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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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113262 No.113262 [Reply] [Original]

Ways you've escaped the system

No matter how insignificant

>> No.113263

honour student in high school but on all science cores got less than 80. In one course, for some reason. each module was counted as it's own course. Luckily I was top of class (92 on 6 modules). 90in music.
That about did it.

>> No.113266

Opend the door and walked out.

>> No.113270


A friend cuts my hair and makes me skin lotion

>> No.113278

Customs intercepted a drug delivery. Visited with search warrant and found smoketools + 0,1g weed.

Went to a questioning/interrogation session. Haven't heard anything since.

Had a few random bills magically pay themself too.

>> No.113293

Poor, no moneys to buy on tons of music, books and vidyas?

>Download that shit from the webs

Violent videogames are forbiden in Venezuela?
>Buy pirate copies anyways

Became accesory to a kidnaping by overlooking misdeeds by workmate while 100% aware that he was doing something wrong?

>P-p-p-po-po-po-po-poker face.

BTW.I didn't know the guy was involved in a kidnapping (Im sure he didn't knew either)

>> No.113302

wait.... wait what?


>durr durr i helped kidnap someone durpity doo i didn't know though, so hahahaha

>> No.113316

brew my own beer, grow/shoot/dumpster dive most of my food, not own a car and cycle everywhere and in the past live in squats and communes.

also i have been arrested like 6 times and have yet to be charged

>> No.113319

got arrested with 10+ pills of extasy on my persons, walked out of jail an hour later.....owe it all to my bro who had my back and made a scene, he spent the night in drunk tank......I got to see boobies that night :D lol still my BRO to this day....I owe him my life, or atleast 5+ yrs of servitude

also I pirate/download/torrent all my media.

Im sure there are other things I do, but I just dont dwell on them and make it a habit to do things out of the social norm.

>> No.113326

What exactly did your bro do?

>> No.113341 [DELETED] 

im on 4chan and various sites to teach me ways to to get away with shit all day at work nigga

>> No.113342

just ACTED drunker and more ignorant. He flashed them and spat on them, basically created a big distraction and got there minds off me. He also made them arrest him as well, so it helps if your going to do something risky to have a VERY close friend know about it cause when shit goes down they can help....A LOT. They had already stripped me down to my underwear. Its a pretty epic memory. I remember when they arrested me in the bar, the cop walked up to me and asked me who i was (in uniform) then proceeded to drag me outside of the bar, while he did I had the "substance" in my pocket cause i just sold some, but pulled some ninja shit and slipped it under my scrot as he was bringing me outside for questioning.

>> No.113343

forged my grades to get a better job.

>> No.113346
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I woke up suddenly, as it from a dream, a giant robot spider choked me, I got flushed down a drain, I got pulled up by a crane and then I learned I was living in The Matrix. I'm jacked in right now, coppertops.

>> No.113358

I have never paid for music in my entire life. Not even once.

>> No.113360

They're tapping you

>> No.113387

My attorney and I ran a savage burn on a Las Vegas hotel, only to go across town and do it again to another one. Then we hightailed it back to Los Angeles.

>> No.113409

Dodged conscription army. Grew my own weed. Smuggled some weed from Germany to Spain on a plane. Bought the last music CD back in the late 90s, the last game around 2000, the last movie I saw in the cinemas was LOTR part 3.
Once i was sitting on a train, didn't notice it was 1st class wagon. Conductor caught me and a bunch of other people, so many that I just walked away.
That's about it, at least of the things I'm gonna admit here :)

>> No.114191


sounds familiar

>> No.114197

Ran up a couple of hundred thousand dollars in debt and student loans while enjoying my youth then found a foreign chick online and moved to her country, married and now live very happily on welfare with my loving family. May repeat in the other direction in another decade or so.

>> No.114199

My first hack ever was a permissions exploit that allowed me to permanently replace the desktop of any of the computers at my school. I didn't do anything too bad other than flip the logo or in a slightly different color write something no one would notice anyways.

>> No.114202

so what happened to all your debt??
and where is your wife from?

>> No.114269

>Lived off collecting gold/silver/platinum for about 4 years.
>"Worked" maybe a couple days a week, couple hours here or there just picking through yard sales or going to estate sales, never had another job besides this and maybe picking up film positions or odd jobs here and there
>Take to precious materials refinery and get about $800-1500 a week depending on how lucky I get

Before I did that I was doing alluminum, it's a bit easier, tons of it around I could just drive around doing my usual errands and hanging out with friends when I spot stuff. Occasionally I got lucky and found boatloads of copper wire and such too, but most of the time I did aluminum. Still, that was more work, gold/platinum was so much easier.

>> No.114273

He likely still has it, though after a period of time the debt be sold to another company and forgot about. Depending on how long he is away for, it can "go away" completely.

As for OP: I escaped paying a speed trap ticket(55 in a 50) on a technicality. Basically, at the bottom of a hill was a speed trap. Legally, the hill was too steep for anyone to be ticketed within 400 ft of coming off of it. The trap was quite literally at the bottom of it. Because my last name started with K, a good number of people cited my case as prior precedence and got away with it as well.

>> No.114276

i ran for vice chancellor and won, then the king died and i made myself dictator, then i stole from the rich and used it to go to antarctica where the alien plot against you bums continues

>> No.114280

>Go to 'pick and mix' and grab bag
>put normal sweets like mars bars and stuff in
>pay almost nothing cus it weight little

>> No.114281

Double life on the internet, and Bethesda games.

That's about it.

>> No.114282

My first car got "stolen". Second got "hit by car that fled the scene". Third had an "engine fire".
My Suzuki motorbike was "stolen", then used in a "failed" robbery and "never seen again". All fully insured ofc.
I havent worked a day since 2005 and I maintain a house, yacht and a ugly fucking woman. Everyday I'm hustlin'

>> No.114312

LoL, I'm so fucking low rent that I steal toilet paper from work, I download films/music and dumpster dive, I find shit other people have thrown out and sell it on eBay, my favorites are computer parts from old PC's I find by the side of the road, I do make sure the parts work though first, also bicycle parts are great sellers too.

I recharge anything that needs it at work so they pay for the electricity not me, I always check the bin room to see whats being tossed out and have found printers which I broke down for parts and even copper fittings which I sold for scrap.

I buy stuff from flea markets and boot fairs and sell that online (books mainly but sometimes I find some other things too), grow some of my own food, I make and sell "art pieces" to upscale shops who then triple the price and sell them to fools who think their really "something".

That's all I can think of for now

>> No.114333

Jumped the border to Mexico. I now run 9 drug cartells and am RICH. Fuck da pooolice.

>> No.114346

>returned something to h&m a few weeks back
>return receipt had £5 off purchase in early jan
>buy skirt costing £5, use receipt, get for free


>> No.114349

>be shortass girl
>buy clothes from childrens section
>don't pay VAT for same stuff


>> No.114350

>buy dress
>dress is in sale a few weeks later, costing 50% less

h&m gets revenge...

>> No.114376

Become a fireman

Get paid to workout eat and sleep.

Have side business I run while on duty

Get free shit allllllll the time because people love us.


>> No.114397
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there are, of course, off days.

>> No.114416

I don't impulse buy coke just because it has the name of a friend on it.

>> No.114426


Totally on to you cock suckers. How many fires have you put out? I love how you show up 10 minutes after the ambulance for a heart attack call, lights on, all geared up. GJ. I will spend the rest of my life doing whatever I can to get back volunteer fire departments in our towns..... 2 days on per week. What a fuckin' joke.

>> No.114431


What the fuck is VAT? Also, show me your boobs.

>> No.114434

>passed HS with bare minimum credits
>Always volunteer to work weekends OT, then get CM'ed on weekdays. tl;dr make 20% more than peers who must have Saturdays and Sunday's off.
>got medical industry degree overseas at 1/6 the cost
>spent 5 years traveling overseas, especially Thailand, where traveling Swedish /Brit /Canadian and Israeli chicks competed harder for my cock than the local talent did. I was in the clinic for the clap that year on more than one occasion.

