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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 1200x1800, How-to-fry-gnocchi-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20432421 No.20432421 [Reply] [Original]

For example, if I want to shallow fry my gnocchi, how do I do it so both sides get browned evenly without me having to flip ten thousand individual gnocchi manually? Surely there has to be some sort of trick?
If I just shake the pan around some will end up turned around, but usually it's only around 20%.
There HAS to be a better way.

>> No.20432462

idk, i do what you do: shake & half-heartedly flip the pan but eventually resort to using tongs to flip each individually

>> No.20432478

jerk off the pan handle violently

>> No.20432486

this doesn't work too well with amorphously shaped food, like gnocchi

>> No.20432487

start by browning on the other side first?

>> No.20432488

Stuff them up your ass to soften those up.

>> No.20432489

I find that if you toss early and often everything tends to get the right amount of color on it. The trick is not to wait; start moving things around right away and keep them moving until they're done.

>> No.20432492

I'm Jewish, I usually just pay an Indian man to cook for me. I easily took control of the world's stock exchange and have been using this for world domination. Full steam ahead on nukes. I will be turning your investment graphs upside down, and stealing the profits to build my stronghold in Algeria. This is a scorched earth plan. But, I only had one lifetime to escape. Billions will die in my research for an escape from the 3D prison realm. I've collected 13,000 pajeet scientists in Canada and I have them working in the forge measuring samples. I will use these plates of steel to replicate warriors of light.

>> No.20432497

Keep stirring and moving them around the pan constantly

>> No.20432556

I do this, you won't perfectly sear them but eh, I'm not trying for michelin stars.
Honestly you can just fry one side and it's all good. If you want even frying you gotta flip em over basically one by one, you can get decent at flipping roughly half or a third of them and do that 2 times or 3 times and invidvidually do the ones that dind't flip.
That's what I do, I try to flip half and the other half and then go for the rest, but that's only when I care, I usually just shake it and hope for most of them to flip.

>> No.20432631

Chopsticks. Use chopsticks to flip each one, it’s the only way to be sure.

>> No.20432633

You should invest in a fork you ugly spic

>> No.20432636
File: 97 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20432687

It's Nossi actually

>> No.20432702

Get another pan going on a second burner, when you want to flip layer the second pan upside down on top of the other and invert them. They'll turn out perfect every time.

>> No.20433433


A Daniel has come to kitchen logistics