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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: pony

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>> No.12596127 [View]

>Reminder that Ares-X was an unmodified Shuttle booster with a dummy stage on top that literally amounted to a dog and pony show which gained nothing of value but did manage to hose the entire launch tower structure with high velocity high temperature aluminum oxide exhaust dust lmao

>> No.12584679 [View]

Because application of math and application of basic literacy are two different things, and while I don't need to solve polynomials or calculus on a regular basis, I do need basic literacy to call you a retard on an online japanese cartoon pony worshiping website.

>> No.12552953 [DELETED]  [View]

Why are there fucking pony ads on my board? Horsefuckers get out reeeeee

>> No.12546696 [View]

What's more cringe - having an erotic My Little Pony dakimakura, or referring to the Earth, Moon and Sun as Terra, Luna and Sol?

>> No.12515134 [View]

Yes I'm sure that's why they let in so many jews to elite institutions
>fox hunting
around here it was pretty much anyone with a pony, fuck blair

>> No.12457381 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 9 KB, 276x183, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ants are attracted to cum and I can prove it.

I sit down at my desk and open my porn folder. I scroll through all the weak nonsense such as hentai and loli until I get to my futa furry toddler nugget porn. I start jerking it and within two minutes I was covered in my own seed.

The speed at which I wanked made me incredibly tired so I laid down and went to sleep, hoping to dream of My Little Pony and their tight pussies.

I suddenly wake up and am very itchy. I look down in horror to see hundreds of little ants crawling over me, eating the sweet, sweet semen. The feeling of their little feet walking all over me was enough to make me bust again. This time, however, they noticed the source of the sweet nectar. They began forming lines and burrowing themselves into my foreskin. I arched my back and moaned loudly as they nibbled the head of my penis.

They began to go into my urethra and make little ant nests in the residue. I was thrashing on my bed because I wanted to nut again but I couldn't. My mom walks in to see this and she screams in horror. As soon as I turn my head to look, I busted the hottest, fattest nut I ever have. An explosion of ants rocket out of my penis and all over the floor.

My mom runs out in terror and I begin to finally clean up. Just the thought of what happened sent chills down my spine. I picked the few ants that were still alive and kept them in a jar. >I couldn't wait to do it again.

>> No.12447197 [View]

1. Men rejected by women become women to cope with their jealousy of women. If you can't defeat them, join them.

2. Becoming a woman is a survival tactic in an all-men environment. Become the woman of the group.

3. Being a woman is seen in western societies as intrinsically better than being a man, because woman can carry children. Depressive men with low self-estime become women to give themselves some worth.

4. External influences : media, porn, psychiatrist, education, advertising, etc. Current zeitgeist says : "you have issues? Try becomming a transgender ;)". One-trick-pony.

>> No.12435781 [View]


his magnum opus [Braeburned] All Aboard (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

>> No.12435604 [View]

didnt know brae drew anything else than gay pony butt drilling

>> No.12434035 [View]

For GOD'S Sake OP, get a fucking grip and MAN THE FUCK UP!

No one shits 3 to 7 times a fucking day. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A PONY! That's just nuts.

You actually crapped 7 times in one day? That's almost once every two waking hours! FUCK! JUST FUCK! Most people dont even eat that often! Good GOD fearing folks, decent citizens, only eat three times a day and CRAP JUST ONCE!

Got that? ONE CRAP A DAY!

That's what you should strive for OP. Some perfection in your miserable little life.

Now look, what I want you to do is shove a big cork up your ass and keep it there for at least 24 hours. Just hold that fucking shit in! YOU CAN DO IT! Feel it grow inside you. Nurture it. You are creating something wonderful deep within your bowels. Cherish the feeling. Play some relaxing music. Look at pictures of kittens or some such shit but for the love of all that is HOLY keep that turd inside you!

Then after 24 hours remove the cork and let fly. MOTHER OF GOD! SQUEEZE THAT FUCKER OUT! YEAH! GO ON! You deserve it now. Out it comes in all its glory, one big decent family sized SHIT! YEAH! FUCK YEAH!

Now stand up and look down upon its beauty. Hell, take a selfie with the turd in the background. FEEL PROUD! Know that you have done the right thing and found true salvation, love and pride in producing a true once-a-day log. You magnificent bastard you. Now just keep that going from now on. Just a log a day. REMEMBER! Just one.