> Bought a lolshit condo in Florida before the big run up and bust, still manage to have it rented out, just bought a second home.

I realize most of this is lucky and timing, but still system 0, me 5

>> No.114439

Oh shit, I forgot my luckiest break.

Years ago, I had just got a costco membership and rented out an SUV to take up to the mountain for some skiing/boarding. After a fun day, the mountain started getting snowed out. traffic jam ensued, and as I was turning around, some bitch slammed into me, wrecking the entire right side of the car. I was shitting bricks. the cop didn't write anyone a ticket though. after about 6 months of calls ERRY DAY from angry people at AVIS collections, they sent me an apology letter stating that costco added an insurance policy to membership holders who used their promo code stuff when you rent a car. Totally paid for the whole thing.

tl;dr fuck year costco saved me from buying a wrecked a 24k chevy tahoe

>> No.114445

extra tax on goods in uk (minus childrens clothing and a few other things)

>> No.114463


Are you skinny and short?

>> No.114467

THIS. I am an EMTfag and I had to chew out a firefighter because he tried to give insulin to a hypoglycemic patient. I am 19 years old, just to give yo the picture of a skinny ass kid yelling at a firefighter. Also, firefighters are faggots.

>> No.114506

I failed a trig class and talked the administrator at my college into giving me a C.

Rode my bicycle through Central America and skipped a border crossing and military check points. Also circumvented the cops multiple times.

>> No.114512
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I despise you people.

>> No.114514

I didn't do ANY homework in high school, got to finals every semester with C's and B's because I aced every test, including final exams, which would in turn bump my grades up to A's and B's. Never studied either. They always said this shit wouldn't fly at uni but here I am with straight A's.

>> No.114518

my entire life, ive been lucky enough to have school, jobs, and other needs really close by. that guy you see in the morning riding a bike with a suit on is me. ill take a cheap taxi if i ever need it. i dont think ill ever get a car at this rate.

>> No.114521

Where the hell do you work that the fire service carries insulin? I've worked for 4 different ALS services and now work for as a flight medic and I've never seen any EMS agency carry insulin.

>> No.114526


Good question. I bet it was the patient's own insulin,they bottomed out and the fucking retard thought he was gonna be a hero. Goddamnit firefighters, all my hate.

>> No.114533

Oh, right on.

Worst I saw was a firefighter trying to use the reservoir on a nonrebreather like a BVM.

Or the time one of them was trying to put a NP airway into a nostril...

>> No.114535

this thread is now a firefighter hate thread.

There's a guy I know quite well who is a firefighter. He's always has this look on his face like he's the shit. he works two days a week, and buys a new F350 every two years.

One time I hear this story about how he went to a scene of an accident and saw a couple of dead kids, and he had to go through all this therapy afterwards.. Man up you big pussy, I work in a hospital and see this shit every single day. On a bright note for me, his ex-wife turned out to be a big lesbian and she divorced him.

there's never been a fire in the county that he worked in that he had put out. This is the problem, because of insurance and the fact that most of America lives in suburbs with freestanding homes, what sense does it make to pay people six-figure salaries with huge pensions from taxpayer dollars to "protect" us from what? Any recent built home nowadays is practically fireproof, and if a portion of it was burnt, it would be cheaper and more reasonable to raze it to the ground and start over.

>> No.114543
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Flight medic here again.

One of the things that pisses me off about firefighters is that they are ALWAYS wearing a shirt with some shit like what is pictured on it...

I know EMS does the same shit sometimes, but firefighters are the worst. They just want so bad for people to recognize them as firemen.

>> No.114545

LOL. he must've just been pressing away at that thing. Damn, this thing just isn't working!
here's a little news item from my area.

these Dick heads think they can roll around in a quarter of $1 million paid for by taxpayer big red shiny penis extension on New Year's Eve. I didn't get to do that pulling a 13 hour shift on my unit in the hospital.
I'm not even a huge fan of the police in general, but I'll take a cop who has to work a job were almost everybody hates him, but he's totally important to society, any day over a firefighter.most cops are totally against busting casual drug users, my biggest complaint. I guess they just enforce what are stupid society considers illegal, for now.

and yes, I mad.

>> No.114550

oh sweet Jesus. Yes. I'm clinking my beer mug with you right now over the inter-webs.

Hey everyone, look at me! I am off duty, wearing my firefighter bibs with a white T-shirt with various life-saving acronyms all over it!

remember 9/11! You don't see stockbrokers and customer service reps and secretaries walking around with remember 9/11 T-shirts, but they suffered the most that day. Jesus Christ, I can go on and on here. Thanks for the laughs

>> No.114554

Wow, got some real pieces of shit there... Most of the ones I've dealt with are simply incompetent rednecks, but you'll have that in the midwest.

>> No.114560

Yeah firefighters suck ass! I can't remember the last time my town had a fire yet we employ about 30 of those fucks at 100 grand a year. It doesn't make any fucken sense. Most people see them as heroes but all they do is workout and sleep. This is what's wrong with society. It's stupid to pay someone so much money to put on a hose and aim it at a house. Any 12 year old could do it.

Yeah but they run in a fire when everybody runs out.

Bullshit! I know many firefighters and not one has ever gone in a burning building.

Yeah but it's dangerous!
The army guys make like 30 grand a year and get shot at. That's fucken dangerous!

Oh and the reason they get paid so much. Their union just says we want the same pay raise as the cops. And the cops always get a pay raise so hose holders do to.

>> No.114564


Uh, firefighter's median wage is 45,000.

That isn't alot.

>> No.114567

unfortunately, I know a few firefighters and not a single one of them only makes 45,000 a year. my brother lives in Broward County, Florida. The firefighters there called firefighter/paramedics earn an average of $120,000 per year. That's an average including the first-year rookie and the Capt.

>> No.114569

Taught myself how to draw before I learned to read and write.... Had dyslexia because of this but copied down a dictionary and read non-fiction educational stuff to get over it (books that are just ideas you don't have to comprehend plot and character names or finish them)..... am atheist that paints pictures of baby Jesus with halo, those sell for $8000 each easy at flee markets. Sell pictures of practice on the side (landscapes, monsters, robots, etc.)

>> No.114570

If you take society's tools
You will make society's rules
Which you'll obey and then disobey
You'll disobey but then you'll obey

>> No.114582


Uh what the fuck, how do you become a firefighter AND paramedic? Shit's rediculous

>> No.114597

No idea. All's I know is that they don't do either job description worth a sweet God damn.

>> No.114598

Using several, several accounts on one of those click-ads-for-points sites (against their terms of service) to gain points to redeem for gift cards faster. It's still slow work but I like the idea that I've scammed so much money off of them.

>> No.114617

got out of class to take iq tests every day

>> No.114639


>> No.114640
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>important to society

>> No.114651
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So you are mad that firefighters get paid to do a job that you think is pointless? You do know that they are the first responders for most auto accidents right? That they are the ones to begin containing hazmat spills? That maybe the reason you haven't heard of many fires recently is because they do their job well?

Jesusfuckingchrist man. If they have is to easy, why don't you become one and milk the system too?

Also the $100k a year firefighters are paid that because that is the level of salary needed for average living conditions in their region. I'm guessing Cali or some huge metro like NY. Here in San Antonio they make closer to the $45k mark, because our cost of living is lower.

Without cops I'd have had to kill this guy. Seriously, he was stalking my sister and her roommate. I don't want that shit on my hands.

I know everyone is going to get all internet-tough and talk about ow they would have just busted a cap and other bullshit, but try actually being there.

