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/lit/ - Literature

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22849759 No.22849759 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22849766

16,790 more to go, statistically speaking.

>> No.22849769
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"The days go on and on... they don't end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people." (Travis Bickle, 26 y.o.)

>> No.22849773

It was a good one, I had lobster bisque and a sirloin roast, and the guy I'm apprenticing under was put on the state prosecution panel so I'll have lots of interesting work in the new year :D

>> No.22849774

Thats me but when I pick up my laptop I’m writing my novel, even if its 200-500 words a day. At least, I feel like I’m doing something.

>> No.22849776

do you have formal writing training?

>> No.22849865

>another day slipped through my fingers
>still no closer to reaching the world-complete system of philosophy I strain for
>continuously aware of the fragility of my own life and the brevity of my time on earth

>> No.22849914

c'est la vie

>> No.22849930

No. Only retarded nepo babies need that. Just study literature and literary criticism to understand good writing. You don’t need to pay money to some retarded hack who writes mediocre cummings-tier poetry and low-middlebrow lit fic to teach you how to write

>> No.22849946

i'm not going 6 months without reading next year. Gonna actually enjoy reading and writing. I'm gonna do it.

>> No.22850031

Nobody cares, nobody will read your stuff, it's over.

>> No.22850034

Another day, another day.

>> No.22850101

holy coping neetGOD

>> No.22850105

You can’t possibly write good literature if you haven’t taken mandatory DEI credits

>> No.22850111

I’m just waiting on a job opportunity and I’m good. The only way out is through hard work and being on your own. I can deal with the retarded state, I’m getting pushed to my limits by disgusting huemans around me though.

>> No.22850112

> only retarded nepo babies need to pay money for writing education
> just pay money for a college bro
Why is it always nepo fags who complain about nepotism?

>> No.22850143

I cant wait for people to one day speculate that I am a nepo or trustfund babby. I had to pay for my own college and my father never gave me a thing beyond food and shelter. Do people even believe selfmade men are possible anymore?

>> No.22850158
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Why would someone make a wojakified version of this comic? It's objectively worse and less emotionally striking than the original.

>> No.22850178

>the world-complete system of philosophy
have solace in knowing that nobody can make this

>> No.22850399

>have solace in knowing that nobody can make this
I did that years ago. What do you need to know?

>> No.22850407

I agree in principle that the most important thing is studying the classic authors and the greats in conjunction with literary criticism. But those same critics would encourage all authors to have their works critiqued by a discerning and critical mind so you can improve. Few, if any, advances in literature were made in isolation, or in a vacuum. With that in mind, I do agree with workshop and fellowship programs in theory, such as, say, the Stegner Fellowship at Stanford. However, one quick browse through their current students works, and it is evident that, in practice, they have become highly corrupted by modern socio-political philosophy: no one is telling stories to the general strain of humanity and shared human condition anymore. It's all 'muh background', 'muh sexual identity', etc. All bullshit that future generations will look back on and say 'what were the taste makers of that (our) generation thinking?'

>> No.22850420

I don't understand what must have happened in a mans life to become that utterly pathetic, defeated and depressed. I just don't understand. I pray for those people though.

>> No.22850421

The problem with that pic, with its content and meaning, is that you all irrationally worship that dark aesthetic. It gives you weird shots of pleasure deep down some part of your brain. You were probably raped by Hollywood apocalypse movies, cyberpunk bullshit and the like. Refute all that bullshit and embrace the Sun, your life will change for the better. You are depressed because you inherently like that lifestyle from an aesthetic point of view.

>> No.22850432

The bird learns to love its cage, sure, but overcoming its love doesn't mean it can actually exit the cage.

>> No.22850465

The problem with this analogy is that you are the one who created the cage: no one is putting you in one, but yourself. It's not even a matter of being 'free to leave' the cage at any time. The cage itself doesn't exist.

>> No.22850746


>> No.22851277

Maybe, but I can neither prove that statement nor quell my urge to make the attempt.