I am so proud of you OP, I am going to have little cry. Fuck, I always get emotional at times like this.

>> No.12429967 [View]

>he jump from mail to email was not as huge as the pony express to reliable mail.

Let's see:

Pony express, 1 letter takes a couple of months
400 years later, after coaches, rail and cars, it now takes a day

20 years later, I can now send the contents of a library to somebody in literally one second essentially for free and get immediate confirmation that they received it

>> No.12428572 [View]

>Before the pony express it was unlikely if you sent a letter it would even make it to its destination. After that communication exploded and became reliable. The steam engine improved on that, but the jump from hoof to rail was not as huge as the foot express to reliable mounts.
Animal domestication is the supreme invention.

>> No.12427873 [View]

Before the steam engine it was unlikely if you sent a letter it would even make it to its destination. After that communication exploded and became reliable. The internet improved on that, but the jump from mail to email was not as huge as the pony express to reliable mail.

>> No.12385832 [View]

>huge dog and pony show for the stacking of sn8
>sn9 just casually gets stacked in the high bay when no one expects it

>> No.12384110 [View]

>All this wasted money to land a rocket a few times
So? Refurbishing rockets costs almost as much as making a new one, what's the point? They might as well take advantage of the lost dV instead of doing this pony trick

>> No.12375798 [View]

this is one of the areas of computing where FOSS hasn't caught up yet. you either learn FEM methods and program them yourself, or you pony up and pay for a license.

programming your own FEM can be interesting (see Galerkin method), but there are a lot of nuances to handling different PDEs and BCs optimally, and several non-trivial tasks that have to be done (like meshing). i was personally fortunate enough to be taught advanced and computational EM by a guy that runs an EM modeling company, and want to start putting together open source FEM on day, but that's after graduation

also, never EVER use matlab unless forced to. it wouldn't help with FEM anyway, but that's just sage advice.

>> No.12375748 [View]
File: 276 KB, 1324x769, Finite-element-analysis[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have no idea if this is the right forum for this, but maybe some anons can help me out. I'd like to do some FEA Modeling, but don't have $6000 to pony up for a copy of LS-DYNA; and have no idea where I can "find" a working copy of MATLAB. Any suggestions on alternative packages I could acquire, or options for someone to do this? I'm no longer in college so getting a student license isn't realistic ATM. I'd also like to do this myself, if possible- Hiring someone else doesn't help me learn the software or let me play with some of the ideas i'd like.

>> No.12373712 [View]

My favorite pony is blue!

>> No.12360960 [View]

Not wrong, but you don't want to be a one-trick pony when you're tackling problems. You ever seen problems in the book that tells you to solve it in multiple ways?

>> No.12331649 [View]

stop ruining this board retard nigger.
I makes a thread about numbers and I barely get 20 replies for discourse in a week.
but you make this thread with the this fucking pathetic bait, already 131 replies in 2 hours.
get jew'd Helga.
>im chinese
another foreigner ruining our native schools by crowding them because the schools want muniez.
rot in hell you insect.
yikes. Asians are basically just niggers, but neotenic.
disgusting trannie. Females have form and tits. You are shaped like a stick bug, defo troon.
>ban farming
>I made 5 posts before this on r9k and someone just said to gender bait to get replies on this board :>
Called it.
get help mental help yuo pony nigger.
go back attention whore. Only people who can solve RH can post here.

>> No.12304039 [View]
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, really_makes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pony content outside of /mlp/
>no /pol/ content outside of /pol/
It's like this site allows for /pol/ leaking all over the other boards

>> No.12292522 [View]

we go together as a pony
she wears no underwear
I'm in the back

>> No.12255012 [View]

Elon isn't a time traveller, so all dates are estimates to being with. I don't see the issue with it. Unless you're talking people who claim "ELON PROMISED ME A PONY!!!!!!! TESLA SUCKSSSS"

>> No.12251190 [View]

>autistic hobbies like my little pony
I feel called out
>inb4 gtfo back to /mlp/
Also, I think engineers can do well if they're not total autists in social situations and have an internal drive for building something bigger than themselves, but I don't have any experience in that regard.

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