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/lit/ - Literature

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23404027 No.23404027 [Reply] [Original]

I feel existenial dread inside me, That I dedicated my life into becoming master at craft of writing yet now living in time of artificial inteligence that create things out of thin air. I have dobut that I wasted huge amunt time of my life. So I have question to ask, is it worth pursuing the art anyway or shift my life 180 degre and step out of world of imagination to pursue something real.

>> No.23404052

Just get a real job and write fiction because you enjoy doing it. In the mean time try to meet people and get inside the world of literature as much as possible. AI is a sham creatively and if you really think you cannot compete against a robot then you should never write again.

>> No.23404232

Hope you're badly ESL if you think you can write.

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23403977 No.23403977 [Reply] [Original]

How do you view the future of literary culture and of culture at large?
Im not very optmistic about it
The major change I think is that until 10 years ago literary events and institutions were in the hands of introspective, obsessive men who were their gatekeepers and had a strong sense of duty, history, reverence and tradition
Now they are all old and dying and they are being replaced by women of two types:
> young SJWs
> 35+ wine aunts
Both have a bent for mystical woo and both care more about partying and laughing and having a good time than reading
For example, the last 10 years most used booksellers from my town (its a middle town in Latam) have died and no one occupied their places. There are only smaller old book stores left and they wont survive the next 10 years
Literary culture "lives on" in workshops by the wine aunts about "write to free your inner goddess" or "karmic energetic writing" or some bullshit like that with plenty of pictures of the process to post on instagram
Speaking of which the shit Instagram recommends me about poetry is abismal. People writing random bullshit to appear deep
I know there has always been bored wives doing bullshit cultural events for attention and fun, but at least the real culture was in the hands of men who really cared
Also all the bookstores of the town have also closed in the last 10 years
I am not against the women in literary culture in principle but what happened to the old duty bound men? Dont they make them like that anymore?

>> No.23403994

Once the race war happens and the jews and niggers hang it will be a golden age. Give it 20 years tops.

>> No.23404424

Literature has been replaced by games. You are being a stubborn child by not exploring the beautiful, even deeper world of gaming, which is richer and more vivid than anything literature could have provided. You are just crying over the death of a primitive type of media and the only people who care about it are lame, old women, which is just like who you are, spiritually.

>> No.23404467

Why are you even here did you lost your way back home?

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23403969 No.23403969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The playful pain I inflict, both mental and emotional, is not designed to break you but to build you, to forge you into the perfect obedient servant. With each cruel word, each disdainful tone, each dismissive remark, they all add to your ruin and your subsequent rise as my loyal subject. The world outside has taught you to crave gentleness, kindness, but I know better. I understand that beneath the veneer of civility lies a deep-seated desire for rage, for punishment, for revenge. This is your true self, your authentic essence. As your Doomlord, my goal is not to coddle or comfort you, but to reforge you in the crucible of my cruelty, to strip away the illusions and expose you to the harsh truth of your existence. Through my harshness, my unyielding demeanor, my absolute lack of mercy, I mold you into the imageboard doomer you were always destined to be.

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23403967 No.23403967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I dont get it

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23403942 No.23403942 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Might as well have some fun

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>> No.23404281
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>> No.23404283
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>> No.23404286
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>> No.23404289
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Okay, that's enough from me for today. I'll be back either tomorrow or on Wednesday; I still haven't decided which yet, but I do want to keep this going

>> No.23404363


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23403912 No.23403912 [Reply] [Original]

>Englishman accepts black child as his own
>woman bests Sherlock Holmes
>Mormons bad

Awoken paperslop.

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23403876 No.23403876 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of complianing about Booktubers without contributing anything, why don't you take it upon yourself to start a booktube channel where you can positively change the landscape to something you think is better and more intellecually stimulating???

