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>> No.23375397 [View]

>once people see the emperor has no close
>right-winger is a brown ESL

>> No.23375404 [View]

So no social hierarchy in ethnostates? No meritocracy? No struggle, no conquest? All of the values right wing hold thight are a "caricature"?

>> No.23375408 [View]
File: 317 KB, 700x696, tested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the most radical thinkers of pre-1960 would be considered left wing by today's standards.

>> No.23375437 [View]
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>No struggle, no conquest?
Right-wing value? God, no; right-wing people, in my experience, want to be left alone. The left is obsessed with conflict, no? Surely, is this not a part of Marxist thought, which is unmistakably left-wing? Right-wingers want to be left alone and are, generally speaking, conflict-averse. Right-wing people are not fascists, nor are they that similar to them. German social-conversative thinkers did not like Hitler. If you're serious about what you're telling me, read more, as this is not suitable discourse for real intellectual discussion. Left-wing stereotypes, in my experience, tend to be more accurate than right-wing stereotypes. In fact, you've displayed the same 'black and white' thinking that I memed earlier.

>> No.23375565 [View]

The only thing I'm willing to categorize Rilke as is hack.

>> No.23375578 [View]

>Left-wing stereotypes, in my experience, tend to be more accurate than right-wing stereotypes. In fact, you've displayed the same 'black and white' thinking that I memed earlier.
Yes this has been borne out by several studies I recall eeing that asked people self identified as either left or right or whatever it was to imagine how a person from the other side would respond to a given statement or situation.
Those on the right were significantly better able to guess how the left would behave than vice versa

>> No.23375614 [View]
File: 225 KB, 651x721, 1707564340389749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a mountain of worthwhile Christian philosophers. The modern day groups who call themselves "leftist" in some capacity all uniformly hate Christianity. They hate Christianity because they liken it with shallow performative displays; people who call themselves "Christian" only to permit lesbian women to preach in God's temple how we should tolerate sodomy between two gays, or perform invasive surgery on children so they may be more congruent with aggressive pedophiles. And yet these ideas (and more) stem from demonstrably leftist entities; subversive groups such as the Frankfurt School, or communist infiltration of a similar stripe. And that's to say nothing of the regularly-appearing, self-serving, gutless, rootless, spiteful tribe who overtly despise Christianity. These older groups undermine Christianity and convince newer specimens, people with the potential for intellect, that Christianity is some kind of immense failure. It's cyclical. It's subversive. Because of this system, only the truly intelligent and spirited look deeper into the past and sate their thirst for empirical evidence with the plain, obvious reality that for hundreds of years Christian thoughts, ideals, standards and cultures played a pivotal role in greater thought and philosophy.

"The left" is best summarized as a collection of tricked people, crawling on their hands and knees for scraps of truth that were determined hundreds of years ago by Christians, yet those greater truths have been deliberately obfuscated by evil people who despise Christianity. I don't even believe being a Christian is 100% mandatory to come close to the truth. I just know that Christians have done it, they have never been among "The Left", and if you'd like to educate yourself then you will end up reading the thoughts of a lot of Christians.

>> No.23375916 [View]

That's not what Marx believed tho, he wasn't one-sided about it at all, human belief is downstream from material reality, but the consequences aren't suspended in reality. He would say that the mode of production is already realized itself in a smaller way, but human consciousness imprints the way this is realized.

>"A spider conducts operations which resemble those of the weaver, and a bee would put many a human architect to shame by the construction of its honeycomb cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is that the architect builds the cell in his mind before he constructs it in wax.”

