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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1889517 No.1889517 [Reply] [Original]

Old: >>1879635

Anon has questions about breaking water pipes

>> No.1889600
File: 358 KB, 1458x1170, Tool trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth making a tool trolley when I can buy this for $30(for reference, $20 p/h is the minimum wage here)? The heaviest thing I might use it for is holding my circular saw when I need to free up my bench.

>> No.1889611

Yeah, I know it's slow but I was pretty sure it's fine and if nobody instantly says that's a bad idea after over an hour I'm sure it'll be ok.
Also yeah, I turned off the water mains of course. It worked fine with an el cheapo $8 supermarket wrench. Just bent it up a little bit so that there's enough clearance to fit the Tee joint I need.

>> No.1889648
File: 80 KB, 459x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, the toilet cistern touches the wall fully and the intake port of the bidet is on the opposite side of the toilet to the tap.
Anyone got any genius methods of dealing with this? At the moment the flexible pipe is just snaking over behind the toilet seat.

>> No.1890594

Is welding loud enough for the neighbours to hear? I use ear protection for every machine except welder because I assume it isn't that loud.

>> No.1890653
File: 698 KB, 1898x2652, DSC_1529_copy_1898x2652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my walls have nipples?
If I take plate off there are wires. Would this be a junction box then? They updated the wiring around the houae, wouls that explain it?

>> No.1890675
File: 367 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20200819_192328_597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This capacitor in my drill blew up. How is it called and where should I look to find a replacement?

>> No.1890744
File: 5 KB, 1314x253, studded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about spacing studs in a wall.

Let's say I have a 10 foot wall with 24" studs spacing.
How do you actually space them?

I mean, if you put a stud flush at one extremity then take its center and measure 24" for the center of the next one and keep on doing like that, the last stud you place will be one stud width off.

How do you adjust for this?
I'm a bit autistic and like equally spaced things.

I'm not very clear though, allow me to draw an example.

>> No.1890746
File: 7 KB, 1270x241, studded2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing I have to measure the first spacing from the outside of the stud instead of from its center?

Like so?

>> No.1890928

That's an odd ball. Try contacting the manufacturer of the drill for a replacement.
as I read it that actually contains a .2 microfarad capacitor and 2 2400(the 4 is rubbed off) picofarad caps rated for 250 vac.

>> No.1890956

Someone else is going to know more than me, but it's probably a dual motor start/run cap.
How many terminals does it have? looks like it's at least 2 separate capacitances implemented with 3 capacitors.
I dont know shit about them other than they exist.

>> No.1890970

>How is it called
stand out side and shout "soooooeeeee CAP CAP CAP"

>> No.1890985

normally what you do is make the last gap smaller because the boards that you screw to the studs are a certain size and unless you want to cut a sliver off every single one of them then you space studs so as to fit the boards.
if you want to take off each side thats fine i guess and if it works out because the board covers the whole stud instead of half then thats great, but if you need to cut insulation its a little more work there too but not bad.
as long as you can keep the middle gaps on point it will help you time and effort wise, you can really do what you like with stud wall as long as you don't make the spacings bigger

>> No.1890999

it seems rated too low for a start/run. maybe some kind of noise supression. the way it says 0.2uf+2×2*00pf makes me think it's a dual but one side has 2 in series. If we knew for sure and op knows how to solder and use heat shrink he might be able to /diy/ one. Getting it to fit would be a different issue.

>> No.1891067

Anyone have a favorite .1 or .01 electronic scale that can handle up to 5lb? I want a new food scale for baking

>> No.1891088

Nice, thanks man, I'll consider that!

>> No.1891092

Steel tools and parts get heavy very quickly. Look at the casters and the shitty square tubing they’re attached to, plus how they’re secured, it won’t last long.

Protip: second hand medical carts are really nice if you can’t find a real work cart.

>> No.1891101

what are some ideas for engineering final projects? specifically mechanical engineering.

>> No.1891111

So, father in law's well pump dies 2 years ago, hasn't had running water since. I'm thinking I can install a hand water pump (has a shallow well). Despite the direct replacement for the dead pump being cheaper; am i correct in suspecting his plumbing is fucked from two rural Michigan winters without running water and it's better to just not risk getting an electric pump that might not work anyway?

>> No.1891116

Dude, how the fuck as he gone two years without a well pump? Why don’t you get an air compressor and perform a pressure test on the water lines, see if anything has froze and blown apart. If he has galvanized water lines they are probably shot from rust at this point, but either way if you’re confident installing a new electric pump you should be confident to replace water lines with PEX. The water line from the well itself to the pump is more than likely plastic and below the frost line, so you should be good there. Hell depending on where in Michigan I may be willing to help.

>> No.1891144

He's completely deaf (borne), lives alone (mainly because he's frustrating as heck) and relies on SSDI and unreliable work oppurtunities. He's incredibly difficult to communicate with, even in ASL, so coordinating help or understanding a situation from 250 miles away is hard, feel bad about it though.

>> No.1891152

SW MI btw, Paw Paw area

>> No.1891156

know what forces whatever you're engineering will be submitted to? way too vague.

>> No.1891326


>> No.1891356

Reverse wheelbarrow

>> No.1891455


>> No.1891461

Anyone ever gassed themselves by accident using cleaning chemicals?

I am using Clorox with bleach in a room where I used copious Comet with bleach a few days earlier. I'm pretty damn sure that if both products have fucking bleach in them, the slight chance of interaction between the Clorox and any residual Comet wouldn't even be a problem anyway. But I swear I got a raspy throat and dry eyes from being in that bathroom for 15 minutes even while it was ventilated.

I hate those moments when you have to be like "99% chance I'm fine but that 1% sure would suck."

>> No.1891779
File: 3.47 MB, 3024x2507, 20200820_150151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what kind of connector this is?
It's off a 4ft ham(?) antenna I found on the side of the road

>> No.1891794

2 questions

#1, Just bought my first home (built 1986) about 2 months ago. The seller's disclosure said the slab foundation needed repair. But I live in Texas and foundation problems are pretty common so it wasn't a deal breaker. We bought the house and immediately had the foundation repaired. $3,000, we could live with it.
But the plumbing test afterwards revealed sewage line was leaking. 2 repairs later and they're still locating leaks deeper into the house. There's another 2 identified.
Here's the question. How can I find out if the buyers hid knowledge of plumbing problems before the sale? I'm hoping I can find out that they had had a hydrostatic test done and didn't disclose it. Any ideas?

#2, my garage freezer's door swung open a little while we were gone and when I came home things inside had mostly thawed and the sides of the freezer were nearly burning hot. I unplugged it, emptied it out, and let it sit for a few days. When I plug it back in, the sides get pretty dang hot. Is this a sign something is broken, or is it normal for the sides to get hot during the time that it's bringing down the internal temperature? Should I let it do its thing and hope it works after the long rest? Could it start a fire?


>> No.1891801

Bleach alone fucks with my nose and throat so...

Probably just the WuFlu

>> No.1891804

Condenser coils in refrigeration units get hot, thats kind of the point on how they displace the heat

>> No.1891829

I mean, it is a RF bayonet style connector (I think, your calipers are blocking most of it). Looks bigger than most BNC connectors I've seen, so probably MHV/SHV type. Something like that if you didn't already have an idea.

>> No.1891832
File: 93 KB, 1990x1050, Galvanic 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacing my HVAC system myself because jackass. Need mech eng, HVAC support here. When looking at the inside of the evaporator coil, where the liquid line splits off into several smaller lines, there is shielding to prevent it from touching the rest of the coils, presumably to prevent galvanic corrosion as we would expect to see a high volume of liquid flow here.

My question is about the sensing line on the TXV. The outlet line of the evaporator to which the sensing line connects, is aluminum but the sensing line is copper with a copper Schrader depressor in the center. These lines are mated with a brass flare fitting. I do not know the material of the Schrader core. What is to prevent me from getting galvanic corrosion between these two dissimilar metals, is it the brass fitting? They are still in contact and bonded via the Schrader core assuming the Schrader core is metallic/conductive. I would think this had been considered during the design of the components, but some reassurance would be appreciated. Also, how are we preventing galvanic corrosion at the eventual transition between aluminum evaporator vapor outlet header, and compressor suction line?

>Pic related

>> No.1891880

I'm new to working with electricity, only really soldered some speaker wire and mouse buttons before.

I'm trying to set an LED strip border on a room (encased to simulate neon, making a bladerunner styled room). Thought it would be a nice way to learn these things since I also plan to help a friend replace some cabinet fixtures later as well. I have a vague idea of how volts, amps, and watts work, but every damn led strip brand seems to do the math differently or sell kits that are only 5m (16.4ft) tops. Room perimeter is about 50ft so 15-ish m worth of strip with a little cut off.

I've worked out that it would be about 24 amps on a 12v supply since 12v strips, no idea on watts or if those 3D printer power supplies would really be that safe (dont want some exposed wire and a BBQ kitty) or if it could carry through 50ft of strip. Found some decent RGBW addressable strips one aliexpress or 3 times as much on amazon.

Alternative being 3 little brick power supplies and 3 strips of 5m, but that seems like it would be hard to run off one arduino (or BTF lighting has a K-1000C controller device that looks to have some nice lazy ass software for designing patterns).