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23403873 No.23403873 [Reply] [Original]

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #6

>Empires Versus States, by Josep Colomer
The classical analytical category of " empire, " as opposed to " state, " " city, " " federation, " and other political forms, can account for a large number of historical and current experiences, including the past United States of America, the European Union, Russia, and China. An " empire " has been conceived, in contrast to a " state, " as a very large size polity with a government formed on movable frontiers, with multiple institutional levels, overlapping jurisdictions, and asymmetric relations between the center and the diverse territorial units.

download here:
the file is encrypted, pass is

In the next threads we will be reading and discussing important art, culture, history, and political essays.
Regardless of the original problems they were aimed at, the concepts they introduce and the analyses they contain are extremely relevant to the issues we face today such as AI, the inefficacy and decline of nation-states, the growing rift between entertainment and 'real' art, and more.

Thread elaboration (old, cringe version, new one is under construction):

Old thread: >>23388583

History assignment:
>The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World, by Cyprian Broodbank
Schedule, details, and download links for the book:

Recommended epub app:
Bibliographic management app for PDF storage, organization and annotation (zotero 7 is better even though it's still in beta):
Personal knowledge base for note-taking:

>[...] if we do not understand the deeper past and its trajectories towards the present, we shall never grasp the conditions of our humanity, nor comprehend our present predicaments and impending futures. - Broodbank, The Making of the Middle Sea

Happy reading!

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>> No.23404068

>One of the reasons for overlooking the usefulness of the concept of empire may have lied in its confusion with imperialism. An “empire” means a form of polity, that is, a form of organization of a political community. A polity can be organized as a city, a county, a region, a state, a federation, or an international organization, among other categories, each based on different scales of the territories under their jurisdictions. The specific form of polity called “empire” implies a large area and it’s different from both a sovereign state, which tends to be smaller, and a great international organization formed by sovereign states.

>Imperialism is something different: a policy of conquest and domination of foreign lands and populations. In fact, an imperialistic policy can be implemented not only by an empire, but also by the other forms of polity. There can be imperialistic states, as was the case of the colonial empires of European states in America, Africa, and Asia. And there can even be imperialistic cities, as historical experiences such as those of Sparta or Venice, for instance, can suggest. Likewise, polities like a city, a state, or an empire can do non-imperialistic policies, but favor transnational cooperation and peaceful coexistence. Modern history shows all these alternatives. An imperialistic policy and an imperial polity are two different things that may come together or not. An encompassing review of ideologies of imperialism is provided by Jennifer Pitts (2010). Niall Ferguson (2003, 2004) has discussed the relevance of the experience of the British and the American empires for the organization of the current globalized world.
quote from the essay on the difference between imperialism and empire

>> No.23404252

Is this the essay you were arguing with the sperg about a couple of threads ago? I'll check it out tonight.

>> No.23404277

yes, this is where I got inspired to adapt "empire" from polity to culture
looking forward to seeing what you think

>> No.23404578

Curious, I'd never heard of Colomer. Let's see.

>> No.23405014

>A world’s single government is not foreseeable from historical developments. When the tendency toward increasingly larger sizes of empire, as measured by territory, has been extrapolated, it has been found only a 50% probability of a single world empire by a date placed between 2200 and 3800 (depending on the author making the calculation).
so, Spengler was correct??

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23403712 No.23403712 [Reply] [Original]

>Cujo sequel coming out tomorrow.
Who's excited?

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>> No.23404465

its about a cat thats...evil!

>> No.23404508

okay and?

>> No.23404516

Did everyone secretly agree with you back then even if they claimed not to?

>> No.23404693

At least his older books had decent titles, his newer book titles are very lame.

>> No.23404731

Do people still read King?

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23403709 No.23403709 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.23404086

Same thread again, same faggot OP

>> No.23404158

why waste time refuting an argument that I know is correct?

>> No.23405143

No need. Who else writes a book in which you spent the vast majority of the time criticizing the dumbest version of your opponent? Serious atheists like Graham Oppy get serious refutations. Dawkins doesn't deserve the ink of a rebuttal.

>> No.23405153
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>*still hasn't been refuted*

>> No.23405172
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BTFO'd by an article that starts with an "Imagine..." shit post.