>> No.22851672

Tell that to Gottlob Frege and his Begriffsschrift

>> No.22852863

>I don't understand what must have happened in a mans life to become that utterly pathetic, defeated and depressed
I don't fully understand it either but here I am

>> No.22852885

Don't call me "bro", you fucking faggot. Kys.

>> No.22852914
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>Another day went by bros

>> No.22853163

Unironic doomers are fucking cringe and should be killed on sight

>> No.22854215
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You need us

>> No.22855825

>«We all pay the price,

>Just by waking up to fall asleep every night.»


>> No.22855857

I love you.

>> No.22856052
File: 260 KB, 714x1080, 75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's beacuse you do not dedicate your life to the noble ones anon, stop now and take refuge in the three jewels! all other objectives in life are useless but the noble path of the thatagata.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato

Homage to Him, the Richly Endowed, the Free,
the Fully and Perfectly Awake.

>> No.22856067

If you hate life so much try killing yourself instead of shitting up this board with off topic garbage.

Also I want an excuse to post vid related


>> No.22856072

>Homage to Him, the Richly Endowed, the Free, the Fully and Perfectly Awake.
>No, Buddhists are atheists lol.

>> No.22856076

Buddhists believe in a cosmology where their gods are temporal and only exist to help guide you towards non-existence. It’s quite unlike anything western so no word can adequately describe it. It’s like if Yahweh wanted to lead you to a path of not existing instead of to Heaven.

>> No.22856085

You can study literature and literary criticism from your own home without going to college. Everything you need is on Anna’s Archive

>> No.22856102

>It’s quite unlike anything western so no word can adequately describe it.
It sounds quite like Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Celtic paganism, actually. Except we properly identify those gods as gods despite being temporal, despite their mortality. The only thing that doesn't match up with what you said is that they don't exist only to guide people towards non-existence.

>> No.22856112

The cage is the external world. You can't do whatever you want; you can't actually do very much at all.

>> No.22856113

You probably already know this but “Greco-Buddhism” was a thing briefly after Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan and his generals and settlers interacted with Buddhists.


>> No.22856237
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>> No.22857262

>The problem with that pic, with its content and meaning, is that you all irrationally worship that dark aesthetic. It gives you weird shots of pleasure deep down some part of your brain. You were probably raped by Hollywood apocalypse movies, cyberpunk bullshit and the like.
nothing wrong with that, other than other people getting mad at you, but that's their problem

>> No.22857290

Breaking free of the cycle of rebirth is not the same as becoming non-existent. You still exist, you as a soul just do not come back to the physical plane.

>> No.22857292

Nirvana is literally non existence.

>> No.22857293

>nothing wrong with that
It's the very definition of trauma. You know when people are in cults and cannot tell they are in one because everyone else in the cult is exactly like them? That's the same as the majority swath of society raised completely on Hollywood and Talmudvision. Think of how vividly you remember horror scenes, for example, almost as if they were your own memory and not a fictional event. It's trauma. We, the general public, were the real participants of MK Ultra.

>> No.22857302

You need to read up on this more. You as a soul not being present in a physical vessel on the material plane is not the same as not existing. You still exist as a soul. You just transcend the cycle.

>> No.22857315

The soul is an aggregate of five PHYSICAL senses so not existing materially means you don’t exist at all….

It is literally called the physical aggregates

>> No.22857321

>The only thing that doesn't match up with what you said is that they don't exist only to guide people towards non-existence.
Because he is misinterpreting the goal. Nirvana means to be extinguished but it's referring to your earthly desires and attachments not to you as a soul. Once you are free from earthly desires and attachments, there is no reason for you to come back. You have transcended.

>> No.22857331

I figured you were a materialist based on your interpretation of nirvana. The mistake materialists like yourself make is arguing able whether we "have" souls. We don't "have" souls. We "are" souls. The physical senses are nothing but tools by which the material communicates with the physical vessel. The material plane, obviously, is not the only one. To suggest that it is would also suggest that you fundamentally are unable to grasp the concept of nirvana.