>> No.114663

Looks like your own personal traumas have blinded your objectivity. Sorry about your sister, et al, but the reason you don't hear about fires isn't because they put them out so fast, it's because with modern electrical wiring, and fireplaces being phased out right after the industrial revolution, and houses being constructed free standing with fire detectors, nobody really has any house fires. The last one in the city of deerfield beach fl to use my city was in the early 1990s. That means 30-40 firemen have worked and retired without putting out a fire.

As I have said, ambulances do a much better job of actually saving people. And I can't imagine a need for many hazmat cleaners beyond a simple janatorial position with a few safety certificates that could be EASILY contracted out to the non governmental sector. That salary was for deerfield beach as well, where 3 bed townhomes are going for 110k.

TL;DR, I don't really mind cops in general, I dont like them going after pot smokers, but they do play a role in keeping fucks like the dude in your pic in line. I concede that.

>> No.114666

Another thing I resent, is that it is a real fucking thick old boys club to ever get into a fire dept.

>> No.114674

.The last one in the city of deerfield beach fl to use my city was in the early 1990s. That means 30-40 firemen have worked and retired without putting out a fire.
I'm sure you know better than I, because you live in the town and I don't, but a quick trip to google gave me these:



And this one, that shows why simple EMS teams are inadequate for traffic accidents:

>the reason you don't hear about fires isn't because they put them out so fast, it's because with modern electrical wiring, and fireplaces being phased out right after the industrial revolution, and houses being constructed free standing with fire detectors, nobody really has any house fires

I lived through one house fire as a child (electrical) and responded to an apartment fire, caused by a cooking accident, (I was the complex manager) back in 2008.

Fire fighter teams responded in both cases and extinguished the blazes. The apartment had detectors and a sprinkler system.

Fires happen. Perhaps your limited experience has limited your objectivity.

>> No.114680
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Took the red pill. Woke up to the delusion mankind is living in, realized infinite potential. I deprogrammed my mind of proper gander and became a sovereign being. Now i develop my person through my own knowledge, experience and understanding of what it means to be a sentient being, no longer reliant on the engineered environment to tell me how to be, and what to be. Ive also stopped a few bullets with my hand, no pun intended.

>> No.114857

Smoke weed
Educate my mind
I get the train to work everyday too, they have plain closer ticket officers who basically follow people who sneak past them (theres an unmanned exit) because they think they dont have a ticket, i like to take the route and run to waste their time knowing they cant do shit

>> No.114871

>smoke weed
>educate your mind

>> No.114927

>> those sell for $8000 each easy at flee markets
Is that $8000 Zimbabwean dollars?

>> No.114944

>proper gander
lol that's a new one.

>> No.115303

break your own mailbox

you don't need to pay snail mail tax anymore

it works.

>> No.115323

Fear and loathing in las Vegas?

>> No.115519


>> No.115534

I did this for a while:
-When I was around 15, I went around "raising money" door to door for various charities that I made up. I made fake papers and a fake ID with photoshop (I was really proficient). Went to rich neighborhoods and sometimes I'd get thousands per block. Rich people suck charity's dicks.
-Later in high school I pick-pocketed dumb, loud freshmen. Never got caught.
-I live near Boston, and I once walked to and from Northern Maine. Nobody knows about it, and it was a crazy adventure. I told people I was away visiting family in Colorado.
-Every Halloween, I pose as one of my bogus charaties and do door to door food drives collecting canned food/non-perishables. I keep most of it and donate what I don't want to various foo pantries. Keeps me fed for MONTHS.
-I also worked at various rummage sales. I would pocket most of the money. Never caught.

>> No.115541


That first one is genius. Especially because at 15, I can't imagine anyone would seek to throw you in prison for fraud if you were caught. You'd probably just have a bunch of community service and pay a fine (and give the money back).

>> No.115548

Studied philosophy in school and started an adult website. Compared to most people I know, I'm off the chain.

>> No.115625

ingenious, if dishonest

>> No.115713

Aeromed pilot here, responding to a call in a rural area. Firefighters had to set up an LZ in a field about a mile from the actual accident scene. Since they're a hick FD they don't have any GPS coordinates to give me, tell them that I'll pass low and slow over their general area and they can talk me in to where they set up the LZ. I'm expecting them to tell me things like "come back south about a quarter mile..." instead I get "naw you went too far...follow xxx road for a mile then hang a left on xxx road" and I'm like I can't read the road signs you fucking morons.

tl;dr patient damn near died because stupid firefighters slowed me down

>> No.115730

I lived in a beach hut for 8 months while at Uni. It was in a beautiful quiet bay and I didn't pay a cent. It had electricity and water which I paid for, about $10 a week and I showered in the Uni Gym. I got so fit that year because I felt guilty for just using the shower...

It really put me on a firm finacial foundation and it was actually pretty awesome. A bit cold, but I kept it clean and simple. A friend of a friend owned it and just wanted someone to look after it. I feel cheated paying $100 for a shitty room these days.

>> No.115741

pirate music, software, programs, movies.

Don't work, thinking about starting own under the table business so I don't have to report shit to the irs.

Just think and do whatever the fuck I want without adhering to this society.

>> No.115749

Doing 90mph in a 30 zone whilst steaming drunk, pulled over by Police, got told a story about some guy killing his mates Mum then given back my keys and let go without being breathalyzed. All I did was look at my feet and act scared, I still consider it a miracle that I got away with it, it would've ruined my life as I need a clean record for the year abroad in my degree course.

>> No.115755

maybe that would of made u quit alcohol,.start a business and become rich

Well we'll never know now

>> No.115758

lee winser?

>> No.115762

When I was freshly 18 (Im Australian btw) i was living with my parents, but i claimed independence and said i was living with my brother, who lived three doors down the street. This entitled me to collect Unemployment benefits and Rent assistance, even though i was working for my friend for cash in hand, under the counter payment. Anyway, i was getting $410 a fortnight for doing fuck all, plus the $400 a week I was getting for 20 hours of work a week.

>> No.115775

embraced my afro

>> No.115777

Then how do you make Dollar bill

>> No.116246

Drive veggie oil

>> No.116299

i dont get all this shit, what system is this? how do you escape? just not following rules? if you rob you have escaped the system or what?

>> No.116326


>you put your money back into the system
>still part of the system


>get caught
>now you are in the federal pound me in the ass prision system

>> No.116334
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I make my way into the off-limits portions of the city. There are whole worlds out there that 99% of people never get to see. Secret tunnels, long-forgotten places, rooftops of buildings.
Open your eyes, look where most people ignore. See what most don't care or don't want to see. You'll see what I mean.
But be careful. When you start noticing these places, others will start to notice you.

>> No.116365

Yes, yes. I would love to do this. Tell me more.

>> No.116382


1. acquire diesel car
2. insert an extra filter, and a pressure gauge amongst other things
3. acquire fuel source, either yourself from a restaurant, or through a service if you live in a big city

>> No.116395

People on craigslist advertise this all the time

>> No.116474


>> No.116566

How would I find these... off limit portions?

>> No.116641


>> No.116669

When I joined the airforce I had to take a colorblindness test. I went into the bathroom and pulled the fire alarm, then after everyone had evacuated I took the book that had the answers to the test and memorized them.

>> No.116682

Urban exploration of sites
illegal to trespass

>> No.116684

This is about how you've gotten OUT of the system, not how you've gotten into it

>> No.116696

That is extremely interesting; too bad I don't live in a city. The suburbs aren't as hidden. :/

No, really?

>> No.116699

parkour kids run into this all the time if they climb for more then 20 seconds...


>> No.116773

Guess what? Firefighter here, also a paramedic. Damn good at each. Oh, did I mention that I'm also US & R, too? Oh yeah, also tactical medic with SWAT. I can operate the truck and the engine as well as anyone. Been working in the Los Angeles ghettos for 9 years now.
Made 150k last year. Worked 14-16 days a month. You can do it too, I did it. Don't hate, get your shit together, get off your ass, make it happen. Till then, fuck you. Lol.