>> No.23375947 [View]
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Let's use this anon as an example >>23375378

>Leftism is correlated with verbal IQ at -0.49...the right is more intellectual, arty, sexy, and erotic; leftism is grungy, uninteresting, and bland; they aren't radically outside the box

Terrible start, the verbal IQ "point" is nonsensical, and theirs a clear bias in believing the left can't make art. The Right and Left can definitely make great art of all different types. This anon thinking only the Right can only make, "intellectual, sexy, and erotic art", is so dishonest I can write 1000 words on why he's wrong. But for brevity, here are the main points.

conservative want status quo and are reactionary to what they deem taboos. Sex is usually seen as a taboo if it's written in a certain way. So, thinking only the Right can make sexy intellectual art doesn't make make sense. Look into book banning and what books were deemed unexceptable to belong in the U.S. to see why this is absurd

Socialism, anarchism, and communism are objectively more radical than conservatism. If you don't believe this, than you don't have any idea what the three main leftist ideologies are, and you don't know what conservatism means either.

The OP I'm replying to is clearly a coomer who thinks sexy art is the peak of artistic sensibilities

>Liberalism, in its most pure form, is a sort of nihilism; it's the intellect admitting that it only knows that it knows nothing, hence, as an ideology, it is passive. The highest form of man is not liberal

Bad grammar and this anon uses hence again because he doesn't know another way to transition to his point. The second part of this sentence is him admitting he has no idea what liberalism means and even what conservatism means. Conservatism is passive when in control, when its in control it's the most passive ideology. That's by design, and that's the entire appeal. The only reason the anon doesn't know this is because the U.S.A is majority liberal, so he thinks that because conservatism is on the offensive, that means they're inherently not passive. Very clear bias and bad understanding of both ideologies

This anon is also trying to be theoretical, which is pointless since I'm talking about something real. He also has leftist sensibilities and doesn't know it since he wants change. It's very ironic.

>The highest form of man is not liberal; liberalism is a transitional stage. Beyond liberalism, we shall know the truth and impose it

I agree, but a lot of people already know the point, but liberals and conservatives want their own status quo that are almost identical. Just look at the two most radical presidents in U.S. history who completely altered politics and American culture forever. Both democrats with very strong leftist convictions, FDR* and LBJ*

*Of course theirs exceptions by some decisions they made. Still, they're more left leaning than most democratic presidents

Last point, this isn't even the dumbest anon in this thread. Not by a long shot

>> No.23375966 [View]

Zizek is entirely anti-communist and pro-establishement if you've bothered to sift through any of his works and even on just a historical basis in his role in the dismantlimg of Yugoslavia. The extent to his affinity to the left is coming from the 1960s new left created by the ruling class.

He's still a good introduction to Lacan, but no actual novel ideas

>> No.23375981 [View]

>Most right-wingers are basically perfectly aligned to the establishment
This is a contradiction, because that would mean right-wingers are perfectly aligned with the left.

>> No.23375988 [View]

Zizek is a catholic crusader in the way he talks about Russia and the east. Your generalizing too much, read >https://www.lacan.com/zizshadowplay.html
Although he may not identify as a Christian, his understanding of being and his political views are defined by catholicism, and he has an affinity to lutheranism

>> No.23376044 [View]
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Actually, I wouldn't even call myself conversative, as I am pretty liberal, but I'm critical, and I'm not emotionally committed like many others are. My grammar is fine, even perfect, and you didn't understand what I transcribed. Your reading comprehension is lacking. "radically outside the box" is what I typed. I didn't type unradical, tame, or the sort. I mean that they're, well, sort of.. Stripping society down to the base. Which isn't just the left in a contemporary sense but is also very, almost brilliantly, summarising the left's entire intellectual tradition. Marxism was built upon this: critique, critique, critique. But without conceding to any idea of reform, the civil structure is striped down to its base level, a more, despite technological prowess, primal structure; this is the epitome of leftist 'liberation'. Profound ignorance and an almost whimsical, childlike appreciation of man. They are very docile. This is all permeated by envy and hatred. It's a very chaotic, nihilistic, and particularly right now, deconstructionist intellectual tradition.

2/10 ~ come at me with an interesting perception. You're boring. All of you are. Honestly, the typical centre-left type is so, so boring, middling, and intellectually frigid, and probably because your positions are constantly reinforced by the elite, which is where these thoughts come from: "culture moves downstream." Not for a long, long time has culture arose the masses themselves, do they even have the ability?

