.

>> No.12347899
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>> No.12347906

from a cost standpoint it's almost certain the first space porn will be filmed on Starship, probably on the very next crewed mission after DearMoon
>or on DearMoon if Maezawa invites some pornstars

>> No.12347917

Because the propulsion module on the ISS is Russian and only the gyro is American. Guess which one is required the most and uses a limited resource to reorient the station to prepare it for a super fast launch?

>> No.12347924

NASA post launch press event in 40 min

>> No.12347929

Space Shuttle
and Dragon

b a s e d

>> No.12347941

Oh and for the record, it took about a week to reorient the ISS for the last record the Soyuz set.

>> No.12347942

I want a Jim Bridenstine dakimakura so I can cuddle with it and watch SpaceX livestreams

>> No.12347944

oh they are answering your question on the stream now

>> No.12347960

>Access Starship mainfraime and find folder with a single file in it
>Musky Husky impregnates entire harem of furry catgirls.html
>It's a link to a livestream

>> No.12347963

walter schirra: mercury, gemini, apollo
john young: gemini, apollo, shuttle

>> No.12348025

I take it you guys were watching Thunderf00t's launch stream, right?

>> No.12348036

yeah he really seems to like spacex

>> No.12348053

Septem quater ex veritas

>> No.12348067

where is this meme about no earth photos coming from

>> No.12348068


>> No.12348076

>Later, the company discovered another software glitch — one that would have affected the separation of the crew module from the service module. As a result, Boeing will re-fly the test mission, a flight it says would probably happen toward the end of this year, meaning its first launch with crew wouldn’t happen until 2021.

Has there been any update to when the new Starliner testflight will be?

>> No.12348079

>still skeptical of utility of booster recovery
>claims reliability concerns still exist despite a multitude of boosters being successfully reflown

>> No.12348081

he seems like a spacex fan that has a demon on his shoulder telling him he should shit on them. thinks falcon 9 is just a bigger redstone that runs on methane. still not convinced by the feasibility and practicality (cost saving) of reusable first stages (despite this very launch being delayed in order to land the first stage).

all in all, he thinks spacex is cool, but doesn't wanna admit it.

>> No.12348083


>Due to some restrictions from NOAA, SpaceX will be intentionally ending live video coverage of the second stage

>National and Commercial Space Program Act requires a commercial remote sensing LICENCE for companies having the capacity to take an image of Earth while on orbit.

>> No.12348085
File: 52 KB, 500x667, 1582896286679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you let loose a giant load in 0G would you fly backwards?

>> No.12348087

Late 2021 is what I last read

>> No.12348093

>requires a commercial remote sensing LICENCE for companies having the capacity to take an image of Earth while on orbit.
that's fucking bullshit

>> No.12348099

>thinks falcon 9 is just a bigger redstone that runs on methane
Was that a mistake on your behalf or does he seriously think the Falcon 9 runs on methalox?

>> No.12348100

NOAA needs about 120 days to process such a request

>> No.12348115

why is it as hard to film in orbit legally as it is to build a short barreled suppressed rifle

both should be free

>> No.12348119

Land of the free. Space of the free.

>> No.12348127

I'm convinced that Starliner will never bring astronauts to orbit

>> No.12348135

I aint lyin, here's a timestamp

>> No.12348165

TF said he might do a video on ARCA which should be epic

>> No.12348173

He's such a fucking retard when he ventures outside his own territory.
And that's not rocketry.