>> No.116797

turned off the tv

>> No.116798

Never paid for parking in my life, for some reason i just never get a ticket

Also never pay for public transport tickets

Speed ALL THE TIME, but I'm not an idiot about it and still have a completely clean driving record

Wish I had more, apart from those small things i still work a 9-5, pay rent and follow the rules...

>> No.117237
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ON my free time when i'm not on the computer i'm vulunteering and it help me met some wonderfull people who think differently from the sheeps

>> No.117285

>Fit in, more intelligent than most
>Working menial job in kitchen
>Sit silently in the background and plot
>Soon Anons. Soon.

>> No.117294

Are you me?

>> No.117302

>menial job
PROTIP: You are far less intelligent than you believe yourself to be.

>> No.117316

I should have probably added "On purpose, to fund plots" but thanks for the confidence boost.
Could've gone to college to get a degree when i finished school. I don't want to, though.

Lolno, but maybe.

>> No.117329

This. Kitchen work has probably the worst pay to effort ratio of any menial job. Or do you somehow think it's more efficient to spend more hours making less money?

>> No.117331

day late reply i love non fast boards breaths in

>> No.117344

>Not living in America or other country in which "menial job" or "job" means shit money

I make enough to save up a bit and live week to week. I also work in a very limited resource kitchen, we use disposable plates and cutlery, so there's fuck all to wash, and the kitchen itself is smaller than my god damn room. So yeah, it's great working an effortless job as a cook/barista for decent enough money, thanks for asking.

>> No.117349

I got work study at my college's IT department. My college has some of the most computer-illiterate fucks I know. I sit around and do next to nothing for 15 hours a week, and get paid $11/hour for it. Any problems that people actually have are ridiculously simple to fix - "My internet won't work" "That's because the wireless switch is off..." etc. Having these connections with IT means that I have basically unlimited access to all the department's tools, software, training courses, etc - not to mention hardware. Building a new desktop? Grab a nice mechanical keyboard. LAN party? Snag 4-5 monitors for people to use.

>> No.117352

Dusting and vacuuming offices for 9 hours a week used to get me €400 a week when I was a dumb college kid. Now go on and tell me how you make more than €40 an hour working in a kitchen.

>> No.117359

Fair play, can i have this job?

If i have to be really honest, any job that earns you that kind of money is likely to be in a field i wouldn't enjoy working in, i'm content at the moment, i'd like a job that pays more sure, but if i worked a job like you for that kind of money i'd probably hate it and quit. I'd love to get into journalism though, so i'm writing for a College newspaper, i'd also like to become a gunsmith, but I'm getting NO HELP with that. Enjoy your job, friend. That's all that really matters.

>> No.117369

If you want to talk about working a menial job to finance other interests, it was the best. I worked 3 nights a week, 9 pm til midnight, never on weekends, never had to come in early or stay lateer. Night watchman let me in,no one else was in the same section, headphones on listening to audiobooks, awesome music or language tapes. I was allowed to help myself to food from their canteen too. I'd still work there but I moved to a different country.

>> No.117384

Sounds pretty sweet. I wanna move to Germany and work for H&K, but their HR lady doesn't seem to understand "How do i get started?" as "i'm not applying, but i wish to in future"

>> No.117654

Spent 2 months living in a closed library. Used electricity from solar panels had a store of water, not unlike an office water cooler. Lived off the grid. No bills did some urban exploration found old copper wire in empty sewer. Profit 40$

>> No.117689


>> No.117691

>on /diy/

>> No.117698

Never thought i would see the day

>> No.117708


>> No.117739

Any tips? Small town things big town things ideas appreciated

>> No.117750

I pay only cash.
If I pay at all.
If I buy.

>> No.117759

I walk through grocery stores clockwise instead of counter clockwise.

>> No.117760

Advice how to not if buy

>> No.117774

I teather 4g speed wifi from my phone and tmobile hasn't even noticed,im using it right now on my iPad I got for $200 and it's worth more like 400

>> No.118006

How did you get an iPad for $200? Do share. I'm assuming it's an iPad 2 and not an original.

>> No.118008

teather is god-tier for internet

>> No.118033

>Also never pay for public transport tickets

How ?

>> No.118037

It's funny. Most of these stories are not about how you "escaped" the system, but how you "exploited" the system.

If the "system" weren't there, some of these cunts wouldn't even be able to live while exploiting it, it's hilarious. Sounds to me like you all should be very thankful of said "system".

>> No.118075


Parkour, stealing, and avoiding traffic tickets aren't escaping the system

>> No.118080

I haven't watched any broadcast TV for more than a decade, and thus have not seen a single commercial in all that time. Amazed as those around me pant like dogs for the crap they get bombarded by in advertisements.

>> No.118094

I didn't get my ipod touch repaired for a shitload of money when it started being retarded.

In fact... didn't repair it at all.


>> No.118099

uhm... while I'm at it.

Does anyone know how to fix my ipod touches vaginae dentibus without messing anything up?

(that's a fucked up jack input in case you're wondering.

>> No.118228


Ye gods, I stay away from TV like the plague. Of all the places to put filth and pollution, the mind is definitely the worst.

>> No.118423

And yet here you are on 4chan...

>> No.118438

I find that /diy/ is actualy rather mature and clean

>> No.118489

I haven't. As a previous commenter has pointed out, I have indeed found many ways to exploit the system:

-unregistered automatic weapons
-pirated software
-a nearly ad- and commercial-free existence

The system is comforting. The system may feel suffocating, but it also supports. It's a fucking great question though. Too bad the thread devolved into fireman-bashing. Don't care.

>> No.118557

I helped oust an oppressive regime in cuba, then tried to start a revolution in south america and was killed in the process

>> No.118574


>> No.118585

well you really didn't escape the system then, did you.

>> No.118590

well che tried to make a new system

>> No.118591



Other EMT-b running IFTs in southern CA.

Where do you run calls out of?

>> No.118811

THIS. High school + college.

>> No.118817


Similarly, I find it really hard to contain my rage when someone says "Oh my GAWD, have you seen the latest $SHITTY_PRODUCT commercial? It's sooooo funny!"

>> No.120257

I know what you mean, i see right through idiotic advertising and can't believe when people fall for it.

>> No.120261

I go to funerals to get free food, only when I'm starving though

>> No.120284

If I may ask, how did you accomplish this? Something similar and odd happened to my phone.

I suddenly noticed that my old phone had unlimited data on it. Not 3G or anything, just GSM, but still unlimited. So I decided to get a newer phone with a much more adequate web browser. And I did.
But when I put my old SIM into the new phone I could not get on the net. I took the SIM card out, put in back in the old one and I can get on the internet fine.

TL;DR I can get unlimted free data on one older phone but when putting the SIM into a new phone I get no data.

Can you help me out T-Mobile bro?

>> No.120308

>live in suburbs
>family killed
>end up living in an abandoned grocery store
>stole most of what i ate
>get caught by the cops
>find out im a psion
>awww yeee!