>> No.23376070 [View]

because they are experts in careful denial of reality, which requires advanced mental gymnastics

>> No.23376113 [View]

I mean, that's why right-wingers are seen as conservative and vice versa

>> No.23376242 [View]

You're the King of Egotiscal Delusions. I envy you. It must be nice to be so stupid. You believe you're always right, even though all you write is gibberish delusions

>> No.23376462 [View]

>You're the King of Egotiscal Delusions. I envy you. It must be nice to be so stupid. You believe you're always right, even though all you write is gibberish delusions
NTA but you really need to tune down the chuuni cringe.

>> No.23376494 [View]
File: 119 KB, 1160x770, 1626434550961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.23376527 [View]

>You believe you're always right, even though all you write is gibberish delusions
Empty assertion, moving on. You've just been filtered.

>> No.23376630 [View]

only right-wingers are hostile to political spectrum talk, wonder why that is

>> No.23376654 [View]

>Socialism, anarchism, and communism are objectively more radical than conservatism. If you don't believe this, than you don't have any idea what the three main leftist ideologies are, and you don't know what conservatism means either.
>proceeds to not explain how it is more "radical" for the idiots.
This always happens for some reason
Yeah, it really depended on his and Engels' moods, I know. But at the end of the day, they still insist on the economic or material condition being the "infrastructure" and have to make up excuses as to when they observe that is not the case in reality. In reality, it is all ideology. Religion tought man how to build his house and conduct his life since the earliest days. Economics do not matter, Marx afmits as such when he says that he considers it of paramount importance for his ideology to make the worker "conscious" i.e. initiated into communist doctrine.

>> No.23376669 [View]

I envy your ability to completely dismiss that anon's pretentious waxing with such ease. Congratz.

>> No.23376671 [View]

When the only thing you are is a leftist and nothing else, then I'm sure everyone else will start to look like a right winger sooner rather than later

>> No.23376673 [View]

People who lie a lot are better at crafting lies?

>> No.23376680 [View]

>Both democrats with very strong leftist convictions, FDR* and LBJ*
Tell me, what is your opinion of such invonsequential politicians as, say, Reagan and Thatcher? Do you believe that "neoliberalism" is real and exists?

>> No.23376698 [View]

Almost all post-modernism is a contradiction to marxism and doesn't even necessarily lend credence to leftism either. The philosophy should have been totally amoral but French people are really gay apparently.

>> No.23376703 [View]

>They would hit the books and think of a perfect leader and try to replicate them (of course this is still retarded but I'm not delving into the many prob of Fascism)
You're not delving into them because you cannot think of any. You're alternative is basically trying to figure out how to make as many people vote correctly all the time. Sometimes, not even that, as leftists tend to be allergic to ethics

>> No.23376709 [View]

Leftists generally lack self-awareness. Also, considering one of them here apperantly used to be a fascist chud, he probably blames people like you as the reason why he doesn't have a gf or something. Pls understand

>> No.23376731 [View]

>the right
>aligned with the establishment
LMFAO, now that's fucking rich coming from a Leftist.
When will you troons realize that YOU ARE the establishment? Saying #BLM isn't revolutionary, its something the establishment does constantly because you dimwits lap it up. Get a grip on reality.

>> No.23376740 [View]

Never said those figures don't matter. They absolutely do. Their influences have made American and Brittish society worse. They're the opposite of the coin in many ways to FDR and LBJ

>> No.23376760 [View]

Why are they jewish?

>> No.23376764 [View]

This was embarassing. Other anon was right, you're a boring, mild creature; not even fit for slavery

>> No.23376768 [View]

Because, despite the left's rhetoric about hating the system, they're actually perfectly fine with the domination of a certain particular tribe over white civilization. Their philosophers all have to conform to this mindset.