>> No.12348183
File: 71 KB, 879x485, dew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post launch conference LIVE

>> No.12348209

>Be me
>Slotted to fly on Starliner
>Make it to space in one piece, phew!
>See the dope ass Dragon 2 docked there when I rendezvous with the ISS. Damn it’s sleek and pretty and their pressure suits are cool
>Mission over, time to reenter Earth
>Capsule doesn’t separate
>Rock paper scissors other astronauts to see who has to sacrifice themselves
>I choose rock, Stacy chooses paper
>TFW I have to manually undock the capsule during an EVA
>TFW I am adrift until my oxygen runs out and I watch my crew reenter without me (spoiler: i heard on the comms the parachutes didn’t work and only one survived the crash but he died of a hypergolic leak shorty after)
>TFW I just wanted to fly on a SpaceX craft

>> No.12348216

80% chance Starline pulls a progress and creashes into the space station

>> No.12348219

>First question is Musk
>second question is asking for stock tickers
>third question is literally eric Berger fanboying about the drone ship

>> No.12348222

what was Berger's question? I was tuned out by then

>> No.12348223

berger truly is //ourjew//

>> No.12348227

>dude isn't it cool that we SCRUBBED because the DRONE SHIP couldn't CATCH THE ROCKET could you BELIEVE this five years ago bro

>> No.12348228
File: 20 KB, 200x204, poutingzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i, chopped liver?

>> No.12348230

>how do hatches work
>can you talk about the hatch
>gwynne: what
I love this

>> No.12348237

I choose to believe this anon is actually Zubrin

>> No.12348238

The ultimate fucking kek, this general would never stop talking about it for the rest of time. It would be a legend on Mars told by the early colonists when they are old men

>> No.12348240
File: 935 KB, 958x684, space mommy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn who is this?
The one announcing the questions

>> No.12348248

She probably announced her name at the beginning of the event if you rewind

>> No.12348253

my gf

>> No.12348256

that's actually Jim's handler. she does all his scheduling and is always around him

>> No.12348268
File: 103 KB, 1196x532, 1575934053237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he goes full lib from time to time but it's cool that he's autistic about space

>> No.12348272
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>> No.12348273
File: 21 KB, 300x400, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, my dear anon, is Bettina Inclán. Mommy and Associate Administrator for Communications at NASA.

>> No.12348277

SpaceX still live

>> No.12348279

Sounds like they are about to show a crew camera view in about 20 minutes

>> No.12348284

awwyeahh sweet

>> No.12348290

>The SpaceX CORE comms officer has told the crew three propellant line heaters are showing "high resistance. So they are currently marked alarmed by the software;" CORE says flight rules require at least 2 of 4 in a thruster cluster to be operational when docked

>> No.12348296

oh no no no SpaceX bros we got too cocky

>> No.12348298

Well sounds like they got several hours to try to resolve this before aborting the transfer burns

>> No.12348307

it's kinda crazy how during the entirety of trump's administration all boeing accomplished was a failed test flight. they wont even get to the green run this year

>> No.12348321

Boeing depends on government handouts and Trump was not helping that. Commercial Crew is a fixed price contract and Boeing is not designed for that.

>> No.12348322

why cant i find women that are like this. where the fuck are they?

>> No.12348332

you have to go outside, anon

>> No.12348334

why did reading this post give me dejavu?

didn't this happen with Demo 2

>> No.12348340

This is a new issue. Nothing in DM-2 happened that violated docking requirements.

>> No.12348342

it must be embarrassing to work for boeing. their execs talk a big game, and then the product falls flat. boeing's ceo (the one that got fired) flat out said the first humans will go to mars on a boeing rocket.

well, it's not that easy in rocketry

>> No.12348344

This happened with Apollo 13

>> No.12348346

>be boeing
>bread and butter is making passenger airplanes
>make a plane that automatically crashes into the ground
They literally can't do anything right

>> No.12348347

thruster cluster

>> No.12348348

The problem with Apollo 13 was with the oxygen tanks that fed into the fuel cells, not the heaters for the thrusters.

>> No.12348357

SpaceX changing ground control shifts. Hopefully this is a sign that it's not that big of an issue to resolve if they can continue with crew shift changes

>> No.12348358

Something happened with the thruster pods years ago on CRS mission. Idk.

>> No.12348359

i know im just trying to scare anon

>> No.12348361

Oh no i ate the bait

>> No.12348363

SpaceX confirms they have internet on Crew Dragon. They are shitposting on this thread RIGHT NOW.