Sorry if I sound obtuse, but as universal as these strips are in function any site with a tutorial tries to keep you in their very specific ecosystem without telling you really how to understand everything.

And I know I could probably get nearly the same effect with some blue-ish strips and trying to hide seems, but I've wanted to do this for years so I want to do it the best way. And learning is good.
tl;dr anyone got a good universal tutorial on how to become a pro at LED strip lighting that isn't locked to buying from one company or making a fire hazard power supply?

>> No.1891928

Sorry guy, I can only offer you advice, moral support, and name calling.

>> No.1891950

Not so much a question as an observation. I've torn up part of my floor because it has been sagging in one spot for years. Planned on jacking up the joists and sistering new ones. Cut up the floor and see that the joists aren't resting on the sill at all and that there is in fact no sill. There is just the foundation wall and a kind of lip built into it. The joists are hanging about an inch and a half above this lip, and the ends of the joists are rotted. Also, the rim joist in this area is completely rotted. So the only thing keeping wildlife out is the siding on the house. My plan now is to sister the joists, to replace the rotted rim joist, and to build up a sill by adding concrete to the lip on the foundation. Does this sound right?

>> No.1891966
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Thanks, based on what you said I'm pretty sure it's a MHV type

>> No.1892003
File: 683 KB, 1072x1311, SmartSelect_20200820-162554_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with fluid dispensing robots/printers?

I need to accurately dispense about 2 fluid ounces of a sealant to small parts I make.

I do it manually now but its not super accurate. Its all new to me but looks like this is gonna cost me like $1000+

Anyone know of a simple solution? I could try to retrofit a 3d printer but I don't know how to control the amount of fluid.

>> No.1892006


Buy a pipette, why do you need a robot?

>> No.1892010

Odd question but it comes with the business. Tradefags that actually work every day- how the fuck do I deal with junk rash. Every day I sweat like a pig and come home with rashes on my underwear and sock areas. Should I start applying baby powder on the regular? Thx

>> No.1892017

I thought of a robot because I need precise amounts of my sealant, repeated consistently on my parts. I do it manually now by weight, its tedious. I have never used a pipette, but if its the best low tech option that might be better than what I'm doing.

I just thought maybe someone has repurposed an old 3d printer and slapped some fluid dispensing servo or something to it.

>> No.1892153
File: 322 KB, 2048x1155, Anvil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spray deodorant is your friend. Spray down your feet and junk. If you have athletes foot or jock itch use a cream or spray. The powder wont help much and is a mess.

>> No.1892158

Can anyone explain how an evap coil condensate drain vapor locks?

Assume you're talking to a retard.

>> No.1892383

I have a 3/4 hp 120v drill press, belt driven lowest speed is 680rpm is too fast for some of the drilling I want to do. I'd like to put a VFD on it to slow down the motor. Can someone suggest a reasonably priced VFD(variable frequency drive) or alternative option for slowing the motor down. Ideally I don't want to spend more than 250 loonies. Most of the stuff I'm finding is not rated for the wattage of the motor or 3phase and expensive as hell.

>> No.1892398

I would assume the U-trap starts acting like a manometer due to a pressure difference between the evap coil side and drain side. Evap coil side has a negative pressure instead of a positive one.
Pressure difference could be caused by a fast flow of air pass the drain (it's a process similar to how airplane wings work) the faster a fluid (air) moves through a duct the less pressure it exerts on the external walls. OR just the cooling of air by the evap coil making the air take less space than the warmer air it's cooling, making a partial vacuum? I'm not an HVAC guy so this is just an educated guess of what's happening.

>> No.1892407

Thanks amigo, I plugged it in and the sides were nearly too hot to touch in some places but eventually once the inside was brought to the correct temp, the sides cooled down.
I was just scared and you made me pull the tampon out so thanks

>> No.1892409

I know that for my hot water tank a large nipple (6") of brass between the galvanized hot water tank and copper pipe is considered a dieletric fitting. But from a Google search brass and aluminum will cause corrosion on aluminum in a wet environment.

>> No.1892770

Is it safe to use isopropyl alcohol on something that has been bonded with super glue (cyanoacrylate)?

>> No.1892776

after the glue has cured yes

>> No.1892797

can i mount a tv to a cripple stud? it's the only place that i can put it, under a window.

also my stud finder is shitty and says my entire wall has live AC, im just gonna use this stud anyway i think

>> No.1893153
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best reasonably priced laser range finder for the money?

>> No.1893280

I've got a logitech flight stick I've not used in years. Gone to use it today and the rubber coating has gone horrifically sticky. Any suggestions for cleaning it off?

>> No.1893326

I have problems with my ca. 2004 Bauknecht (Made in USA) fridge. It is a type KGN 7061 but I can't find it anywhere online. I need new thermostates (I think). Is there a way to figure out the right type? Maybe by looking at it?

>> No.1893366

the one you make yourself

>> No.1893399

What is the best brand of caulk for fixing up a rod that you hang hand towels on in a shower?

>> No.1893451

we have this in my shithole, it's fucking magic. If the hanger doesn't have a flange, leave it 2mm [*] too deep and pretty it up with impervious grout.

[*] dunno how that much is in freedom units, a third of a barleycorn? one poppyseed?

>> No.1893452

Looking for a good set of SAE ratcheting wrenches, what brand should I look into?

>> No.1893754
File: 510 KB, 4608x3456, PHOTO_20200822_160103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to lightly grind down the edges on this pressure cooker valve on this stainless steel cooker so I can fit an off brand weight on it. What's the least retarded way to do this? I was going to try with some air tool grinder dealies that came with an air tool set I got forever ago.

>> No.1893757

Grind the weight not the valve. You do not want an explosion.

>> No.1893759

Isopropyl alcohol will take it off, with some persistence. Underneath should be smooth hard plastic. Not as nice as the rubbery stuff once was but better than junking the stick.

>> No.1893762
File: 39 KB, 477x480, 0589368_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air tool set, I'm not at home to take actual pic.
I was considering grinding the weight, but it woukd be easier to do the valve, and the part I want to grind has nothing to do with structual integrity of the valve, it is for securing the weight.

>> No.1893776

How much do you want to spend?

Tekton and Gearwrench have good affordable mid-range sets and don’t skip any sizes. Tempting to get my hands on some of those newer Milwaukee wrench sets, expensive for Asia wrenches but look nice.

If you want good, there is SK, Proto, or the German companies, the tool truck stuff is nice but overpriced.

Like tape measure? I keep looking at these Bosch guys for not too much money with great reviews.

>> No.1893777

How heavy is the TV? Newer LEDs are so fucking light now that you could easily get away with anchors and going straight to drywall. If it’s an older plasma or thick LCD, be careful.

>> No.1893802
File: 1.67 MB, 1257x871, tb_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im building a talkbox and its basically just connecting a compression driver to my amplifier
anyway, when I connected everything up - it works
but it's VERY quiet, I get better results connecting my headphones and just setting them on the desk at max volume
im really not sure what im doing wrong

>> No.1893919

Just use a hand file bro.
You don't need power tools for something that small.

>> No.1894071
File: 25 KB, 361x361, powerbrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I noticed these power bricks are often at 5 amps for LED strips. I know breakers for outlets in a house are normally at 20 amps at best.

So am I misunderstanding but a few of these on at once would pop a breaker?

>> No.1894076

I have some Tekton tools and like them. There are better (I have plenty of those, too and used to spec USAF toolkits which were all high end tools) but they're excellent value for money. If you break something often, upgrade.

>> No.1894085

Yes you are missing something. The transformation ratio. The power drawn by the primary side of a transformer is equal to the power drawn by the secondary side (ideal transformer, no losses). So when a transformer steps down voltage from mains to 12V or whatever the current is boosted by the same ratio which conserves power. That charger probably has an input current spec printed on it, something like 250mA at 120V for example. That is the current that's being pulled from your breaker box when you have a 5A load on the secondary side.

>> No.1894090

Ah thank you. I'm new to this and trying to work out a neat lighting setup and it just didn't make sense.

One I was looking at is very much Chinese so minimal print on it. But I kind of thought much like a computer power supply its adjusting whats coming in to put out something else. Saw someone running LEDs mounted to their house for universal holiday lights, they were using 60amp PSU for it and that seemed like a lot for it.

>> No.1894101

12V * 5A / 0.8 (80% efficiency) = 120V * 0.625A
Shitty chink PSU might be around 70%, good PSUs can get to 90%.

>> No.1894347

Is there any software I can use to simply take arbitrary input from a USB port on a computer and then do something about it? I don't have a specific project in mind, I just want to play around.

I basically just want the equivalent of using pulsein/pulseout in BASIC with shitty little robotics kits, but with a USB port.

>> No.1894410
File: 169 KB, 2048x1338, force me to dance in a maid dress and yell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall is approaching. What's a good sexy crossdressing costume to start working on? I'm out of ideas and am sick of going as a maid every year.

Preferably not something that's a specific character because I live under a rock and don't want to get (rightfully) GATEKEEP'D by some nerd

>> No.1894412

So you want to access a simple low-level signal over USB?
You need extra hardware then and the software would be specific to that extra hardware.

