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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1684089 No.1684089 [Reply] [Original]

Work’s been very slow so I listen to audiobooks while sweeping, which kills my battery. So I wanna bring a charger but if I leave a wall charger +cable for my iPhone in my toolbox, dipshit coworker will just steal it. Not looking to do something idiotic like pic related, how do you charge your phone without coworker charger theft?

>> No.1684090


Just get a usb power bank and charge that at home

>> No.1684092

Stick metal strip to it and connect to 120V live.

>> No.1684094

I regularly use welders and acetylene torches, plus I’m very forgetful, with my luck I’ll fuck it up and end up with a fucked up 18650 cell in my pocket or I’ll forget it’s in the toolbox and it’ll never get charged. I’m probably overthinking shit but still

>> No.1684096

You actually made me audibly laugh, good job. I was thinking of leaving a wall charger in the toolbox that’ll just go straight from outlet ac to cable and hopefully blow up a phone but that’d probably get me in some deep shit

>> No.1684099

Get one of those magnetic chargers. It won't work with their shit, so they won't take it.

>> No.1684101

>oh sorry, I bought it from Aliexpress for $0,01. Thanks for trying it for me dude

>> No.1684103

That’s a pretty good point, thanks Anon

>> No.1684108

You're already carrying a phone around. I'd give it a shot at least. They're cheap.

>> No.1684115

I don't understand; your toolbox? Don't you lock it?

Install a USB outlet and just buy a ___x pack of cords from Amazon

>> No.1684116

>but if I leave a wall charger +cable for my iPhone in my toolbox, dipshit coworker will just steal it.
So engrave your initials on it and report theft. What is this, fucking middle school?

>> No.1684120

Tbh every fucking trades job I've had is exactly like high school was socially.

>> No.1684123

Maybe it's different as a machinist but for us, people would lose teeth if shit was missing out of our toolboxes.

>> No.1684125

>stealing shit from other people's toolbox
You need to 'lose' some tools and blame the guy who you know is stealing your charger. "How can you prove you didn't steal my snap-on tools when you clearly stole my charger before?".

>> No.1684135

Just take the charger and cord with you???

>> No.1684193

This. Open up an AE charger, connect mains with output via somewhat inconspicuous wires (in case they open up the charger) and leave it. Don't tell anyone it's yours of course

>> No.1684196


ive been doing trades in chicago for years and i've never heard of anybody getting their tools stolen. Can't imagine an environment where I actually have to keep my bag next to me at all times

>> No.1684251

Company toolbox, I guess it’s called a tool chest, large on wheels, coworkers call them a toolbox so I just stuck to that. I’m otherwirds, I don’t have the key.
Yes, just like highschool, a 60+ two years from retirement was happy someone’s car got hit because they didn’t see eye to eye on some stuff.
I bet it is a bit different, machinist tools are generally more expensive from what I’ve heard, plus just more tools in general. Btw do you pay for your tools? Or does your employer supply? I heard machinists buy their own.

>> No.1684252

My father has to keep an eye out on his shit, people have straight up taken his entire toolbox and thrown it supposedly in their trucks before. (It was obvious but my father isn’t a wall of meat like some people, plus it was just him and plenty of them.) he installs garage doors ffs, there isn’t a lot of room to spend a few hundred on tools and shit!

>> No.1685024

If you just download the audio books when you are at home or the like when power is not an issue you will drastically cut down on your power consumption. Streaming is what is eating your battery, not playing. I get 10-12 hours of regular audio playback on my phone with its 3 year old battery, maybe 4, 6 at best if I am streaming.

>> No.1685114

Easy. I don't own a phone.

>> No.1685115

Locked tool box with an extension cord. The tool box can be locked to things with a bicycle cable.

>> No.1685729

Thanks Anon

>> No.1685788

>I regularly use welders and acetylene torches, plus I’m very forgetful, with my luck I’ll fuck it up and end up with a fucked up 18650 cell in my pocket or I’ll forget it’s in the toolbox and it’ll never get charged. I’m probably overthinking shit but still
Man, if only someone invented a phone case that has a built-in battery that could act as a power bank... Imagine how cool it would be to buy one! Like say, from Amazon. For about 50 bucks.

>> No.1685805

Make a fake one with bare leads. Cut open the usb cable end and cut all the wires to it. Glue it back together so it looks normal. Gently plug it in and wait for shitty theives to get what they diserve!

>> No.1685974

>then, wait in your jail cell for the next court date

>> No.1686281

but if I quit my job to invent that, I wont need to charge my phone on the job anymore you silly goose.

>> No.1686283

why do you keep teeth in your toolbox lol

>> No.1686285
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I have my own office

>> No.1686286 [DELETED] 
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Before I worked in the office I had several toolboxes and lock all of my shit up
I had my own personal power cords and surge strip

>> No.1686315

How much shit did you get for that?
Although I bet nobody wanted to touch your shit.
I've been thinking about doing the same thing.

