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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 243 KB, 3600x1300, joseflatex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10555665 No.10555665 [Reply] [Original]

\text{How the fuck do I center my equations in /sci/TeX?}
\text{There's gotta be a better workaround then eyeballing "\qquad" & "~" to align things properly, right?}
\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \color{RED}{|\mathbf{example}| \geq \int_{\alpha}^\beta \leq |\tt{~how~do~I~align~this~shit?~}|}

>> No.10555674

no, there is no better way to do it. /sci/'s MathJax is intentionally handicapped to prevent people from making ridiculous shitpost art using it. for example you can't change the size of anything, \Huge is disabled even though it works fine on other MathJax forums like stackexchange or physicsforums

>> No.10555686
File: 9 KB, 255x171, 1471032137534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods are fags who hate fun
What a surprise.

>> No.10555689

>/sci/'s MathJax is intentionally handicapped to prevent people from making ridiculous shitpost art using it.

>> No.10555699

Thanks. I thought I was being lazy but I guess there's only one way to do it.
I remember how broken it used to be on here...

>> No.10556498

I miss the good old days when we could use latex to write anywhere, even outside the post rectangle, and over other people's posts, add a background image to the thread, make loops to write massive triforces, and make anyone who had JavaScript enabled s browser crash when they open the thread. I learned most of my latex during that time to make more elaborate shitposts.

>> No.10556521

I wonder if this still works

>> No.10556528

[math] \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{You ~can't~ travel }} \rlap { \lower{-1.9em}{Cant}} \rlap { \lower{-2.5em}{~~~~~~~~can't ~travel~ the~ speed}} \rlap { \lower{0.6em}{of~ light}} \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{of ~~light}} \rlap { \lower{1.9em}{only~ a~ fraction}} \rlap { \lower{2.5em}{~~~~~fraction }} \rlap { \lower{2.7em}{~~~~~~fraction }} \rlap { \lower{3.4em}{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.999^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} \rlap { \lower{3.5em}{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=1}} \rlap { \lower{3.4em}{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=1}} \rlap { \lower{4.2em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}} \rlap { \lower{4.25em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}} \rlap { \lower{4.1em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}} \rlap { \lower{4.7em}{you~ can ~trvel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}} [/math]

>> No.10556539


>> No.10556540

Is this supposed to be an abstract merchant? God damn it this place has changed me