>> No.1894413

Is it like network adapters where the USB controller doesn't hand over a bit stream but actual coherent messages and the PC has no idea (or at least doesnt care) what the actual bit stream is?

>You need extra hardware then and the software would be specific to that extra hardware.
so there's not a generic driver that just says "the port's data line is high/low right now" or any other way to access it? For that kind of thing should I just use audio and process .WAV files through python or something?

>> No.1894421

>so there's not a generic driver that just says "the port's data line is high/low right now" or any other way to access it? For that kind of thing should I just use audio and process .WAV files through python or something?
The very low level is handled by dedicated hardware - the USB controller, the CPU won't even see it.
You can use your mic input for simple signals but keep in mind it's AC coupled so you can only see changes in the signal not the state.

You can also use a 2$ digispark clone and write a few lines of Arduino code that sends the pin states over USB-serial.

>> No.1894424

>You can use your mic input for simple signals but keep in mind it's AC coupled so you can only see changes in the signal
I guess that's good enough. like I said, I have no specific projects in mind as of right now, I was just wondering if it's a thing

get the FUCK out of my face lad i have a full size computer right here why tf would I get a gayass (((project board)))

>> No.1894431

Because modern PCs are lacking in low-level interfaces and Arduinos clones are cheap.
If it triggers you, you could also use something like an FT232H board. It has a bitbang mode. Or open-source USB debugging tools like the BusPirate or GoodFET and GreatFET.

Or get creative and salvage some old USB mouse/joystick/whatever and hook into their button inputs.

>> No.1894432
File: 2 KB, 125x99, 1577212072214s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to receive attention from this you that you are expecting. No one is going to judge you by how you look, but rather what you do. People see through bullshit anon. You better do something worthy of that attention that you're seeking, pick a skill and master it so much that people would start respecting you because of it. No fake vagina is going to get you attention.

>> No.1894434

uhhh it's a halloween costume not a lifelong hobby lmau relax /pol/ack

>> No.1894436

It's a slippery slope.

>> No.1894441

How can I stick a thumb tack(I'll remove the pin) into metal? Epoxy? Superglue?
The metal will be painted.

>> No.1894442

i have hobbies, skills, and self-worth ok, I just need some inspo for costume party shit
it's looking like it is you who is the insecure one here

>> No.1894451

> sexy crossdressing costume
> self-worth
You're not going to end up 'sexy' by any stretch of imagination, the word 'pathetic' is more appropriate one. No parent or the fuck ever is going to open the door, see a 26 year old male dressed like gadget hackwrench and go 'wow, she's sexy'.

>> No.1894452

>he thinks adults go trick-or-treating
look man you're only revealing more negative details about yourself by continuing this

>> No.1894457

you provided minimal input, so I assumed. Whatever activity that you're going to do on the halloween cross-dressed 'sexy' and not trick-or-treating. Details are irrelevant, you're not going to get the attention.

>> No.1894458

why do you think everything everyone does is for "the attention"?

>> No.1894470
File: 223 KB, 220x165, C75D878A-7080-4428-89F0-8F73082F1633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never realized it until now but I really want a bang a girl dressed as gadget.

>> No.1894488
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x2268, 20200822_091621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, how is this thing called?

It's just a steel container that you put water inside, plug in an air compressor, pressurize it then you can use it as some sort of pressure washer (that you have to refill/repressurize manually every time).

My brother got it from some shop he was working in a while back and I've been using it from time to time to wash a rototiller.

As you can see, I had some issues with fire and I need a name for that thing for my insurance claim (and to find a price).

>> No.1894492


I want to see the response when you file an insurance claim for burning up your fire extinguisher.

>> No.1894506
File: 1.41 MB, 1134x2016, 20200822_093814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did have a fire extinguisher in the barn as everyone should, and I paid for it and it burned down as well as all the rest. While I can see the irony of that specific claim, of course I'm putting in my claim, why wouldn't I? I'm listing everything in there, no reason to leave anything out.

Here it is, you can even see where it split open.

>> No.1894512

Very nice, I saw a hand plane after posting the picture and went in there to see if I had already picked it up. I had, but buried just beneath were the charred remains of my router, a claim which I did not have a "proof" for yet.

>> No.1894558

those used to be lights, they just took out the socket for the bulbs

>> No.1894598

i´ll start shilling this guy because there´s a lot of solutions in his channel, him and you helped me with roaches

>> No.1894624

I smell a faint chlorine odor after I take my gas mask off when I wear it for 15 min or longer. It’s kind of weird because the mask doesn’t smell like it at all

>> No.1894642
File: 3.23 MB, 4608x1494, IMG_20200823_190825__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID the grass type on the left that is branching out?
I think the right is bluegrass, height is around 4"

>> No.1894659

That's what your environment normally smells like, you're smelling the ambient ozone and other air components that you've gotten used to and tuned out.

The carbon filter removes all of the more reactives in the air and leaves the rest. When you take the mask off you smell the reactives again.

>> No.1894674

I could use suggestions for how to mount a steel roof by myself and get it straight. Roof is steep enough that I'm having a bitch of a time holding the first piece in place long enough to make sure it's straight.

>> No.1894689


>> No.1894692
File: 940 KB, 1001x944, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just bought this respirator to use for painting (Using lacquer paints so I don't want to get cancer...I've done a lot of painting without so I might be fucked anyways)

What am I supposed to do about my glasses, though? It hardly sits on my nose, and if it is kind of oddly positioned, gives me a headache. not something I could wear for an hour.

>> No.1894694

So I fucked this to hell... never had tile in my bathroom, didn't have a mat by my toilet. Pee stained around the bottom of the toilet on the tile,, couldn't get it out with bleach, used clr. Let it sit for too long, stained the tile white? Can't get it back to the normal color. Is it fucked? If I put water on it it looks normal, but, when it dries it returns, so fuck if I know how to fix it

>> No.1894695


Otherwise you gotta drop some money on prescription this and that safety equipment.

>> No.1894697

Lightly damp it so that the color returns and then cover it with a coat of polyeurathane. Wait 20 minutes or so until the surface starts to look "tacky" then put one more coat on. Then put a desk fan or something like that next to it to increase airflow and make it dry more uniformly quickly. Then once it is dry gently buff it with a rag soaked in nail polish remover.

>> No.1894700

Would you feel bad if he listened and then posted with proof about how badly his eyes got fucked?

>> No.1894705

when i did basic, the 2 i/c told us to get lasik asap (for those who needed glasses)

he described it as something like
>you could just pony up the grand or so and get reinbursed.
>or you could put it off.
>but if you need your mask and wear glasses, and you're caught out not wearing your mask and either needing glasses or having contacts in, have fun never seeing ever again.

>> No.1894721

I use glasses with said mask and have no issue.
For painting/welding/anything I need safety glasses for I bought a cheap as shit pair of prescription safety glasses.
You'd be surprised how little paint will get on your safety glasses.

If you look you can get UVEX prescription glasses for <$60.

don't fucking wear contacts. We had a guy wear contacts and spill solvent in his eye and his contacts fused to his cornea and he basically went blind.

If you think you might need eye protection, leave the contacts out if nothing else and deal with not being able to see. They are worse than no glasses at all.

>> No.1894723

It's gaygrass.
You softly stroke it with the tip of your pinky toe and if it ripples a tinkle in your dinkle it means you're a homoman.

>> No.1894816


>> No.1894830
File: 331 KB, 854x480, 1569030487352.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good non-conductive dry lube?

I have an 8BitDo vidya controller, and some of the buttons are starting to bind and stick a bit. My first reaction for dry lubes is graphite, but that's highly conductive, and I don't want to short the board. I also have some white lithium dry lube, but a quick google says that is also conductive. What do

>> No.1894834
File: 38 KB, 474x500, OIP (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894852

candle wax

>> No.1894859
File: 657 KB, 200x360, 1496423363559.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic entirely unrelated, I swear.

Solid suggestion. I think I actually have some laying around for lubing up antique wooden drawers and shit. Here's another entirely unrelated pic as my thanks

>> No.1894912

I've got a buttload of PCBs for a fuzz pedal I've designed.
I've got a lot of stock of parts for building them.
The only issue is enclosures - they're pricy as fuck to get pre-drilled.
What should I get to drill them? How hard is it to do using a regular "home dril"?

>> No.1894929

No, because when you do contacts, you have the option of a million different types of protective eyewear that will fit better with the mask and won’t distort vision like the off-center glasses.

Get an affordable drill press, make a template for the holes, some good quality bits, and assembly line that thing. You can do it with a hand drill but you will probably break a lot more bits.

>> No.1894989
File: 2.17 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200824_134155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phil wood anon here

i tried polishing it by hand again but with a better technique and then afterwards it was difficult to clean off the polish residue even with dish soap so i tried isopropyl alcohol eyeglass cleaner which changed the appearance a lot. it was dark outside at the time so i couldn't really check it for progress because it's hard to see anything with other light sources besides daylight.

there are preexisting scratches from the shop i got it from (or even from the factory, not sure) and probably scratches that my dad put into it when polishing it with a rougher compound. then if i'm not mistaken there is a layer of fine swirl marks which can be attributed to my use of the dremel 421 polishing compound which you can see with the phone flashlight but not in daylight. do you think i can keep going with dremel 421 to improve the deeper scratches or would i need a rougher compound?