>> No.120720

Brit here
Grow as much as my own vegetables a possible (around 40 percent last year)
Raise Ducks, Chickens and Rabbits for meat
Poach fish from local rivers - brown trout mainly
Twice a year spend weekend at coast trapping crabs and lobsters and sea fishing - all frozen for later use
Building a multi fuel generator setup which hopefully will power most of my house (free fuel in form of diesel/petrol mix from recovery yard)
Download all films and music

Not strictly related but
Be in motorbike dealership with g/f
Salesman will not leave me alone 'can I do anything for you, anything you like.....
Turn round and point to the aprilia rsv mille on the showroom floor 'give me a test ride on that'
Guy puts trade plates on it, doesent ask for ID and hands me the keys
>3/4 of an hour of maxing it out, popping wheels, bulling car drivers out of the fast lane, general hooliganism return to dealership
Nah its not for me, bye

>> No.121898
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually keep a journal on this very thread IRL. So #1 I always carry a marker. Graffiti was the first twitter. Obviously, I also be writing everywhere I go.
#2 I'm not afraid to go to public places and get a free bite to eat by asking no longer hungry diners for their leftovers. This works well in food courts and with women.
#3 I remove labels from my clothing or alter them. Pic related my top-siders after anarchy.
#4 I say hello to people everywhere I go. This is weird at first, but hello doesn't compel conversation and many people obviously are shocked and pleased.
#5 I actively resist the police and media at demonstrations and other places. Once, I broke a news camera at a demonstration by pushing it off the shoulder of the cameraperson. This is easy I recommend. In ordinary daily life, I act as a legal observer when I see people in the streets being harassed (arrested) by police. They get pissed.
#6 I shoplift when I can.
#7 I ride buses for free.
I'll share a story about any of these if someone wants to hear. I've also been arrested 3 times w/o a charge and caught shoplifting w/o consequences. (still only two months since I was caught tho)

>> No.121903

sooooooooooooooooooo edgy.

>> No.121915

>realized that there was no god
>realized that i can do whatever i want with my life
>realized that that morals and ethics are purely invented by men, and its up to me to follow them or not
>realized that there is no objective in life but the ones i impose to myself
>realized that fuck it if i don't finish these objectives. life is meanless no matter what
>gave up on "seeking happyness"

>> No.121919


Get out, Shia Laboof

>> No.121931

The captcha, you know... You type the word with the black blob right, but for the other word, you can type anything you like!

>> No.121936


I'm having difficulty believing anyone could be such an insufferable cunt in real life.

>> No.121938

Yo I don't know why people think I be lookin like Shia. That dude is hawt.
I am. I am an insufferable cunt.

>> No.121959

I really want to become a firefighter/paramedic, how did you guys do it?

>> No.121971

Trolled em.

>> No.121984

>Have no actual home
>Live with friends
>Only official things that have my name on it are birth certificate, SS card
>Do odd jobs for money, use money to get whatever
>0 debt, 0 income
>steal pretty much fucking everything
>Haven't actually watched TV in 8+ years
>Dumpster dive to supply food to my friends who I live with
>Have IRL sob-story of fucked up child/adolescent-hood, can exploit people's stupidity for goods/services (a lot of the times, Christians)
>About to start making hipster-tier necklaces to sell for 500% profit on Etsy for extra income

etc. etc.
I think the next step is to just live off of the grid.

>> No.122031


How the fuck do you get the food you shoot home without a car?

>> No.122046

Pretty insignificant, but I make my own shampoo, body wash, lotion, toothpaste and deodorant. Everything is a fraction of retail price, doesn't smell like fake 'ocean breeze' or 'rain showers' bullshit and I'm not rubbing hazardous chemicals all over my body. Plus my skin/teeth/hair are healthier, since I switched, since manufactured products like lotions & moisturizers are formulated with analgesics and drying agents to keep you temporarily relieved but buying more without actually fixing the problem.

>> No.122053

Latest time I escaped the system was yesterday.

I was at Wal-Mart and I needed a blank DVD to install my torrented copy of Windows 7. They sold DVDs in packs of 50 and I only needed one, so I just nonchalantly picked up the CD holder, tore off the packaging, opened it up and took a single DVD then put it back. Then I bought an Audrey Hepburn wall calender and left. Fuck the police.

For me it's not really about fucking the system in the biggest way, it's just doing it in little ways whenever I can.

>> No.122065

So why do you tore the package if you were going to put the cd back, that makes no sense, are you retarded?

>> No.122137

He took one disc and put the rest of the package back. Lrn2reading comprehension, dumbass.

>> No.122158

I make my own bread. I've made my own beer. I'm contemplating a still next (I live in Tennessee). I fix my car myself. I grow my own vegetables. I punched out a school counselor when I was 13 and got away with it because "she's small...and she wouldn't do something like that". I've held 2 different revolvers to my head on 2 different occasions. Yes, I pulled the trigger, twice. Both firing pins, both pistols, broke on the way down.
I foment discontent with status quo whenever I can.
I have 2 boyfriends.

>> No.122161

Meth: not even once.

>> No.122166

Just some little things.
>>Made my own dish soap until my roommate didn't like it because it "didn't dry out his hands like it should."
>>Do my laundry by hand, including drying it on clothes lines outside and a drying rack inside.
>>Buy from local stores as much as possible. Live in rural area where this is still common. Eggs, vegetables, etc from local farmers down the road.
>>Smile at everyone I pass. Most smile back. Even if they're not happy with their lives, for that one moment, they'll feel a smidgen of happiness. Studies have shown that smiling can influence your mood for the better.

>> No.122175
File: 22 KB, 327x322, 1276996862769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame about the firing pins though.

>> No.122187 [DELETED] 

>>>Got finals
>>>Fuck the police
>>>Use pussy ass admin' 1=1-- SQL injection to acquire admin credentials to school system FTP (plus two other steps, but system was fail as shit, can't believe baby step #1 worked)
>>>Change website to say CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
>>>Fucking 4 day weekend niggers.

>> No.123433

Live in abandoned shack near cemetery use wifi at library

>> No.123437
File: 51 KB, 500x364, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built a book scanning rig


>> No.123450
File: 34 KB, 704x480, every time the shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A friend cuts my hair and makes me skin lotion
>A friend makes me skin lotion

>> No.123460

Pics or it didn't happen.

Used a yagi antenna to get free wifis from anybody radiating it in my not so immediate vicinity.

>> No.123509

they're over-certified and under-educated

>> No.123516
File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1360, P1050018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. I get about 6 ppm, mostly because I need to refocus every twenty pages or so, probably can fiddle with the aperature to fix that. That weird piece of wood where the camera should be is the cabled camera trigger.

>Ways you've escaped the system
no tv, three years and counting

>> No.123544


>> No.123551

>Ways you've escaped the system

1: I dropped out of high school
2: I got rid of all my debt
3: I'm nearly off the grid as far as utilities go.
4: I'm nearly 100% able to feed myself from the food I grow personally or trade with neighbors who grow their food too and I make my own wine.
5: I ride a bicycle.
6: I'm slowly converting to all non-petroleum products and using more natural products.
7: I removed my mailbox.

I'm also DIY as fuck. I'm gaining enough knowledge to literally McGyver my way out of any situation where I'm not already dead or create whatever I want from scratch. Like, 'walk naked into the wilderness and return fully clothed with forged metal weapons, tools and good health', level of knowledge and skill.

I still browse 4chan, but only the /diy/ board.

>> No.123562

I only use linux and bootleg copies of windows on my computers. I built a distillery for producing spirits. I'm an atheist. I rooted my wife's nook color.

>> No.123564
File: 20 KB, 500x375, spittersarequitters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certainly. what on?

>Ways you've escaped the system
I work 3 days a week

>> No.123570

cheers brother, I'm in the same place, except with my (ancient diesel) car

do you still have to job? that's been the best thing for me is not having that...not having to.

the simpler the life the better

>> No.123571

>how do pay for electricty
>oh wait
you must live on pre-bought land?

>> No.123577

>pre-bought land

I pay property taxes. The only way around that is to be a squatter, which would suck more than a couple hundred per year in property taxes.

Electric is less than $20 per month. It's a big debate for me to go off the grid with electric because if I do it'll cost a shit load more than $20 a month just in parts. Though, it might pay for itself in 5 years since the system would be less than $1,200 for sure.


I do occasionally. Usually because someone knows I can fix their PC, security system, etc and talk me into it. I think my last client I got something like $1,800 total and cleared half that after parts. That takes care of any living expenses for quite a while.

>> No.123580

how do you ride for free

>> No.123581

piracy, the great evil of the internet. old hard drive had thousands of dollars worth of movies,music,games,software etc that I didn't pay a dime for. If I want to support these companies I'll buy their tshirts, go to their concerts, share their art with everyone

>> No.123582

How do you heat your place? What kind of food do you grow and how much work does it take?

