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>> No.15651197 [View]
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They would deny it as they have been doing for decades.

>> No.15627780 [View]
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I haven't seen any evidence that extremely intelligent people score below 100 IQ nor have I seen any evidence that extremely retarded people score above 100 IQ
Why wouldn't it be a useful metric? Unless there is a more reliable method of determining ones intelligence?

>> No.15619578 [View]
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>Asians are dum-
I still don't understand why they haven't accomplished as much as Europeans, but now that they're on a level playing field we will see. They industrialised really late, to this day 70% of China's workforce have not finished high school.

>> No.15550021 [View]
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On paper they should accomplish a similar amount to Europeans. I guess they developed later, even to this day 70% of China's workforce have not finished high school.

It's still weird that Korea doesn't have any nobel prizes while Japan has many.

>> No.15540933 [View]
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Uhhh CUMSKIN bros?

>> No.14616312 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 129 KB, 1016x768, IQ polygenic gene race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians and Europeans have very similar IQs. Only 5 points apart.

>> No.12739645 [View]
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3 IQ clusters when you look only at polygenic scores (no environmental noise):

- African

- Indian (includes Latinos, whites, Arabs)

- Asian (includes SEAsians)

>> No.12730077 [DELETED]  [View]
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is not 100. Because 1st world IQs are inflated due to 1st world lifestyles.

When you sort by genetic IQ, White IQ clusters with Indians and Latinos, albeit slightly higher. The real (polygenic) IQs are listed in the image at left.

>> No.12718887 [View]
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cope wiggers

>> No.12553453 [View]
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>Koreans have an average IQ of 107, while Finns have an average IQ of 104. On the other hand, whites have an average IQ of 100.

Dude, it's actually much, much worse than you think.

White IQ is 94.
Korean IQ is still about 105.

White IQs are artificially boosted by 1st world environment. If civilization collapsed, whites would revert to an IQ between 85-94 (depending on how bad living conditions got)

This effect is less pronounced the higher your genetic IQ is. If Korea collapsed, IQs would drop to 103 max.

Also IQ is a very imperfect test, and there are other aspects of intelligence, especially spatial intelligence, which would be higher in cold climate/Mongoloid folk.

>> No.12545225 [View]
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wrong, all Mongoloids are quite smart.

>India has more people. They are stupid.
Indians are only slightly stupider than Europoids.

Indian IQ is 88, European IQ is 94. After controlling for 1st world environment.

>> No.12485361 [View]
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thread full of wigger brainlets

civilization is a starvation adaptation. hunting lands dry up, you have to farm, no other option. It just became the new normal.

quality of civilization depends on resources. europe found 2 virtually uninhabited continents. free stuff = do colonialism easily, invent more gooder things easily bcoz not on brink of starvation

lastly is personality. Personality and behavioral differences have a lot to do with how civilization behaves when resources aren't an issue. For example, Mongoloid peoples have very efficient dopamine receptors--meaning they get mentally satisfied easily, meaning less theoretical novelty seeking. Other races don't have this, so they are more curious about things. This means when everything's "been invented", Mongoloids thrive more, and vice versa.

very very last is IQ. IQ is meaningless. All non-African IQs are basically similar, from a low of 90 in pajeets to a high of 110 in chinks (wiggers avg 95). Jews don't count, they're a white caste. Brahmins don't count, they're an Indian caste.

nog IQs are severely retarded for some reason, but it's not that weird when you remember they're a completely different branch of humanity that's been basically isolated for over 100,000 years. Also this doesn't mean they're inferior, just means they have low IQs.

>> No.12132570 [View]
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He's right but the IQ correlations are mostly bunk.

Darker people have lower IQ because darker people are primarily African. Ancestry, not color, is the prime driver of IQ difference.

He's definitely right about the sexual selection and elite selection though. High status men prefer whiter women (and features that tend morphologically Mongoloid--flatter butt, less exaggerated sexual features, etc). When society becomes matriarchal, dark genes and Caucasoid features proliferate.

Whiteness is a superficial form of Mongoloidism. Every single feature that is enhanced by whiteness, is also enhanced by Mongoloidness but in a more fundamental and less superficial way. Moreover, Europeans are literally more Mongoloid than Arabs in every morphological respect (bigger heads, less face hair, higher trunk:leg ratio, higher canthal tilt etc). The most progressive form of human is a blue eyed, blonde haired Siberian/Northern Chinese.

>> No.11985817 [View]
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you're both dumb

work ethic is necessary but insufficient
high IQ is valuable, but not necessary

IQ gets memed because

1) there's no standardized test that measures a person's "work ethic", and administering one would be inherently costly (since you'd have to work people to failure/distraction which takes a long time)
2) whiteboys are for some reason obsessed with IQ because they're obsessed with negroes and their penises (even though their own IQ is only marginally better than Pajeet-tier, at 94).

>> No.11815263 [View]
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europoid IQ is pretty similar to indo-arab IQ when you control for environment.
mongoloid IQ, both of northern and southern varieties, are higher than all europoid IQs.

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