>> No.1894991
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>> No.1894992

btw it's heat treated stainless steel

>> No.1894998
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>> No.1895009
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>> No.1895011
File: 3.44 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200824_144105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing turns into a weapon in the sun lmao
i'd still like to improve the finish

>> No.1895060
File: 179 KB, 962x811, Seville_Grass_2_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Augustine. Also, sharpen your blade.

>> No.1895175

Oh I see, I have like 5 of these in my house in random areas.

>> No.1895180
File: 76 KB, 1273x531, 0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're hot and you want more light ...

>> No.1895182
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, 20inch-pl239-male-plug-bulkhead-to-sma-male-plug-rf-coax-pigtail-rg316-jumper-cable-58458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PL-239 or more commonly called UHF connector.
Should accept common ham coax
There's a /ham/ in /diy/. We aren't too big of assholes.

>> No.1895183
File: 69 KB, 1080x739, 4226e7bbd18da21d9009e4863022ce3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta check the threads. Could be

>> No.1895228

how do i prevent a water soluble salt in a galvanic cell from coming into contact with air?
i was thinking of adding some oil to float on top but that would coat the electrodes and make them greasy and disgusting when entering/removing from solution
is there a household substance that floats on water and doesnt grease everytging it touches?

>> No.1895229

Cheers m80

>> No.1895371

Spray on body powder. Shit's fantastic.

Just hit it with some corn starch, it'll make it not sticky anymore

Tekton for cheap, gearwrench for expensive. Nothing more expensive is worth it, and i have a set of Snapon ratcheting wrenches.

Get the reversible gearwrenches, if it's in your budget. The 15 degree offset is absolutely worth it.

>> No.1895453
File: 549 KB, 1440x979, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello frens, /ck/ here. im canning a bunch of stuff and im of the opinion that everyone else that has been doing this longer than ive been is wrong and im right. specifically, there has to be a way to be able to reuse jar lids. its driving me nuts that these are single use disposable; there has to be a way to get these to be reusable somehow. it just doesnt make any sense to me, historically speaking. does anyone have any ideas? maybe a light lining of wax after whatever adhesive is worn off?

>> No.1895596


>> No.1895601


>> No.1895606

Should I get into the electrical trade if I'm meek/quiet/sperg?

>> No.1895620

How do I remove white lithium grease from my new jeans? Washing machine did absolutely nothing

>> No.1895709

Use canning wax, like they did for decades

Learn to live with it

>> No.1895744

>crossdressing costume
work on your mental health

>> No.1895778
File: 101 KB, 1057x1152, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hex bolt head circled in red is 3/8"... wrenching it from the side would be awkward and i can't seem to find any cheapo wrench in this size in europe. an adjustable wrench wouldn't fit in there and it would scuff everything and round the bolt head.

there's a cutout in the saddle so i could reach it from above with a hex wrench so could i get a socket/adapter of some sort? what do i search for on amazon?

>> No.1895783

>i can't seem to find any cheapo wrench in this size in europe
nvm i can get a combo wrench for like $3 but i think i'd prefer a socket/adapter that takes a hex key if such a thing exists

>> No.1895785

How much faster will a wooden trough planter rot if I put it directly on grass(with risers) than if I put it on concrete, or other solid patio material? I only have grass and I can't be arsed building out a platform to put them on.

>> No.1895793
File: 30 KB, 600x600, DDE24258-F651-4522-8FCA-33F9C13E8A96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s an internal hex right?

Pic related exists in all different lengths, or chop off a cheap hex key and stick it in a socket.

>> No.1895802
File: 83 KB, 1238x554, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't take a hex key.

i think a socket like in pic related would work? and i think 6mm would be safe in terms of torque? i have 8mm and 10mm hex keys too but they seem overkill. the bolt in the back takes a 5mm hex key.

>> No.1895803

oh fuck the socket uses a square 3/8" drive

>> No.1895805
File: 160 KB, 783x759, shlf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this small bookshelf, the legs would be Acrylic lasercut at a local shop and the beams MDF
Does it look retarded or could this work?

>> No.1895806
File: 57 KB, 878x600, Sectional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been helping you little bastards for years here, now i want some paypack.

Random as hell, but where can i get a good deal on a good sectional?


>> No.1895815

OfferUp or Craigslist. People let furniture go for dirt cheap when they’re moving. There’s plenty of old fucks retiring to a condo in Palm Beach that aren’t trying to take a 4 bedroom house full of stuff with them.

Otherwise just get down on one of the no-interest sales at Rooms 2 Go or whatever, set up the autopay for $15/mo and forget about it.

>> No.1895819

> Long time /diy/er first time asker
> where do i buy something?
oh lordy

>> No.1895825

Can someone please recommend a tool I should buy if I just want to trim a couple of large glass pieces for picture frames? I bought the glass already but accidentally broke the corner off and want to trim it to make it rectangle again so I can use it for a different project instead of throwing it away.

>> No.1895832

you can cut most glass cleanly with a chisel
lay the glass on a flat hard surface
scribe a line with a sharp edge on it
go over the line a few times. doesn't have to be much more than a scratch but it will cause a clean break
then place the chisel on the line
and hit it HARD with a mallet/block

>> No.1895872

How do surveyors figure out if your house is structurally fucked or not?
Are they able to work out with precision if it's about to collapse or whatever?

>> No.1896056

So I'm like 3 months away from having a bachelor's degree in finance but I really dont want to work in finance. Is it retarded to try and become an electrician and go to vocational school? Only 22 btw

>> No.1896065
File: 23 KB, 650x350, 7aade508a39737db876560aeebbd3c35_f1061[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make a tool specifically for this, very cheap.
same principle as

>> No.1896092

i can't believe how hard it is to find a 3/8" female hex to 6mm female hex socket. maybe one of those screwdriver sets with every bit under the sun would have a 3/8" hex socket and a square drive bit. i guess i'll get the 3/8" combo wrench.

>> No.1896093

>hex to hex
What? You mean a 3/8” square?

Also 6mm is small for a 3/8” drive socket, lots of sets go 8mm-19mm. Might have to get a 1/4” drive 6mm socket.

I think you’re overthinking this, or making it more confusing as you think out loud.

>> No.1896101
File: 8 KB, 350x250, hex-bolts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bolt with a plain 3/8" hex head. i need to turn it with a wrench from the side, or with a socket of some sort from above (which i might prefer because there won't be a ton of clearance under the saddle, as long as i don't have to go full paypig and get a full socket and bit set or whatever). finding an affordable replacement bolt that takes a hex key doesn't seem to be feasible in my shithole country. i have hex keys (6, 8, 10 mm and smaller sizes) but i don't have a square drive screwdriver. the companion bolt takes a 5mm hex key so i thought 6mm would be sufficient, but i'm cool with 8mm or 10mm. it's funny because my previous bike used the same seatpost but with a bolt that takes a hex key, but it had a saddle without a cutout. it came with a cheap flat tool with hex cutouts in various sizes but it was a janky solution and i returned the tool along with the bike so i no longer have the tool anyway.

>> No.1896107
File: 51 KB, 800x800, HTB1GitcaizxK1RkSnaVq6xn9VXaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i guess the 3/8" combo wrench will be much comfier to use than pic related

>> No.1896230

Fridge and freezer have stopped working. Replaced the evap fan because it was not running. Got it all back together and the fan is now running but the fridge and freezer are still not cooling. The compressor and its fan are both running. Any suggestions on where to look next? It's a kenmore 253.7041341b French door bottom freezer unit.

Please help.
My tendies are at stake...

>> No.1896280
File: 2.22 MB, 2880x2160, 20200825_165904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aunt asked me to take a look at speaker. She broke the usb charging port right off the board. Is this repairable? It seems only the two end contacts actually matter, as the usb is only for power.

>> No.1896293

probably. only the 5V and gnd are connected, and all three of those pads look intact

>> No.1896294

find where the pads connect to other, bigger components and wire up a new connector. Barrel connectors can take far more abuse. just drill the hole out in the enclosure to fit.

>> No.1896342

I had my first manual machining class today. I cant wait to start cutting stuff on the lathe. What, besides raw experience) can you offer me to help ascend the learning curve faster? what advice do you wish you were given when you first started lathework?

>> No.1896362

Watch lots of youtube videos. Make a habit out of checking for the key before starting the machine, and checking for potential collisions before operations, aka don't run your toolpost into the work features or the chuck.

