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>> No.5978392 [View]
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>western education

Said the Australian...

>> No.5699349 [View]
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That's nothing. I'm 6 years into a Biology degree and am just now switching to CS so I can actually find a job.

At least I can grab a 3rd degree (Computational Biology) by taking a single extra course. 3 BSs (Bio/CS/CompBio) after 8 years certainly looks a lot less shitty than 1 barely-STEM BS after 6.

I don't look forward to the 18yo Facebook-raised script kiddie shitheads I'll be running into.

>> No.5536664 [View]
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I think it was a joke.

>> No.5385076 [View]
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>> No.5181956 [View]
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5 minutes in, that's the video I was alluding to where he claims humans existed 2 billion years ago.

Sorry bro, when it comes to proposing an entirely different depiction of human evolution, elegant speech with no substance may as well not be spoken. Until some of his followers produce data to back up his claims I am not going to jump ship.

May as well say "Aliens"

>> No.5165215 [View]
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Professor was testing your leadership skills, not your building skills.

He wanted to see who was going to step up to the plate and propose an idea and get others to follow them. Leadership and willingness to convey your ideas for criticism is a major part of engineering in teams.

>> No.5029945 [View]
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>Spending time on pol

>> No.5024790 [View]
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>I didn't know Schrodinger's cat before watching it

>> No.4895706 [View]
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>implying 4chan is creative
>implying facebook is creative

>> No.4864634 [View]
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>> No.4730086 [View]
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Indeed Newton was smart, but most likely he was probably pretty lax with his beliefs in God. Articles like to say he was a devout Christain but this isn't true, and most of it was likely a mask that any intelligent person had to wear to remain respectful, if not alive, during those times.

If Newton lived today odds are that he wouldn't be a believer. He was a victim of his time and culture, as we all are. It was heresy, and very dangerous during newtons time to not believe in the good lord, so implying that he was a religious man by choice is far from the truth. It was the norm to believe in God, and it was also safer that way.

>Mfw christains spit out that some the most brilliant scientific minds were Christains. And plithly leave out that heresy was easily punisheable by death during these times, if not a loss of all social standing/respect.

>> No.4580879 [View]
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No. obviously you need to actually read a book about entropy.

Secondly, doing something "consciously" doesn't imply "free will"

>> No.4563218 [View]
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Such a bad metaphor.

>> No.4541253 [View]
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please just stop.... just... stop

someone delete this thread it turned into a piece of shit

good lord

>> No.4517207 [View]
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>> No.4501432 [View]
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>> No.4422463 [DELETED]  [View]
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You had two options that situation. The first was to respond with an honest answer and maybe a conversation would have taken place. The second was to hold on to that retarded persona and reply in a manner that was neither funny nor witty. For whatever reason you decided to go with option, which completely eliminated any possibility for there to be a real conversation between us. Congratulations.

>> No.4244575 [View]
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Or to do less displays our ability to use power responsibly

You know instead of abuse it

>> No.4093502 [View]
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>Entry level trollan.

>> No.3875255 [View]
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Plenty of my friends who smoke weed lack ambition and are content to work in menial labor for minimum wages. If you are still in your growing phase you should most definitely not use it since the incalculable stunting, both physical and mental, that it is causing. If I were to be able to change one thing from my teens it would be to stay away and concentrate on school.

>> No.3853949 [View]
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>Here is an interesting question: what will be the economic implications of automation?

>Oil is the end of urrvrythang!!1
>You western dogs will die because of your hubris.
>Religion does'nt'd reals.

Great thread guys.

>> No.3818819 [View]
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>brown dwarf

>> No.3696433 [View]
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Also I'm filtering you for being an annoying and ignorant tripfag.

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