>> No.12348368
File: 39 KB, 657x527, 1phgvhg9pvh31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISS cawfee bros

>> No.12348373

Hopefully it's a fixable problem. They have 24 hours to find a solution otherwise Spacex will get a lot of flack

>> No.12348375

you are educating people, thank you for your service

>> No.12348378

Yes. I think they have only 9 hours to resolve the issue before Crew Dragon is allowed to a transfer burn to meet ISS. Not sure if they have enough supplies to extend past 27 hours

>> No.12348387

They just gotta turn the sensors off and turn 'em back on again.

>> No.12348390
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1604106791372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set SCE to AUX

>> No.12348392

>BREAKING: Elon Musk expedites Starship SN8 operation to launch emergency repair crew mission to meet with Crew Dragon in orbit

>> No.12348395

Oh fuck only 6 beds in ISS and they make the Dragon commander sleep int he Dragon lmao

>> No.12348401

Crew was supposed to hold a media event now but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore, probably due to the heater issue.

>> No.12348403

>SN8 fails at the last minute
>Starhopper awakens to fulfill its destiny

>> No.12348408

This would be like trying to get Atlantis ready to save the Columbia in 2003

>> No.12348417

Someone at SpaceX had one job to check the heaters and they fucked up

>> No.12348420

no, it'd be like trying to get the x-33 ready to save Columbia lel

>> No.12348423

>Elon that's impossible
>No, it's necessary

>> No.12348425
File: 136 KB, 363x296, 1605049338282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>first time astronaut
>launch goes perfectly
>want to celebrate with some smores
>turn on the heater
>share smores with crewmates
>heater won't turn off
>NASA is yelling at me over the com
>whole mission might get scrubbed now
>ignore coms and tell /sfg/ my plight

>> No.12348431

Come home fren, it's ok

>> No.12348432

Its a shame it and the DC-X never went anywhere

I just hope that any problem with the thrusters doesn't lead to some catastrophic failure, we wouldn't want something like this happening en route or near the ISS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_Dragon_2#Explosion_during_testing

>> No.12348440

Crew going on camera NOW

>> No.12348451

i'm waiting, anon |:(

>> No.12348454
File: 226 KB, 301x461, 1370295656399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No response

>> No.12348459
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>> No.12348461

Dragon is toast, rip crew

>> No.12348464

uhhhhh guys....where is the crew?

>> No.12348468


>> No.12348475


>> No.12348476
File: 75 KB, 493x498, nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon, Spacex. Com-check

>> No.12348479

>total loss of crew
>spacex goes bankrupt
>all we have is boing for the next 50 years
i might actually kill myself

>> No.12348482

They keep switching to ISS, they're hiding something guys

>> No.12348487

No, in that case we need to meet up IRL and make 4ASS real.

>> No.12348488
File: 171 KB, 456x628, 1517798323425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still nothing

>> No.12348492


>> No.12348495


>> No.12348496

>prop heater failure
So, is it an issue of the propellant potentially being too cold by the time they rendezvous?

>> No.12348497


>> No.12348499
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>> No.12348502
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>Starhopper awakens to fulfill its destiny

>> No.12348503


>> No.12348507
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>> No.12348508
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>The Zero-G indicator is fucking Baby Yoda

>> No.12348509

>Baby Yoda
>Not a Pepe plush

>> No.12348510


>> No.12348512

Could be, but if Dragon points the tanks to the sun, the fuel should stay liquid.
However since not all propellant heaters failed, it could just have reduced fuel capacity.

>> No.12348514

The ISS is boring. They need to spice it up out there because nobody gives a shit about them anymore.

>> No.12348515


>> No.12348516
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>> No.12348520

that's where timothy cruise comes in

>> No.12348521

They need to dock a Starship and turn into a Skylab module

>> No.12348523

>more than doubbles the pressurized volume instantly

>> No.12348524

If only if all of the orange tanks that the STS brought up to orbit were welded together into one giant wetlab.

>> No.12348525

SS has so much room they could just put it into LEO and keep it up there for a few months. Do experiments and come back down. Or just fucking leave it.