>> No.1896371

Wear clothes that breathe, like shorts. Maybe forgo the big workboots in favor of some sneakers if safety isnt an issue. If you are a fat fuck lose some weight so your thighs dont touch

>> No.1896482
File: 3.73 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200826_162628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed a quite deep scratch between the 3 and / which i think was a new scratch. i didn't take a before picture but polishing it did improve it a lot but it's still not completely gone. the whole piece is still very much a work in progress. :/

>> No.1896483
File: 1.49 MB, 3120x2080, IMG_20200824_141434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post this comparison pic

>> No.1896506

Does anyone use unity? I've installed that shit and it shows a WIN32 error saying about how RoslynScripts/csx.exe does not exist , wtf am I supposed to do? I can't run any scripts because of this if anyone can help please do thanks

>> No.1896515


>> No.1896520

Holy based!, thank you anon

>> No.1896546

I jokingly said that I smoked meth to code all night and asked others if they did too and got a 1 month ban there. Lel

>> No.1896615

Thank you both. Obstacle one is not owning a decent soldering iron. I'll see what I can pick up today. I'll also look into the 5v barrel connector but I might just get lazy and resolder the same connection and try to secure it better somehow. Probably super glue ngl.

>> No.1896626

Please halp...

>> No.1896663

Then what are you talking about 6mm female to female?

You need a 3/8” socket in whatever drive (1/4” or 3/8” square) and that’s a real common size for either of those drives.

If you already have ratchets and metric sockets, get yourself a goddamn SAE basic socket set, a 10pc 1/4” drive doesn’t cost much at all and it will probably come in handy for the next thing that wasn’t made in China.

Call the tech

>> No.1896689

>If you already have ratchets and metric sockets
but i don't have those so i would have to buy a meme set with like 200 sockets and bits

>> No.1896692

where the fuck do i get large pieces of wood for carving. forest foraging isn't an option.

>> No.1896704

lumbar yard
thrift store furniture
yard sales where things are made of a size of wood that is bigger than you want to carve
basically anything that is wood that you can find

>> No.1896846

I bought a US aquarium LED light, but live in Australia. I have an adaptor but the light seems very dim. Is it plausible that i'd need a transformer given the difference in power standards or is it more likely that its just a shitty light?

>> No.1896898
File: 232 KB, 800x800, trncfsbulbzli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have one of these 300w ~10ah crappy scooters that I no longer use.

Any ideas on how I could repurpose the motor/batteries?

>> No.1897011

Can I fix little zits of acrylic paint (from a spray can) by heating it with a hot air gun?

>> No.1897099

Im putting metal roofing on a large outbuilding. My measurements were off by a cunt hair and the metal is coming up short on oneside by just enough to be a problem. I'm out of money for this project but I got some old metal roofing that sat with leaves on it for years. Any way to clean it so that it's almost looking new? I tried scrubbing it with dish soap and that got all the gunk off but it is still stained really bad.

>> No.1897110

1. google "how to remove tarnish from <metal>" where <metal> the metal.
2. Do whatever that says
3. Seal it
4. cash check
5. block phone number

>> No.1897111
File: 84 KB, 823x1098, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a replacement gauge off amazon for a vacuum pump. The left gauge is the one I bought but the end is flush, whereas the broken gauge on the right is a few threads shorter and is tapered. The gauge screws into a compression fitting with an o ring inside so the new gauge won't fit and leaks air.

Are there different types of npt fittings? Or is there a specific name for an adapter to make the left fitting look/work like the right?

>> No.1897119
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polished it again and improved it further. not bothering with a pic right now because it's hard to show the difference in a single pic and it's cloudy outside so i don't have much usable lighting. but the gist of it is that the polished area seems to look nicer and have a more optically clear reflection from a head-on angle. i further reduced the "3/" scratch so most of it is hardly visible while the part of the scratch that's closer to the teeth is still visible (i'm trying not too mess with the teeth too much) but i put a few new shorter but kinda deep scratches into it -.- but those scratches don't bother me as much as the general scuffs and swirls. and those types of scratches like in pic related seem unavoidable in regular use since they're so hard to avoid even when polishing it using a microfiber cloth. diamond polishing paste seems to be the recommendation for getting a mirror finish on knife blades but i don't think i'll bother with that because the cog really doesn't look that bad in real life and much of it will be covered up by the lock ring and the chain anyway. i think i'll just clean it up some more with dremel 421. later on i'm thinking of getting menzerna super finish plus 3800 which i might experiment with on the cog but i'm not expecting much since it's really meant for excellent condition clearcoat. then i'll probably put wax on it, the mothers pure carnauba paste wax is said to hide light scratches.

>> No.1897120
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>> No.1897121
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>> No.1897248

What is mortar? Is it just cement bethween bricks and rocks? Or is it it's own thing?
I have a bunch of rocks that I want to slap together for a planter box. Roughly 2 ft deep and 4 ft wide with 12in tall at the front and 15in at the back. Does cement work for that or is there a special mix for mortar?

>> No.1897318

-Cement is a fine binding powder that is never used alone but is a component of both concrete and mortar, as well as stucco, tile grout, and thin-set adhesive.
-Mortar is composed of cement, fine sands and lime; it is used as a binding material when building with brick, block, and stone.
-Concrete is a very strong structural building material composed of cement, sand, and larger aggregate (gravel).

use the proper materials.

>> No.1897334

I have numerous brush piles scattered throughout a wooded lot, and I have to haul these brush piles to a burn pit. The brush needs to be hauled up a 4'-12' steep incline. I can't use an ATV/truck + trailer combination due to the terrain and density of the wooden lot.

What is the smartest option for hauling this brush myself? I'm thinking of building brush bundles, with 2-3 of the largest sized pieces as a base, then adding to that pile. Once the pile is large enough I would tie a chain around the base of the 2-3 large pieces and drag it out by hand. Is there a smarter way, other than paying someone to do it for me?

>> No.1897368

>can't haul with an atv
You're obviously not trying hard enough. Knock a couple trees over, add em to the burn pile.

>> No.1897369
File: 63 KB, 500x544, 3dmyh6 (2020_01_20 23_02_28 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good board to talk about homebrewing and distilling or is that the cooking board?

>> No.1897374

I would if I could. The wooded lot is my neighbor's property and I only had permission to cut the invasive species. The slope runs across the property line, so I have to haul it out of her lot and into mine.

>> No.1897382

How do I seal a 0,1mm copper wire? Was thinking hotglue, but if possible something that's as small as possible and not hotglue.

>> No.1897393


first off, neither of those are npt because the "t" in npt stands for "taper"

what you have there on the left is a BSP connection, and it uses a crush washer to seal around the little spigot on the end.

>> No.1897394

err, on the right, not the left. the one on the right is the BSP. am retarded.

>> No.1897408

k, so does an adapter exist or do I need to find a different gauge

>> No.1897413

I accidentally ordered e6012 electrodes instead of 6013, can I still use these with an AC transformer?

>> No.1897425

what is difference between warm/warm and warm/cold setting on washer?

im washing socks and underwear
socks are heavily soiled, but underwear has fecal matter.
i am worried high heat wears out the elastic much quicker

i also like to be frugal about energy and water usage. how does that factor in?

>> No.1897427

There is never any reason to have anything other than a cold rinse.

>> No.1897429

>There is never any reason to have anything other than a cold rinse.
what are some reasons that people would want a warm rinse and why are those wrong?

>> No.1897437

i'm fairly certain 6012s will work with AC but why not 7018?

>> No.1897441

Sounds like this is your neighbor's problem to figure out then

>> No.1897445

Warm (wash)/warm(rinse)

Heat helps kill bacteria but is also responsible for shrinkage and can ruin more delicate fabrics. Rinse temp shouldn't matter since the cleaning part is basically done. All that is left to do is remove the soap so it doesn't mildew your clothes. I do cold/cold for everything except for towels. Towels get hot/hot because they get all sorts of gross on them and I don't care if they shrink a little.

>> No.1897448

she's a sweet old lady who gave me permission to clear the brush on her side of the fence so that I have a better view. the invasive species are choking the life out of the old oaks that her, her father, and her grandfather planted. it feels nice to help her and to save those oaks.

>> No.1897457


>> No.1897464

in my experience, 40C doesn't seem to cause premature wear, but 60C can ruin elastics and colors

>> No.1897467

Dunno, new to welding and heard 6013 1.6 on low amps and high voltage is best for 1mm bodywork/classic rust repairs

>> No.1897527

hey /diy/, I have 2 motors and a buncha magnets. Can I do something cool with those?

>> No.1897575
File: 10 KB, 210x240, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a drill being brushless worth it?

Thinking of buying the DHP482 but it's not brushless and apparently that's a big deal.

>> No.1897578
File: 226 KB, 900x1600, viber_image_2020-08-28_12-08-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom died and I want to keep this little fucker alive, but I don't know how to take care of it. Can someone identify it so I can google how many times I should water it etc?

>> No.1897588

It's not a big deal, it's a good drill, I have it and it's plenty strong and lasts forever. You should only be thinking about buying Makita's top of the line brushless, the DDF481, which also costs twice as much, but it has twice as much torque. If you're going to be using it for retarded shit like mixing concrete or drilling into soil, the 481 might be worth it.

>> No.1897589

If you’re going to run it real hard all day and really need that extra 10% battery life, go brushless. If you’re doing average projects, the brushed one won’t be any less useful. The extra power and efficiency of the brushless stuff doesn’t shine much on tools like 18v drills and impact drivers, you would notice it a lot more on big saws and shit.

Only other real upside is the BL tools are more compact, the drills are like an inch shorter.

>> No.1897590

Try /out/, they have the gardening thread. Alternatively any flower shop, it's a common plant.