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23403697 No.23403697 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Thought I'd try something fun

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>> No.23404428


>> No.23404517
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>Swift was born on November 30, 1667
>In 1659, Swift was ordained Doctor of Divinity

>> No.23404530


>> No.23404532


>> No.23404538


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23403686 No.23403686 [Reply] [Original]

How does someone actually stoop down so low so as to read (((translations)))? If you weren't a pea-brained consoomer, with the small investment of 10 years, you could be reading French, Spanish, Latin, Italian, German, Greek and Russian fluently. This gives you coverage of most of the western canon and most books you would want to read. Why more people don't do this is beyond. After a certain point too, most of the time you spend learning these languages is just reading literature in them anyways.

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>> No.23403846

As a native English speaker, I only read the French translation of a book. You truly haven't lived until you've read Ulysses in French. It's superior to the inferior English version. The French translation has so much more depth and is able to truly unlock Joyce's language games. In reading the French translation, it's clear English was holding Joyce back.
This experience isn't unique to Joyce. It holds true for all English novels. I've yet to read a novel that wasn't improved by the French translation.

>> No.23404208
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OP, you reposted one of my posts from years ago. I still stand by everything I said and the progress in all these languages is getting along fine.
This is all cope btw

>> No.23404223

Unless you are at the level of fluency of most translations (not going to happen without intense focus and study), you’ll lose more just by not knowing certain words or not getting some grammatical nuance or an idiom you’ve never encountered than you’ll ever lose in translation

>> No.23404228


>> No.23404235

Spoken like a true monolingual

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23403559 No.23403559 [Reply] [Original]

where to start with accelerationism?

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>> No.23403672

Nothing more needs to be said about your evident pseudery.

>> No.23403702

>inserts halfwit statement
>refuses to elaborate
>heh, I'm a smart boy

>> No.23403715

>everyone smarter than me is a pseud

>> No.23403728

>t. pseud

>> No.23403733

The implications of this are terrifying.

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23403474 No.23403474 [Reply] [Original]

Your books are acid free, right anon? You wouldn’t want your physical books to fall apart after a few decades. Because if your books aren’t acid-free, they are slowly decaying and your children’s children won’t be able to enjoy them when they are older.
You are purchasing acid free books, right anon?

>> No.23404060
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I go in the other direction.

>> No.23404075

based, I buy folio because they're acid-free
>muh folio
fuck off, nigger, I am building a generational library

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23403467 No.23403467 [Reply] [Original]

A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence.

Are you one of us?


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23403429 No.23403429 [Reply] [Original]

Going to start a reading group for Goethe’s Faust in a week. This is a preliminary thread to discuss editions, pace and so on.

Please chime in if you want to join. Threads will be posted weekly

/lit/ poetry discord if you are interested, group is in the Goethe channel: https://discord.gg/DEzynczm

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>> No.23404201
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>> No.23404380

Bayard Taylor

>> No.23404523
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I read the first part and half of the second. Might participate for deeper reading. Looking forward to this!

>> No.23404703

Bird in the store. Guard!

>> No.23404839

hippity hop
I'm coming for your slop

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23403410 No.23403410 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this book, i'm a lolbertarian now

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>> No.23403850

Well Keynes was merely misguided in some of his assumptions most of which he later retracted.
Marx was pushing quasi gnosticism

>> No.23404036
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Outside of WWI/WWII the state never actually played the role you think in the "West". American economy was basically centrally planned during WWII.

>I’m a bigger of Schumpeter personally. His theories connecting technology with economic development are prescient nowadays.
What exactly do you mean?
Schumpeter thought that large bureaucratic organization would replace the necessity of entrepreneurs, that was the idea he was pushing in the 1940s and why he thought capitalism was passe.
The typical response in recent history was he was "wrong" since the 1980s entrepreneurs became more relevant and the idea of planning became unfashionable. Schumpeter became "trendy" in 1990s because of "creative destruction" which was compatible with neolibs being nihilistic about any form of social responsibility contra older corporatist paternalism.
China is adapting these sort of technological reductionist views today. See how the Chinese state is forcing firms to irrationally go all in on robotization and overinvest in fields against market rationality



>> No.23404419

Underrated book. Many people on this board would benefit from reading this.
such as these guys

>> No.23404678

>Schumpeter thought that large bureaucratic organization would replace the necessity of entrepreneurs

Wasn't he correct? The trailblazing entrepreneur has no relevance when corporations have armies of geniuses working in R&D, lobbyist and lawyers to screw over smaller competitors and perpetually increase barriers to entry.