>> No.1686344
File: 329 KB, 1264x683, Screenshot_2019-09-21 Amazon com phone case that has a built-in battery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone case that has a built-in battery
>from Amazon
>invent that

>> No.1686345

if you are getting things stolen from you at work then all of them disrespect you for some reason or another.
Instead try being a quality human being who people don't hate

>> No.1686347

There are portable batteries. Take one or two depending on your shift lenght and recharge your cellphone qhile having t on you

>> No.1686360

I use fear and violence..

>> No.1686366

We had a guy at my shop who'd borrow tools from other people's boxes, usually without asking. He'd always put them back, but never in the right place.

One morning I came in an hour early, flipped his toolbox upside down, then welded it shut. No more borrowed tools after that.

>> No.1686374

Put a hidden camera

>> No.1686375

Damn thats funny

>> No.1686376

thats not how hate works

>> No.1686488

if only you could get a sarcasm detector for 50 bucks on amazon.

>> No.1686519


>> No.1686781

Jail, for what?

>> No.1686793

put it in your pocket retard

>> No.1687249

What the fuck, how is that even acceptable. Fucking leave your web camera on and catch the guy.

>> No.1687256

Oh, I though you're in the office or something. Is that normal behavior for trade jobs?

>> No.1687257

why did you flip it upside down

>> No.1687346

So that when he cut the thing open to get his tools out, they were a jumbled mess like he left everyone else's toolboxes.

You don't half ass something like that. If you're gonna go through the effort, you might as well go above and beyond.

>> No.1687371

be the crazy fuck everyone is scared that they will get stabbed in the parking lot if they take your shit.

>> No.1688377
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You don't need a charger when you can plug your phone directly into an outlet.

Also get a job where you don't work with niggers.

>> No.1688423

And if I need to use my phone while its charging....

>> No.1688474

Then unplug it and use it, genius

>> No.1688493
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Let this picture serve as inspiration for your new "usb-charger" diy project.

>> No.1688495

Have you ever worked a trade job?

>> No.1688568
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>> No.1688599

You cant. There is always people at work that will take your shit no matter where you work at.

>> No.1688643

This is something I didn't understand until later, was my father putting his name or last name on literally everything that was not bolted down

>> No.1688700


>> No.1688766

I work around white people.

>> No.1688859

Anon, I hate to break it to you, but you're wrong. I've been at the same job for ~6 years and nobody has taken anything that belonged to someone else. Maybe you're just in a location with shit demographics. 95%+ white population here, 75% if you don't count the tweekers (but we won't hire fidgety fucks with methmouth).

>> No.1688869

Here's what you do
Get a charger, scratch and scuff the shit out of it, put some electrical tape around it, finally write "NFG" on the side.
then nobody will steal it.

>> No.1689558

Here are three solutions for you ding dong

>don't work around niggers
>use a big rechargeable battery
>don't use an iPhone since their battery life sucks

>> No.1689639


Power bank phone case.

>> No.1691653

Just beat the faggot and take some money of his body

>> No.1691681

take away the plastic housing. It works just as well but looks like a deathtrap (because it is). Noone will take it.

>> No.1691909

This is the best idea. The fucker deserves it.

This is the best idea I could see realistically used. The fucker will get his comeuppance, and it should be pretty easy to do too. Fry his phone, either he won't say anything or he'll complain about it and you'll know who it was.

>> No.1691972

Second this, have left my bag in the same place for weeks with over 50 people at a job site. It only got moved a few feet because it was in the way. It depends on the area and the work culture.

>> No.1691976

>How do you charge your phone at work without coworkers taking charger

if you're at work you shouldn't need your phone so why is it not charged when you leave your house?

>> No.1693149

Take the charger home when not in use or ask the place to install some charger outlets in the break room.

>> No.1693182

Glue something on to it, so it looks ridiculous, like half a barbie or something. Use epoxy so it can't get stolen.

I had this problem, but someone was taking the cord, so I wrapped the cord with christmas theme duct tape and since the cord was unappealing, no one wanted it.

>> No.1693219

Does the pony shit work? I already love them, have plenty of stickers thanks to my mom, I can make sure no one touches my shit.

>> No.1693223
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Drink bleach faggot

>> No.1694063


>get moto z3
>battery life for reading or audio is in the 40+ hour range
>get 20+ hours on HD video
>fast charges off of any fast charger with no complaints

>> No.1694067

Dip one in tar, so the person taking it will be marked a thief.
Ideally bring an extra toolbox with a charger-trap, setting off a loud as fuck smoke alarm when disconnected and marking the thief, which won't give them enough time to clean their hands.

>> No.1694069

Potentially killing a coworker is not a good idea dumbass. Someone could legit borrow anyone's charger and intend to return it if they have an emergency.

>> No.1694179
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>> No.1694273

>meth face is not a thing
Subhuman detected.

>> No.1694347
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>> No.1694792

I work on construction sites and I think it's more common there just because there's always new faces on site, lots of people milling about so it's easy for people to swipe stuff when you're up on a ladder or doing part of your job where ou can't take your tools with you.

>> No.1694934

I have a 6000mAH battery that's about the same size as a 4S. It'll recharge my 6S about 5 times and it's faster than a charger. I recharge it on downtime and carry it in my pocket.