>> No.1897592

Yes, this info can be easily googled, the store you bought them from should also list this. 6011, 12, 13 all run on AC and DCEP.

>> No.1897593

Thanks mate

>> No.1897866
File: 27 KB, 473x473, IMG-20200812-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a birthday gift for my bf. He's been pretty into these tie dye lapse videos and I think he'd be pleasantly surprised to get a tie dye kit to try it out himself.

What dyes are the best? The one person he watches uses DyStar dye, but it doesn't seem they sell it to non-companies. Everything online seems to be pushing shitty kits for little girls so I figure that information is unreliable.

>> No.1897880

tye dying is a technique, not a specific dye Get dyes meant for clothes, specifically for the fabric you want to dye.

>> No.1897926
File: 494 KB, 2048x1536, 118439571_601620437209178_3750348415444925778_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a new attachment for my bike trailer, but it a millimeter too thick.

Which would be easier, grinding the hole larger or grinding the pin thinner?

Pretend I have limited access to tools.

>> No.1897964

Send it back and order the right part.

>> No.1897967

My wife has got a couple of the stupid cheap kits.

I mean they're fine, the shirts havent caught fire or ruined a load of laundry.

>> No.1897981

File the pin thinner.

>> No.1898051
File: 40 KB, 462x500, https __i.pinimg.com_originals_82_e3_3c_82e33cdfc175c2bf4b26e6fbf20d85b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing a "tree surgery". First stage was climbing up, and cutting out a swath of dead branches. Next stage is going to be looping ropes to pairs of live branches around the dead-spot, cinching them in together, and letting them grow in to fill the cavity.

Problem is I'm a pretty shit rope-man. I'm not big on knots, or the right ones to use for the right situations. Basically, I just need a rope arrangement that can start with some slack, pull tight, tie off, and hold a constant 30-50lbs of force for several years. What do?

>> No.1898053

These are both correct >>1897964 >>1897981

it is much easier to evenly file off the outside than the inside. but also you should just get a proper fitting part, because the cost of bits/abrasives you would need to take off that much material cleanly could easily cost more than just getting a new part.

The other option would be to simply fabricate a new pin from scratch. I image its infinity easier to just drill a hole through some steel stock that fits, rather than trying to machine down an already machined piece.

>> No.1898170

Drill the hole out would be your best bet for a successful jerryrig.

>> No.1898171

Lacquer. It's what they use on copper wires in motor windings.

>> No.1898175

Don't listen to this retard, npt means national pipe thread not taper.

>> No.1898178

The left gauge is ntp, national pipe thread and will fit npt fittings. The right gauge is some sort of pressure fitting. There's a bunch of different types. I'm sure they sell an adapter to npt. Google "refrigerant vacuum pump gage adapter."

>> No.1898221
File: 1.29 MB, 3852x1744, drawer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first drawer build. How can I improve it? I kind of regret painting it since it's supposed to be industrial but I gotta cover up those shitty welds. First time burning wood, needs tips on that too. Am I supposed to seal it all with clear?

>> No.1898287

Thanks bros.

>> No.1898291
File: 14 KB, 350x350, 41M4kQWdVsL._SL500_AC_SS350_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent 4 hours breathing the fumes from this in an unventilated place and now the world is spinning

should i be worried

>> No.1898299

its called an asynchronous AC motor starter capacitor its purpose is to delay current flowing through one of the stator windings to allow the formation of a rotating magnetic field asynchronous to the rotor windings

can usually be found in specialist or general purpose electronics stores where smaller companies buy their refurbishing parts, you can scavenge one from other older powr tools that use taht kind of motor and some old washing machines ....it can also be just the inductive power compensator capacitor and can be found at the same places

>> No.1898301

since you gave no informatuion about your interests , skills , themes or if you wish to learn , have fun or just get a good grade the anwsers will be just as vague

>something you find very interesting and want to try but never had the chance

>something you want to learn more about and never had the chance

>something you are very good at and can be done easily(for you)

something that has never been done before or something that upgrades an existing design

>> No.1898305

unfortuanetly you wont have much luck with VFD-s the good ones are relatively new technology and havent had a proper price drop yet ...but also VFD-s are kinda overkill for a drill press speed regulator because i seriously doubt you need such precision or efficiency in oyur regulator ...try finding some general puropose AC motor voltage regulators which can be found for cdheap or used from older drills , also there a re a lot of schematics on the internet to make ones from discrete parts like IGBT-s and high power diodes which are not as expensive nowadays ....

also if you need to just slow down the drill a bit witough any smart speed control or need like two or three speeds altogether just get a smaller/bigger belt pulley and belt and change accordingly like in old school mill machines

>> No.1898307

get a uni-t laser finder for 20 dollars

>> No.1898309

get a smaller compression driver ...the bigger(heavier) the coil in the driver its harder for it to vibrate, thats why your headphones have better signal thats why microphones have as small a capsule as possible,and make a preamplifier stage like for a microphone before you plug into the amp (its usually not as sensitive because the pickups on guitars have a much stronger signal)

>> No.1898314


>> No.1898409
File: 292 KB, 1199x869, tb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to remedy the problem with a cheap audio amplifier off amazon and some random adapter I had in a box.

>> No.1898416
File: 10 KB, 176x286, dur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone try these yet? Not sure how new they are but I'm curious. I saw several reviews saying they only lasted a week before leaking. Why can't they make new products that are better than old ones?

>> No.1898417

may have been wise to go for fresh oxygen during that time or wear ppe.

>> No.1898421

>I saw several reviews saying they only lasted a week before leaking
they're doing it wrong, take amazon reviews with a grain of salt

>> No.1898436

its snakeoil basically ...batteries as chemical electricity sources are notoriously unstable when lookad at endurance wise due to differences in ambient temperature and types of elecronic loads connected to them so even if they had a bit more efficient battery as tested in their lab the 10% difference from the regular batteries would be practically negligible because almost no one uses their batteries to the last bit of juice left....i work as a roadie and we use up batteries as tic tacs for wireless microphones all the time and eneded up practiacally buying the second cheapest batteries because we found that duracell and the cheapest ones last roughly the same (half an hour of usage more for duracell) because basically we put in a new battery anytime it gets to the 30% threshold since we cant afford for the mic to suddenly turn off

tips when buying batteries are basically if it claims big power it should also be visibly bigger, name brands usually really have more efficient cells but the difference is in like 10%-20% not 2 to 3 times more, no name brand justifies prices 3 times more than the competition or lowest priced brand

>> No.1898467

I did a similar thing years ago, I repainted a bike frame with the color matching duplicolor rattle cans. Its much more noxious than standard spray paints.
I put plastic sheeting and created a closed environment like a paint booth in the garage, I just didnt have any ventilation like a spray booth.

So I kept walking into that fume laden garage all day, I could feel paint sticking and drying in my nose.
I felt light headed and dizzy for 3 days straight, not exaggerating.

But why worry, you already fucked up, there is nothing you or a doctor can do. There will likely be no long term damage as you arent going to do this all the time.

>> No.1898470

>buys duracell
>surprised they leak

Its your own fault to be honest.

>> No.1898477

perfect, thanks anon

Too many neckbeards on this dead board that spend their days giving incorrect answers to diy shit they've never done or learned about

>> No.1898481

It would've looked fine with unburned wood, the the black steel frame was already there to provide contrast. Also if you're going through all this trouble, get some proper drawer slides in there.

>> No.1898582
File: 55 KB, 638x578, 2DE77876-8C32-4C1B-BCA3-56619B3325BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a huge difference between the dollar tree “heavy duty” batteries and real alkaline batteries though. There are two types of AA or AAA battery (besides lithium and rechargeable), the cheap ones always say something about mercury on them. Harbor Freight has those yellow batteries and the 24pks go on sale for <$2, I got a few packs for free, and they’re fucking useless. Even in TV remotes, regular Duracells last like 2 years and those yellow ones die in a few months. I don’t know what they are, zinc something, but it seems to be a totally different type of battery because they are nowhere close to regular alkaline Energizers.

I think the orange HF are closer to the Duracells or Energizers, those are Alkaline cells. I recently tried some of these blue ones on sale for $5 and they seem to work pretty damn good.

>> No.1898601
File: 17 KB, 352x324, kimg_be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks =]

>> No.1898617

also these cr2032 are trash and they're even more expensive than energizer from the supermarket


>> No.1898687
File: 334 KB, 1024x1210, IMG_20200829_194401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of dryer outlet is this and where can I get a cord that fits it?

>> No.1898689

Its a standard dryer outlet and you can get them at most stores that sell dryers.

>> No.1898690

That's what I thought, Anon, I'll have to go get a new cord tomorrow. Or a new outlet.

>get dryer delivered today
>it's the delivery guys' last 7 p.m. stop of the day
>they still have a long drive to get back
>free installation so the guy attempts to plug in the 3-prong dryer cord into the 4-prong outlet
>tells me it's a european outlet and that he can't do anything
>"now sign here so we can leave"

i get that the delivery guy is tired but fuck off dude

>> No.1898700
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 08D86923-23C5-4586-A1F8-506CD6BFAEB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they were pretty cheap

They sell an assortment of button cell batteries, I grabbed those to have around the house. They kinda sucked but it was good to have in a pinch for the garage door opener and shit. Problem is by the time I needed a third one from the pack, most of them had exploded.