>> No.23376803 [View]

We're not but okay

>> No.23376807 [View]

You're right. I have no idea why I typed that. It's totally out of character of me. Good criticism, anon

>> No.23377555 [View]

>will collapse under the weight of its own contradictions

now where have I heard that before

>> No.23377570 [View]

Only 1 of those (Benjamin) is Jewish

>> No.23377679 [View]

me too

>> No.23377689 [View]

Given that the most prominent figures on the right today are Strauss and BAP, you don't get to ask that

>> No.23377708 [View]
File: 81 KB, 850x400, quote-the-leftist-is-anti-individualistic-he-is-not-the-sort-of-person-who-has-an-inner-sense-theodore-kaczynski-47-20-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftism made sense 20 yrs ago when the label was interchangeably used with or imagined with individualism and free thinking, but as you investigate the left wing spectrum as a whole further you discover its pathological implications

>> No.23377717 [View]

/// Many central points of the concept were debated and challenged, such as whether the presence of a charismatic leader was a major influence on ethnogenesis /// This immunological tolerance can be influenced by intrauterine infections /// Planting trees helps offset carbon emissions, contributing to enivronmental conservation /// The room is lit by four fluorescent circular fixtures overhead, which reflect off the white lacquered surface of a large conference table like ring lights off a pupil /// As such, the solid stem auger was used in instances where bentonite was encountered in neighbouring boreholes /// Farley’s package last year included $15.14 million in stock awards, which also vest over three years with an ultimate value dependent on performance /// On weekends they hustle tourists on the waterfront /// What if the moment's prevailing mood is hard to pin down - sometimes voluble, sometimes glum? /// She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice, the heavy brocade curtains and comfortable chairs /// Though the name may make this degree sound like fluff, the course of study is quite rigorous /// She was asked a couple of questions about her private life and got a little prickly /// In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey /// He was attracted by the hothouse atmosphere of Britain's top schools /// Sounds of revelry came from next door /// And though early storytellers call her a "seamstress," conjuring visions of prim needlework in the parlor, she was, in fact, an upholsterer, a profession that attracted both women and men /// He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike /// It is stowed away for safety in some unused nook of the piano, which is rattling away by my side /// She seems to spend all her time yapping on the phone /// The single market would work better if it were not hobbled by frequent and often violent currency fluctuations /// His generally demeanor is that of a very dopey bear with a big appetite, usually thinking of food in the most inappropriate moments ///

>> No.23377743 [View]

This is just another example of him contradicting himself.

>> No.23377753 [View]

>only right-wingers are hostile to political spectrum talk, wonder why that is
Hey anon, what are the implications of intelligence having a heritability of 60-80%?

>> No.23377772 [View]

Try reading foucaut or deleuze, obtuse nonesense they have nothing to say so they hide behind this incomprehensible style of writing.
Asorno is kinda cool his critiques of modernism are what traditionalists and right wingers also agree with.
I like negri, his works on machiavelli are ineresting.
Rest are coal

>> No.23377842 [View]

Sounds like change either way. Not sure about the whole "for the worse" in regards to Thatcher. Sounds like you, like so many other self-absorbed leftists, just cannot seem to understand why on earth neokeynesianism, you know, the FDR school, fell out of favor with the monetarist school. It's also not certain whether you think liberalism, like FDR and LBJ, is good and leftist or that it's right wing or whether you think the Nazis were left wing because their economy was similar to the new deal.

>> No.23377855 [View]

>But without conceding to any idea of reform, the civil structure is striped down to its base level, a more, despite technological prowess, primal structure; this is the epitome of leftist 'liberation'.
Can you elucidate on this a bit more, and the whole stripping dociety down to its base? Genuinely interesting

>> No.23377860 [View]

Oh that's a nice word to coin.
A docile society...

>> No.23377865 [View]

It was a typo, but I guess innovation most often happens by accident.

>> No.23377897 [View]

Deleuze is just cybernetics in too many words, but occasionally fascinating. Foucault is quite valuable social history. Why would right-wingers, for instance, be so allergic to his insights on surveillance and the establishment of central state power techniques? Do you all of a sudden learn to love government when it helps to own the libs? Hey, try not to be one of those proudly retarded right-wingers maybe?

>> No.23378168 [View]

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