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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16148461 No.16148461 [Reply] [Original]

how do i brainwash myself to be able to control all my neurons consciously?

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16148400 No.16148400 [Reply] [Original]

It's already 2024 and no self driving cars? What's the holdup?

>> No.16148419

that with sodium batteries would be pretty clean, especially if you don't travel a lot, can get by with just the solar panels on its body.

>> No.16148442

the holdup is that Musk nigger is a scammer that is delivering nothing.
if you want to bet on self driving bet on Waymo but that shit is still like at least 20-30 years away and proabbly need 2-3 landmark innovations in machine learning.

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16148367 No.16148367 [Reply] [Original]

so, new gpt2 architecture chatbot has been shadowdropped and it's output is significally different from gpt4 in some cases. below is what happens when asked to prove riemann's hypothesis and the overall process is consistent between multiple regens (normal gpt4t proposes a meme solution). can some mathfag look if any of this makes any sense? sorry for broken formulas formatting, that's how gpt2 outputs them (i think you can paste them in latex formula viewer to see them properly):

The Riemann Zeta function, (\zeta(s)), is defined for (\text{Re}(s) > 1) by the absolutely convergent series:

\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s}

and extended to the rest of the complex plane (except (s = 1)) via analytic continuation. The functional equation for (\zeta(s)) is central in its analysis:

\zeta(s) = 2^s \pi^{s-1} \sin\left(\frac{\pi s}{2}\right) \Gamma(1-s) \zeta(1-s)

The Riemann Hypothesis asserts that all non-trivial zeros of (\zeta(s)) lie on the critical line (\text{Re}(s) = \frac{1}{2}).

>> No.16148369

Step 1: Quantum Modular Forms
Building on the work in quantum modular forms by Don Zagier and others, suppose there exists a quantum modular form that connects with the Zeta function in a way that impacts the location of its zeros. Define a quantum modular form (K(z)) that exhibits transformation properties not only under the action of the modular group (SL(2, \mathbb{Z})) but also under a quantum group.

K(z) \xrightarrow{z \to -1/z} z^\kappa K(z) \quad \text{(quantum symmetry)}
where (\kappa) is a critical exponent potentially related to the zeros of (\zeta(s)).

>> No.16148371

Step 2: Connection to Zeta Zeros
Utilize the newly defined quantum modular form to establish a connection to (\zeta(s)). Specifically, use the Mellin transform which relates decay properties of a function as (x \to 0^+) to the distribution of its poles and zeros.

Mellin Inversion Formula Applied:
\int_0^\infty K(x) x^{s} \frac{dx}{x} = \Phi(s) \zeta(s)
for some function (\Phi(s)) deeply tied to the quantum modular properties of (K(x)).

>> No.16148373

Step 3: Analytic Properties and the Critical Line
Analyze the analytic properties of (\Phi(s)) to control the zeros of (\zeta(s)). The quantum symmetry and transformation properties under the modular group provide constraints which (\Phi(s)) must satisfy, particularly influencing the argument of (\zeta(s)) along critical lines.

Critical Constraint:
\text{Arg}(\Phi(\frac{1}{2} + it)) + \text{Arg}(\zeta(\frac{1}{2} + it)) = 0 \quad \text{(mod } \pi\text{)}

Step 4: Verification Through the Argument Principle
Use the Argument Principle in complex analysis to verify that the zeros of (\zeta(s)) induced by (\Phi(s)) must lie on the critical line. The symmetry properties of (K(z)) and its relation through (\Phi(s)) ensure that any deviation from the critical line leads to a contradiction in the modular and quantum symmetries.

Step 5: Completion and Implications
Having established these properties, complete the proof by rigorously showing through contour integration and the functional equation that the only possible locations for zeros of (\zeta(s)) that satisfy all given conditions are on the critical line (\text{Re}(s) = \frac{1}{2}).

>> No.16148398

make better threads

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16148214 No.16148214 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.16148380

I don't think you understand how insane sum that is. It would make it the biggest company in the world by far, right from the start up.

>> No.16148381

Are you being facetious or something?
>how is this about science?
Doesn’t science require funding?
Does Computer Science count as science?
Doesn’t discussion of funding relates to both Science and Economics?
For a group of anons who claim to be smarter than anyone else especially not white - you and questions like yours makes me believe you aren’t even a graduate of grade school. I won’t respond to you beyond this reply because you’re either;
1.) being intentionally stupid
2.) pretending not to be as stupid as you actually are

>> No.16148382

Wait - where do I say its a small sum? I explained the context and never once made a statement on the size of figure.
I see you want pointless arguments, I don’t.

>> No.16148387

Brown nosers.

>> No.16148393

We're talking about fifty intels, to put it in perspective. It's completely overwhelmingly large.

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16148199 No.16148199 [Reply] [Original]

Help me out. I am trying to teach myself to draw and I want to study proper perspective in order to do it.