>> No.123584

>implying piracy is evil

>> No.123586

As much as I like answering questions, it always ends up being the same questions. lol

Heat comes from a lot of passive solar. My place is really well insulated too. I have electric, solar, gas, and wood stove. I can pick and choose to my fancy. The gas is free fyi. Though, I only keep active heat downstairs in one room for the water pipes. My PC heats a lot of my living space. It's about 35F outside and I have a door open to let cool air in. I'll close it before going to bed though. Food is centered around what I like to eat. I mean why grow lettuce when I can't stand the stuff?

If you plan to grow your own food you should write a list of things you normally eat, find out their ingredients and grow those foods.

>> No.123597

Interesting. Do you mind answering a few more questions?

What's your house made of? Recently I've been seeing cob construction on /diy/ and seems like an interesting idea. Natural gas or do you have a digester of some sort? Am I correct in assuming you live in a smaller house?

>> No.123598

evil if you your a member of the content industry. just I haven't bought a ribbon converter yet. my new compy is a desktop

>> No.123684


A converted 2-story pole barn with an addition onto it. I think it's about 1100 square feet, not too sure. It's made of hardwood rough cut lumber with OSB, foam panels, and vinyl siding. Inside is fiberglass insulation and drywall. It's weatherized very well. I've been meaning to put more insulation in the attic space but haven't got around to that yet. I'll be adding a greenhouse soon and it will be able to vent warm air into my house and heat water as well as grow food year round.

Cob is good, but you really really need to take into consideration the location you are building and it's relation to the sun and wind and how it faces for windows and roof. Otherwise, you may freeze in the winter and roast in the summer.

>> No.123690

Drank apple juice after expiration date.

I'm just your common badass

>> No.123711

Realized that religion is a mental prison for the weak minded.

>> No.123713

Have pics? Or a blog?

>> No.123718

lol no, this is typical stuff where I live. ACE makes a shit load of money here. Now I'm off to bed.

>> No.123750

>ribbon convertor

also content industry is starting to come around. cf. valve ceo gabe newell

>> No.124070

Went back to school to get a degree in languages

Oh wait...

>> No.124076

>ribbon converter

Most likely something like the DroboPro by Data Robotics that allows several HDDs on one connection. I'll need one soon. My HDDs are filling up and I'm tired of switching them around. You can use it as a RAID server too.

>> No.124083

>go to tech store
>buy a PS3
>come back the day after
>pick up a brand new PS3 in the store
>nobody gives a fuck
>find a vendor and show him my receipt
>tell him I made a mistake, my brother wanted a XBOX so I want a voucher as the PS3 is still sealed
>quite suspicious, tell me I should have asked first at the entrance of the store
>tell me it's ok and take me to the cashier
>vendor explain my problem to the cashier
>cashier makes me a 399€ voucher
>I've done this several times

>> No.124084

That's, not escaping the system

The voucher means that it has to be, used in their store

Escaping the system would, be making, your own entertainment system

>> No.124086

>using the voucher to buy easily resellable stuff
>live comfortable by stealing stores
>not escaping the system?

>> No.124102


see-> Sean Kennedy > Patrolling > NewsReal > Afternow

>> No.124115

>Neighbours have shitty WEP connection
>Hacked into in 2008
>They finally upgrade their connection and ask me to help install their modem
>I do it and take their password and have free wireless again.

It will be four years this august.

>> No.124121


I recently cracked wpa2 and I have 20mb connection for my torrent needs.

feels good man

>> No.124138

is this difficult? like, do I need to be a l337 haxx0r to do this or will some shitty google'd programs help

My neighbors are assholes, if that excuses anything.

>> No.124182


not very difficult BUT

you need at least some knowledge of how wireless lan works and some patience if you crack WPA passwords.

bro tip: google aircrack-ng and don't be a skiddie ass at least read about how wireless lan works in wiki it will help you alot and if someone asks you will at least be able to explain properly and not sound like some 1337 underage. (hurr I used that super secret app durr)

>> No.124200


Why aren't both hands reflected in each sunglass shade if they are reflected as being that close to Neo's middle and proportioned to be far out in front of the sunglasses. that far out and at that angle you should see both hands, based on how much they cover Neo. If they were far closer then you'd have one hand in each shade only, but they'd be far larger in the reflection.

>> No.124214

>became a communist
>deal with it f a g s

>> No.124218
File: 23 KB, 500x277, chimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Matrix was a film-school movie with a professional budget. Pic related.

>> No.124242


>> No.124244

All the people hating on firefighters, I get that urban firefighters are a joke, but wildland firefighters are fucking heroes as well as all the EMS that helps during wildfires and floods. I live in AZ and I know personally 12 people that have been rescued and another 3 that had their houses saved by firefighters.

>> No.124246

>Joined a cyber school junior year high school. >Slept in every day and failed every one of my classes.
>Tell mom I want to go back to school.
>Reenlist and they tell me that I'll need to get a copy of my grades transferred.
>Never do and my teachers only grade me on what I was there for.
>Pass each class with A's, only being graded on like two assignments.

I did however start in an electronics class and multimedia class and have to learn everything the other kids already had learned, but ended up in the top three or four students.

>> No.124250

I moved in with my boyfriend, across the country. Do nothing but smoke weed all day. It's actually pretty dull and I miss being in school/having friends.

>> No.124255

This aside

It's a 2deep4u moment. If he truly wants to leave, he only sees the hand with the red pill, if he truly wants to stay he only sees the hand with the blue pill. Notice how Neo's right hand is only raised in the left image?

>> No.124257

Slowly build debt up to $10k or more, always pay minimum. Declare bankruptcy when it gets out of hand. Repeat every 10 years (USA). Only worth it if you are poor and live on a small budget, though. And you can really only do it a couple times. Third time, just leave the country.

>> No.124264

>ran photo lab at community college
>hire work-study students (financial aide from US gov. pays them)
>fill out timecards that say they worked 40 hours, when they only worked 10.
>receive loads of kickbacks in all forms from them

>> No.124265

Become a hobbyist!

>> No.124272

I paint, draw, and make crafts. But I'm not very good at any of those things enough to feel proud about them. I feel like I should get a job (even though money isn't a problem) just so I can be around people.

>> No.124278

Hanging with people is overrated. This is /diy/, not /r9k/ so you need to make things here. But, do what you like to do and want to do. There are volunteer programs everywhere, join up. There's even programs where you go to farms (anywhere in the world) where you work on the farm to learn about the practices and in return get food and board and it's free except doing the work.

>> No.124283

i am debt free and that is all i need

>> No.124285

You just don't like interacting with people. That does not mean that interpersonal relationships are "overrated" some people can go days without talking to people, some people can't. It's like the people who can live in the Pacific Northwest, and there are the people who need to see the sun.
People on the internet need to learn how to present opinions as such.

>> No.124292

Oh jeeze. I thought this was /adv/. Sorry!

>> No.124294

It was a joke. An internet meme type of one eluding to no one here on 4chan having friends.

>> No.124313

lol real smart

>> No.124324

I dropped out of High School when I was 17, got my GED and one semester of college.
Now I'm more qualified then people at my age with a diploma.

>> No.124430

stealing from the store is reliant on there BEING a store

Store is part of system thus you are dependent on the system

This is about making your own tv, or growing your own food.

>> No.124444

are you me?

>> No.124473


You say you do all this but don't attach an image?!?! I'm calling bullshit!

>> No.124481


Do you fuck any of the waitresses?

>> No.124485


You should see how they react to politicos!

>> No.124488


>-unregistered automatic weapons

how? What country?

>> No.124494


Tell me about the toothepaste... Ive been thinking of this...

>> No.124581

I love how most of these are exploiting the system not escape

>> No.124610

that was you?!?