>> No.12348526

>Look at me, I'm the space station now

>> No.12348530

I hate fucking reddit.
You have no idea if those up votes are inflated by software or not.
I fucking called it. They are now going to drag Elon through the mud and spaceX along with it.
Fucking cunts

>> No.12348532

Reddit has been trying to do that for ages. Elon has fuck you money and doesn't care about reddit or the media. Remember he called out who owns the media

>> No.12348533
File: 70 KB, 432x324, Image4-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw this could have been made by 1990-1995

>> No.12348536

Speaking of other projects that never came to fruition, I'm still mad that SSC and UNK particle accelerators were canceled.

>> No.12348538

Beep boop

>> No.12348543

I thought reddit loved elon?
Or was it just a specific subreddit?

>> No.12348548

reddit used to love russia too

>> No.12348551

They boost positive posts about Elon that conform to their agenda but otherwise they hate him because he's not afraid to call out social norms.

>> No.12348555

Does NASA style fly any B-52s? It's insane how fucking old the plane is and is still in service.
>first contract received 1946
>enters service 1952
>still flying today
fuck you soyuz

>> No.12348563

They used to until 2004

>> No.12348564

We generalize reddit because the average reddit user is extremely annoying, and their websites layout encourages users to self police, and dicksuck for karma
A lot of people on reddit fall into the "I fucking LOVE science!!!" Rick and morty watching group, but due to Coronavirus being a political topic, reddit pseudo intellectual bugmen have prioritized covid 19 being the worst thing in human history over literally everything else, so anybody who talks against the grain about Covid lockdowns destroying the middle class, or how covid isnt that dangerous, they panic and immediately rage out against it

>> No.12348566

I don't think they ever liked Russia, the western liberals and progressives didn't like Russia say 8-10 years ago so i doubt the subset of them that use reddit would like Russia to begin with.

>> No.12348569

They flew a single B-52 that was called "Balls 8," due to its serial number being 0008 or something like that. They retired it in 2004.

>> No.12348573

>MFW the heater won't turn off but it actually feels kinda good so I'm just going to eat snacks with my rag tag group of friends in the no-bezos zone of the universe
I want to be an astronaut so bad bros

>> No.12348587

>Just turn off those alarms bro

>> No.12348589

>Russians will never know how roomy this is

>> No.12348592

I think they're planning to have a cosmonaut ride a Dragon sometime next year.

>> No.12348594

Actually they will. NASA and Roscosmos plan to have Russians fly on Crew Dragon just as NASA continues to fly on Soyuz

>> No.12348597

>"Dragon, SpaceX, for prop heaters"
>response suddenly cut off

>> No.12348599

Give them a while, it took a bit in order to see inside the capsule after the that one comms check

>> No.12348600

qrd on whats happening with the heater?

>> No.12348605

Fuel lines have heaters designed to keep them from freezing. They are not working as expected, per alarms. They are troubleshooting to try to resolve before the transfer burn

>> No.12348620

They're now enabling higher resistance limits for the heaters to see what'll happen. I think a software resistance sensor likely shut them off, so it should begin to run if they remove or widen the limits.

>> No.12348626

Dangerously based

>> No.12348631

so they're betting that the issue is with the alarm system itself. Hope they're right.

>> No.12348636

Crew cam is LIVE again

>> No.12348637
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>> No.12348641

..and the crew request a 15 min external view again

>> No.12348642

They sure are camera shy

Toilet break?

>> No.12348643
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>> No.12348644

If i understand it correctly, its more like high electrical resistance alarm from the heater (implying straining heaters). So option 1 is just give up and come home, or push the electrics on the heaters past their resistance parameters and push the heaters for what they have. If that doesn't work worst that happens is you strain the heater electrics and come home.

>> No.12348645
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>totaly safe

>> No.12348646

Loss of communications can mean only one thing.