I'm having trouble trying to rotate a cube by its axis. By drawing the elipse at the base I have an Idea where should the 45° angle of the corner lie (blue line), but I don't know how to figure out where to cut it so the figure keeps the same size but in perspective. Anyone has an idea how to do it? I tried reading some book called "Viewpoints" but it was garbage that didn't explain shit, to be solved in a classroom as part of a course.

>> No.16148225
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for more wisdom visit my blog (google the name)

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16148183 No.16148183 [Reply] [Original]

Today: more fractions

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>> No.16148205

>more fractions
Why does you division look so fucked up?!

>> No.16148216

Is this really worth your time? Did you skip that much in middle school? Are you following a website or something?

>> No.16148232

Thanks anon

>> No.16148239

I'm just following the khan academy courses. I'm just doing everything in order so it's
>basic geometry
>pre algebra
>algebra basics
>algebra 1
>high school geometry
>algebra 2
>statistics and probability
>high school statistics
>college statistics
>college algebra
>differential calculus
>integral calculus
>college calculus ab
>college calculus bc
>calculus 1
>calculus 2

Probably going to take way too long to go through all of them....

>> No.16148240

I'm just studying one hour everyday so its not that much time. Yes I feel like I basically retained nothing all through elementary school, middle school highschool and college. I was a terrible student and never did shit because I hated school.

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16148128 No.16148128 [Reply] [Original]

Consciousness is the product of some quantum effect

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>> No.16148436
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>> No.16148438
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Wow kek

>> No.16148439

cmon anon don't deny the inner shit flinging chimp in you, we all know you have it.
explain, how does your "brain-structure antenna" maintain it's coherency along your lifetime? how does it "know" which shape to take? you imply some exterior force acting upon this structure. and why am I able to ruin it for you? is that force weaker than a bullet?
I mentioned the lack of free will because all of your events need to be perfectly coordinated (fully determined) such that the correct antenna is maintained to "channel" you from the other side. the least bit of affecting this antenna would either switch to another existing soul, or fully stop manifesting you from the other side. what keeps the antenna tuned to you?

>> No.16148445

i'm more interested in knowing whether i'm the only conscious entity in this simulation or if all human's are conscious.

i wonder if someday there will be an empirical way to test if x is conscious or not

>> No.16148460

We can feel your relief after you successfully dodged the duty to talk about quantum physics - which you apparently know nothing about.

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16148102 No.16148102 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of problems do high-IQ geniuses have?
>inb4; none

>> No.16148122

for me, it's money

>> No.16148186
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stress lines on our forehead from always being the smartest person in the room

>> No.16148188

Constantly feeling like a retard because you have more awareness of how little you actually know and how little you actually understand.

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16148014 No.16148014 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific explanation behind them always looking like this?

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>> No.16148118
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They're bald so they have to compensate by being scifi smart

this is the truth everybody knows this

>> No.16148126

Tooker is batshit crazy.

>> No.16148231

smart people don't take dht blockers because it will cause early onset dementia in those prone to it.

>> No.16148372


Explained in eleven letter: Catholicism.

>> No.16148375

Tooky is based

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16147992 No.16147992 [Reply] [Original]

have there been any?

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>> No.16148098

its ok the chimps will do

>> No.16148441

Scientifically not in the traditional sense
If you’re willing to venture into fringe claims then I an willing to discuss Edgar Casey’s claims of what these chimeras were/was that we hear about in mythological tales and cultural folklores.
(I know Mr. Casey isn’t considered ‘science’ but I believe his writings are 100% sincere and legitimate)

>> No.16148443

many black in the US are mixed race tho.

>> No.16148453

the heart looks like it would be in a constant struggle to support that creature

>> No.16148465

This is stupid. The taur part should be smaller.

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16147971 No.16147971 [Reply] [Original]

Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?

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>> No.16148085

depends on activity. if chilling at home easy mode daily doesn't make sense.
if you slaving on plantation you better take a shower you smelly fuck.
also take a shower before sex no matter what.

>> No.16148091

stinky post

>> No.16148111

Sweat, masturbation, touching hair etc.

>> No.16148121

Incorrect. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

>> No.16148190

I don't think you're going to win over 4chan with daily showers m8. Men in general aren't known for personal hygiene and particularly nerds insecure about their masculinity may refuse to wash properly because it's gay.

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16147918 No.16147918 [Reply] [Original]

holy BASED! How did Tesla even bros?

>> No.16147925

>Posting fake quotes on the internet

What's funny is you actually want the small guy in front
That's the legend himself Charles Proteus Steinmetz.
Look upon him in awe he took tesla's intuited knowledge about electricity and made it something mortals could comprehend.

>> No.16147941

yes but how TF did Tesla intuit that shit? He invented it from nothing.

>> No.16147947

rare based mutant

>> No.16147950

>Charles Proteus Steinmetz
what a goddamn chad. Peter Dinklage (our gens midg chad) needs to play him in a biopic.