>> No.124818

along these lines,

i dropped out of hischool and got a CHSPE (slightly better than a GED and only for California)

i am now in community college and am learning my fourth language japanese (am only mediocre at french but i learned spanish when i was a kid)

i think ill get an associates degree just to prove i can succeed in a college, and then try to get a job as a translator, tutor, or english teacher somewhere

>> No.124819

Stopped using soap

>> No.124820

oh and after getting a degree, i am going to escape the system by leaving the united states

if i start a private practice english schoool that would be excellent as i wouldn't need to rely on the system

>> No.124828

My father gets out of traffic infringements by saying my mother was driving the car.

So she hasnt driven a car in over 30 years, and every time my dad gets caught on speed camera, he deducts the points to her, making him scott free, except for the fine, he still keeps his license.

>> No.124868

Exploiting the system bro
Not escaping it

>> No.124882

>Shootout on hobo about to happen
>Cop has gun in holster
>Discreetly grab gun
>Remove mag
>Remove/scatter bullets
>Hide mag
>Put gun back
>Cop draws gun, tries to shoot
>me: lol
>No other cops around
>hobo escapes

>> No.125072

Bankruptcy laws have changed drastically since the days when you could pull that stunt.

>> No.125099

Hey...I live in San Antonio...

>> No.125105

Cheap insurance on toys-r-us Christmas gifts. Call in without breaking, full price on gift card, check out after holiday sales. Double loot, kids stoked, pick up legos for me. feels good man.jpg

>> No.125107

>have okay credit score
>raise $1,000
>get loan for $10,000
>skip the country

This works with just about any amount of cash. You normally need 10% of the loan money up front though. You can only do it once so you better go for broke. lol

>> No.125112

Took my older brothers SIN card and birth certificate into the DMV, said I lost weight, grew my hair out and now nobody believes I'm the guy on my license.

Got a swipe-able, legitimate government ID card with my face and my 21-year-old brother's information on it while being 17. He found out eventually, though... when I was picked up by the cops for drunk & disorderly. Oops.

This is how I know Obama is from Kenya.

>> No.125747

>>This is how I know Obama is from Kenya.


>> No.126122
File: 71 KB, 500x375, self-checkout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use self check out at grocery store
>have 2 donuts
>only pay for 1
>0 fucks
this evolved pretty fucking quickly. it says it weighs it, but you can leave with anything you don't have to scan. just put it in the bag before you start scanning shit. or just throw it in whenever.

>> No.126145

I spent my first year at one university and then transferred to another to complete my degree. In New Zealand the govt will pay for your fees each year and once you start making over 20k a year you have to start paying it back. Somehow they haven't realised I studied my first year at one university and are only charging me for the two years I spent finishing my degree at the other university.

tl;dr got out of paying an entire year's worth of university fees. Feels good man.

>> No.126279

got head spanish teachers email account and got the spanish 1,2,3 exams which were the same throughout the county

bought games at 5below which bestbuy and walmart were selling for $50, then sold them there without a receipt (they limit how many times you can do that though)

parents never saw my actual report cards, just forgeries i made (watermark and all)

hit a guys parked new lexus, left immediately (later found out he was a priest, so its okay.. he shouldnt have it anyways)

>> No.126305

>hit a guys parked new lexus, left immediately
That's not beating the system, that's just being a douche.

>> No.126307

>fruit/veggies are by the pound
>scan code on fruit/type in code, whatever
>bag is full of ramen noodles
>leave store with pack of 50 ramen noodles and one orange

>> No.126314

some big supermarkets with checkouts have people watching you and what you buy, some are more lax about it

it's best to familiarise yourself with the supermarket's arrangments for these things before pulling any stunts

>> No.126317

>some big supermarkets with checkouts have people watching you and what you buy, some are more lax about it

>self checkout
>still being monitored by an employee

Why don't they employee that's watching just do it for you?

>it's best to familiarise yourself with the supermarket's arrangments for these things before pulling any stunts

It's best not to be a fucking thief in the first place.

>> No.126379

Unplugged the television and stored it in the garage

out of sight/out of mind

>> No.126409

One employee can watch 4 or more self check out consoles, or he can check one person out at a time. Productivity and efficiency dictates that he take the former.

Also, only a faggot pays sticker price for ANYTHING. If they wont let me haggle, I'll just steal. Your judging gaze means nothing to me.

>> No.126433

- I exercise outdoor
- I do myself manicure/pedicure
- I cut my own hair/beard with trimmer
- I have a little parcel (size: 4-5 basketball courts) 30 minutes from home were i grow tomatoes, chili, coconuts, sugar cane, pumpkins, yucca, passion fruit, platain, sour oranges, mango, sweet potato, all this in different time of seasons, i have someone that lives there so i only go to collect. Kind of feudalism. All that just for personal use not for resell, i give away a lot to my city neighbors
- Go to flea market every 15 days to find interesting things, cheap price
- I don't pay for cable, movie renting, etc, just internet (download everything) and local TV
- I use a bike most of the time
- Have a car shared with wife, she takes care of it cuz i ride my bike (Wash the car at home, change oil myself and spark plugs, basic mechanics, when is something huge she takes care of it)
-I had a friend that collected a full refund for a car crash, planing to do something like that, we even have the contact
-Car insurence, i have the cheaper one but i pay an optional service for car rental & tow truck, 2 times a year i report a "parked car crash", once my wife, once me, then we go to the car rental with an order for a rented car 4 days (time for the "repairing" accordind to the insurence), normally weekend, we go traveling across the country with a free car
- I incinerate my trash so no one, home or work can get a clue of anything related to me: bills, pills, etc
-Just pay taxes for services
-When we travel, we camp outdoor, not hotels, never been robbed

>> No.126452
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4th grade, picked the lock of the teacher's closet with a paperclip to get dodgeballs out.

Highschool, had an online class and the IT guys were lazy assholes and wouldn't install language packs to type in moon(Japanese), so I tried to get them to let me on the wifi with my lappy. Of course they didn't, so I yanked out the LAN cable from one of the school's PCs and nabbed the password.

As a 'fuck you' to the IT fags, I spread the password around to some friends. Most of them got caught since they didn't know how to cover their asses by disabling media file sharing and shit like that. 2 years being on the wifi and the fuckers never found out.

Senior year hacked the electronic marquee that the school bought and put a custom message up "Oh god how did I get here i am not good with computer" or something like that.

Also lifted a ceiling panel in one of the computer labs up, took the blade out of a hand pencil sharpener and sliced open a LAN cable. snipped the orange wire severely crippling the network speed of that room, and then put a thin layer of superglue on the wire to close it up as discreetly as possible. Only took them 3 days to fix the problem though.. Pretty sure they just figured the cable was bad because nobody got in trouble or was questioned.

>> No.126467

>Your judging gaze means nothing to me.

Through jail bars I'm sure not. lol

>> No.126503

- I do myself manicure/pedicure
- I cut my own hair/beard with trimmer


bearded lady?

>> No.126512


>bearded lady


>> No.126514
File: 109 KB, 250x250, 1326751801023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent to jail for stealing a donut

>> No.126519 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 300x450, 1318495825247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theft is theft no matter what you still nigger

>> No.126542

>stealing from a megahuge corporation is just as bad as directly stealing from some random dude

LOL, oh you moralfags. You mofos crack me up.

>> No.126638


Either you're Christopher Walken or you have shitty punctuation. Which is it?

>> No.126683

yeah, all of the firefighters that I know are stupid 22 year old guys that just drink and go to the gym

>> No.126695

Haha, definitely Christopher Walken

>> No.126697

Same here, them and EMT/EMS.

>> No.126750

pretty late to the game, I know, but with the Hell to those links have to do with firefighters deserving huge pensions, pay rates, 2 day work weeks and wet panties wherever they go?