>> No.12348654

Yeah, that'd be my fear. I don't have enough inside knowledge to authoritatively say there's any risk of that happening, but getting rid of a software-defined resistance limit on a heater that's interacting with hydrazine is a little sketchy.

>> No.12348656

Put the Dragon into a BBQ roll, that's a good trick

>> No.12348658


>> No.12348661

ah, well that makes sense. Hope it works

>> No.12348673

11 hours to next boost burn. That's the time they have to try to resolve the heater issue before calling off the burn

>> No.12348691


>> No.12348693

looks fine to me, it'll buff out

>> No.12348694

I keep thinking about how awkward it'd be to use the toilet in the capsule. Imagine the smelle

>> No.12348698

Safer than Shuttle

>> No.12348700

>"hey can you guys look away for a minute?"
>"fine watch me shit then faggot"
>"gonna be a long couple of months"

>> No.12348704

Alarms have been cleared. Heaters have been reenabled. They are now gathering data to review.

>> No.12348706

There's like one toilet on the ISS for seven people (two women). Not a great way to live, though if I were an astronaut that would be the least of my concerns

>> No.12348707


>> No.12348710

where does the poopy go? imagine how stinky it would get

>> No.12348711

imagine being the one woman

>> No.12348715

They have two toilets. One in the main American module and one int he first Russian module.

>> No.12348717

it's not like she takes her tits out to shit or anything

>> No.12348718

There's a second one on the Russian section I think.

>> No.12348719

There's a small toilet that literally sucks everything in so you have to literally dock and make a tight seal

>> No.12348720

where are you getting this. I'm listening to mission control audio

>> No.12348721

Main SpaceX stream. One of the girls mentioned int in a brief update before it went back to the control room view

>> No.12348723
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>> No.12348725

oh duh, sorry

>> No.12348728

Is this the one in the US section?

Man, if I were a woman I'd hate being the only one onboard that capsule. I'm extremely shy about admitting I need the bathroom so I don't know how I'd do it to a bunch of people of the opposite gender. Plus you'd have to change in the capsule with the other dudes.

The crew are definitely professionals but that would still suck. I'm sure some women would enjoy being the "only girl" though.

I can't imagine how it must be for the Soyuz though. I don't even think they have a toilet and god knows how they change out of their suits in that small ass space.

>> No.12348732


>"Give me a napkin, quick," Apollo 10 Commander Stafford says. "There's a turd floating through the air."

>> No.12348734

Also a third as long as a dragon is parked on it

>> No.12348739

No worries. It seems they are keeping a tight lid on troubleshooting and only giving brief updates through the "PR channel"

>> No.12348740

Do they have regular TP?

>> No.12348741

The Dragon toilet seems more like a honey pot than an actual toilet with vaccum and storage of waste like the ISS has. It's probably only designed for use during transit.

>> No.12348743

>Is this the one in the US section?
It's not painted 90s-computer-stained-with-tobacco-smoke-beige, so probably.

>> No.12348742

Yep that's the one int he US module. It's probably the most used out of both

I believe they have wipes. I don't remember if they can flush the paper or put it in a bag to dispose

>> No.12348746

Crew just announced they are OK with SpaceX showing inboard camera view soon

>> No.12348747

Starship never needs to get human rated by NASA

>> No.12348748
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You would have to if you were wearing a jumpsuit or flight suit

>> No.12348758

>Crew has put on their slav Adidas outfits for the night sleep

>> No.12348763
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NASA should charge the cosmonauts for taking shits in the AMERICAN toilet

Actually, have there ever been women cosmonauts after the fall of the USSR? I honestly can only remember white russian men.

>> No.12348765

Cernan: “Here’s another goddam turd. What’s the matter with you guys? Here, give me a —”
(laughter from Young and Stafford)
Stafford: “It was just floating around?”
Cernan: “Yes.”
Stafford (laughing): “Mine was stickier than that.”
Young: “Mine was too. It hit that bag —”
Cernan: “I don’t know whose that is. I can neither claim it nor disclaim it (laughter).”
Young: “What the hell is going on here?”