Dollar Tree has some ok 2032’s considering Walgreens wants like $12 for a 2pk of regular Duracells, but I actually found a great deal at Publix, like $4 for a 4pk of 2032’s that seem to keep up with the name brands.

Picrel shows that Harbor Freight assorted pack with lots of them exploded. They have just been sitting in my garage at 80deg, and probably bought them
2 years ago, not like they’re 15 years old.

>> No.1898703

There's a particular piece of hardware I can't remember the name of. It's a plumbing fitting, which gets installed in line with a given pipe. There's a membrane in the fitting which ruptures at a known pressure. They're sometimes used for potato guns. Does anyone know what this fitting is called?

>> No.1898833
File: 2.11 MB, 1512x2016, 20200830_173931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What diameter hole should I be pre-drilling into this tabletop to best prevent splitting without compromising attachment strength?
Pic related.

Answer in mm please.

>> No.1898878
File: 147 KB, 811x572, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these energizers are 65 kr for 6 while the clas ohlsons are 80 kr for 5. the energizers last much much longer and the digital scale is more responsive. the clas ohlsons have a 2.0 out of 5 rating based on 13 reviews with dozens of thumbs up on the 1 star reviews so i can't be the only one who's had a bad experience with them.

>> No.1898883

just match up a drill bit with the width of the shaft of the screw (not the threads), or slightly smaller. wa la

>> No.1898884

at a second glance, the packaging says those are self-drilling. you dont need a pilot hole.

>> No.1898887

What's a decent, cheap caliper? Would prefer if it was not digital.

>> No.1898919

From a table online pairing pilot holes with screw gauge i was told to use 2.5 mm for 8G. Add 0.5 mm if screwing into hard wood.

I started with 2.5 mm holes but re-drilled them out to 3 mm when the screw were having a hard time going in.
Not surprising, its a beech tabletop. Beech is a hardwood.
Not that I knew that when I started.

>> No.1898980

TL;DR How can i make a pole thicker, or more specifically about 1dm of it thicker?

I'll get an external antenna for my moden, because my location sucks and i'm barely getting 1/6-1/3 of the download speeds i'm paying for. My signal is at 1 of 5 bars, so that's that.
Now i don't want to install a pole solely for thzis antenna, but rather use my window's outer railing, which hast probably too thin poles. How can i make a pice of that pole thicker so the external antenna is secured? is there a word for a piece which i can just put over that area?

>> No.1898988

should I pay oral surgeon $500 to yank rotten molar? said 2 wisdom in back need yanked as well

>> No.1898989

oh yea btw. pain and stuff. hard to concentrate etc

>> No.1898990
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>> No.1899214
File: 337 KB, 979x670, self-tapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those don't look like self-drilling screws, or at least the kind that won't split wood

These are meant for metal as they're "self-tapping" but they work just fine for not splitting wood since they just make their own proper diameter hole as they go

>> No.1899215

Pay me $5 and I'll do it.
Results not guaranteed.

>> No.1899249

yeah im retarded and didnt even look at the screws, just saw "self drilling" on the packaging

>> No.1899322
File: 1.53 MB, 2801x2108, IMG_20200830_174820~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what kind of coupler this is and/or how to disconnect it?

It's connecting a 1951 Briggs & Stratton 23AFB 1-cyl engine directly to a generator of similar age. There's a slight bit of play between the two sides. The black rectangles in the middle appear to be a rubber damper or similar. There are two holes 90° apart on the engine side of the coupler. I'm not sure if they are set screws, a pin, or nothing of importance. I tried gently prying the sides apart with a screwdriver and I didn't feel like that did much of anything. The setup is bolted to a slab of iron and probably weighs 400lbs, so I haven't been able to move it anywhere to test on it.

>> No.1899333

Is there a plastic or otherwise completely mold/rot-proof option for framing my basement?

Cost is not an issue as the basement is very small. I'm sure, if it exists, that it's going to be much more expensive than regular pressure-treated wood, but not having to even remotely worry about moisture would be amazing.

>> No.1899340

jaw shaft coupling and judging by the rust only way it's coming off is with a torch.

>> No.1899387


I don't know how you're splicing the graft, but if it's one straight piece to a straight piece, I'd get a wrap, then a constrictor knot.

I think most waterproofing would be applying a sealant to the concrete base.

Yes. It reduces the pain and prevents further gum infection. Dental schools are the cheapest, else Mexico.

Hornady Dial Calipers. Company makes ammunition.

break-away couplings ?

NEMA 6-50, 50 amp, 250V

>> No.1899392

warm increases solubility of water, but many modern detergents are formulated to work in cold water.

general advice is to wash colors in cold, whites in hot

exception is with protein stains.

Protein sets in with heat, and they're a pain in the ass to remove after they've been set. You're more likely to remove fabric and color when it's been set.

separate soiled (fecal matter) from regular clothing and wash with Tide or Biz on cold. Only way to get rid of protein stains.

>> No.1899395

mortar presents no structural value and is only means to provide a sealant for gaps between bricks and allows replace ability of bricks

>> No.1899396


pliers wrench or if you're economical with money, then a pair of channellocks.

fuck that combo wrench linked earlier

>> No.1899398

What's the feasibility of adding a second level to my front porch? Basically my pipe dream is to replace the sloped roof with flat, blow out one of my living room windows into french doors and have a kickass second story porch. Kinda like those oldschool Louisiana plantation houses.

>> No.1899407

Entirely doable. Probably wouldn't even be that expensive compared to other home projects. Its hard to put numbers on it not know anything about the project or location but I'd say more expensive than a full bathroom remodel less than a kitchen.

>> No.1899422

Would I have to replace the existing columns with new, longer ones to reach to the the new height? Or could I basically just build the deck then add new columns on top of that? In my head it sounds plausible, but there's an educated voice in the back of my head saying that it would be weaker structurally.

>> No.1899425

I wouldn't. A lot of porch columns are hollow and not made to support more than a few hundred pounds of roof and shingle. I'd rip off the old and start fresh with new concrete footings below where the columns go though the porch.

>> No.1899429

How do I pick which option is best for any given home remodeling project without spending the money to have a consultant/contractor come look at it?

>> No.1899430

The house is a bit older, so I'm 90% sure the existing columns are solid 6x6s. They definitely don't sound hollow.

>> No.1899434

How do I make a custom sized picture frame without any good tools? Is buying a larger one from goodwill and cutting it down a viable strategy?

>> No.1899443
File: 24 KB, 975x731, snap-on-oex18b-9-16-in-standard-12-point-combination-wrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean something like this not the cheap flat tool that came with my previous bike

>> No.1899466

Anyone know how far an Arduino PWM signal will run without breaking down?

I know if I'm going a long distance power will probably need to be injected every 5 meters or so, I'm assuming the ground won't be an issue, but I'm unsure on the PWM signal.

Making some holiday lights about 15m of ARGB lights.

>> No.1899469

I want to buy a lazer for engraving wood 4Hrs a day, 5 days a week. Are there lazers that work off a usb stick like a 3d printer or do you need to always hook up to a laptop? ...that don't cost 1k

>> No.1899529

I'm trying to renovate my room, add some things and paint some others. The problems is I can't figure out how color combinations and interior design work. Any tutorial on the matter?

>> No.1899534

Just looks like your average spider coupling to me, all the ones I've run into are press fit, so good fucking luck taking it off without a torch, gear puller, and splitting the genset.

>> No.1899658
File: 22 KB, 250x376, 240057-250x376-yew-trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with basic artistic color theory, then look up basic interior design, then look up color for interior design.

A safe bet is darker greens and wood patterns. Matching these colors amongst themselves and each other is extremely easy as we're already conditioned to accept these color patterns because nature did it first. Next easiest would be monochrome color schemes.

You can also use the Adobe Kuler site to find color schemes but for the love of God don't use them until you're more aware of how interior design color works

>> No.1899692

Sorry I'm new to wiring and trying to wrap around what I can do when converting between AC and DC or in this case DC to AC with an inverter.

100w 5.72a solar panel - 150w 4.2a inverter - 80w 3a pond pump
(12v DC to 110 AC)

alternative pump is 100w

This seems like it would be fine since its stepping down overall. The 100w pump option but with the solar panel only being 100w and the conversion and loss of power due to age over the next 10 years I'm assuming that could be a problem.

>> No.1899726

I've considered building a starlight projector but have come to the conclusion that that's way beyond my abilities. Does anyone have a starlight projector? Heavily considering purchasing Sega's Star Planetarium but it's close to $200 which I can afford but also isn't an amount of money for me to sneeze at so I'd appreciate any input. The cheaper ones all look lame af unless I haven't researched enough

>> No.1899757

How can I tell if steel is stainless or not without getting it rusted?

