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11347044 No.11347044 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people with aspergers always dominate STEM fields? I'm a neurotypical cuck and I can't even compete!

>> No.11347054

success in modern STEM is about spending 14 hours a day obsessed with meaningless technicalities for free
it caters well to autists

>> No.11347173

People with autism usually fuck up in high school or college

>> No.11347207

Have a childhood friend that has a heavy case of Asperger's. Like he even speaks weirdly and what not.
We both started EE in the same uni right after highschool (same highschool) and he got fucked in the ass horrifyingly hard by EE. I tried to help him the best I could but the dude struggled big time even with shit like calculus 1
Idk if this is the exception or the rule but man the poor guy suffered.

>> No.11347230

SEETHING n**Rotypical dogs simply cannot compete with the majesty of the greatest gift VAINAMOINEN ever gave the Earth - the ASPERGER MASTER RACE! It's no wonder that normalfags on /pol and reddit are so ableist, they know for a FACT that they could never compete with the superior discipline and focus of AUTISTIC GODS. n**Rotypical bois had to BAN n**Rotypical bitches from BREEDING ASPERGER because they knew for a fact that otherwise their women would become obsessed with pleasing the SUPERIOR of ASPERGER KINGS.

Now there is nothing stopping n**Rotypical bitches from doing so so n**Rotypical boiis console themselves by fucking ugly FAS looking jap bitches while their wives, daughters, and sisters SCREAM in ECSTASY as they are ruined for teeny weenie n**Rotypical peenies by ASPERGER BVLLS. There is NOTHING the n**Rotypicals can do except CRY online as they know that they could NEVER call an ASPERGER man a nigger to his face or else be destroyed.

Face it, n**Rotypicalbois, you're CANCELLED. You will live to see AUTISTIC offspring borne out of the pink vaginas of the n**Rotypical women you thought you loved, oh how sad n**Rotypicalbois. Give up now and your future ASPERGER OVERLORDS may have mercy.

>> No.11347531


All autists I've met only had a degree in My little Pony Engineering