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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4122620 [View]
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lets face it, natural selection is no longer a significant factor in human population dynamics. If we want to continue as a healthy set of individuals we need some form of selection. Using the mathematics of genetics we can estimate the quality of offspring pairs of genes will combine to produce. Using the statistical mathematics of evolution we can predict the large scale outcome of such pairings: The result is that many chronic diseases like heart failure, depression, susceptibility to cancer will be greatly reduced and basic things like intelligence, athletic ability and such will all be increased leading to more enjoyable productive lives overall.

no tripcode, post anonymously.

>> No.4122520 [DELETED]  [View]
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lets face it, natural selection is no longer a significant factor in human population dynamics. If we want to continue as a healthy set of individuals we need some form of selection. Using the mathematics of genetics we can estimate the quality of offspring pairs of genes will combine to produce. Using the statistical mathematics of evolution we can predict the large scale outcome of such pairings: The result is that many chronic diseases like heart failure, depression, susceptibility to cancer will be greatly reduced and basic things like intelligence, athletic ability and such will all be increased leading to more enjoyable productive lives overall.

>> No.3978457 [View]
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If evolution is a real theory then it should be able to predict the effects of artificial force pushing on the genetics. Using the mathematics we should be able to figure out how many people need to be treated and what aspects of the DNA we need to edit, much like how vaccinating a fragment of the population is enough to completely eradicate a disease. It would also be important to stop certain people (who have a high likelyhood of reducing the fitness of the population, by for example, helping the spread of heart disease, cancers and such). Yet the mathematics behind evolution seems to be mysteriously hidden from all the text books. What sort of person would be holding back the human race and allowing more unhealthy people to be brought into the world, as opposed to a world of happy healthy people.

>> No.3915438 [View]
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Eugenics is based on sound scientific principles, primarily the genetic theory of evolution.

To goal is to produce a healthy and fit human race, we predict it is possible to go well beyond the medical improvements (even what's possible with something like stem cells).

The major criticisms are that "it wont work" and "it's immoral". I refute both.

>> No.3741674 [View]
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If we made it so that one has to apply each time they wanted to have a child, and if the pair are fit (both healthy, no disabilities, no mental health problems etc.) then get probability 1 of being accepted.. and the more genetic conditions they have wrong with them, the lower probability they will be allowed to breed: the end result would be after a few years we would see a dramatic decrease in "incurable" debilitating diseases and health problems. The overall fitness and happiness of the human race would be substantially improved. It could also take into account population control so that exponential growth doesn't destroy all our resources.

>> No.3669931 [View]
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>> No.3504645 [View]
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Future Generations is about humanitarian eugenics.
Humanitarian eugenics strives to leave a genuine legacy
of love to future generations: good health, high intelligence,
and noble character. We advocate measures to improve the innate
quality of humankind which are entirely voluntary. Please be forewarned
that most ideas expressed on this website are "politically incorrect." We aspire
to total honesty, believing that it is the only policy for people with integrity,
and furthermore, that in the long run, honesty is far-and-away the most compassionate
policy. If we ever hope to solve the problems which face our species, it's imperative
that we first look at them objectively, and assess the scientific evidence without
bias. If the truth about genetics and behavior, about eugenics, or about
race, is considered "taboo," and falsehoods are the only socially
acceptable opinions, then this is truly a sad state of affairs,
but we won't let it deter us.

>> No.3432306 [View]
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Eugenics is a social movement which involves manipulating human genetic inheritance to bring out the traits which are believed to be “best.” While the future of the human race is an issue of concern to most people, many people distance themselves from eugenics because it has some very negative connotations. Eugenics has been used historically as an argument for mandatory sterilization and a variety of other policies which have been targeted at the “lesser” members of the society with the goal of eliminating their genetic heritage from the gene pool.

>> No.3271728 [View]
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You know that your country and society is being flushed down the toilet by the inferior peoples idiotic actions and interbreeding.

You understand natural selection; the fittest survive, it's the only reason healthy, strong individuals like you exist. Furthermore you know that modern medicine has put an end to natural selection: Which is why we're stuck in this horrible fucking mire.

The solution is Eugenics. Try to be rational instead of freaking out because "a bad man did it therefore it's bad" (logical fallacy). With a good Eugenics program we could breed out fatal heart problems, metal health defects, massively reduce susceptibility to cancer as well as some niceties like improve intelligence and potency.

If you are still holding back the only progress that can save humanity, you really need to examine your views right now.

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