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16147917 No.16147917 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a big record of fossils somewhere? I'm sick of evolutioniggers hiding behind muh study muh appeal to authority whenever I ask anything. I want to consume all known possible fossil discoveries into a database from which I can datamine a d find actual information and not just some religious mantra by I le hecking love soience retard

>> No.16147948

This board doesn’t exist to provide ammunition for your braindead arguments. Fuck off, stop making these threads, and maybe go try look it up yourself

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16147876 No.16147876 [Reply] [Original]

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.

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>> No.16148334

> The immortality of the Jewish people is a reproach to the gentiles who know that their culture has a use-by date. This can be an inspiration to Christians, who may see the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Jews as proof that there is a God who fulfills His promises. To the self-doomed, infertile, futureless post-Christians, Jewish continuity is a reproach. Antisemitism is the grudge against the living borne by the soon-to-be dead.

>> No.16148339

Thank you for admitting that academia is not scientific

>> No.16148340


>> No.16148353

>doesn't make much sense to me
Because you are failing to discard all the noise that comes from jews and the left. All that shit doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.16148354

LMAO, jews are retarded imbeciles like niggers, nothing but parasites.

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16147869 No.16147869 [Reply] [Original]

In "General Test Percentage Distribution of Scores Within Intended Graduate Major Field Based on Seniors and Nonenrolled College Graduates". Why are those in MicroComputer Applications major so smart?
The sample is only 85, so it might be some sort of random effect, but 20% of them score in the highest category for quantitative. How? They have a higher percentage in this than economists, nearly all engineers, all of the chemists, those in optics, computer science, and have as many in this category as astrophysicists. They trump nearly absolutely anyone in terms of the percentage of them in the highest quantitative category.
How can people majoring in knowing how to use Excel at a basic level be the gods of maths?!
The explanation seems that maybe it's the fact their sample is only 85, but 27 intended majors have a smaller sample than that and don't show any such wild luck. Honestly, I'm baffled.

>> No.16148343


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16147861 No.16147861 [Reply] [Original]

Ultimately, if _IF_ global warming is made up (and this is obviously very unscientific—an unscientific opinion, if you will, which is a tautology—inversely, a scientific opinion would be an oxymoron) and thus realpolitik, but at least not the myopic left/right politics of the day. The only way this could be is to catalyze the general public into weaning itself off an energy source that endangers its own safety, as has been demonstrably seen during the energy crises of the 1970s. It is not ethical to dupe the public. Sure. But is it still so bad if it is being done for their own good, because they are too dumb to do it on their own? Are they not hurting themselves by trying to thwart efforts to modernize energy? This is a rhetorical question, by the way.

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>> No.16147893

Why is this thread on /sci/?


>> No.16147900

I don’t know why this is the subject de jure here. I guess because your fat uncle Albert saw a graph on his Facebook feed.

>> No.16147957

It devolves into "you can't prove anything exists" as every philosophical discussion does.

>> No.16147958


>> No.16147965

but I didn't have global warming.

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16147841 No.16147841 [Reply] [Original]

Stochastic means random
that's it
i just solved half of your "math" problems

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16147838 No.16147838 [Reply] [Original]

What kinds of genes are currently being selected for in humanity? I notice that none of the educated professionals in their mid-30s around me have more than 1 child. From surveys, the more educated and higher income have less kids. The poorest and less educated have the most kids. Religious groups have a lot of kids, my neighbors growing up were some weird Christian sect and they had 11 kids. The most technologically advanced people, Japanese and South Koreans are having no kids and their population will collapse soon.

I'm evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?

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>> No.16147858

you're /pol/shilling through your teeth.
>muh jewish fairy tale tards are breeding
>muh idealized asian waifu's aren't breeding
>muh catabolic collapse.
Fuck off.

>> No.16147866

religions are eugenic vehicles those that embody the ideals of the religion tend to reproduce more
first you must identify the religion and its ideals

>> No.16147871

>I'm evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?
Brown religious low-IQ conservatives do all the breeding, so that's what's in future for humanity.

>> No.16147884
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>the future is conservative

>> No.16148426

The social ones. So everything is working as intended.

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16147772 No.16147772 [Reply] [Original]

Give me evidence of something existing without a cause.

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>> No.16147814

Radioactive nuclei decay without cause. It's totally spontaneous, totally random.

>> No.16147818

Everything, besides that, nothing.

The universe.

>> No.16147831


>> No.16147857

OP posted something sensible but people who replied were tardy and gout. I give up with sci - gonna leave this board today.

>> No.16147872

Hawking radiation

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16147648 No.16147648 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Prop Transfer Demo Edition

Previous - >>16144982

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>> No.16148423

>Debt to GDP is over 100%, no country survives this.
It is manageable, as long as the interest on that debt remains low

>> No.16148430
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>> No.16148454
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>> No.16148458

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16148463

this is the world they wanted when they created all the fucking "entitlements" and started allowing foreigners in