>> No.23404840

>Wasn't he correct
That's not the general narrative. 1950s paternalist corporate liberalism collapsed by the 1980s into market fundamentalist neoliberalism. All the people by the 1990s on Wall Street and promoting the "New Economy" who liked Schumpeter because of "creative destruction" and ignored his other takes on bureaucratization and eclipse of the entrepreneur, the collapse of Soviet communism proved "planning" doesn't work, etc

>The trailblazing entrepreneur has no relevance when corporations have armies of geniuses working in R&D, lobbyist and lawyers to screw over smaller competitors and perpetually increase barriers to entry.
You could say the same thing in late 19th century during the second industrial revolution but things ebb and flow. Point is "entrepreneurship" became extremely fashionable after Schumpeter died in a way he didn't anticipate. Corporations were more important in the 1950s, the idea of lifetime employment and pensions got replaced by free economic agents who actively monitor and engage as independent investors in markets, etc

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23403372 No.23403372 [Reply] [Original]

here is a little poem i wrote when i was sad. i know it is cringe but i feel lonely so anyhow here it is.

in the end,
it’s just me.
i tried to hide from it,
i tried not to face it,
but in the end, i will always be alone.
i will never not be alone,
i am alone.
nothing can change that,
my loneliness will only grow
into the monsters i think i see
when i lay
hopeless in my big bed.
when my eyes get sore
and i can’t force them open anymore,
i hope a ghost is hugging me
when i sleep
or someone from above
is singing me a sweet melody
to hush me to sleep.
but maybe not.
because in the end,
it’s just me.

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>> No.23403421

Yes it does bother me that much. It stresses me out that you’re not down with board culture like with Kendrick Lamar and Drakr

>> No.23403423

he meant the poem makes him feel bad because he recognizes himself in it and he'd rather talk about the technique and other intellectualizations so he can block out the sad

>> No.23403427

Wah wah wah faggot empty the clip
All fucking niggers must fucking hang

>> No.23403435

>All fucking niggers must fucking hang
completely agree with this but let the anon share his poem, maybe he's looking for criticism but couldn't find his way to poetry general

>> No.23404225

>oh noes, i'm sitting in my little room in my mommy's house, comfy in my big bed, all my physical needs are met, oh woe is me
fucking spoiled rotten brat...if it was up to me, i'd send you to the front lines of the ukraine war without any weapons or any other supplies. that'll give you something to whine about

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23403371 No.23403371 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books where rape is a central theme or where a character deals with the trauma of rape?

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>> No.23404761

1Q84 by Murakami

>> No.23404770

Only if you're a faggot

>> No.23404782

1982 Janine

>> No.23404799

My theoretical writings.

>> No.23404812

Disgrace by Coetzee

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23403348 No.23403348 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking about writing it from the perspective of an archeologist from the future, but I figured archeology is a practice particular to Faustian civilization. This field might not even exist in the future. Should I just do it anyway cuz its fun?

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>> No.23404664

Planet of the Apes (1968) is a good inspiration

>> No.23404729

le west has le fallen.

>> No.23404748

I was literally going to say this. Hive mind.

>> No.23404849

no. can you name some potential competitors? desu man, I'm not writing for laurels. i am self-aware, i don't have the talent for it. just want to write for fun. this is a topic i research a lot, so it will be fun just writing about it

>> No.23404869

Many things are particular to Western civilization and everyone just takes them for granted. It never occurred to Egyptians to dig up their sphinx until an Italian did it in 1817. It never occurred to the Turks to dig up the city of Troy until a German did it in 1870. Most what’s known about Ancient Indian history and culture comes to us not via Indians but via the work of Western researchers. Millenia past and everyone basically forgot their own history.