>> No.1899784

bit of a rant here

i live with people who only go outside to take off to work and come home, and grab doordash orders.

they dont cook, they dont do any sort of diy and thus make very little mess. they expect me to wash the counters and floor for ~every crumb~ after ever meal. they get mad when i wash my hands in the sink and theres little black dots of dried up hand wash residue in the sink.

they want me taking my shoes off when i am going in and out of the house to work on shit in the yard. i often go on camping trips/ road trips and have to ferry a bunch of shit from my bedroom to my car and they raise a shit fit about the door being open and flies getting in even though we live in the city where there are no fucking bugs.

fucking annoying man.

>> No.1899793

With a magnet
A magnet either won't stick or barely stick to SS

>> No.1899842

I want to make some electricity at home. Would it be possible to build a stirling engine that I could have half-buried in the backyard running off the temperature differential between the air and ground?

Also, does anyone just generally know where I can find decent plans for a Beta-type engine?

>> No.1899860

Being /diy/ doesnt mean you should be a dirty slob anon. Cleanliness is important, being clean and orderly is overlooked but is very valuable to /diy/.
Just because the people you live with are annoying, doesnt mean they are wrong. And you are better for it.

>> No.1899926

Your 100W solar panel is only going to put out 100W in the most perfect conditions for a couple hours each day. This is why people run battery banks with solar panels, and the devices run off the batteries. In that case, the devices you’re running need to be below the average output of the solar panel, which is going to be far below 100W average over a whole day. I’m not sure how well your pump will run the other 20hrs of a mostly sunny day without more panels and some batteries.

>> No.1900036

Rupture Disc

>> No.1900078

What's the trick with mothers mag and aluminum polish?

Sandpapered my revolver with up to 1000 grit. Done a few tries and doesn't seem to do anything.

>> No.1900117
File: 332 KB, 2000x1333, EgL4JgqUwAAyj6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a desk like pic related. Already have Ikea Alex shelfs that I wanna use for it. So I only need the plate. In the store I can only find bright wood. Can I use it and put some oil to make it darker like in the photo?

>> No.1900194

harder steels will take much longer to see results. use a light pressure at a high speed with many repetitions. i haven't used that polish but when you apply the right amount of pressure the surface should probably look and feel shiny and slick from the grease while you're working on it.


>> No.1900196

I think the wood there was burned to make it darker, and then finish was applied.

>> No.1900197

many methods to stain wood, find one that suits you
there, first from jewgle

>> No.1900201
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x2268, 20200831_174344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my spark plug cables look all burned out.
That's the one on the right.
The blackened part is the end that is plugged into the distributor (seen in the background), the part that's plugged to the spark plug looks just fine.

All the other cables look like the one on the left.
Is it busted? Is the damage on it enough to cause the spark plug it's plugged into not to fire?

I'm very new to all the mechanics stuff.

>> No.1900230
File: 609 KB, 4608x3456, PHOTO_20200901_074921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a rental and some guy put solid curved piping on the furnace drain, so it doesn't bend into the floor drain without being a tripping hazard.
Can I replace it with any type of hosing, or is there some arcane rule about what type of piping is required for this task?

>> No.1900232

I'm not familiar with building codes in Australia, sorry.

>> No.1900235

Thabks senpai
Many machines work on gcode which means you use a program to translate what you want to do into gcode instructions that get loaded on a usb stick or memory card. If you want something cheap, laser diodes are probably the best alternative, but their lifespan from chinese manufacturers is questionable. I'd rather build a decent CO2 laser cutter.
Yeah, buying a larger frame should work, but some frames might chip while being cut. Miter saw is the best choice, but a miter box and a clean saw will do the job. To make picture frames I usually use a router to carve a rectangular piece of wood into an L shape, you could try to find L profiles.

>> No.1900270

it looks overheated
this can happen if you got poor connection and it oxidises
try and clean up both sides with fine sand paper and crimp it a bit, then check if spark is healthy
if it works might be OK, if not replace
if you can grab cable tight while engine is running and don't get shocked cables are usually fine
this post was made from 80s siberia, don't judge me, we used to work with what we had

>> No.1900316

It's a 1955 tractor so your 80s Siberia tips might just be perfect for this.

>> No.1900333

I have a desk in the corner of my room where the light doesn't really reach. There is an outlet nearby and was thinking about buying an led strip to light above my desk. Are led strips bright enough to light a specific area?

>> No.1900336

I should clarify that the leds will go on the ceiling. So what I want to know is if led strips are bright enough to light a desk surface from the ceiling

>> No.1900400
File: 1.26 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200901_213422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will depend on the length and power of the LED strip. Pic related is 5730 LED strip, 12W per meter and 1.4m long, so around 17W, inside an aluminum profile for LED strips. Bright enough for soldering tiny stuff.
Look around and find the power you need, there are LED strips that are wider than the normal ones with 2, 3 or 4 rows of LEDs, around 25-30 watts should be enough.
If you buy a chink power supply, make sure you buy one designed for 3 times the current you'll need. You can't never be too careful with that shit.

>> No.1900407
File: 1.30 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200901_104317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I would like to paint my desk and those ugly drawers to look more modern. If anyone has any color suggestion pls let me know. I thought about painting the top white and painting the rest gray like the shelf, I already bought some imprimation since it's melamine wood. Thanks.

>> No.1900414

how do i knock out the center tube spacer?

i think they dont make wheels in this size anymore. i found this one at an estate sale. and my old dolly has a wheel just like this but with no tube spacer. i want to fix my old,simple, medium sized dolly

>> No.1900552

Hard to tell without pictures, but you're probably gonna have to press it out

>> No.1900554

Ok so turns out my USB-C port on my phone is acting up. My phone will still charge but only when I put pressure on it if that makes sense. I tried cleaning it like most resources online have suggested but it changes nothing.
Could it be that the outer conductor is warped out of shape and no longer making proper contact with the male end? Or a I retarded and would I just have to do a better job cleaning the port?

>> No.1900581

Lucked out and found a more efficient pump and a higher watt panel for a better price it should work. Its for adding air into a water system, it only needs to run some of the day some seasons or I would be putting a battery and timer. I''ve seen similar DIY solutions so I know the concept works but since all the parts weren't the same I was just making sure the math comes out.

>> No.1900648
File: 57 KB, 700x1280, P120177_52z.c6215e2580fa87289db870b831b25556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any good sources for appliance parts? I have a whirlpool ED5GVEXVD00 and i'm finding many sites that have parts, but am not sure which ones are reputable/worth it.

>> No.1900651

how hard would it be to make a police scanner? thinking of doing this as my first /diy/ project

>> No.1900769

Change the cable, if it doesn't works ur port is done for.
Like, from scratch? Quite difficult if you don't know a fair amount of electronics. If you have to ask you probably won't be able to do it. Nowadays most emergency services are encrypted anyways. Your best chance is to buy an SDR and look into decrypting software.

>> No.1900782
File: 441 KB, 1731x2560, 81UAqsGl65L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cut a length of vinyl coated steel rope like pic related.
my question is what can I do to seal up the cut end to prevent fraying and rusting that won't significantly increase the diameter of the cable at that end. Preferably something durable and impact resistant so I don't have to keep reapplying it.

I was thinking that maybe two part epoxy might work, or maybe heat shrink plastic molded into shape.
Not sure though so any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.1900858

Just pack some silicone grease in there, it won't wash out or harden

>> No.1900860

That would prevent rust for sure but I really doubt it would do anything about fraying.

>> No.1901106

Looks like the port is done then. Wew.
Replacement part is only $4 so I'll just change it over the weekend or something.

>> No.1901132


>> No.1901166

Put a ferrule on it, were you born yesterday?

>> No.1901609

Okay so my friends are doing a party with DIY gifts on a strict budget (about 5 USD at current conversion rates). I was thinking of doing the ancient meme of an infinity mirror. I can get the LEDs and make the shadow box for that money, but can only use film for both mirrors. I can just put it over acrylic for one and wood for the other so you have the traditional transparent/mirror + opaque/mirror (whether you call each of those one way or two way depends on your region.) But I was wondering: Why not just do both as transparent/mirror. Since if you structured it as transparent/mirror + mirror/transparent wouldn't that just be one which can be viewed from either side?
I realise that painting the wood white and using film over that will increase how much is reflected back (Since this is going to be a shit mirror using film due to its lower reflection to typical glass mirrors) but I have a tight budget to work with and glass isn't an option.

>> No.1901653

That should work
If not then I will try a thin coat of epoxy.
That would significantly increase the diameter where it is attached and requires a special tool I would only use once or twice. If I didn't have to worry about keeping the diameter the same I would though as I could just improvise a crimping method.

>> No.1901667

Well, maybe you should've specified that in your post. Maybe tell us what the fuck you're trying to do instead of "hurr durr seekrit skweerl nobody steal my idea" bullshit. Fucking retards post shit with no details and expect us to magically know what the fuck they want

>> No.1901670

broken rib. any advice.

>> No.1901912

>Well, maybe you should've specified that in your post.

I did specify that in my post.
>my question is what can I do to seal up the cut end to prevent fraying and rusting that won't significantly increase the diameter of the cable at that end.
I have no idea why you are now angry. There is no reason why you should be taking any of this personally.

>> No.1901914

Go to the doctor, get x-ray to see if it needs to be set, rest for a few weeks during the first parts of healing.

>> No.1901923
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