The first link you provided was about some kind of a chemical fire of a 55 gallon drum. everybody got out, and the only other injury sustained was a firefighter trying to put it out. The only way that he got injured was inhaling vapor or fumes. The only way that this happened, was by not following protocol when he entered the building. He should be fired.

The second one is about a stabbing victim. it isn't even mentioned that these firefighters were the first responders, however, if they were, what was the relevance of their fire training over, let's say, an ambulance worker?

the third link is about large business structure fire of a standalone building. Evidently, 18 fire fighting units or 50 firefighters responded to this blaze. The result? The structure was completely destroyed. Do you mean to tell me that we needed 50 firefighters and 18 individual hook and ladder trucks to respond to a freestanding structure, which was almost entirely consumed by flames by the time they got there?

You mentioned that EMTs are incapable or ineffective at extracting people from cars. The problem is is they don't receive the training nor do they have the equipment that firefighters have to do this. Why can't they receive the same training and equipment that the firefighters have for vehicular extraction? They certainly could, it's just that firefighters would be even less useful to our society if they had to give up exclusive use of the"jaws of life"

In response to the guy who was worried about wildfire firefighters, I say that you are the true heroes and the only real firefighters out there. My hat is off to you for preserving and protecting our woodland and natural resources.

You urban firefighters can suck a huge dick.

>> No.126768

left job started new job...old job still paying me for at least 2 months

>> No.126775

about 15 k so far after tax extra

>> No.126821
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I had a shitty temp job at party city when I was 16 (I worked the Halloween season)

I was one of their hardest workers but my coworkers were douchebags and my bosses made me stay out til 2 am (this was 2 years ago, so YES this was illegal at the time). But, I was desperate for a job.

Funny thing is, I was never told I had to clock out when I left on break until my last week there.
So when I finally looked at my bank statement, I earned around $400 instead of $300 due to the accumulated funds from not clocking out.

I ain't. Even. Mad

>> No.126874

wow almost time for a new thread

took like a month lol

>> No.127141

pretty much this...

Thank you marijuana

>> No.127290


>> No.127316


i'm pretty sure the bump limit got raised to 500

>> No.127506

On every board? Or just select boards?

>> No.127523
File: 485 KB, 450x469, 1325610951420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faked everything on my resume
>faked my college
>faked my work experience
>have not been caught since 89'
>bought new house
>received raise and promotion last year
>people call me boss now

My whole working life has been one big fake.
Still proud though.

>> No.127531

you were probably in a state of fear and were loathing it..... :3 :3 :3

did I make a smirk on your face?

>> No.127552

Every board, as far as I know.

>> No.127560

It wasnt me but my mom ran up a $45,000 credit card debt buying tons of shit and bought a VERY nice home in Florida worth $800,000 when she got it then she declaired she bankruptcy and every time the credit card companys called she told them to fuck off. Her debt went away and she got to keep the house for FREE because of the one home law or w/e its called where they cant kick her out.

PS. The house was bought off a bank not people so only the bank got fucked.

>> No.127562

I shoplift frequently.

>> No.127565

Tell me your secrets

>> No.127567

i've been wondering if this works.. they don't do very much background checking do they?

>> No.127568

-I get 5-25 freebies delievered to my 2nd house that is on the grid which I rent off for $5,000 a month.

-I coupon like a crazy person and end up spending less then $100 a year on food.

-I save up stuff in my SHTF room which is in a nuclear bomb bunker below my house that is around 4,000sq feet that has enough food for me and my family for 10 years.

-I do not pay water, electric, gas bills since I have wells, solar panels, and use wood.

-My truck runs off a wood engine so I never buy gas.

-My house battery bank can run everything in my home for 5 days without turning anything off.

-I have a home defence network which if activated or if power goes off of main line will kick in that shuts shutters over my hurricane windows, all of the outside doors lock untill code is entered, shuts the 3 gates on my property, the road spikes deploy, and the concreate rebar anti car barrier goes up.

>> No.127574

Congrats, you're officially niggers!

>> No.127579

>Congrats, you're officially niggers!
>Congratulations, you're officially a nigger!

Also i'm white.

>> No.127584


>Please teach me how to be a wizard like you.

>> No.127585


>> No.127586
File: 161 KB, 281x500, public034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having breasts

>> No.127596


Ok, I’ll teach you my secrets!

#1 - Freebies.
Use Google chrome to save auto fill info to save you time then sign up for every freebie you see (most you can sign up more than once like once every 24 hours) and using the address you want it sent to along with fake everything else (like a spam email, name, phone number ect) apply for every freebie you see and have it sent to your home or like I do my 2nd home that I rent for money and almost earned enough profit off it to buy a 3rd.

#2 - Couponing
Most stores do sales in 12 week cycles and never give coupons the same week so save up all of those coupons and find out when the sales are then see how much you save and if you do it right you should be getting a ton of stuff for free or next to nothing! I have even had the store PAY me to take their stuff using a $1 off coupon for a $1 power bar when it was 50% off so they paid me $0.50

#3 I am a prepper and have a 4,000sq foot nuclear bomb bunker under my house (the house was actually built on top of it after it about 10 years after it was built) and I store all of my SHTF gear in there except for some guns which are hidden in my house or I use to CC. I make sure all the food/water/gear are multi layer sealed so nothing goes bad and when I say multi layer I mean 3-7 layers of protection. I also have a 0.5" layer of tinfoil built into my house walls including the bunker and my home walls are 4 feet thick rebar concrete and the outside walls are built at a angle so it looks like a circle dome so lower the surface area and send shock waves away without direct impact.

>> No.127599


#4 Build your own solar panels, Build a water purafication system and hook it up to a stream/well so it is not seen then look into getting a wood generator and a hatchet.

#5 look up wood engines on google for how to do it and just know it takes a bit of work but to never pay for gas its great

#6 Cost me a good amount of cash but its a giant battery bank incase SHTF and the grid is worthless.

#7 I made lists before I had this house built and wrote down everything I could think of to help my home security and added every feture I could think of into this house which cost me alot but well worth it. If you strike my house directly with a ICBM I would be 100% unharmed underground and my house would get little damage.

>> No.127604


Thanks bro! Do you have any sites that give more info about this kind of stuff?

>> No.127609





Solar Power-

Water Purafication System-

Wood Generator-

Battery Bank-

Home Security-

>> No.127613


Very much appreciated. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH!

>> No.127615

Your welcome and make sure to watch out for deals on canned goods since they last forever.

>> No.127931

>Took the red pill. Woke up to the delusion mankind is living in, realized infinite potential. I deprogrammed my mind of proper gander and became a sovereign being. Now i develop my person through my own knowledge, experience and understanding of what it means to be a sentient being, no longer reliant on the engineered environment to tell me how to be, and what to be.
The only true answer so far.
Tell me your secrets! I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.127939

pics or it didn't happened.

some nice tips though.

>> No.127943

when i go by trolley (or tram) i take the ticket in my hand and stand next to the ticket machine. When i see some ticket inspector around asking people for the ticket, i validate my ticket and im safe..

>> No.127959

I started thinking.
That's all it really takes. Think for yourself. Turn off the television.
Put your iPod down and go for a walk. Observe the world around you.
Go to a bar. Get into a fight. Smoke a cigar. Just fucking do something.

>> No.127969

>pics or it didn't happened.

Nope. OpSec 24/7

>> No.128391

I find women with babies in carriages and I put cyanide pills in their bottles when they're not looking. Then I choke out the Moms and rape them in front of their dying baby. This will teach the system not to fuck with my abortion laws.

I also grow tomatoes.

>> No.128397

I not only grow my own tobacco but I make my own cigarette papers(100% natural and organic). I brew my own beer and have a still(Im in South Dakota btw) and I blow my own glass bottles. Still trying to figure out the caps though. The police have been by a few times because of complaints from my nearest neighbor(about 500 acres away) but they can never find it because of camouflage is so good. All of it tax free. Take that government.

>> No.128398