>> No.12348769

>have there ever been women cosmonauts after the fall of the USSR
Yes, Yelena Kondakova and Yelena Serova

>> No.12348771
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Based, those were really the golden years of space

>> No.12348773

>During her first excursion into space, her husband Valeri would often complain about how he desired a more traditional wife who would take care of the home and family. While Kondakova was away in space during this time, Energia (corporation) appointed Ryumin to work from home and take care of his daughter until Kondakova's return.

Fucking hell

>> No.12348775
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They really were

>> No.12348780
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Let's hope the Chinese try and occupy the moon so we have Space Race II

>> No.12348784

What's stopping one of the cosmonauts from just going inside and taking some pictures of SpaceX technology? Are they not allowed in US spacecraft? did none of them ever sneak inside the Shuttle for a quick nap?

>> No.12348786


>That one time the only toilet in the shuttle broke and the crew had to use Apollo bags

>> No.12348789

Nothing. There's probably not much insider info they can get from the surface of the Dragon's interior. The code and engines are the main items that would be of interest but not accessible from inside Dragon

>> No.12348790

dream on

>> No.12348792

>Colored hair
The woman on the left annoys me

>> No.12348793

>from just going inside and taking some pictures of SpaceX technology
Most of the tech in a rocket is "beneath the hood," jumping in the capsule won't tell you too much.
>the Shuttle
No idea why they would bother, much of shuttle the design was openly available which they used much of to make the Buran. Differences between the Energia/Buran not withstanding.

>> No.12348796

fuck you cuck face

>> No.12348802

That's why I am posting on an Uruguayan basketball sewing forum man

>> No.12348806

>prop heater issue cleared

>> No.12348810

i feel like i am too stupid to get this joke

>> No.12348811

Prop heaters are recovered and back to full fault tolerance.

>> No.12348814

You are.

>> No.12348816

Nothing fancy, I'm just posting here to fantasize about femstronauts is all

>> No.12348817

Good job SpaceX

>> No.12348819

Oh nooo

>> No.12348822

Everything is ok now anon! You're going to the iSS!

>> No.12348823

Boeing sabotage foiled once again

>> No.12348825
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>> No.12348829


>> No.12348834

Dragon uh.. finds a way

>> No.12348846

All women ISS expedition when

>> No.12348850

>Glover in charge of collecting bio samples

>> No.12348854

Nothing would get done and they would likely end up killing each other

>> No.12348858

But but muh toxic masculinity

>> No.12348861


>> No.12348871

No i just want some drama

>> No.12348878

Reminder that women astronauts are batshit crazy and will drive across the country to kill each other out of jealousy

>> No.12348885

Wearing diapers, too

>> No.12348897

sounds hot

>> No.12348899

That was it? A fucking tube/noose/line was likely lose? Imagine when Starship is fully operational and some ass not nominal NOT TROUBLESOME ISSUE that will be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happen in this big ass rocket if something small like dragon face this. Can anyone here for the class what was Demo-1 single issue again please

>> No.12348910

It's unclear if the crew will hold any more media/live view events. The items for the next hour are crew dinner and sleep.

Crew scheduled to wake up in like 9 hours for the next boost burn to phase with ISS. Then there's a few more burns during the day to complete the process.

Docking in like 20 hours

>> No.12348912
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The poo who always stalked Elon tweets along this Bitch (who doesn't even follow him or a single motherfucker we know, youtubers, render fags and others) went MIA some months ago. Is this a bot acc or a mentally ill clown..

>> No.12348917

Twitter is so fucked nowadays that it's hard to tell what's real or not anymore.

>> No.12348929


>> No.12348946

OK Shelby

>> No.12348949

Sounds like there will not anymore Crew media events for tonight. Goodnight to Crew 1, see ya'll tomorrow morning.

>> No.12348988

Pretty good air conditioning if four astronauts feel chilly in a small capsule full of electronics and people

>> No.12348999

This. They want that both countries have people who know how to operate each one in case of emergency.

>> No.12349002

new >>12349001